  * reads the routing.json file and looks for matching routes<br />
  * The Get-Param `a` will be passed through in both cases
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function __construct()
     if (is_array($this->_aRouting) && array_key_exists('QUERY_STRING', $_SERVER)) {
         // right found (GET Params String)
         // means a request as e.g.
         //		http://dev.mvc.de/?module=custom&c=index&m=index
         foreach ($this->_aRouting as $sKey => $aValue) {
             // if there is no route sepcified in the routing.json (empty), take the MVC fallback routing
             if (!array_key_exists('query', $aValue) || $aValue['query'] === '') {
                 $aValue['query'] = Registry::get('MVC_ROUTING_FALLBACK');
                 // add Target Class
                 parse_str($aValue['query'], $sQuery);
                 $this->_aRouting[$this->_sRequestUri]['class'] = '\\' . ucfirst($sQuery[Registry::get('MVC_GET_PARAM_MODULE')]) . '\\Controller\\' . ucfirst($sQuery[Registry::get('MVC_GET_PARAM_C')]);
             $sAppend = '';
             $sAppend = trim(substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], strlen($aValue['query'])));
             // if query string contains the fallback string, cut it out
             if (substr($sAppend, 0, strlen(Registry::get('MVC_ROUTING_FALLBACK'))) == Registry::get('MVC_ROUTING_FALLBACK')) {
                 $sAppend = substr($sAppend, strlen(Registry::get('MVC_ROUTING_FALLBACK')));
             $sAppend = '?' . trim(substr($sAppend, 1, strlen($sAppend)));
             $sAppend === '?' ? $sAppend = '' : FALSE;
             // redirect to the SEO Url, which is $sKey here
             if ($aValue['query'] === substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 0, strlen($aValue['query']))) {
                 Request::REDIRECT($sKey . $sAppend);
     // SEO Url 1:1 Match
     if (array_key_exists($this->_sRequestUri, $this->_aRouting)) {
         $aQueryString = $this->_aRouting[$this->_sRequestUri];
         // use the MVC fallback routing if none is specified in routing.json. @see config
         if (empty($aQueryString['query'])) {
             $aQueryString['query'] = Registry::get('MVC_ROUTING_FALLBACK');
             Log::WRITE('MVC Fallback: ' . $aQueryString['query']);
         // copy to QUERY_STRING
         $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $aQueryString['query'];
         $aParts = explode('&', $aQueryString['query']);
         // copy to GET
         foreach ($aParts as $aValue['query']) {
             $aPiece = explode('=', $aValue['query']);
             array_key_exists(1, $aPiece) ? $_GET[$aPiece[0]] = $aPiece[1] : FALSE;
             array_key_exists(Registry::get('MVC_GET_PARAM_MODULE'), $_GET) ? $_GET[Registry::get('MVC_GET_PARAM_MODULE')] = ucfirst($_GET[Registry::get('MVC_GET_PARAM_MODULE')]) : FALSE;
             array_key_exists(Registry::get('MVC_GET_PARAM_C'), $_GET) ? $_GET[Registry::get('MVC_GET_PARAM_C')] = ucfirst($_GET[Registry::get('MVC_GET_PARAM_C')]) : FALSE;
     } else {
         foreach ($this->_aRouting as $sIndex => $aValue) {
             if (substr($sIndex, -1) === '*') {
                 $sWildcard = substr($sIndex, 0, -1);
                 if (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, strlen($sWildcard)) === $sWildcard) {
                     // e.g.: module=default&c=index&m=action
                     $aQuery = explode('&', $this->_aRouting[$sIndex]['query']);
                     foreach ($aQuery as $sValue) {
                         $aEx = explode('=', $sValue);
                         $_GET[$aEx[0]] = $aEx[1];
                     $this->_aRouting[$sIndex]['path'] = $sIndex;
                     $this->_aRouting[$sIndex]['class'] = ucfirst($_GET['module']) . '\\Controller\\' . ucfirst($_GET['c']);
                     $this->_aRouting[$sIndex]['index'] = $sIndex;
                     $this->_sRequestUri = $sIndex;
                     return true;
文件: Request.php 项目: gueff/mymvc
  * makes sure the requested page will be 
  * delivered with the correct protocol (http|https)
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @return void
 public static function ENSURECORRECTPROTOCOL()
     // auto redirect to ssl/non ssl
     // only for web frontend, not for cli usage
     if (FALSE === filter_var(Registry::get('MVC_CLI'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) {
         $aRequest = self::GETCURRENTREQUEST();
         $aRouting = Registry::get('MVC_ROUTING_CURRENT');
         if (!empty($aRouting)) {
             isset($aRouting['ssl']) ? $sSsl = $aRouting['ssl'] : ($sSsl = FALSE);
             if (Helper::DETECTSSL() !== (bool) $sSsl) {
                 array_key_exists('ssl', $aRouting) && true === (bool) $aRouting['ssl'] ? $sProtocol = 'https://' : ($sProtocol = 'http://');
                 Request::REDIRECT($sProtocol . $aRequest['host'] . $aRouting['path'] . (!array_key_exists('query', $aRequest) ? $aRequest['query'] = '' : FALSE));