/** * Tests the diseases CRUD * * @return void */ public function testifDiseaseCrudWorks() { // add, edit and delete disease entry Input::replace($this->inputDisease); $config = new ReportController(); $config->disease(); $diseaseModel = Disease::all(); //Check if entry was added $this->assertEquals($diseaseModel[3]->name, $this->inputDisease['new-diseases']['1']['disease']); //Check if entry was edited $this->assertEquals($diseaseModel[0]->name, $this->inputDisease['diseases']['1']['disease']); //Check if entry was deleted - the only available are the three above => one deleted $this->assertEquals(count($diseaseModel), 4); }
/** * Loads an XML file and set's up the class to generate reports based on * the description of the class. * @param string $report A path to the xml file which contains the * description of this report */ public function __construct($report, $redirected = false) { parent::__construct(); $this->xml = simplexml_load_file(($redirected ? "" : "app/modules") . $report); $path = $this->xml["name"] . "/generate/pdf"; $this->name = (string) $this->xml["name"]; $this->label = $this->xml["label"]; Application::setTitle($this->label); $baseModel = $this->xml["baseModel"]; $this->basePackage = isset($this->xml["basePackage"]) ? (string) $this->xml["basePackage"] : reset(explode(".", (string) $this->xml["baseModel"])); try { $baseModel = Model::load((string) $baseModel); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception("Base model (" . (string) $baseModel . ") could not be loaded ({$e->getMessage()})"); } $this->referencedFields = array(); foreach ($baseModel->referencedFields as $field) { $this->referencedFields[] = $field["referencing_field"]; } }
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ include_once "includes/sp-load.php"; checkLoggedIn(); include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/keyword.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/website.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/searchengine.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/report.ctrl.php"; $controller = new ReportController(); $controller->view->menu = 'seotools'; $controller->layout = 'ajax'; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { switch ($_POST['sec']) { case "kwchecker": $controller->showQuickRankChecker($_POST); break; case "reportsum": $controller->showKeywordReportSummary($_POST); break; default: $controller->showReports($_POST); break; } } else {
function keywordPositionCheckerCron($websiteId) { include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/searchengine.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/report.ctrl.php"; $reportController = new ReportController(); $seController = new SearchEngineController(); $reportController->seList = $seController->__getAllCrawlFormatedSearchEngines(); // get keywords not to be checked $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')); $sql = "select distinct(keyword_id) from keywordcrontracker kc, keywords k where k.id=kc.keyword_id and k.website_id={$websiteId} and time={$time}"; $keyList = $this->db->select($sql); $excludeKeyList = array(0); foreach ($keyList as $info) { $excludeKeyList[] = $info['keyword_id']; } // get keywords needs to be checked $sql = "select k.*,w.url from keywords k,websites w where k.website_id=w.id and w.id={$websiteId} and k.status=1"; $sql .= " and k.id not in(" . implode(",", $excludeKeyList) . ") order by k.name"; $keywordList = $reportController->db->select($sql); $this->debugMsg("Starting keyword position checker cron for website: {$this->websiteInfo['name']}....<br>\n"); // loop through each keyword foreach ($keywordList as $keywordInfo) { $reportController->seFound = 0; $crawlResult = $reportController->crawlKeyword($keywordInfo, '', true); foreach ($crawlResult as $sengineId => $matchList) { if ($matchList['status']) { foreach ($matchList['matched'] as $i => $matchInfo) { $remove = $i == 0 ? true : false; $matchInfo['se_id'] = $sengineId; $matchInfo['keyword_id'] = $keywordInfo['id']; $repCtrler = new ReportController(); $repCtrler->saveMatchedKeywordInfo($matchInfo, $remove); } $this->debugMsg("Successfully crawled keyword <b>{$keywordInfo['name']}</b> results from " . $reportController->seList[$sengineId]['domain'] . ".....<br>\n"); } else { $this->debugMsg("Crawling keyword </b>{$keywordInfo['name']}</b> results from " . $reportController->seList[$sengineId]['domain'] . " failed......<br>\n"); } } // to implement split cron execution feature if (SP_NUMBER_KEYWORDS_CRON > 0 && !empty($crawlResult)) { $this->checkedKeywords++; if ($this->checkedKeywords == SP_NUMBER_KEYWORDS_CRON) { die("Reached total number of allowed keywords(" . SP_NUMBER_KEYWORDS_CRON . ") in each cron job"); } } if (empty($reportController->seFound)) { $this->debugMsg("Keyword <b>{$keywordInfo['name']}</b> not assigned to required search engines........\n"); } sleep(SP_CRAWL_DELAY); } }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Olaniyi * Date: 6/4/15 * Time: 3:37 PM */ require_once 'includes/iframe-header.php'; require_once '../../_core/global/_require.php'; Crave::requireAll(GLOBAL_VAR); Crave::requireAll(UTIL); Crave::requireFiles(MODEL, array('BaseModel', 'ReportModel')); Crave::requireFiles(CONTROLLER, array('ReportController')); $patient_with_age = ReportController::patientsAge(); ?> <table class="table table-responsive dataTable"> <thead> <tr> <th>S/N</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Registration Number</th> <th>Age</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="new_patient"> <?php if (count($patient_with_age) == 0) { ?> <tr>
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap.php'; $date = date('Y-m-d'); $is_successfull = false; $isDone = false; $whilecount = 0; $queue = false; $reportController = new ReportController(); $params = array('reportDescription' => array('reportSuiteID' => 'souqaeprod', 'date' => $date, 'dateFrom' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date . ' -3 day')), 'dateTo' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date . ' -1 day')), 'metrics' => array(array('id' => 'event1'), array('id' => 'orders'), array('id' => 'visits'), array('id' => 'event3'), array('id' => 'carts')), 'elements' => array(array('id' => 'evar33', 'classification' => '', 'top' => '20', 'startingWith' => 20 * $argv[1] + 1), array('id' => 'product', 'classification' => 'product subcategory', 'top' => '6')), 'sortBy' => 'event1', 'validate' => true)); while ($queue === false) { $queue = $reportController->runOmnitureReport($params, 'Report.QueueRanked'); if ($queue !== false) { while (!($isDone || $whilecount == 10)) { $isDone = $reportController->checkStatus($queue); if ($isDone) { $report = $reportController->runReport($queue); if ($report !== false) { while (!$is_successfull) { $is_successfull = $reportController->saveToDb($report, "sub_category"); } } } else { $isDone = false; } $whilecount++; } } }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Olaniyi * Date: 6/4/15 * Time: 3:37 PM */ require_once 'includes/iframe-header.php'; require_once '../../_core/global/_require.php'; Crave::requireAll(GLOBAL_VAR); Crave::requireAll(UTIL); Crave::requireFiles(MODEL, array('BaseModel', 'ReportModel')); Crave::requireFiles(CONTROLLER, array('ReportController')); $current_patient = ReportController::currentPatients(); ?> <table class="table table-responsive dataTable"> <thead> <tr> <th>S/N</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Registration Number</th> <th>Gender</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="new_patient"> <?php if (count($current_patient) == 0) { ?> <tr>
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ include_once "includes/sp-load.php"; checkLoggedIn(); include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/keyword.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/website.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/language.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/searchengine.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/report.ctrl.php"; $controller = new ReportController(); $controller->view->menu = 'seotools'; $controller->layout = 'ajax'; $controller->set('spTextTools', $controller->getLanguageTexts('seotools', $_SESSION['lang_code'])); $controller->spTextKeyword = $controller->getLanguageTexts('keyword', $_SESSION['lang_code']); $controller->set('spTextKeyword', $controller->spTextKeyword); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { switch ($_POST['sec']) { default: $controller->generateReports($_POST); break; } } else { switch ($_GET['sec']) { default: $controller->showGenerateReports($_GET);
/** * Import a report * */ public static function importFile($filename, $showMessage = true, $removeExistingReport = false) { $localErrors = array(); $allAccounts = array(); $dom = new domDocument(); if (!$dom->load($filename)) { if ($showMessage) { throw new CException(Yii::t('lazy8', 'input file could not be xml parsed')); } else { throw new CException('input file could not be xml parsed'); } } $root = $dom->documentElement; if ($root->nodeName != "lazy8webportreport") { if ($showMessage) { $localErrors = array(array(Yii::t('lazy8', 'Upload failed. This is not a valid file.'), Yii::t('lazy8', 'Select a file and try again'))); } return $localErrors; } if ($root->getAttribute('version') > 1.0) { if ($showMessage) { $localErrors = array(array(Yii::t('lazy8', 'There maybe problems because this is a file version greater then this programs version'), Yii::t('lazy8', 'Select a file and try again'))); } } $nodeReports = $root->getElementsByTagName('report'); unset($root); unset($dom); foreach ($nodeReports as $nodeReport) { if ($removeExistingReport) { $deleteReports = Report::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'name=\'' . $nodeReport->getAttribute('name') . '\'')); if ($deleteReports != null) { foreach ($deleteReports as $deleteReport) { $deleteReport->delete(); } } } $report = new Report(); $report->name = $nodeReport->getAttribute('name'); $report->desc = ReportController::getNodeText($nodeReport, "desc"); $report->selectSql = ReportController::getNodeText($nodeReport, "selectsql"); $report->sortOrder = ReportController::getNodeText($nodeReport, "sortOrder"); $report->cssColorFileName = ReportController::getNodeText($nodeReport, "csscolorfilename"); $report->cssBwFileName = ReportController::getNodeText($nodeReport, "cssbwfilename"); $nodeParams = $nodeReport->getElementsByTagName('parameter'); if (!$report->save()) { if ($showMessage) { $localErrors = $report->getErrors(); } return $localErrors; } foreach ($nodeParams as $nodeParam) { $reportParam = new ReportParameters(); $reportParam->reportId = $report->id; $reportParam->sortOrder = $nodeParam->getAttribute('sortorder'); $reportParam->name = $nodeParam->getAttribute('name'); $reportParam->alias = $nodeParam->getAttribute('alias'); $reportParam->dataType = $nodeParam->getAttribute('datatype'); $reportParam->isDefaultPhp = $nodeParam->getAttribute('isdefaultphp') == 'true' ? 1 : 0; $reportParam->isDate = $nodeParam->getAttribute('isdate') == 'true' ? 1 : 0; $reportParam->isDecimal = $nodeParam->getAttribute('isdecimal') == 'true' ? 1 : 0; $reportParam->desc = ReportController::getNodeText($nodeParam, "desc"); $reportParam->phpSecondaryInfo = ReportController::getNodeText($nodeParam, "phpsecondaryinfo"); $reportParam->defaultValue = ReportController::getNodeText($nodeParam, "defaultvalue"); if (!$reportParam->save()) { if ($showMessage) { $localErrors = $reportParam->getErrors(); } } } unset($nodeParams); $nodeGroups = $nodeReport->getElementsByTagName('group'); foreach ($nodeGroups as $nodeGroup) { $reportGroup = new ReportGroups(); $reportGroup->reportId = $report->id; $reportGroup->sortOrder = $nodeGroup->getAttribute('sortorder'); $reportGroup->breakingField = $nodeGroup->getAttribute('breakingfield'); $reportGroup->pageBreak = $nodeGroup->getAttribute('pagebreak') == 'true' ? 1 : 0; $reportGroup->showGrid = $nodeGroup->getAttribute('showgrid') == 'true' ? 1 : 0; $reportGroup->showHeader = $nodeGroup->getAttribute('showheader') == 'true' ? 1 : 0; $reportGroup->continueSumsOverGroup = $nodeGroup->getAttribute('continuesumsovergroup') == 'true' ? 1 : 0; if (!$reportGroup->save()) { if ($showMessage) { $localErrors = $reportGroup->getErrors(); } } $nodeGroupFields = $nodeGroup->getElementsByTagName('field'); foreach ($nodeGroupFields as $nodeGroupField) { $reportGroupField = new ReportGroupFields(); $reportGroupField->reportGroupId = $reportGroup->id; $reportGroupField->sortOrder = $nodeGroupField->getAttribute('sortorder'); $reportGroupField->fieldName = $nodeGroupField->getAttribute('fieldname'); $reportGroupField->fieldWidth = $nodeGroupField->getAttribute('fieldwidth'); $reportGroupField->row = $nodeGroupField->getAttribute('row'); $reportGroupField->isDate = $nodeGroupField->getAttribute('isdate') == 'true' ? 1 : 0; $reportGroupField->isDecimal = $nodeGroupField->getAttribute('isdecimal') == 'true' ? 1 : 0; $reportGroupField->fieldCalc = ReportController::getNodeText($nodeGroupField, "fieldcalc"); if (!$reportGroupField->save()) { if ($showMessage) { $localErrors = $reportGroupField->getErrors(); } } } unset($nodeGroupFields); } unset($nodeGroups); $nodeReportRows = $nodeReport->getElementsByTagName('rows'); foreach ($nodeReportRows as $nodeReportRow) { $reportRow = new ReportRows(); $reportRow->reportId = $report->id; $reportRow->sortOrder = $nodeReportRow->getAttribute('sortorder'); $reportRow->fieldName = $nodeReportRow->getAttribute('fieldname'); $reportRow->fieldWidth = $nodeReportRow->getAttribute('fieldwidth'); $reportRow->row = $nodeReportRow->getAttribute('row'); $reportRow->isSummed = $nodeReportRow->getAttribute('issummed') == 'true' ? 1 : 0; $reportRow->isAlignRight = $nodeReportRow->getAttribute('isalignright') == 'true' ? 1 : 0; $reportRow->isDate = $nodeReportRow->getAttribute('isdate') == 'true' ? 1 : 0; $reportRow->isDecimal = $nodeReportRow->getAttribute('isdecimal') == 'true' ? 1 : 0; $reportRow->fieldCalc = ReportController::getNodeText($nodeReportRow, "fieldcalc"); if (!$reportRow->save()) { if ($showMessage) { $localErrors = $reportRow->getErrors(); } } } } return $localErrors; }
$controller->newRegistration($id); }); $app->post('/contest/:id/question', function ($id) { fAuthorization::requireLoggedIn(); User::requireEmailVerified(); $controller = new ReportController(); $controller->newQuestion($id); }); $app->post('/question/:id/reply', function ($id) { fAuthorization::requireLoggedIn(); $controller = new ReportController(); $controller->replyQuestion($id); }); $app->post('/question/:id/toggle', function ($id) { fAuthorization::requireLoggedIn(); $controller = new ReportController(); $controller->toggleQuestionVisibility($id); }); $app->get('/polling/:secret', function ($secret) { if (JUDGER_SECRET != $secret) { exit; } $controller = new PollingController(); $opcode = fRequest::get('opcode', 'string'); if ($opcode == 'fetchRecord') { $controller->fetchRecord(); } else { if ($opcode == 'fetchTimestamp') { $controller->fetchTimestamp(); } else { echo -1;
</span> <span class="" style="margin-left:10px;"> <?php echo CHtml::link(CHtml::button('Manage Template', array('class' => 'btn btn-info', 'disabled' => $mode, 'style' => 'margin-bottom:10px')), Yii::app()->createUrl('/reportTemplate/admin')); ?> </span> </div> <div class="row1" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:20px;width:700px !important;"> <div style="float:left;width:700px !important;height:auto;" > <span>Avaiable Fields</span> <span style="margin-left:285px">Report Fields</span> <?php //echo $form->labelEx($model,'offence_ids'); //print_r(empty($name));exit; $colArr = ReportController::getColumnNames('challan'); $name = array(); foreach ($colArr as $i => $v) { $name[$v] = $model->getAttributeLabel($v); } ?> <?php echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'fields[]', $name, array('options' => $options, 'multiple' => 'multiple'), array('style' => 'width:700px !important;height:auto')); ?> <?php //echo "<pre>";print_r($model->user_challan_list()); //print_r(array('1'=>array('selected'=>true),'2'=>array('selected'=>true))); ?> <div style="clear:both;" >
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Olaniyi * Date: 6/4/15 * Time: 3:37 PM */ require_once 'includes/iframe-header.php'; require_once '../../_core/global/_require.php'; Crave::requireAll(GLOBAL_VAR); Crave::requireAll(UTIL); Crave::requireFiles(MODEL, array('BaseModel', 'ReportModel')); Crave::requireFiles(CONTROLLER, array('ReportController')); $inpatients = ReportController::inPatients(); ?> <table class="table table-responsive dataTable"> <thead> <tr> <th>S/N</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Registration Number</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="new_patient"> <?php if (count($inpatients) == 0) { ?> <tr> <td></td>
break; case 'app': switch ($action) { case 'changelang': $_SESSION['lang'] = $_GET['lang']; echo 'ok'; break; case 'changecurrency': $_SESSION['currency_unit'] = $_GET['currency']; //var_dump( $_SESSION['currency_unit']); echo 'ok'; break; } break; case 'report': $rptctrl = new ReportController(); switch ($action) { case 'list': $rptctrl->_list(); break; case 'more': $rptctrl->More($_POST['id']); break; } break; case 'bank': $bnkctrl = new BankController(); switch ($action) { case 'callback': $pst = array(); $get = array();
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ include_once "includes/sp-load.php"; checkLoggedIn(); include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/keyword.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/website.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/language.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/searchengine.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/report.ctrl.php"; $controller = new ReportController(); $controller->view->menu = 'seotools'; $controller->layout = 'ajax'; $controller->set('sectionHead', 'Generate Reports'); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { switch ($_POST['sec']) { default: $controller->generateReports($_POST); break; } } else { switch ($_GET['sec']) { default: $controller->showGenerateReports($_GET); break; }
function hc_export_report() { $reports = new ReportController; $reports->export(); }
function keywordPositionCheckerCron($websiteId) { include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/searchengine.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/report.ctrl.php"; $reportController = new ReportController(); $seController = new SearchEngineController(); $reportController->seList = $seController->__getAllCrawlFormatedSearchEngines(); $sql = "select k.*,w.url from keywords k,websites w where k.website_id=w.id and w.id={$websiteId} and k.status=1"; $sql .= " order by k.name"; $keywordList = $reportController->db->select($sql); $this->debugMsg("Starting keyword position checker cron for website: {$this->websiteInfo['name']}....<br>\n"); # loop through each keyword foreach ($keywordList as $keywordInfo) { $reportController->seFound = 0; $crawlResult = $reportController->crawlKeyword($keywordInfo); foreach ($crawlResult as $sengineId => $matchList) { if ($matchList['status']) { foreach ($matchList['matched'] as $i => $matchInfo) { $remove = $i == 0 ? true : false; $matchInfo['se_id'] = $sengineId; $matchInfo['keyword_id'] = $keywordInfo['id']; $reportController->saveMatchedKeywordInfo($matchInfo, $remove); } $this->debugMsg("Successfully crawled keyword <b>{$keywordInfo['name']}</b> results from " . $reportController->seList[$sengineId]['domain'] . ".....<br>\n"); } else { $this->debugMsg("Crawling keyword </b>{$keywordInfo['name']}</b> results from " . $reportController->seList[$sengineId]['domain'] . " failed......<br>\n"); } } if (empty($reportController->seFound)) { $this->debugMsg("Keyword <b>{$keywordInfo['name']}</b> not assigned to required search engines........\n"); } sleep(SP_CRAWL_DELAY); } }
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ include_once "includes/sp-load.php"; checkLoggedIn(); include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/keyword.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/website.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/searchengine.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/report.ctrl.php"; $controller = new ReportController(); $controller->view->menu = 'seotools'; $controller->spTextTools = $controller->getLanguageTexts('seotools', $_SESSION['lang_code']); $controller->set('spTextTools', $controller->spTextTools); $controller->spTextKeyword = $controller->getLanguageTexts('keyword', $_SESSION['lang_code']); $controller->set('spTextKeyword', $controller->spTextKeyword); $controller->spTextPanel = $controller->getLanguageTexts('panel', $_SESSION['lang_code']); $controller->set('spTextPanel', $controller->spTextPanel); $controller->spTextReport = $controller->getLanguageTexts('report', $_SESSION['lang_code']); $controller->set('spTextReport', $controller->spTextReport); $controller->layout = 'ajax'; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { switch ($_POST['sec']) { case "kwchecker": $controller->showQuickRankChecker($_POST); break;
public static function patientDiagnosis() { return ReportModel::patientDiagnosis(ReportController::getGender()); }
/** * Generates the report by processing the XML file. * @param array $params */ public function generate($params) { $report = $this->getReport(); $reader = new XMLReader(); $reader->XML($this->xml->asXML()); while ($reader->read()) { if ($reader->nodeType !== XMLReader::ELEMENT) { continue; } switch ($reader->name) { case "rapi:logo": if ($_POST["hide_logo"] == 1) { $text = new TextContent(); $text->style["flow"] = true; $text->setText("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); $report->add($text); } else { $reader->moveToAttribute("class"); $class = $reader->value; $logo = $class == '' ? new LogoContent() : new $class(); $report->add($logo); $report->logo = $logo; } break; case "rapi:text": $text = new TextContent(); $reader->moveToAttribute("style"); switch ($reader->value) { case "heading": $text->style["size"] = 16; $text->style["font"] = "Helvetica"; $text->style["bold"] = true; $report->label = $text; break; default: $text->style["size"] = $reader->moveToAttribute("size") ? $reader->value : 12; $text->style["font"] = $reader->value ? $reader->moveToAttribute("font") : "Helvetica"; break; } $reader->read(); $text->setText($reader->value); $report->add($text); break; case "rapi:table": $numConcatFields = 0; $reader->moveToAttribute("name"); $name = $reader->value; $tableConditionsArray = array(); if ($reader->moveToAttribute("conditions")) { $tableConditionsArray[] = $reader->value; } if ($this->tableConditions != '') { $tableConditionsArray[] = $this->tableConditions; } $tableConditions = implode(" AND ", $tableConditionsArray); $fields = $this->xml->xpath("/rapi:report/rapi:table[@name='{$name}']/rapi:fields/rapi:field"); $headers = $this->xml->xpath("/rapi:report/rapi:table[@name='{$name}']/rapi:fields/rapi:field[@label!='']/@label"); $dontJoins = $this->xml->xpath("/rapi:report/rapi:table[@name='{$name}']/rapi:dont_join/rapi:pair"); $ignoredFields = array(); $dataParams["total"] = array(); $hardCodedSorting = array(); $reportGroupingFields = array(); $models = array(); $fieldInfos = array(); // Generate filter conditions $filters = array(); $filterSummaries = array(); $keyOffset = 0; foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { // Load the model for this field if it hasn't been // loaded already. I have a hunch that this check // is really not necessary since the model loader // sort of caches loaded models now. $modelInfo = Model::resolvePath((string) $field); if (array_search($modelInfo["model"], array_keys($models)) === false) { $models[$modelInfo["model"]] = Model::load($modelInfo["model"]); } $model = $models[$modelInfo["model"]]; $fieldInfo = $model->getFields(array($modelInfo["field"])); $fieldInfo = $fieldInfo[0]; $fieldInfos[(string) $field] = $fieldInfo; //Ignore fields which are not needed. if (isset($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_ignore"])) { $ignoredFields[] = $key; } if (isset($field["sort"])) { $sortField = "{$model->database}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}"; $hardCodedSorting[] = array("field" => $sortField, "type" => $field["sort"]); } if (isset($field["labelsField"])) { $dynamicFields[] = (string) $field; $dynamicHeaders[] = (string) $field["labelsField"]; $labelModelInfo = Model::resolvePath($field["labelsField"]); $headersModel = Model::load($labelModelInfo["model"]); $dynamicHeaderValues = $headersModel->get(array("fields" => array($labelModelInfo["field"])), SQLDataBaseModel::MODE_ARRAY); foreach ($dynamicHeaderValues as $headerValue) { $tableHeaders[] = $headerValue[0]; if ($field["total"] == "true") { $dataParams["total"][] = true; //$key + $keyOffset; $dataParams["type"][] = "double"; } $keyOffset++; } $keyOffset--; } else { $tableHeaders[] = (string) $field["label"]; switch ($fieldInfo["type"]) { case "integer": $dataParams["type"][] = "number"; break; case "double": $dataParams["type"][] = "double"; break; default: $dataParams["type"][] = ""; } $dataParams["total"][] = $field["total"] == "true" ? true : false; } $fields[$key] = (string) $field; $value = $field["value"]; $field = (string) $field; if (array_search($model->getKeyField(), $this->referencedFields) === false || $fieldInfo["type"] == "double" || $fieldInfo["type"] == "date") { if ($value != null) { $filters[] = "{$models[$modelInfo["model"]]->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}='{$value}'"; continue; } switch ($fieldInfo["type"]) { case "string": case "text": if ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_value"] != "") { switch ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_option"]) { case "CONTAINS": $filterSummaries[] = "{$headers[$key]} containing {$_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_value"]}"; $filters[] = $models[$modelInfo["model"]]->getSearch($models[$modelInfo["model"]]->escape($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_value"]), "{$models[$modelInfo["model"]]->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}"); break; case "EXACTLY": $filterSummaries[] = "{$headers[$key]} being exactly {$_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_value"]}"; $filters[] = "{$models[$modelInfo["model"]]->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}='" . $models[$modelInfo["model"]]->escape($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_value"]) . "'"; break; } } break; case "integer": case "double": if ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_value"] != "") { switch ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_option"]) { case "EQUALS": $filterSummaries[] = "{$headers[$key]} equals {$_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_value"]}"; $filters[] = "{$models[$modelInfo["model"]]->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}='" . $models[$modelInfo["model"]]->escape($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_value"]) . "'"; break; case "GREATER": $filterSummaries[] = "{$headers[$key]} greater than {$_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_value"]}"; $filters[] = "{$models[$modelInfo["model"]]->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}>'" . $models[$modelInfo["model"]]->escape($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_value"]) . "'"; break; case "LESS": $filterSummaries[] = "{$headers[$key]} less than {$_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_value"]}"; $filters[] = "{$models[$modelInfo["model"]]->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}<'" . $models[$modelInfo["model"]]->escape($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_value"]) . "'"; break; case "BETWEEN": $filterSummaries[] = "{$headers[$key]} between {$_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_value"]} and {$_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_end_value"]}"; $filters[] = "({$models[$modelInfo["model"]]->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}>='" . $models[$modelInfo["model"]]->escape($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_value"]) . "' AND {$models[$modelInfo["model"]]->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}<='" . $models[$modelInfo["model"]]->escape($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_end_value"]) . "')"; break; } } break; case "reference": break; case "datetime": case "date": if ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_date"] != "") { switch ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_option"]) { case "EQUALS": $filterSummaries[] = "{$headers[$key]} on {$_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_date"]}"; $filters[] = "{$models[$modelInfo["model"]]->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}='" . $models[$modelInfo["model"]]->escape(Common::stringToDatabaseDate($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_date"])) . "'"; break; case "GREATER": $filterSummaries[] = "{$headers[$key]} after {$_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_date"]}"; $filters[] = "{$models[$modelInfo["model"]]->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}>'" . $models[$modelInfo["model"]]->escape(Common::stringToDatabaseDate($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_date"])) . "'"; break; case "LESS": $filterSummaries[] = "{$headers[$key]} before {$_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_date"]}"; $filters[] = "{$models[$modelInfo["model"]]->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}<'" . $models[$modelInfo["model"]]->escape(Common::stringToDatabaseDate($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_date"])) . "'"; break; case "BETWEEN": $filterSummaries[] = "{$headers[$key]} from {$_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_date"]} to {$_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_end_date"]}"; $filters[] = "({$models[$modelInfo["model"]]->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}>='" . $models[$modelInfo["model"]]->escape(Common::stringToDatabaseDate($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_start_date"])) . "' AND {$models[$modelInfo["model"]]->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}<='" . $models[$modelInfo["model"]]->escape(Common::stringToDatabaseDate($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_end_date"])) . "')"; break; } } break; case "enum": if (count($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_value"]) >= 1 && $_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_value"][0] != "") { $m = $models[$modelInfo["model"]]; if ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_option"] == "INCLUDE") { $summary = array(); foreach ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_value"] as $value) { $summary[] = $fieldInfo["options"][$value]; } $filterSummaries[] = "{$headers[$key]} being " . implode(", ", $summary); $condition = array(); foreach ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_value"] as $value) { if ($value != "") { $condition[] = "{$m->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}='" . $m->escape($value) . "'"; } } } else { if ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_option"] == "EXCLUDE") { $summary = array(); foreach ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_value"] as $value) { $summary[] = $fieldInfo["options"][$value]; } $filterSummaries[] = "{$headers[$key]} excluding " . implode(", ", $summary); $condition = array(); foreach ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_value"] as $value) { if ($value != "") { $condition[] = "{$m->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}<>'" . $m->escape($value) . "'"; } } } } if (count($condition) > 0) { $filters[] = "(" . implode(" OR ", $condition) . ")"; } } break; } } else { if ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_value"] != "") { if ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_option"] == "IS_ANY_OF") { foreach ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_value"] as $value) { if ($value != "") { $condition[] = "{$model->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}='" . $model->escape($value) . "'"; } } } else { if ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_option"] == "IS_NONE_OF") { foreach ($_POST[$name . "_" . $fieldInfo["name"] . "_value"] as $value) { if ($value != "") { $condition[] = "{$model->getDatabase()}.{$fieldInfo["name"]}<>'" . $model->escape($value) . "'"; } } } } if (count($condition) > 0) { $filters[] = "(" . implode(" OR ", $condition) . ")"; } } } } $this->updateFilterSummaries($filterSummaries); // Generate the various tables taking into consideration grouping if (count($filterSummaries) > 0) { $report->filterSummary = new TextContent(str_replace("\\n", " ", implode("\n", $filterSummaries)), array("size" => 8, "bottom_margin" => 3)); $report->filterSummary->style["flow"] = true; $report->add($report->filterSummary); } $params = array("fields" => $fields, "dynamicFields" => $dynamicFields, "dynamicHeaders" => $dynamicHeaders, "conditions" => implode(" AND ", $filters), "report" => $report, "headers" => $tableHeaders, "dont_join" => array()); foreach ($dontJoins as $pair) { $params['dont_join'][] = (string) $pair; } if ($tableConditions != "") { $params["conditions"] = $params['conditions'] . ($params['conditions'] != '' ? " AND " : '') . "({$tableConditions})"; } if ($_POST[$name . "_sorting"] != "") { array_unshift($hardCodedSorting, array("field" => $_POST[$name . "_sorting"], "type" => $_POST[$name . "_sorting_direction"])); } if (is_array($_POST[$name . "_grouping"])) { foreach ($_POST[$name . "_grouping"] as $postGrouping) { if ($postGrouping != "") { $groupingFields = explode(",", $postGrouping); foreach ($groupingFields as $key => $groupingField) { $modelInfo = Model::resolvePath($groupingField); $model = Model::load($modelInfo["model"]); $groupingFields[$key] = "{$model->database}.{$modelInfo["field"]}"; } $reportGroupingFields[] = array("field" => $model->datastore->concatenate($groupingFields), "type" => "ASC"); } } //$reportGroupingFields = array_reverse($reportGroupingFields); $hardCodedSorting = array_merge($reportGroupingFields, $hardCodedSorting); } $params["sort_field"] = $hardCodedSorting; if ($_POST[$name . "_limit"] != '') { $params['limit'] = $_POST[$name . "_limit"]; } $params["no_num_formatting"] = true; $params = $this->paramsCallback($params); $this->reportData = ReportController::getReportData($params, SQLDatabaseModel::MODE_ARRAY); unset($params["sort_field"]); $wparams = $params; $wparams["global_functions"] = array("LENGTH", "MAX"); $wparams["global_functions_set"] = true; $this->widths = ReportController::getReportData($wparams, SQLDatabaseModel::MODE_ARRAY); //SQLDBDataStore::getMulti($wparams,SQLDatabaseModel::MODE_ARRAY); $this->widths = $this->widths[0]; foreach ($tableHeaders as $i => $header) { foreach (explode("\\n", $header) as $line) { if (strlen($line) / 2 > $this->widths[$i]) { $this->widths[$i] = strlen($line) / 2; } } } $dataParams["widths"] = $this->widths; $params["data_params"] = $dataParams; if (count($ignoredFields) > 0) { foreach ($this->reportData as $key => $row) { foreach ($ignoredFields as $ignored) { unset($this->reportData[$key][$ignored]); unset($params["headers"][$ignored]); unset($params["fields"][$ignored]); unset($params["data_params"]["type"][$ignored]); unset($params["data_params"]["total"][$ignored]); unset($params["data_params"]["widths"][$ignored]); unset($this->widths[$key]); } $this->reportData[$key] = array_values($this->reportData[$key]); } $params["headers"] = array_values($params["headers"]); $params["fields"] = array_values($params["fields"]); $params["data_params"]["type"] = array_values($params["data_params"]["type"]); $params["data_params"]["total"] = array_values($params["data_params"]["total"]); $params["data_params"]["widths"] = array_values($params["data_params"]["widths"]); $this->widths = array_values($this->widths); } if ($_POST[$name . "_grouping"][0] == "") { $total = $this->drawTable($this->reportData, $params, $params["data_params"], true, $heading); } else { if ($_POST[$name . "_grouping"][0] != "" && $_POST["grouping_1_summary"] == '1') { $params["grouping_fields"] = $_POST[$name . "_grouping"]; $params["grouping_level"] = 0; $params["previous_headings"] = array(); $params["ignored_fields"] = array(); $total = $this->generateSummaryTable($params); } else { $params["grouping_fields"] = $_POST[$name . "_grouping"]; $params["grouping_level"] = 0; $params["previous_headings"] = array(); $params["ignored_fields"] = array(); $total = $this->generateTable($params); if (is_array($total) && count($total) > 0) { $total[0] = $total[0] == "" ? "Overall Total" : $total[0]; $dataParams["widths"] = $this->widths; $totalTable = new TableContent($tableHeaders, null); $totalTable->data_params = $dataParams; $totalTable->style["totalsBox"] = true; foreach ($total as $key => $value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { $total[$key] = $value; } } $totalTable->setData($total); $report->add($totalTable); } } } break; } } $report->output(); //die(); }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Olaniyi * Date: 6/4/15 * Time: 3:37 PM */ require_once 'includes/iframe-header.php'; require_once '../../_core/global/_require.php'; Crave::requireAll(GLOBAL_VAR); Crave::requireAll(UTIL); Crave::requireFiles(MODEL, array('BaseModel', 'ReportModel')); Crave::requireFiles(CONTROLLER, array('ReportController')); $new_patient = ReportController::newPatients(); ?> <table class="table table-responsive dataTable"> <thead> <tr> <th>S/N</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Registration Number</th> <th>Gender</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="new_patient"> <?php if (count($new_patient) == 0) { ?> <tr>
/** * Constructor * * @param ReportController $reportCtrl */ public function __construct(ReportController $reportCtrl) { $this->reportCtrl = $reportCtrl; $this->reportCtrl->loadLastExec(); $this->report = $reportCtrl->getReport(); }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Olaniyi * Date: 6/4/15 * Time: 3:37 PM */ require_once 'includes/iframe-header.php'; require_once '../../_core/global/_require.php'; Crave::requireAll(GLOBAL_VAR); Crave::requireAll(UTIL); Crave::requireFiles(MODEL, array('BaseModel', 'ReportModel')); Crave::requireFiles(CONTROLLER, array('ReportController')); $consultation = ReportController::consultationReport(); ?> <table class="table table-responsive dataTable"> <thead> <tr> <th>S/N</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Registration Number</th> <th>Consultation Date</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="new_patient"> <?php if (count($consultation) == 0) { ?>
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ include_once "includes/sp-load.php"; checkLoggedIn(); include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/keyword.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/website.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/language.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/searchengine.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/report.ctrl.php"; $controller = new ReportController(); $controller->view->menu = 'seotools'; $controller->layout = 'ajax'; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { switch ($_POST['sec']) { default: $controller->showGraphicalReports($_POST); break; } } else { switch ($_GET['sec']) { case "graph": $controller->showGraph($_GET); break; default: $controller->showGraphicalReports($_GET);
function downloadreport() { $myReportController = new ReportController(); $myReportController->generateDownload(); }
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ include_once "includes/sp-load.php"; checkLoggedIn(); include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/keyword.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/website.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/searchengine.ctrl.php"; include_once SP_CTRLPATH . "/report.ctrl.php"; $controller = new ReportController(); $controller->layout = 'ajax'; $controller->spTextTools = $controller->getLanguageTexts('seotools', $_SESSION['lang_code']); $controller->set('spTextTools', $controller->spTextTools); $controller->spTextKeyword = $controller->getLanguageTexts('keyword', $_SESSION['lang_code']); $controller->set('spTextKeyword', $controller->spTextKeyword); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { switch ($_POST['sec']) { default: $controller->showOverallReportSummary($_POST); break; } } else { switch ($_GET['sec']) { default: $controller->showOverallReportSummary($_GET);
if (is_array($result)) { echo JsonResponse::success($result); exit; } else { echo JsonResponse::error("Unable to retrieve in-patient report for the specified dates!"); exit; } } elseif ($intent == 'consultationReport') { ReportController::datesIncluded(); $result = ReportController::consultationReport(); if (is_array($result)) { echo JsonResponse::success($result); exit; } else { echo JsonResponse::error("Unable to retrieve consultation report for the specified dates!"); exit; } } elseif ($intent == 'patientDiagnosis') { ReportController::datesIncluded(); $result = ReportController::patientDiagnosis(); if (is_array($result)) { echo JsonResponse::success($result); exit; } else { echo JsonResponse::error("Unable to retrieve patient diagnosis report for the specified dates!"); exit; } } else { echo JsonResponse::error("Invalid request intent!"); exit; }
public function getReportData() { $time = Carbon\Carbon::now(); $prevTime = Carbon\Carbon::now()->subSeconds($this->_FREQUENCY); $data = ['subject' => 'CMS Regular Report @ ' . $time->toDateTimeString(), 'title' => 'CMS Report from ' . $prevTime->diffForHumans(), 'date' => $time->toFormattedDateString(), 'time' => $time->toTimeString()]; $reportController = new ReportController(); $reports = json_decode($reportController->listing()); usort($reports, 'self::compareDate'); $statusCount = array(); $updateCount = array('new' => array(), 'updated' => array()); foreach ($reports as $report) { $reportCreated = new Carbon\Carbon($report->created_at); $reportUpdated = new Carbon\Carbon($report->updated_at); // if ($prevTime->diffInSeconds($reportUpdated, true) > $this->_FREQUENCY) { // continue; // } if (!isset($updateCount['new'][$report->reportTypeName])) { $updateCount['new'][$report->reportTypeName] = 0; } if (!isset($updateCount['updated'][$report->reportTypeName])) { $updateCount['updated'][$report->reportTypeName] = 0; } if ($reportCreated->eq($reportUpdated)) { $updateCount['new'][$report->reportTypeName]++; } else { $updateCount['updated'][$report->reportTypeName]++; } if (!isset($statusCount[$report->reportStatusTypeName])) { $statusCount[$report->reportStatusTypeName] = array(); } if (!isset($statusCount[$report->reportStatusTypeName][$report->reportTypeName])) { $statusCount[$report->reportStatusTypeName][$report->reportTypeName] = 0; } $statusCount[$report->reportStatusTypeName][$report->reportTypeName]++; } foreach ($statusCount as $key => $value) { $statusCount[$key]['total'] = array_sum($value); } $statusCount['total'] = array(); foreach ($statusCount as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $subKey => $subValue) { $statusCount['total'][$subKey] = 0; foreach ($statusCount as $sKey => $sValue) { if ($sKey == 'total') { continue; } $statusCount['total'][$subKey] += $statusCount[$sKey][$subKey]; } } break; } $updateCount['total'] = array(); foreach ($updateCount as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $subKey => $subValue) { $updateCount['total'][$subKey] = 0; foreach ($updateCount as $sKey => $sValue) { if ($sKey == 'total') { continue; } $updateCount['total'][$subKey] += $updateCount[$sKey][$subKey]; } } break; } foreach ($updateCount as $key => $value) { $updateCount[$key]['total'] = array_sum($value); } $data['statusCounts'] = $statusCount; $data['updateCounts'] = $updateCount; $data['latestReports'] = array_slice($reports, 0, 5, true); return $data; }
public function export() { $export = $_GET['export']; $self = new ReportController; $self->export = $export; if($export === 'xls') { $self->generate_report(false); $self->generate_xls(); exit; } else if($export === 'pdf') { include( plugin_dir_path ( __FILE__ ) . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array('..', 'lib', 'MPDF57', 'mpdf.php')) ); ob_start(); $self->generate_report(); $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $mpdf=new \mPDF(); $mpdf->useOnlyCoreFonts = true; $mpdf->WriteHTML($html); $mpdf->Output(); exit; } else if($export === 'print') { $self->generate_report(); exit; } }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: gpant * Date: 12/16/2015 * Time: 4:46 PM */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap.php'; $date = date('Y-m-d'); $is_successfull = false; $isDone = false; $whilecount = 0; $queue = false; $reportController = new ReportController($argv[2]); if ($reportController->isValidReport == false) { echo "The table for correspoinding days number is not available\n"; return; } $params = array('reportDescription' => array('reportSuiteID' => 'souqaeprod', 'date' => $date, 'dateFrom' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date . ' -' . $argv[2] . ' day')), 'dateTo' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date . ' -1 day')), 'metrics' => array(array('id' => 'event1'), array('id' => 'orders'), array('id' => 'visits'), array('id' => 'event3'), array('id' => 'carts')), 'elements' => array(array('id' => 'evar33', 'classification' => '', 'top' => '20', 'startingWith' => 20 * $argv[1] + 1), array('id' => 'product', 'classification' => 'product brand', 'top' => '6')), 'sortBy' => 'event1', 'validate' => true)); while ($queue === false) { $queue = $reportController->runOmnitureReport($params, 'Report.QueueRanked'); if ($queue !== false) { while (!($isDone || $whilecount == 10)) { $isDone = $reportController->checkStatus($queue); if ($isDone) { $report = $reportController->runReport($queue); if ($report !== false) { while (!$is_successfull) { $is_successfull = $reportController->saveToDb($report, "brand", $argv[2]); }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Olaniyi * Date: 6/4/15 * Time: 3:37 PM */ require_once 'includes/iframe-header.php'; require_once '../../_core/global/_require.php'; Crave::requireAll(GLOBAL_VAR); Crave::requireAll(UTIL); Crave::requireFiles(MODEL, array('BaseModel', 'ReportModel')); Crave::requireFiles(CONTROLLER, array('ReportController')); $patients_diagnosis = ReportController::patientDiagnosis(); ?> <table class="table table-responsive dataTable"> <thead> <tr> <th>S/N</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Registration Number</th> <th>Diagnosis</th> <th>Consultation Date</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="new_patient"> <?php if (count($patients_diagnosis) == 0) { ?>