public function viewable_profile($uid) { if ($uid == 4) { return "Master and Commander"; } $sess = new SessionData('account'); $id = $sess->Retrieve('id'); if ($id == $uid) { return "This is you."; } $relation = new Relationship(); $their_friends = $relation->user_friends($uid, 0, 5000); $my_friends = $relation->my_friends(); $connections = count(array_intersect($my_friends, $their_friends)); $retvalue = $relation->find_connection($uid); if ($retvalue) { $retvalue .= "<br>You have <a href='search.php?mfriends={$uid}&hide=y'>" . $connections . " friend"; if ($connections != 1) { $retvalue .= "s"; } $retvalue .= "</a> in common."; return $retvalue; } if ($connections > 0) { $retvalue = "This is a friend of a friend.<br>You have <a href='search.php?mfriends={$uid}&hide=y'>" . $connections . " friend"; if ($connections != 1) { $retvalue .= "s"; } $retvalue .= "</a> in common."; return $retvalue; } $pendingrequest = $relation->pending_requests(); if (in_array($uid, $pendingrequest)) { $retvalue = "Pending Request.<br>You have <a href='search.php?mfriends={$uid}&hide=y'>" . $connections . " friend"; if ($connections != 1) { $retvalue .= "s"; } $retvalue .= "</a> in common."; return $retvalue; } return FALSE; }
// Validates Session $sess->Login(); } $log = new log($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); $db = new Database(); // Creates database object if (!$db->connect()) { echo "<p>Error connecting to the database</p>"; } $id = $sess->Retrieve('id'); $profile = new Profile($id); $friendarray = $profile->friendsids($id, 0, 5000); $resultsperpage = 20; // Adjustable up to 50 $relationpend = new Relationship(); $requestsyourpending = $relationpend->pending_requests(); ?> <title>TheFacebook | Requests</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico"> <center> <table class="bordertable" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=700> <tr><td> <table class="bottomborder" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100%> <tr><td width=350 bgcolor=#3B5998>
$success = FALSE; break; } $error .= "<br>"; } else { $error = "</b></font>A request has been sent to " . $profile->retrieve("name") . " to confirm your request."; if ($_REQUEST['confirm'] == "Confirm") { $error = "</b></font>Confirmed! <a href='profile.php?id=" . $fid . "'>View their profile</a> or <a href='reqs.php'>Go Back to Pending Requests</a>"; } if ($_REQUEST['deny'] == "Deny") { $error = "</b></font>The request has been removed. <a href='reqs.php'>Go Back to Pending Requests</a>"; } $success = true; } } $yourpending = $relation->pending_requests(); if (in_array($fid, $yourpending)) { $success = true; $relationshipwanted = strtolower($relation->getname('relationshiptype', $relation->getrelationshiptype($id, $fid))); $error = "</b></font><form method=post action=addfriend.php><input type=hidden name=id value='" . $fid . "'><a href='profile.php?id=" . $fid . "'>" . $profile->retrieve("name") . "</a> would like you to confirm that you are " . $relationshipwanted . ". <input class=inputsubmit type=submit name='confirm' value='Confirm'><input class=inputsubmit type=submit name='deny' value='Deny'></form>"; } ?> <title>TheFacebook | Add Friend</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico"> <center> <table class="bordertable" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=700>