ok($re->mvar(1), 'u', 'match pattern-4 capture 2');
ok($re->mvar(2) == 350, 'match pattern-4 capture 3');
$target = 'c-2048';
ok($re->match($target), "match pattern-4 {$target}");
ok($re->mvar(0), $target, 'match pattern-4 capture 4');
ok($re->mvar(1) == 2048, 'match pattern-4 capture 5');
ok(!$re->mvar(2), 'match pattern-4 undef');
is_deeply($re->mbegin, [0, undef, undef, 2], 'match pattern-3 mbegin');
is_deeply($re->mend, [6, undef, undef, 6, undef], 'match pattern-3 mend');
//    }
$re = new Regexp_Assemble(['track' => 1]);
//    SKIP: {
//        skip( "/?{...}/ and \\d+ cause a panic in this version of perl ($])", 6 ) if $PERL_VERSION_5_005;
ok(!$re->match('foo'), 'match pattern-5 foo');
ok(!$re->mvar(2), 'match pattern-4 foo novar');
$target = 'c-u-350';
ok($re->match($target), "match pattern-5 {$target}");
ok($re->mvar(0), $target, 'match pattern-5');
ok(!$re->mvar(1), 'match pattern-5 no capture 2');
ok(!$re->mvar(2), 'match pattern-5 no capture 3');
//    }
$re = new Regexp_Assemble(['track' => 1]);
//    SKIP: {
//           skip( "match()/matched() return undef in this version of perl ($])", 8 ) if $PERL_VERSION_5_005;
ok(!$re->match('foo'), 'not match pattern-6 foo');
$target = 'cat';
ok($re->match($target), "match pattern-6 {$target}");
is($re->matched, '^cat', "match pattern-6 {$target} re");
$target = 'CATFOOD';
    unlike($target, "/{$ra}/", "fail after reset {$target}");
$ra->add('who', 'what', 'where', 'why', 'when');
foreach (array('unfooled', 'disembark', 'vibration') as $target) {
    unlike($target, "/{$ra}/", "fail ok {$target}");
foreach (array('snowhouse', 'somewhat', 'nowhereness', 'whyever', 'nowhence') as $target) {
    like($target, "/{$ra}/", "new match ok {$target}");
unlike('nothing', "/{$ra}/", "match nothing after reset");
like('foo12', "/{$ra}/", "match 1 ok foo12");
unlike('nfoo12', "/{$ra}/", "match 1 nok nfoo12");
unlike('bar6', "/{$ra}/", "match 1 nok bar6");
ok(!$ra->mvar(), 'mvar() undefined');
like('foo12', "/{$ra}/", "match 2 ok foo12");
unlike('nfoo12', "/{$ra}/", "match 2 nok nfoo12");
like('bar6', "/{$ra}/", "match 2 ok bar6");
$ra->reset()->filter(function ($arr) {
    $r = [];
    foreach ($arr as $_) {
        if (preg_match("/\\d /", $_)) {
            $r[] = $_;
    return !count($r);
$ra->add('1 2 4');
$ra->insert('1', '2', '8*');