public function get_folders($directory) { $rows = array(); $iter = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory), true); foreach ($iter as $file) { if ($iter->hasChildren() && !strstr($iter->getPath() . "/" . $file, "/.")) { $row['name'] = str_repeat(' ', $iter->getDepth()) . ucfirst(basename($file)); $row['path'] = $iter->getPath() . "/" . basename($file); $rows[] = $row; unset($row); } } return $rows; }
protected function _restructure(array $params) { $output = []; foreach ($params as $name => $array) { foreach ($array as $field => $value) { $pointer =& $output[$name]; if (!is_array($value)) { $pointer[$field] = $value; continue; } $stack = [&$pointer]; $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveArrayIterator($value), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) { array_splice($stack, $iterator->getDepth() + 1); $pointer =& $stack[count($stack) - 1]; $pointer =& $pointer[$key]; $stack[] =& $pointer; if (!$iterator->hasChildren()) { $pointer[$field] = $value; } } } } return $output; }
/** * Check if the Prosody Metre is KalipaaInam - If the metre matches return * the exact type, else return NULL * * @return Ambigous <string, NULL> */ public function CheckKaliInam() { $TaazhisaiCheck = TRUE; $KattalaiCheck = FALSE; $TuraiCheck = $this->CheckLineWordCount(4, 5); $ViruttamCheck = $this->CheckLineWordCount(4, 4); /* Check for Kattalai Kaliththurai */ if ($TuraiCheck) { /* * Check for Letter count in Each line */ $Lines = explode(PHP_EOL, trim($this->InputSourceText)); $LinesMetre = array(); $root = $this->ParseTreeRoot; $rit = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($root), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); $NewSentence = TRUE; foreach ($rit as $key => $value) { if ($rit->hasChildren() === FALSE) { if ($NewSentence) { if ($key == "nE_r" || $key == "nirY") { $LinesMetre[] = $key; $NewSentence = FALSE; } } } else { if ($rit->getDepth() == 2) { $NewSentence = TRUE; } } } $WordCountCheck = TRUE; for ($LineIndex = 0; $LineIndex < count($Lines); $LineIndex++) { $LetterCount = $this->GetLetterCount($Lines[$LineIndex]); $KattalaiCount = $LetterCount['Vowel'] + $LetterCount['ConsonantVowel']; // echo $KattalaiCount; if ($LinesMetre[$LineIndex] == "nE_r" && $KattalaiCount != 16) { $WordCountCheck = FALSE; } if ($LinesMetre[$LineIndex] == "nirY" && $KattalaiCount != 17) { $WordCountCheck = FALSE; } } /* * Check for Vendalai in each line.. but not inbetween lines */ $WordBondClassCheck = TRUE; $WCount = 1; foreach ($this->WordBond as $Bond) { $BondType = $Bond['bond']; if ($WCount % 5 != 0) { if (substr($BondType, strlen($BondType) - 21) != "வெண்டளை") { $WordBondClassCheck = FALSE; } } $WCount++; } /* * Check if LastSyllableEnds with E */ $LastSyllableCheck = TRUE; $LastSyllable = substr($this->InputSourceText, -1); if ($LastSyllable != "E") { $LastSyllableCheck = FALSE; } if ($WordBondClassCheck && $WordCountCheck && $LastSyllableCheck) { $KattalaiCheck = TRUE; } } /* * Check for Kalittaazhisai */ if ($this->TotalLines < 2) { $TaazhisaiCheck = FALSE; } $LineTypeReverse = array_flip($this->LineType); $ProsodyLineTypes = $this->LineClass; $LineWordCount = array(); foreach ($ProsodyLineTypes as $key => $value) { if ($key + 1 != $this->TotalLines) { $LineWordCount[] = $LineTypeReverse[$value]; } else { $FinalLineCount = $LineTypeReverse[$value]; } } if (count($LineWordCount) > 0) { if (max($LineWordCount) >= $FinalLineCount) { $TaazhisaiCheck = FALSE; } } if ($TaazhisaiCheck) { $MetreType = "kali_ttAZicY"; } else { if ($KattalaiCheck) { $MetreType = "ka_TTaLY kali_ttuRY"; } else { if ($TuraiCheck) { $MetreType = "kali_ttuRY"; } else { if ($ViruttamCheck) { $MetreType = "kali viru_tta_m"; } else { $MetreType = NULL; } } } } return $MetreType; }
/** * Constructs a new instance of HTTPRequest. * * @param string $url URL to connect to * @param array<string> $options * @param mixed $postParameters Parameters to send via POST * @param array $files Files to attach to the request */ public function __construct($url, array $options = array(), $postParameters = array(), array $files = array()) { $this->setURL($url); $this->postParameters = $postParameters; $this->files = $files; $this->setOptions($options); // set default headers $this->addHeader('user-agent', "HTTP.PHP (HTTPRequest.class.php; WoltLab Community Framework/" . WCF_VERSION . "; " . WCF::getLanguage()->languageCode . ")"); $this->addHeader('accept', '*/*'); $this->addHeader('accept-language', WCF::getLanguage()->getFixedLanguageCode()); if (isset($this->options['maxLength'])) { $this->addHeader('Range', 'bytes=0-' . ($this->options['maxLength'] - 1)); } if ($this->options['method'] !== 'GET') { if (empty($this->files)) { if (is_array($postParameters)) { $this->body = http_build_query($this->postParameters, '', '&'); } else { if (is_string($postParameters) && !empty($postParameters)) { $this->body = $postParameters; } } $this->addHeader('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } else { $boundary = StringUtil::getRandomID(); $this->addHeader('content-type', 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' . $boundary); // source of the iterators: if (!empty($this->postParameters)) { $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveArrayIterator($this->postParameters), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($iterator as $k => $v) { if (!$iterator->hasChildren()) { $key = ''; for ($i = 0, $max = $iterator->getDepth(); $i <= $max; $i++) { if ($i === 0) { $key .= $iterator->getSubIterator($i)->key(); } else { $key .= '[' . $iterator->getSubIterator($i)->key() . ']'; } } $this->body .= "--" . $boundary . "\r\n"; $this->body .= 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' . $key . '"' . "\r\n\r\n"; $this->body .= $v . "\r\n"; } } } $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveArrayIterator($this->files), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($iterator as $k => $v) { if (!$iterator->hasChildren()) { $key = ''; for ($i = 0, $max = $iterator->getDepth(); $i <= $max; $i++) { if ($i === 0) { $key .= $iterator->getSubIterator($i)->key(); } else { $key .= '[' . $iterator->getSubIterator($i)->key() . ']'; } } $this->body .= "--" . $boundary . "\r\n"; $this->body .= 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' . $k . '"; filename="' . basename($v) . '"' . "\r\n"; $this->body .= 'Content-Type: ' . (FileUtil::getMimeType($v) ?: 'application/octet-stream.') . "\r\n\r\n"; $this->body .= file_get_contents($v) . "\r\n"; } } $this->body .= "--" . $boundary . "--"; } $this->addHeader('content-length', strlen($this->body)); } if (isset($this->options['auth'])) { $this->addHeader('authorization', "Basic " . base64_encode($options['auth']['username'] . ":" . $options['auth']['password'])); } $this->addHeader('connection', 'Close'); }
// set the current depth $curDepth = $it->getDepth(); // store the difference in depths $diff = abs($curDepth - $depth); // close previous nested levels if ($curDepth < $depth) { $output->append(str_repeat('</ul></li>', $diff)); } // check if we have the last nav item if ($it->hasNext()) { $output->append('<li><a href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a>'); } else { $output->append('<li class="last"><a href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a>'); } // either add a subnav or close the list item if ($it->hasChildren()) { $output->append('<ul>'); } else { $output->append('</li>'); } // cache the depth $depth = $curDepth; } // if we have values, output the unordered list if ($output->count()) { echo '<ul id="nav">' . "\n" . implode("\n", (array) $output) . "\n" . '</ul>'; } } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } echo PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'CLASS EXAMPLE' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;