        $ingArray[] = $ingObj;
        //Add the object to the list
	Handle adding and editing of recipes
$recipeObj = new Recipe($recipe_id, $recipe_name, $recipe_ethnic, $recipe_base, $recipe_course, $recipe_prep_time, $recipe_difficulty, $recipe_directions, $recipe_comments, $recipe_serving_size, $recipe_source, $recipe_source_desc, $SMObj->getUserID(), $recipe_private, $_FILES['recipe_picture'], $recipe_picture_type, $recipe_picture_oid);
// Add or update the recipe
// Handle the picture
if ($remove_picture == "yes") {
} else {
if ($recipe_id) {
    // Clear out the old ingredients, this could be done by an update if desired.
    $sql = "DELETE FROM {$db_table_ingredientmaps} WHERE map_recipe=" . $DB_LINK->addq($recipe_id, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
    $result = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
    // Also clear out the related_recipes
    $sql = "DELETE FROM {$db_table_related_recipes} WHERE related_parent=" . $DB_LINK->addq($recipe_id, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
    $result = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
$recipe_id = $recipeObj->getID();
	Add the ingredients into the database. The order field is needed because mysql does not consistently put them in or retrieve them
		in a specific order.
foreach ($ingArray as $ing) {