function sendSentryMessage($message) { $CI =& get_instance(); $client = new Raven_Client($CI->config->item('sentry_client_id')); $client->getIdent($client->captureMessage($message)); $client->context->clear(); }
/** * @param \Exception $e */ public function handleYiiExceptions($e) { if ($this->canLogException($e)) { $e->event_id = $this->client->getIdent($this->client->captureException($e)); } if ($this->oldExceptionHandler) { call_user_func($this->oldExceptionHandler, $e); } }
public function captureException($exception, $culpritOrOptions = null, $logger = null, $vars = null) { $eventId = $this->client->captureException($exception, $culpritOrOptions, $logger, $vars); if ($eventId) { $ident = $this->client->getIdent($eventId); $this->recorder->addExceptionEventId($exception, $ident); } return $eventId; }
/** * Log a message to the logs. * * @param string $level * @param mixed $message * @param array $context * * @return void */ public function log($level, $message, array $context = []) { $this->sentry->context->clear(); if ($user = $this->resolveCurrentUser()) { $this->sentry->user_context($user); } $this->sentry->extra_context($context); $level = $this->getSeverity($level); if ($message instanceof Exception) { $this->sentry->getIdent($this->sentry->captureException($message, ['level' => $level])); } else { $msg = $this->formatMessage($message); $this->sentry->getIdent($this->sentry->captureMessage($msg, [], ['level' => $level])); } }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $config = $this->setConfiguraton($input); $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['defaults' => ['allow_redirects' => false, 'timeout' => 5, 'connect_timeout' => 5]]); /** @var Instance $instance */ foreach ($config->getInstances() as $instance) { $requests[] = $client->createRequest('HEAD', $instance->getUrl()); } $options = []; Pool::send($client, $requests, ['complete' => function (CompleteEvent $event) { }, 'error' => function (ErrorEvent $event) use($config) { $instance = $config->findInstanceByUrl($event->getRequest()->getUrl()); if ($instance == null) { throw new \RuntimeException('Instance not found'); } if (!$event->getException()->hasResponse()) { $raven = new \Raven_Client($instance->getSentryDsn()); $event_id = $raven->getIdent($raven->captureMessage(sprintf('The website %s with url -> %s is down or has a problem', $instance->getName(), $event->getRequest()->getUrl()), [], \Raven_Client::FATAL)); if ($raven->getLastError() !== null) { printf('There was an error sending the event to Sentry: %s', $raven->getLastError()); } $error_handler = new \Raven_ErrorHandler($raven); $error_handler->registerExceptionHandler(); $error_handler->registerErrorHandler(); $error_handler->registerShutdownFunction(); } }]); }
/** * Send the exception to Sentry * * @param Exception $exception * @return String|null Event id for the Sentry event */ private static function sentryCapture($exception) { try { Raven_Autoloader::register(); // Instantiate the client if it hasn't already been created if (self::$_client === null) { $options = Configure::read('Sentry.options'); if (empty($options)) { $options = array(); } self::$_client = new Raven_Client(Configure::read('Sentry.DSN.PHP'), $options); } self::setUserContext(); $event = self::$_client->captureException($exception, get_class($exception), 'PHP'); return self::$_client->getIdent($event); } catch (Exception $e) { parent::handleException($e); } return null; }
function sentry_exception_handler($exception) { try { $client = new Raven_Client(SENTRY_DSN, array('curl_method' => 'async', 'verify_ssl' => FALSE)); $client->tags_context(array('source' => 'exception')); $config = Config::Instance(); $event_id = $client->getIdent($client->captureException($exception, array('extra' => array('uzerp_version' => $config->get('SYSTEM_VERSION'))))); $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->assign('config', $config->get_all()); $smarty->compile_dir = DATA_ROOT . 'templates_c'; $smarty->assign('event_id', $event_id); $smarty->assign('support_email', SUPPORT_EMAIL); $email_body = "uzERP Exception logged to sentry with ID: " . $event_id; $smarty->assign('email_body', rawurlencode($email_body)); $smarty->display(STANDARD_TPL_ROOT . 'error.tpl'); } catch (Exception $e) { // If something went wrong, just continue. } }
/** * Logs a query to Sentry. * @param string $query query to log. * @param integer $level log level. * @param string $engine name of the sql driver. * @return string event id (or null if not captured). * @throws Exception if logging the query fails. */ public function captureQuery($query, $level = Logger::LEVEL_INFO, $engine = '') { if (!$this->isEnvironmentEnabled()) { return null; } try { $eventId = $this->_client->getIdent($this->_client->captureQuery($query, $level, $engine)); } catch (\Exception $e) { if (YII_DEBUG) { throw new Exception('SentryClient failed to log query: ' . $e->getMessage(), (int) $e->getCode()); } else { $this->log($e->getMessage(), Logger::LEVEL_ERROR); throw new Exception('SentryClient failed to log query.', (int) $e->getCode()); } } $this->_loggedEventIds[] = $eventId; $this->log(sprintf('Query logged to Sentry with event id: %d', $eventId), Logger::LEVEL_INFO); return $eventId; }
|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Error Handler |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may handle any errors that occur in your application, including | logging them or displaying custom views for specific errors. You may | even register several error handlers to handle different types of | exceptions. If nothing is returned, the default error view is | shown, which includes a detailed stack trace during debug. | */ App::error(function (Exception $exception, $code) { if (Config::get('sentry.enabled') === true) { // Instantiate a new client with a compatible DSN $client = new Raven_Client(Config::get('sentry.dsn')); $client->getIdent($client->captureException($exception)); } if (Config::get('app.debug') == true) { if (Request::is('api/*')) { return Api::error($exception->getMessage(), $code); } Log::error($exception); } else { if (Request::is('api/*')) { return Api::error(Lang::get('500'), $code); } return Response::view('errors.error', array(), $code); } }); /* |---------------------------------
/** * Send errors to a remote Sentry server with level = warning * * @param array $ferrors * * @return void */ private function sentrySend($ferrors) { //ignore if no username or nagios request if (EGS_USERNAME or strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), 'nagios') !== false) { try { $client = new Raven_Client(SENTRY_DSN, array('curl_method' => 'async', 'verify_ssl' => FALSE)); // Capture the flash errors and send to Sentry $client->user_context(array('username' => EGS_USERNAME)); $client->tags_context(array('source' => 'flash')); $cc = 0; foreach ($ferrors as $ferror) { $cc++; $client->extra_context(array('error ' . $cc => $ferror)); } if ($cc != 0) { $event_id = $client->getIdent($client->captureMessage($ferrors[0], array(), 'warning')); } } catch (Exception $e) { //If something went wrong, just continue. } } }
/** * @param \Exception $ex * @param array $extra */ public function logException(\Exception $ex, $tags = array(), $extra = array()) { $ravenClient = new \Raven_Client('https://*****:*****'); $tags['php_version'] = phpversion(); $tags['skylab_version'] = \Kunstmaan\Skylab\Application::VERSION; $tags['user'] = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid())['name']; $extra = array_merge($extra, $this->app["config"]); if (\Kunstmaan\Skylab\Application::VERSION !== "@package_version@") { $event_id = $ravenClient->getIdent($ravenClient->captureException($ex, array('extra' => $extra, 'tags' => $tags))); $this->output->writeln("\n\n<error> " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n This exception has been reported with id {$event_id}. Please log a github issue at and mention this id.</error>\n\n"); } echo $ex->getTraceAsString(); throw $ex; }
/** * Given an identifier, returns a Sentry searchable string. * @param integer $ident Unique identifier * @return string */ public function getIdent($ident) { return $this->_client->getIdent($ident); }