public static function checkShared() { $option = RSMembershipHelper::getOption(); if (!$option) { return; } $app = JFactory::getApplication(); // Get the language $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load('com_rsmembership'); $msg = JText::_('COM_RSMEMBERSHIP_MEMBERSHIP_NEED_SUBSCRIPTION'); // Get the database object $db = JFactory::getDBO(); list($memberships, $extras) = RSMembershipHelper::getUserSubscriptions(); $has_access = false; $found_shared = false; $redirect = ''; if (!$app->isAdmin()) { // Check the articles, categories and sections if ($option == 'com_content') { RSMembershipHelper::checkContent($has_access, $found_shared, $redirect, $memberships, $extras); } // Menu - Itemid RSMembershipHelper::checkMenu($has_access, $found_shared, $redirect, $memberships, $extras); } $instances = RSMembership::getSharedContentPlugins(); foreach ($instances as $instance) { if (method_exists($instance, 'checkShared')) { $instance->checkShared($option, $has_access, $found_shared, $redirect, $memberships, $extras); } } // Custom URL RSMembershipHelper::checkURL($has_access, $found_shared, $redirect, $memberships, $extras); if (!$found_shared) { $has_access = true; } if ($found_shared && $has_access) { JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_rsmembership/tables'); $row = JTable::getInstance('Log', 'RSMembershipTable'); $row->date = JFactory::getDate()->toSql(); $row->user_id = JFactory::getUser()->get('id'); $row->path = '[URL] ' . JUri::getInstance()->toString(); $row->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $row->store(); } if (!$has_access) { $redirect = empty($redirect) ? JURI::root() : JRoute::_($redirect, false); $app->redirect($redirect, $msg); } }
function checkShared() { $option = RSMembershipHelper::getOption(); if (!$option) { return; } $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication(); // Get the language $lang =& JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load('com_rsmembership'); $msg = JText::_('RSM_MEMBERSHIP_NEED_SUBSCRIPTION'); // Get the database object $db = JFactory::getDBO(); list($memberships, $extras) = RSMembershipHelper::getUserSubscriptions(); $has_access = false; $found_shared = false; $redirect = ''; if (!$mainframe->isAdmin()) { // Check the articles, categories and sections if ($option == 'com_content') { RSMembershipHelper::checkContent($has_access, $found_shared, $redirect, $memberships, $extras); } // Menu - Itemid RSMembershipHelper::checkMenu($has_access, $found_shared, $redirect, $memberships, $extras); } $instances = RSMembership::getSharedContentPlugins(); foreach ($instances as $instance) { if (method_exists($instance, 'checkShared')) { $instance->checkShared($option, $has_access, $found_shared, $redirect, $memberships, $extras); } } // Custom URL RSMembershipHelper::checkURL($has_access, $found_shared, $redirect, $memberships, $extras); if (!$found_shared) { $has_access = true; } if (!$has_access) { $redirect = empty($redirect) ? JURI::root() : JRoute::_($redirect, false); $mainframe->redirect($redirect, $msg); } }