/** * Returns all unit objects by it's type * * @param object $criteria this object contains the specification for the * search. * @return Zend_Db_Table_Rowset All units objects */ public function getAll(RM_Unit_Search_Criteria $criteria) { $fieldsNames = array(); $fieldsNames[] = 'rm_units.*'; $languageFieldsNames = array(); $languageFieldsNames[] = 'rm_unit_language_details.*'; if ($criteria->offset === null) { $criteria->offset = 0; } $sql = "\r\n SELECT\r\n " . implode(',', $fieldsNames); if (count($languageFieldsNames) > 0) { $sql .= ", " . implode(',', $languageFieldsNames); } if (!$criteria->language) { $criteria->language = RM_Environment::getInstance()->getLocale(); } $sql .= "\r\n FROM\r\n rm_units\r\n INNER JOIN\r\n rm_unit_language_details ON\r\n rm_units.id = rm_unit_language_details.unit_id"; $sql .= "\r\n AND rm_unit_language_details.iso = '{$criteria->language}'\r\n WHERE 1=1 "; if ($criteria->type) { $sql .= " AND type_id = '" . $criteria->type->id . "' "; } // this gets the units that are unavailable so these are excluded from the results if ($criteria->start_datetime && $criteria->end_datetime) { $reservationPeriod = new RM_Reservation_Period(new RM_Date(strtotime($criteria->start_datetime)), new RM_Date(strtotime($criteria->end_datetime))); if ($criteria->flexible) { //My dates are flexible: every unit with at least one day available should we shown $availableUnitIDs = $this->getFlexibleAvailable($reservationPeriod); if (count($availableUnitIDs) == 0) { $sql .= " AND 1=0 "; //This will returns 0 rows return $this->_getBySQL($sql); } else { $sql .= "\r\n AND rm_units.id IN (" . implode(',', $availableUnitIDs) . ")\r\n "; } } else { $reservedUnits = $this->getReservedUnits($reservationPeriod)->toArray(); $unitsWithAvailbilityCheckDisabled = RM_Environment::getInstance()->getPriceSystem()->getUnitWithAvailabiltyCheckDisabled(); if (count($reservedUnits) > 0) { $reservedUnits = array_diff($reservedUnits, $unitsWithAvailbilityCheckDisabled); } if (count($reservedUnits) > 0) { $reservedUnitIDs = array(); foreach ($reservedUnits as $unit) { if ($unit['id']) { $reservedUnitIDs[] = $unit['id']; } } $reservedUnitsCSV = implode(',', $reservedUnitIDs); if ($reservedUnitsCSV != "," && $reservedUnitsCSV != "") { $sql .= "\r\n AND rm_units.id NOT IN (" . $reservedUnitsCSV . ")\r\n "; } } //we need to check min period length $manager = RM_Prices_Manager::getInstance(); $minPeriodNotUnitIDs = $manager->getByMinPeriod($reservationPeriod); if (count($minPeriodNotUnitIDs) > 0) { $minPeriodNotUnitIDsCSV = implode(',', $minPeriodNotUnitIDs); if ($minPeriodNotUnitIDsCSV != "," && $minPeriodNotUnitIDsCSV != "") { $sql .= "\r\n AND rm_units.id NOT IN (" . $minPeriodNotUnitIDsCSV . ")\r\n "; } } } } if ($criteria->image == 1) { $unitIDsWithImages = $this->getWithImages(); if (count($unitIDsWithImages) == 0) { $sql .= " AND 1=0 "; //This will returns 0 rows return $this->_getBySQL($sql); } else { $sql .= "\r\n AND rm_units.id IN (" . implode(',', $unitIDsWithImages) . ")\r\n "; } } //3. prices: from - to if ((int) $criteria->prices_from != 0 || (int) $criteria->prices_to != 99999999) { if ($criteria->prices_from || $criteria->prices_to) { if ($criteria->start_datetime && $criteria->end_datetime) { $reservationPeriod = new RM_Reservation_Period(new RM_Date(strtotime($criteria->start_datetime)), new RM_Date(strtotime($criteria->end_datetime))); } else { $reservationPeriod = null; } $priceRangeUnitIDs = RM_Environment::getInstance()->getPriceSystem()->getByPriceRange($criteria->prices_from, $criteria->prices_to, $reservationPeriod); if (count($priceRangeUnitIDs) == 0) { $sql .= " AND 1=0 "; //This will returns 0 rows return $this->_getBySQL($sql); } else { $sql .= "\r\n AND rm_units.id IN (" . implode(',', $priceRangeUnitIDs) . ")\r\n "; } } } //4. check all plugins and modules to extend advanced search $model = new RM_Modules(); $modules = $model->getAllEnabled(); foreach ($modules as $module) { if ($module instanceof RM_Search_Advanced_Interface) { $unitIDs = $module->getAdvancedSearchUnitIDs($criteria); if ($unitIDs !== false) { if (count($unitIDs) == 0) { $sql .= " AND 1=0 "; //This will returns 0 rows return $this->_getBySQL($sql); } elseif (count($unitIDs) > 0) { $sql .= "\r\n -- added by modules: " . $module->name . "\r\n AND rm_units.id IN (" . implode(',', $unitIDs) . ")\r\n "; } } } } $pluginModel = new RM_Plugins(); $plugins = $pluginModel->getAllEnabled(); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if ($plugin instanceof RM_Search_Advanced_Interface) { $unitIDs = $plugin->getAdvancedSearchUnitIDs($criteria); if ($unitIDs !== false) { if (count($unitIDs) == 0) { $sql .= " AND 1=0 "; //This will returns 0 rows return $this->_getBySQL($sql); } elseif (count($unitIDs) > 0) { $sql .= "\r\n -- added by modules: " . $plugin->name . "\r\n AND rm_units.id IN (" . implode(',', $unitIDs) . ")\r\n "; } } } } if ($criteria->publishedOnly === true) { $sql .= " AND rm_units.published='1'"; } if (count($criteria->filters) > 0) { $filterConditions = array(); foreach ($criteria->filters as $filter) { $filterConditions = array_merge($filterConditions, $this->_getConditions($filter)); } $filterSQL = implode(" AND ", $filterConditions); $sql .= " AND " . $filterSQL; } if ($criteria->order !== null) { if ($criteria->order == 'random') { $sessionID = session_id(); $random = hexdec($sessionID[0]); $sql .= " ORDER BY RAND(" . $random . ") "; } elseif ($criteria->order != 'price') { $sql .= " ORDER BY {$criteria->order} "; } } if ($criteria->count !== null) { $sql .= " LIMIT {$criteria->offset}, {$criteria->count} "; } return $this->_getBySQL($sql); }
private function _getPlugins() { $model = new RM_Plugins(); $plugins = $model->getAllEnabled(); $result = array(); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $node = $plugin->getNode(); if ($node !== null) { $result[] = $node; } } return $result; }