/** * Get content */ public function getContent() { session("name"); session_unset(); if (post("login")) { v("message", t("login.1")); $user = RDR_User::login(post("username"), post("password"), post("remember")); if ($user) { if (get("redirect")) { redirect(get("redirect")); } redirect(l("RDR_Home"), 302); } } ?> <div class="center"> <img src="<?php echo url()->getByAlias("public", "img/logo-1.png"); ?> " alt=""/> </div> <?php $table = new Form_Table($this->getForm()); $table->addSubmit("Login"); echo $table->getHtml(); }
/** * Get form * * @return Form_Form */ public function getForm() { $form = new Form_Form("user"); $field = new Form_Field_Hidden("save"); $field->setDefaultValue(1); $form->addField($field); $field = new Form_Field_Text("username", t("username")); $field->setDefaultValue($this->user->username); $field->setDbObjectMember($this->user); $form->addField($field); $field = new Form_Field_Password("password", t("password")); if (!$this->user->getId()) { $field->setDbObjectMember($this->user); } $form->addField($field); $field = new Form_Field_Password("password2", t("settings.3")); if (!$this->user->getId()) { $field->setDbObjectMember($this->user, "password"); } $form->addField($field); $field = new Form_Field_Select("role", t("admin.user.5")); $field->setDbObjectMember($this->user); $field->addOption(RDR_User::ROLE_USER, t("user." . RDR_User::ROLE_USER)); $field->addOption(RDR_User::ROLE_ADMIN, t("user." . RDR_User::ROLE_ADMIN)); $field->setDefaultValue($this->user->role); $form->addField($field); return $form; }
/** * Get content */ public function getContent() { $errors = $checkErrors = array(); $writeableFolders = array(CHOQ_ACTIVE_MODULE_DIRECTORY, CHOQ_ACTIVE_MODULE_DIRECTORY . "/public/static", CHOQ_ACTIVE_MODULE_DIRECTORY . "/public/img/favicons", CHOQ_ACTIVE_MODULE_DIRECTORY . "/tmp"); foreach ($writeableFolders as $folder) { if (!is_dir($folder)) { $errors[] = sprintf(t("install.folder.notexist"), $folder); break; } if (!is_writable($folder)) { $errors[] = sprintf(t("install.folder.writeable"), $folder); break; } } if (!ini_get("allow_url_fopen")) { $errors[] = sprintf(t("install.php.feature"), "allow_url_fopen"); } if (!function_exists("fsockopen")) { $errors[] = sprintf(t("install.php.feature"), "fsockopen/sockets"); } if (!function_exists("simplexml_load_file")) { $errors[] = sprintf(t("install.php.feature"), "SimpleXML"); } if (!CHOQ_DB_Mysql::isAvailable()) { $errors[] = sprintf(t("install.php.feature"), "MySQLi"); } if (post("install")) { try { $connString = "mysql://" . post("mysql-user") . ":" . post("mysql-pass") . "@" . post("mysql-host") . "/" . post("mysql-db"); CHOQ_DB::add($connString, "test"); db("test")->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . db("test")->quote("RDR_test")); db("test")->query("CREATE TABLE " . db("test")->quote("RDR_test") . " (" . db("test")->quote("id") . " INT NOT NULL)"); db("test")->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . db("test")->quote("RDR_test")); $fileData = "<?php\nif(!defined(\"CHOQ\")) die();\n/**\n * Local Configuration\n**/\n\n"; $fileData .= 'CHOQ_DB::add(\'' . $connString . '\');' . "\n"; $fileData .= 'v("hash.salt", "' . uniqid(NULL, true) . sha1(microtime() . uniqid(NULL, true)) . '");' . "\n"; $tmpfile = CHOQ_ACTIVE_MODULE_DIRECTORY . "/tmp/_RDR.local.tmp.php"; file_put_contents($tmpfile, $fileData); include $tmpfile; $generator = CHOQ_DB_Generator::create(db()); $tables = $generator->getExistingTables(); foreach ($tables as $table) { if ($table == "_choqled_metadata" || substr(strtolower($table), 0, 3) == "rdr_") { db()->query("DROP TABLE " . db()->quote($table)); } } RDR_DBUpdate::run(); $user = new RDR_User(db()); $user->username = post("admin-user"); $user->setPassword(post("admin-pass")); $user->role = RDR_User::ROLE_ADMIN; $user->store(); rename($tmpfile, CHOQ_ACTIVE_MODULE_DIRECTORY . "/_RDR.local.php"); redirect(url()->getByAlias("base")); } catch (Exception $e) { $checkErrors[] = $e->getMessage(); } } ?> <div class="center"> <img src="<?php echo url()->getByAlias("public", "img/logo-1.png"); ?> " alt=""/> </div> <?php if (!$errors) { $this->showErrors($checkErrors); $form = $this->getForm(); $formTable = new Form_Table($form); $formTable->addSubmit(t("install.finish")); echo $formTable->getHtml(); echo "<div class='center'><br/>" . t("install.warn") . "</div>"; } else { $this->showErrors($errors); } }
/** * Get all categories to this user * * @return RDR_Category[] */ public function getCategories() { if (self::$_cache === null) { self::$_cache = RDR_Category::getByCondition(db()->quote("user") . " = {0}", array($this), "+name"); } return self::$_cache; }
/** * On load not implemented */ public function onLoad() { RDR_User::logout(); redirect(l("RDR_Home"), 302); }
/** * Load the View */ public function onLoad() { # load the view $view = $this->getParam("view"); if (RDR::$isInstalled) { if (RDR_DBUpdate::updateRequired()) { RDR_User::$user = false; $view = new RDR_DBUpdate(); } } ob_start(); $view->getContent(); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); # some html preparations $bodyClasses = array("page-" . slugify(strtolower(get_class($view)))); $jsVars = array(); $dir = CHOQ_ACTIVE_MODULE_DIRECTORY . "/view"; $files = array("css" => array(CHOQ_ROOT_DIRECTORY . "/modules/Form/view/_css/form.css", "{$dir}/_css/default.css"), "js" => array("{$dir}/_js/jquery/jquery.js", "{$dir}/_js/default.js", CHOQ_ROOT_DIRECTORY . "/modules/Form/view/_js/form.js")); $name = "default"; html()->addFileGroupToHead($name, "css", CHOQ_ACTIVE_MODULE_DIRECTORY . "/public/static", "static", $files["css"]); html()->addFileGroupToHead($name, "js", CHOQ_ACTIVE_MODULE_DIRECTORY . "/public/static", "static", $files["js"]); $jsVars["message"] = v("message"); if (RDR::$isInstalled) { $jsVars["proxyUrl"] = l("RDR_Proxy"); $jsVars["apiUrl"] = l("RDR_API"); } $userData = array(); if (user()) { $jsVars["ajaxUrl"] = l("RDR_Ajax"); user()->updateNewsCache(); $userData = user()->getAjaxData(); } if (isMobile()) { $dir = CHOQ_ACTIVE_MODULE_DIRECTORY . "/view"; $files = array("css" => array("{$dir}/_css/mobile.css"), "js" => array()); $name = "mobile"; html()->addFileGroupToHead($name, "css", CHOQ_ACTIVE_MODULE_DIRECTORY . "/public/static", "static", $files["css"]); html()->addFileGroupToHead($name, "js", CHOQ_ACTIVE_MODULE_DIRECTORY . "/public/static", "static", $files["js"]); $bodyClasses[] = "mobile"; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <?php html()->getOpeningHTMLTag(); ?> <head> <?php html()->getHeadTag(); ?> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php echo url()->getByAlias("public", "favicon.ico"); ?> " type="image/icon" /> <meta name="generator" content="Choqled PHP Framework" /> <base href="<?php echo url()->getByAlias("base"); ?> "/> <script type="text/javascript"> Global.vars = <?php echo json_encode($jsVars, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); ?> ; </script> <!--[if lte IE 8]> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ Global.message("<?php echo t("iewarning"); ?> ") }); </script> <![endif]--> </head> <body class="<?php echo implode(" ", $bodyClasses); ?> "> <div id="top-message"></div> <div class="container a"> <?php view("RDR_Sidebar", array("content" => 1)); ?> </div><div class="container b"> <div class="content" id="content"> <div class="padd"> <?php view("RDR_Sidebar", array("icons" => 1)); ?> <?php echo $content; ?> </div> </div> <div class="padd" id="content"></div> </div><div class="container c"></div> <script type="text/javascript">Global.init(<?php echo json_encode($userData); ?> );</script> </body> </html> <?php }