function triples2string() { $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">'; foreach ($this->triples as $s => $po) { # Start with subject. $xml .= "\n<rdf:Description"; if ('_:' == substr($s, 0, 2)) $xml .= ' rdf:nodeID="' . htmlspecialchars(substr($s,2)) . '"'; else $xml .= ' rdf:about="' . htmlspecialchars($s) . '"'; $xml .= ">"; # Loop through predicate/object pairs. foreach($po as $x) { list($p, $o) = $x; # Output predicate. $nsuri = RDFUtil::guessNamespace($p); $local = RDFUtil::guessName($p); if ('' != $nsuri) $xml .= "\n <ns:" . $local . ' xmlns:ns="' . $nsuri . '"'; else $xml .= "\n <rdf:" . $local; # Output object. if (is_array($o)) { if ('' != $o[1]) $xml .= ' xml:lang="' . htmlspecialchars($o[1]) . '"'; if ('' == $o[2]) $xml .= ' rdf:parseType="Literal">' . str_replace('\"', '"', $o[0]); else if ('' != $o[2]) $xml .= ' rdf:datatype="' . htmlspecialchars($o[2]) . '">' . $o[0]; else $xml .= '>' . htmlspecialchars($o[0]); if ('' != $nsuri) $xml .= '</ns:' . $local; else $xml .= '</rdf:' . $local; } else if ('_:' == substr($o, 0, 2)) $xml .= ' rdf:nodeID="' . htmlspecialchars(substr($o, 2)) . '"/'; else $xml .= ' rdf:resource="' . htmlspecialchars($o) . '"/'; $xml.=">"; }; $xml.="\n</rdf:Description>"; } $xml.="\n</rdf:RDF>"; return $xml; }
/** * Prints a query result as HTML table. * You can change the colors in the configuration file. * * @param array $queryResult [][?VARNAME] = object Node * @access private */ function writeQueryResultAsHtmlTable($queryResult) { // Import Package Utility include_once RDFAPI_INCLUDE_DIR . PACKAGE_UTILITY; if (current($queryResult[0]) == NULL) { echo 'no match<br>'; return; } echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><b>No.</b></td>'; foreach ($queryResult[0] as $varName => $value) { echo "<td align='center'><b>{$varName}</b></td>"; } echo '</tr>'; foreach ($queryResult as $n => $var) { echo '<tr><td width="20" align="right">' . ($n + 1) . '.</td>'; foreach ($var as $varName => $value) { echo INDENTATION . INDENTATION . '<td bgcolor="'; echo RDFUtil::chooseColor($value); echo '">'; echo '<p>'; $lang = NULL; $dtype = NULL; if (is_a($value, 'Literal')) { if ($value->getLanguage() != NULL) { $lang = ' <b>(xml:lang="' . $value->getLanguage() . '") </b> '; } if ($value->getDatatype() != NULL) { $dtype = ' <b>(rdf:datatype="' . $value->getDatatype() . '") </b> '; } } echo RDFUtil::getNodeTypeName($value) . $value->getLabel() . $lang . $dtype . '</p>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; }
/** * Returns the local name of the resource. * @access public * @return string */ function getLocalName() { // Import Package Utility include_once RDFAPI_INCLUDE_DIR . PACKAGE_UTILITY; return RDFUtil::guessName($this->uri); }
} $comment_string .= "Object = " . $_POST['query_object'] . "<BR>"; } // Execute query and display what has been done $model = $model->find($query_subj, $query_pred, $query_obj); echo $comment_string; } // Reify the model if checked in submitted form if (isset($_POST['reify']) and $_POST['reify'] == "1") { $model =& $model->reify(); echo "<BR><BR><h3>Your original model has been refied.</h3><BR>"; } // Output Triples as Table if checked in submitted form if ($_POST['view_triple'] == "1") { echo "<BR><BR><h3>View input as HTML table:</h3><BR>"; RDFUtil::writeHTMLTable($model); echo "<P>"; } //serialize model to RDF with default configuration if checked in submitted form if ($_POST['serialize'] == '1') { // Create Serializer $ser = new RDFSerializer(); $msg_string = ''; if (isset($_POST['serial_attributes']) and $_POST['serial_attributes'] == '1') { $ser->configUseAttributes(TRUE); $msg_string .= 'Use Attributes '; } if (isset($_POST['serial_entities']) and $_POST['serial_entities'] == '1') { $ser->configUseEntities(TRUE); $msg_string .= 'Use XML Entities '; }
/** * Call-back function for uksort() */ function _sortURIbyQName($a, $b) { return strcasecmp(RDFUtil::guessName($a), RDFUtil::guessName($b)); }
/** * Writes the RDF serialization of the Model including ALL inferable * triples as HTML table. * * @access public */ function writeAsHtmlTable() { // Import Package Utility include_once RDFAPI_INCLUDE_DIR . PACKAGE_UTILITY; RDFUtil::writeHTMLTable($this->getMemModel()); }
/** * Generates a dot-file for drawing graphical output with the * graphviz-application which can be downloaded at * If the graphviz-application is installed and its path is set to the * correct value in constants.php we can directly generate any * file format graphviz supports, e.g. SVG, PNG * Parameters: model to visualize, output format, use prefixes * * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * WARNING: Graphviz can be slow with large models. * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * * @author Anton Köstlbacher <*****@*****.**> * @param object Model * @param string $format * @param boolean $short_prefix * @return string, binary * @access public * @throws PhpError */ function visualizeGraph(&$model, $format = "input_dot", $short_prefix = TRUE) { global $graphviz_param; $i = 0; foreach ($model->triples as $key => $statement) { $subject = $statement->getLabelSubject(); $predicate = $statement->getLabelPredicate(); $object = $statement->getLabelObject(); // format subject if (!isset($attrib[$subject])) { if (is_a($statement->subject(), 'BlankNode')) { $attrib[$subject] = $graphviz_param['BLANKNODE_STYLE']; } else { if ($short_prefix == TRUE && RDFUtil::guessPrefix($subject, $model) != FALSE) { $prefix = RDFUtil::guessPrefix($subject, $model); $subject_label = $prefix . ":" . RDFUtil::guessName($subject); $attrib[$subject] = "label=\"" . $subject_label . "\" "; if (!isset($prefix_array[$prefix])) { $prefix_array[$prefix] = RDFUtil::guessNamespace($subject); } } if (GRAPHVIZ_URI == TRUE) { $attrib[$subject] .= "URL=\"" . $subject . "\""; } } } // format predicate if ($short_prefix == TRUE && RDFUtil::guessPrefix($predicate, $model) != FALSE) { $prefix = RDFUtil::guessPrefix($predicate, $model); $predicate_label = "label=\"" . $prefix . ":" . RDFUtil::guessName($predicate) . "\""; if (!isset($prefix_array[$prefix])) { $prefix_array[$prefix] = RDFUtil::guessNamespace($predicate); } } else { $predicate_label = "label=\"" . $predicate . "\""; } if (is_a($statement, 'InfStatement')) { $predicate_label .= " " . $graphviz_param['INFERRED_STYLE']; } else { if (GRAPHVIZ_URI == TRUE) { $predicate_label .= "URL=\"" . $predicate . "\""; } } // format object if (!isset($attrib[$object])) { if (is_a($statement->object(), 'BlankNode')) { $attrib[$object] = $graphviz_param['BLANKNODE_STYLE']; } elseif (is_a($statement->object(), 'Literal')) { $object_label = $object; $object = "literal" . $i; $i++; $attrib[$object] = "label=\"{$object_label}\" " . $graphviz_param['LITERAL_STYLE']; } else { if ($short_prefix == TRUE && RDFUtil::guessPrefix($object, $model) != FALSE) { $prefix = RDFUtil::guessPrefix($object, $model); $object_label = $prefix . ":" . RDFUtil::guessName($object); $attrib[$object] = "label=\"" . $object_label . "\" "; if (!isset($prefix_array[$prefix])) { $prefix_array[$prefix] = RDFUtil::guessNamespace($object); } } if (GRAPHVIZ_URI == TRUE) { $attrib[$object] .= "URL=\"" . $object . "\""; } } } // fill graph array $graph[] = "\"" . $subject . "\" -> \"" . $object . "\" [" . $predicate_label . "];"; } //generate DOT-file $dot = "digraph G { " . $graphviz_param['GRAPH_STYLE'] . "\n edge [" . $graphviz_param['PREDICATE_STYLE'] . "]\n node [" . $graphviz_param['RESOURCE_STYLE'] . "]\n"; if (isset($attrib)) { foreach ($attrib as $key => $value) { $dot .= "\"{$key}\" [{$value}];\n"; } } if (!isset($graph)) { $dot .= "error [shape=box,label=\"No Statements found!\"]"; } else { $dot .= implode("\n", $graph); } if (GRAPHVIZ_STAT == TRUE) { $stat_label = "| " . $model->size() . " Statements drawn"; } if (strstr($graphviz_param['GRAPH_STYLE'], 'rankdir="LR"') === FALSE && strstr($graphviz_param['GRAPH_STYLE'], 'rankdir=LR') === FALSE) { $sep1 = "}"; $sep2 = ""; } else { $sep1 = ""; $sep2 = "}"; } if ($short_prefix == TRUE && isset($prefix_array)) { $struct_label = "{ { Base URI: " . $model->getBaseURI() . " {$sep1} | { { " . implode("|", array_keys($prefix_array)) . " } | { " . implode("|", $prefix_array) . " } } {$stat_label} } {$sep2}"; } else { $struct_label = "{ { Base URI: " . $model->getBaseURI() . "{$sep1} " . $stat_label . " } }"; } $dot .= "\n struct [shape=Mrecord,label=\"{$struct_label}\"," . $graphviz_param['BOX_STYLE'] . "];\n"; $dot .= " vocabulary [style=invis];\n struct -> vocabulary [style=invis];\n}"; // if needed call dot.exe if ($format != "input_dot" && defined('GRAPHVIZ_PATH') && strstr(GRAPHVIZ_FORMAT, $format) !== FALSE) { mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $filename = GRAPHVIZ_TEMP . md5(uniqid(mt_rand())) . ".dot"; $file_handle = @fopen($filename, 'w'); if ($file_handle) { fwrite($file_handle, $dot); fclose($file_handle); } $dotinput = " -T" . $format . " " . $filename; ob_start(); passthru(GRAPHVIZ_PATH . $dotinput); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); unlink($filename); echo $output; return TRUE; } elseif ($format == "input_dot") { echo $dot; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
/** * Write the RDF serialization of the DbModel as HTML table. * * @access public */ function writeAsHtmlTable() { include_once RDFAPI_INCLUDE_DIR . PACKAGE_UTILITY; $memModel =& $this->getMemModel(); RDFUtil::writeHTMLTable($memModel); }
/** * @param object Resource $resource * @access private */ function collectNamespace($resource) { $namespace = RDFUtil::getNamespace($resource); if (!in_array($namespace, $this->m_namespaces) && $namespace != '') { $prefix = array_search($namespace, $this->m_defaultNamespaces); if ($prefix === FALSE) { $prefix = $this->getNextNamespacePrefix(); } $this->m_namespaces[$prefix] = $namespace; } }
/** * Alias for RDFUtil::visualiseGraph(&$model, $format, $short_prefix) * * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * Note: See RDFUtil for further Information. * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * * @author Anton K�tlbacher <*****@*****.**> * @param string $format * @param boolean $short_prefix * @return string, binary * @access public * @throws PhpError */ function visualize($format = "dot", $short_prefix = TRUE) { return RDFUtil::visualizeGraph($this, $format, $short_prefix); }
/** * Returns all tripels of a certain vocabulary. * $vocabulary is the namespace of the vocabulary inluding a # : / char at the end. * e.g. * Returns an empty MemModel if nothing is found. * * @param string $vocabulary * @return object MemModel * @access public */ function findVocabulary($vocabulary) { if ($this->size() == 0) { return new MemModel(); } if ($vocabulary == NULL || $vocabulary == '') { return $this; } $res = new MemModel($this->getBaseURI()); if ($this->indexed == 0) { foreach ($this->indexArr[5] as $key => $value) { $pos = strpos($key, '#') + 1; if (substr($key, 0, $pos) == $vocabulary) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $value[0]; $i++) { $res->add($this->triples[$value[$i]]); } } } return $res; } else { // Import Package Utility include_once RDFAPI_INCLUDE_DIR . PACKAGE_UTILITY; foreach ($this->triples as $value) { if (RDFUtil::getNamespace($value->getPredicate()) == $vocabulary) { $res->add($value); } } return $res; } }