function nav_save() { G2_User::init(); if (G()->logged_in() && !empty($_POST)) { if (!empty($_POST['items']) && !empty($_POST['identity'])) { // Delete all current navigation details $navitems = R::findAll('navitem', 'identity=:id', ['id' => $_POST['identity']]); R::trashAll($navitems); foreach ($_POST['items'] as $new_item) { $nav = R::dispense('navitem'); $nav->identity = $_POST['identity']; $nav->label = $new_item['label']; $nav->href = !$new_item['href'] ? null : $new_item['href']; $nav->order = $new_item['order']; //@todo parent node support R::store($nav); } echo json_encode(['success' => true, 'message' => 'Content Saved Successfully']); } else { echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Data sent not correct']); } } else { echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Not Logged in']); } die; }
/** * Make a confirmation code and store it in the database * * @param object $context The context bean * @param object $bn A User bean * @param string $kind * * @return string */ private function makecode($context, $bn, $kind) { R::trashAll(R::find('confirm', 'user_id=?', array($bn->getID()))); $code = hash('sha256', $bn->getID . $bn->email . $bn->login . uniqid()); $conf = R::dispense('confirm'); $conf->code = $code; $conf->issued = $context->utcnow(); $conf->kind = $kind; $conf->user = $bn; R::store($conf); return $code; }
function get_areas($html) { //Load the html into a dom document // $dom = new DOMDocument("4.0", 'UTF-8'); // $dom->loadHTML($html); $dom = HtmlPageCrawler::create($html); //Look for html nodes that has the mvc:edit attribute // $nodes = $this->find_editable($dom); $nodes = $dom->filter('[mvc-edit]'); $instance =& $this; $area_beans = $nodes->each(function ($node) use($nodes_c, $instance) { $field_name = $node->getAttribute('mvc-edit'); /* @var $node HtmlPageCrawler */ $field_type = $node->getAttribute('mvc-type'); $starting_html = $node->saveHTML(); return $instance->load_area($instance->page->id, $field_name, $field_type, $starting_html); }); // Delete all areas that are not relevant but connected to this page $areas = R::findAll('area', 'page_id = :page', ['page' => $this->page->id]); $not_loaded = []; foreach ($areas as $area) { $bid = $area->id; foreach ($area_beans as $area_b) { if ($area_b->id == $bid) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { $not_loaded[] = $area; } } R::trashAll($not_loaded); // Convert these nodes to area beens // $area_beans = $this->nodes_to_beans($nodes); return $area_beans; }
/** * Authenticate * * @param string $username The HTTP Authentication username * @param string $password The HTTP Authentication password * */ public function authenticate($username, $password) { if (!ctype_alnum($username)) { return false; } if (isset($username) && isset($password)) { $user = R::findOne('users', 'login="******" AND password="******"'); if ($user) { /* * Deleting all beans older then 5mn */ $date2 = time() - 60; $date = date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $date2); $beans = R::findAll('log', 'date<"' . $date . '"'); R::trashAll($beans); /* * checking if the users can do more requests */ $number = R::count('log', 'user_id= ?', [$user->id]); if ($number > 250) { return false; } else { /* * saving the logs in the database */ $log = R::dispense('log'); $log->date = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $log->user = $user; R::store($log); return true; } } } else { return false; } }
function delete($f3) { if (!($user = \R::findOne('users', 'username=?', array(strtolower($f3->get('POST.username')))))) { throw new \Exception('Could not find user'); } if (!($tool = \R::findOne('tools', 'name=?', array(strtolower($f3->get('POST.tool')))))) { throw new \Exception('Could not find tool'); } if (!($records = \R::find('trainings', 'users_id=? AND tools_id=? AND level=?', array($user->id, $tool->id, strtoupper($f3->get('POST.level')))))) { throw new \Exception('Could not any training records for this user on this tool at this level.'); } \R::trashAll($records); $f3->set('messages', array('All Records of User ' . $user->username . ' on Tool ' . $tool->name . ' at Level ' . strtoupper($f3->get('POST.level')) . ' deleted.')); show_page($f3, 'messages'); }
<?php ini_set('display_errors', 'ON'); require_once '../autoload.php'; date_default_timezone_set('GMT'); // -- get requested url -- $currentEnv = realpath('.currentEnv') ? file_get_contents('.currentEnv') : 'production'; $baseUrl = $currentEnv == 'production' ? '/btcapi/' : '/'; $baseDir = __DIR__; define("APPLICATION_BASE", $baseUrl); define("APPLICATION_DIR", $baseDir); $objEventsModel = new models\Events(); $timeToDeleteBeans = time(); $beansToDelete = \R::findAll('events', 'end_time+(24*60*60) <= :time', array(':time' => $timeToDeleteBeans)); \R::trashAll($beansToDelete);
<?php include_once 'phpcode/secureSession.php'; include_once 'phpcode/config.php'; sec_session_start(); check_logged(); ?> <?php if (isset($_GET['id']) && intval($_GET['id']) > 0) { //delete the album $album = R::dispense('albums'); $album = R::load('albums', $_GET['id']); R::trash($album); $dirname = 'UploadedImages/' . preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $album['name']); deleteDir($dirname . '/' . 'thumb'); deleteDir($dirname); //delete images from db $images = R::dispense('images'); $images = R::find('images', 'album_id=?', array($_GET['id'])); R::trashAll($images); redirect("editAlbum.php"); } else { //go back redirect("editAlbum.php"); }
/** * deletes beans with transactions * @param object $beans */ public static function deleteBeans($beans) { R::begin(); try { R::trashAll($beans); R::commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { R::rollback(); } }
/** * Delete pairs with user * @param int $user_id * @return boolean $res */ public function deletePairByUserId($user_id) { // No pair - we thrash all pairs with user //return; $pairs = R::findAll('pair', 'user_a = ? OR user_b = ?', [$user_id, $user_id]); R::trashAll($pairs); $this->deleteHalvFromUserId($user_id); }
/** * Test trashAll(). */ public function testMultiDeleteUpdate() { testpack('test multi delete and multi update'); $beans = R::dispenseLabels('bean', array('a', 'b')); $ids = R::storeAll($beans); asrt((int) R::count('bean'), 2); R::trashAll(R::batch('bean', $ids)); asrt((int) R::count('bean'), 0); testpack('test assocManager check'); $rb = new RedBean_OODB(R::$writer); try { $rb->getAssociationManager(); fail(); } catch (RedBean_Exception_Security $e) { pass(); } }
function checksession() { global $systemURL; $sessions = R::find('sessions', 'timestamp<=?', [time()]); R::trashAll($sessions); if (isset($_COOKIE["loguserid"]) and isset($_COOKIE["logsession"])) { $session = R::findOne('sessions', 'userid=:userid AND sessionid=:sessionid AND timestamp>:timestamp', [':userid' => $_COOKIE["loguserid"], ':sessionid' => $_COOKIE["logsession"], ':timestamp' => time()]); if (!empty($session)) { $session->timestamp = time() + 86400 * 14; R::store($session); R::commit(); R::begin(); } else { $sessions = R::find('sessions', 'userid=:userid OR sessionid=:sessionid', [':userid' => $_COOKIE["loguserid"], ':sessionid' => $_COOKIE["logsession"]]); R::trashAll($sessions); R::commit(); setcookie("loguserid", "", time() - 86400); setcookie("logsession", "", time() - 86400); header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved permanently"); header("Location: " . $systemURL . "?error=2&time=" . time()); header("Connection: close"); exit; } } else { header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved permanently"); header("Location: " . $systemURL . "?error=2&time=" . time()); header("Connection: close"); exit; } }