 public static function TxnDelResponse($requestID, $user, $action, $ID, $extra, &$err, $last_action_time, $last_actionident_time, $xml, $idents, $config = array())
     $Driver = QuickBooks_Driver_Singleton::getInstance();
     $Parser = new QuickBooks_XML_Parser($xml);
     $errnum = 0;
     $errmsg = '';
     $Doc = $Parser->parse($errnum, $errmsg);
     $Root = $Doc->getRoot();
     $List = $Root->getChildAt('QBXML QBXMLMsgsRs TxnDelRs');
     $Node = $List;
     if ($errnum == 0) {
         $map = array();
         $others = array();
         QuickBooks_SQL_Schema::mapToSchema(trim(QuickBooks_Utilities::objectToXMLElement($extra['objectType'])), QUICKBOOKS_SQL_SCHEMA_MAP_TO_SQL, $map, $others);
         $sqlObject = new QuickBooks_SQL_Object($map[0], trim(QuickBooks_Utilities::objectToXMLElement($extra['objectType'])));
         $table = $sqlObject->table();
         $multipart = array("TxnID" => $Node->getChildDataAt("TxnDelRs TxnID"));
         //$config['delete'] =
         //Check the delete mode and if desired, just flag them rather than remove the rows.
         // @todo Fix this wrong delete flag field
         //mysql_query("UPDATE qb_bill SET qbsql_to_delete = 0, qbsql_flag_deleted = 1 WHERE TxnID = '" . $Node->getChildDataAt('TxnDelRs TxnID') . "' LIMIT 1");
         if (isset($config['delete']) and
         	 $config['delete'] == QUICKBOOKS_SERVER_SQL_DELETE_FLAG)
         	//@todo Make the Boolean TRUE value used in the QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_DELETED_FLAG field a constant,
         	//      in case the sql driver used uses something other than 1 and 0.
         	$sqlObject->set("TxnID", $Node->getChildDataAt("TxnDelRs TxnID"));
         	$Driver->update(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table, $sqlObject, array( $multipart ));
         	//Now Delete/Flag all the children.
         	QuickBooks_Callbacks_SQL_Callbacks::_DeleteChildren($table, $user, $action, $ID, $sqlObject, $extra, $config, true, true);
         	//Otherwise we actually remove the rows.
         	$Driver->delete(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table, array( $multipart ));
         	$sqlObject->set("TxnID", $Node->getChildDataAt("TxnDelRs TxnID"));
         	//Now Delete/Flag all the children.
         	QuickBooks_Callbacks_SQL_Callbacks::_DeleteChildren($table, $user, $action, $ID, $sqlObject, $extra, $config, true, true);
     return true;
  * @TODO Change this to return false by default, and only catch the specific errors we're concerned with.
 public static function catchall($requestID, $user, $action, $ident, $extra, &$err, $xml, $errnum, $errmsg, $config)
     $Driver = QuickBooks_Driver_Singleton::getInstance();
     $Parser = new QuickBooks_XML($xml);
     $errnumTemp = 0;
     $errmsgTemp = '';
     $Doc = $Parser->parse($errnumTemp, $errmsgTemp);
     $Root = $Doc->getRoot();		
     $emailStr = var_export($Root->children(), true);
     $List = $Root->getChildAt('QBXML QBXMLMsgsRs '.QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToResponse($action));
     $Node = current($List->children());
     $map = array();
     $others = array();
     QuickBooks_SQL_Schema::mapToSchema(trim(QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToXMLElement($action)), QUICKBOOKS_SQL_SCHEMA_MAP_TO_SQL, $map, $others);
     $sqlObject = new QuickBooks_SQL_Object($map[0], trim(QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToXMLElement($action)));
     $table = $sqlObject->table();
     switch ($errnum) {
         case 1:
             // These errors occur when we search for something and it doesn't exist
         // These errors occur when we search for something and it doesn't exist
         case 500:
             // 	i.e. we query for invoices modified since xyz, but there are none that have been modified since then
             // This isn't really an error, just ignore it
             return true;
         case 1000:
             // An internal error occured
             // @todo Hopefully at some point we'll have a better idea of how to handle this error...
             return true;
         case 3200:
             // Ignore EditSequence errors (the record will be picked up and a conflict reported next time it runs... maybe?)
             // @todo Think about this one more
             return true;
         case 3250:
             // This feature is not enabled or not available in this version of QuickBooks.
             // Do nothing (this can be safely ignored)
             return true;
         case 3100:
             // Name of List Element is already in use.
             $multipart = array(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID => $ident);
             $sqlObject->set(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ERROR_NUMBER, $errnum);
             $sqlObject->set(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ERROR_MESSAGE, $errmsg);
             $Driver->update(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table, $sqlObject, array($multipart));
         case 3260:
             // Insufficient permission level to perform this action.
             // There's nothing we can do about this, if they don't grant the user permission, just skip it
             return true;
         case 3200:
             // The provided edit sequence is out-of-date.
             if (!($tmp = $Driver->get(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table, array(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID => $ident)))) {
                 return true;
             switch ($config['conflicts']) {
                     $multipart = array(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID => $ident);
                     $sqlObject->set(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ERROR_NUMBER, $errnum);
                     $sqlObject->set(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ERROR_MESSAGE, $errmsg);
                     $Driver->update(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table, $sqlObject, array($multipart));
                     $Parser = new QuickBooks_XML_Parser($xml);
                     $errnumTemp = 0;
                     $errmsgTemp = '';
                     $Doc = $Parser->parse($errnumTemp, $errmsgTemp);
                     $Root = $Doc->getRoot();
                     $List = $Root->getChildAt('QBXML QBXMLMsgsRs ' . QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToResponse($action));
                     $TimeModified = $Root->getChildDataAt('QBXML QBXMLMsgsRs ' . QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToResponse($action) . ' ' . QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToXMLElement($action) . ' TimeModified');
                     $EditSequence = $Root->getChildDataAt('QBXML QBXMLMsgsRs ' . QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToResponse($action) . ' ' . QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToXMLElement($action) . ' EditSequence');
                     $multipart = array(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID => $ident);
                     if (QuickBooks_Utilities::compareQBTimeToSQLTime($TimeModified, $tmp->get(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_MODIFY)) >= 0 && $config['mode'] != QUICKBOOKS_SERVER_SQL_MODE_WRITEONLY) {
                         //@TODO: Make this get only a single item, not the whole table
                         $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, QuickBooks_Utilities::convertActionToQuery($action), __FILE__, true, QUICKBOOKS_SERVER_SQL_CONFLICT_QUEUE_PRIORITY, $extra);
                     } else {
                         if (QuickBooks_Utilities::compareQBTimeToSQLTime($TimeModified, $tmp->get(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_MODIFY)) < 0) {
                             //Updates the EditSequence without marking the row as resynced.
                             $tmpSQLObject = new QuickBooks_SQL_Object($table, null);
                             $tmpSQLObject->set("EditSequence", $EditSequence);
                             $Driver->update(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table, $tmpSQLObject, array($multipart));
                             $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, QuickBooks_Utilities::convertActionToMod($action), $tmp->get(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID), true, QUICKBOOKS_SERVER_SQL_CONFLICT_QUEUE_PRIORITY, $extra);
                         } else {
                             //Trash it, set synced.
                             $tmpSQLObject = new QuickBooks_SQL_Object($table, null);
                             $tmpSQLObject->set(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ERROR_MESSAGE, "Read/Write Mode is WRITEONLY, and Conflict Mode is NEWER, and Quickbooks has Newer data, so no Update Occured.");
                             $Driver->update(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table, $tmpSQLObject, array($multipart));
                     if ($config['mode'] == QUICKBOOKS_SERVER_SQL_MODE_READWRITE) {
                         //@TODO: Make this get only a single item, not the whole table
                         $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, QuickBooks_Utilities::convertActionToQuery($action), null, true, QUICKBOOKS_SERVER_SQL_CONFLICT_QUEUE_PRIORITY, $extra);
                         $multipart = array(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID => $ident);
                         $sqlObject->set(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ERROR_NUMBER, $errnum);
                         $sqlObject->set(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ERROR_MESSAGE, $errmsg);
                         $Driver->update(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table, $sqlObject, array($multipart));
                         //Use what's on quickbooks, and trash whatever is here.
                     } else {
                         $multipart = array(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID => $ident);
                         $sqlObject->set(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ERROR_NUMBER, $errnum);
                         $sqlObject->set(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ERROR_MESSAGE, $errmsg);
                         $Driver->update(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table, $sqlObject, array($multipart));
                         // @TODO: Raise Notification that the conflicts level requires writing to SQL table, but Mode disallows this
                     // Updates the EditSequence without marking the row as resynced.
                     $tmpSQLObject = new QuickBooks_SQL_Object($table, null);
                     $tmpSQLObject->set("EditSequence", $EditSequence);
                     $Driver->update(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table, $tmpSQLObject, array($multipart));
                     $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, QuickBooks_Utilities::convertActionToMod($action), $tmp->get(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID), true, QUICKBOOKS_SERVER_SQL_CONFLICT_QUEUE_PRIORITY, $extra);
             if (strstr($xml, 'statusSeverity="Info"') === false) {
     // Please don't change this, it stops us from knowing what's actually
     //	going wrong. If an error occurs, we should either catch it if it's
     //	recoverable, or treated as a fatal error so we know about it and
     //	can address it later.
     //return false;
     return true;
  * @TODO Change this to return false by default, and only catch the specific errors we're concerned with.
 public static function catchall($requestID, $user, $action, $ident, $extra, &$err, $xml, $errnum, $errmsg, $config)
     $Driver = QuickBooks_Driver_Singleton::getInstance();
     if (isset($ignore[$action])) {
         // Ignore errors for these requests
         return true;
     $Parser = new QuickBooks_XML($xml);
     $errnumTemp = 0;
     $errmsgTemp = '';
     $Doc = $Parser->parse($errnumTemp, $errmsgTemp);
     $Root = $Doc->getRoot();		
     $emailStr = var_export($Root->children(), true);
     $List = $Root->getChildAt('QBXML QBXMLMsgsRs '.QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToResponse($action));
     $Node = current($List->children());
     $map = array();
     $others = array();
     QuickBooks_SQL_Schema::mapToSchema(trim(QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToXMLElement($action)), QUICKBOOKS_SQL_SCHEMA_MAP_TO_SQL, $map, $others);
     $object = new QuickBooks_SQL_Object($map[0], trim(QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToXMLElement($action)));
     $table = $object->table();
     $existing = null;
     if ($table and is_numeric($ident)) {
         $multipart = array(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID => $ident);
         $existing = $Driver->get(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table, $multipart);
     switch ($errnum) {
         case 1:
             // These errors occur when we search for something and it doesn't exist
         // These errors occur when we search for something and it doesn't exist
         case 500:
             // 	i.e. we query for invoices modified since xyz, but there are none that have been modified since then
             // This isn't really an error, just ignore it
             if ($action == QUICKBOOKS_DERIVE_CUSTOMER) {
                 // Tried to derive, doesn't exist, add it
                 $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, QUICKBOOKS_ADD_CUSTOMER, $ident, true, QuickBooks_Utilities::priorityForAction(QUICKBOOKS_ADD_CUSTOMER));
             } else {
                 if ($action == QUICKBOOKS_DERIVE_INVOICE) {
                     // Tried to derive, doesn't exist, add it
                     $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, QUICKBOOKS_ADD_INVOICE, $ident, true, QuickBooks_Utilities::priorityForAction(QUICKBOOKS_ADD_INVOICE));
                 } else {
                     if ($action == QUICKBOOKS_DERIVE_RECEIVEPAYMENT) {
                         // Tried to derive, doesn't exist, add it
                         $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, QUICKBOOKS_ADD_RECEIVEPAYMENT, $ident, true, QuickBooks_Utilities::priorityForAction(QUICKBOOKS_ADD_RECEIVEPAYMENT));
             return true;
         case 1000:
             // An internal error occured
             // @todo Hopefully at some point we'll have a better idea of how to handle this error...
             return true;
             //case 3120:			// 3120 errors are handled in the 3210 error handler section
             //	break;
         //case 3120:			// 3120 errors are handled in the 3210 error handler section
         //	break;
         case 3170:
             // This list has been modified by another user.
         // This list has been modified by another user.
         case 3175:
         case 3176:
         case 3180:
             // This error can occur in several different situations, so we test per situation
             if (false !== strpos($errmsg, 'list has been modified by another user') or false !== strpos($errmsg, 'internals could not be locked') or false !== strpos($errmsg, 'failed to acquire the lock') or false !== strpos($errmsg, 'list element is in use')) {
                 // This is *not* an error, we can just send the request again, and it'll go through just fine
                 return true;
         case 3200:
             // Ignore EditSequence errors (the record will be picked up and a conflict reported next time it runs... maybe?)
             if ($action == QUICKBOOKS_MOD_CUSTOMER and $existing) {
                 // Queue up a derive customer request
                 // Tried to derive, doesn't exist, add it
                 $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, QUICKBOOKS_DERIVE_CUSTOMER, $ident, true, 9999, array('ListID' => $existing['ListID']));
             } else {
                 if ($action == QUICKBOOKS_MOD_INVOICE and $existing) {
                     // Queue up a derive customer request
                     // Tried to derive, doesn't exist, add it
                     $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, QUICKBOOKS_DERIVE_INVOICE, $ident, true, 9999, array('TxnID' => $existing['TxnID']));
             return true;
         case 3120:
         case 3210:
             //print('TXNID: [' . $existing['TxnID'] . ']');
             // 3210: The &quot;AppliedToTxnAdd payment amount&quot; field has an invalid value &quot;129.43&quot;.  QuickBooks error message: You cannot pay more than the amount due.
             if ($action == QUICKBOOKS_ADD_RECEIVEPAYMENT and (false !== strpos($errmsg, 'pay more than the amount due') or false !== strpos($errmsg, 'cannot be found')) and $existing) {
                 // If this happens, we're going to try to re-submit the payment, *without* the AppliedToTxn element
                 $db_errnum = null;
                 $db_errmsg = null;
                 $Driver->query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . "receivepayment_appliedtotxn \n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqbsql_to_skip = 1 \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tReceivePayment_TxnID = '%s' ", $db_errnum, $db_errmsg, null, null, array($existing['TxnID']));
                 return true;
         case 3250:
             // This feature is not enabled or not available in this version of QuickBooks.
             // Do nothing (this can be safely ignored)
             return true;
         case 3260:
             // Insufficient permission level to perform this action.
         // Insufficient permission level to perform this action.
         case 3261:
             // The integrated application has no permission to ac...
             // There's nothing we can do about this, if they don't grant the user permission, just skip it
             return true;
         case 3100:
             // Name of List Element is already in use.
         case '0x8004040D':
             // The ticket parameter is invalid  (how does this happen!?!)
             return true;
     // This is our catch-all which marks the item as errored out
     if (strstr($xml, 'statusSeverity="Info"') === false) {
         $multipart = array(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID => $ident);
         $object->set(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ERROR_NUMBER, $errnum);
         $object->set(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ERROR_MESSAGE, $errmsg);
         // Do not set the resync field, we want resync and modified timestamps to be different
         $update_resync_field = false;
         $update_discov_field = false;
         $update_derive_field = false;
         if ($table and is_numeric($ident)) {
             // Set the error message
             $Driver->update(QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table, $object, array($multipart), $update_resync_field, $update_discov_field, $update_derive_field);
     // Please don't change this, it stops us from knowing what's actually
     //	going wrong. If an error occurs, we should either catch it if it's
     //	recoverable, or treated as a fatal error so we know about it and
     //	can address it later.
     //return false;
     // I'm changing it because otherwise the sync never completes if a
     //	single error occurs... we need a way to skip errored-out records
     return true;