public function __construct($id = NULL) { $this->slug = 'Textarea'; $this->title = esc_attr__('Textarea', 'questions-locale'); $this->description = esc_attr__('Add a question which can be answered within a text area.', 'questions-locale'); $this->icon_url = QUESTIONS_URLPATH . '/assets/images/icon-textarea.png'; parent::__construct($id); }
public function __construct($id = NULL) { $this->slug = 'Description'; $this->title = esc_attr__('Description', 'questions-locale'); $this->description = esc_attr__('Adds a text to the form.', 'questions-locale'); $this->icon_url = QUESTIONS_URLPATH . '/assets/images/icon-text.png'; $this->is_question = FALSE; parent::__construct($id); }
public function __construct($id = NULL) { $this->slug = 'Separator'; $this->title = esc_attr__('Separator', 'questions-locale'); $this->description = esc_attr__('Adds a optical separator (<hr>) between questions.', 'questions-locale'); $this->icon_url = QUESTIONS_URLPATH . '/assets/images/icon-separator.png'; $this->is_question = FALSE; parent::__construct($id); }
public function __construct($id = NULL) { $this->slug = 'Splitter'; $this->title = esc_attr__('Split Form', 'questions-locale'); $this->description = esc_attr__('Splits a form into several steps', 'questions-locale'); $this->icon_url = QUESTIONS_URLPATH . '/assets/images/icon-split-form.png'; $this->is_question = FALSE; $this->splits_form = TRUE; parent::__construct($id); }
public function __construct($id = NULL) { $this->slug = 'MultipleChoice'; $this->title = esc_attr__('Multiple Choice', 'questions-locale'); $this->description = esc_attr__('Add a question which can be answered by selecting one ore more given answers.', 'questions-locale'); $this->icon_url = QUESTIONS_URLPATH . '/assets/images/icon-multiplechoice.png'; $this->has_answers = TRUE; $this->answer_is_multiple = TRUE; $this->is_analyzable = TRUE; $this->create_answer_syntax = '<p><input type="text" name="%s" value="%s" class="question-answer" /></p>'; $this->create_answer_params = array('name', 'answer'); parent::__construct($id); }
public function __construct($id = NULL) { $this->slug = 'Dropdown'; $this->title = esc_attr__('Dropdown', 'questions-locale'); $this->description = esc_attr__('Add a question which can be answered within a dropdown field.', 'questions-locale'); $this->icon_url = QUESTIONS_URLPATH . '/assets/images/icon-dropdown.png'; $this->has_answers = TRUE; $this->answer_is_multiple = FALSE; $this->is_analyzable = TRUE; $this->answer_syntax = '<option value="%s" /> %s</option>'; $this->answer_selected_syntax = '<option value="%s" selected="selected" /> %s</option>'; $this->answer_params = array('value', 'answer'); $this->create_answer_syntax = '<p><input type="text" name="%s" value="%s" class="question-answer" /></p>'; $this->create_answer_params = array('name', 'answer'); parent::__construct($id); }