public function newQuestion() { // POST İLE GÖNDERİLEN DEĞERLERİ ALALIM. $postData = Input::all(); // FORM KONTROLLERİNİ BELİRLEYELİM $rules = array('title' => 'required|between:3,256', 'content' => 'required'); // HATA MESAJLARINI OLUŞTURALIM $messages = array('title.required' => 'Lütfen sorunuzun başlığını yazın', 'title.between' => 'Soru başlığı minumum 3 maksimum 256 karakterden oluşabilir', 'content.required' => 'Lütfen sorunuza ait detayları yazın'); // KONTROL (VALIDATION) İŞLEMİNİ GERÇEKLEŞTİRELİM $validator = Validator::make($postData, $rules, $messages); // EĞER VALİDASYON BAŞARISIZ OLURSA HATALARI GÖSTERELİM if ($validator->fails()) { // HATA MESAJLARI VE INPUT DEĞERLERİYLE FORMA YÖNLENDİRELİM return Redirect::route('newQuestionForm')->withInput()->withErrors($validator->messages()); } else { // SORUYU VERİTABANINA EKLEYELİM $question = new Questions(); $question->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $question->title = e(trim($postData['title'])); $question->content = e(trim($postData['content'])); $question->created_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $question->created_ip = Request::getClientIp(); $question->save(); // KULLANICIYI SORULARIN LİSTELENDİĞİ SAYFAYA YÖNLENDİRELİM return Redirect::route('allQuestions'); } }
public function createAction() { if ($this->request->isPost()) { $question = new Questions(); $question->question = $this->request->getPost('question'); $question->save(); $this->response->redirect('poll/index'); } }
public function actionAskQuestion() { $model = new Questions(); if (isset($_POST['title'])) { $model->title = $_REQUEST['title']; $model->question = $_REQUEST['question']; $model->user_id = Yii::app()->session['userId']; if ($model->save(false)) { $id = Yii::app()->db->getLastInsertID(); $this->redirect(array('front/questionDetail/' . $id . '')); } } $this->render('askQuestion'); }
public function newAction() { $response = new ApiResponse(); if ($this->request->isPost()) { $question = new Questions(); $question->id = uniqid(); $question->tags = $this->request->getPost('tags'); $question->title = $this->request->getPost('title'); $question->content = $this->request->getPost('content'); $question->users_id = $this->request->getPost('users_id'); if ($this->request->hasFiles() == true) { $baseLocation = 'files/'; foreach ($this->request->getUploadedFiles() as $file) { $photos = new Photos(); $unique_filename = $question->id; $photos->size = $file->getSize(); $photos->original_name = $file->getName(); $photos->file_name = $unique_filename; $photos->extension = $file->getExtension(); $location = $baseLocation . $unique_filename . "." . $file->getExtension(); $photos->public_link = $location; try { if (!$photos->save()) { $response->setResponseError($photos->getMessages()); } else { //Move the file into the application $file->moveTo($location); $question->photo = $photos->public_link; } } catch (PDOException $e) { $response->setResponseError($e->getMessage()); } } } try { if ($question->save() == false) { $response->setResponseError($question->getMessages()); } else { $response->setResponseMessage($question->id); } } catch (PDOException $e) { $response->setResponseError($e->getMessage()); } } else { $response->setResponseError('Wrong HTTP Method'); } return $response; }
public function destroy($id) { $questions = Questions::find($id); $questions->delete(); Session::flash('message', 'Successfully deleted the Questions!'); return Redirect::to('questions'); }
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded * @return Questions the loaded model * @throws CHttpException */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = Questions::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
public function index() { // SON GÖNDERİLEN SORULARI ÇEKELİM $lastQuestions = Questions::with('user')->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->take(5)->get(); // EN SON CEVAP YAZILAN SORULARI ÇEKELİM $lastComments = Comments::with('user', 'questions')->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->take(5)->get(); // VIEW'İ ÇALIŞTIRALIM return View::make('home/index', compact('lastQuestions', 'lastComments')); }
public function testGetContent() { $params = $this->getParams(); $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = "google"; $obj = new Questions($params); $res = $obj->getContent(); $script_line = '<script> $BV.ui("qa", "show_questions", { productId: "test" }); </script>'; $this->assertContains($script_line, $res); $params['include_display_integration_code'] = FALSE; $obj = new Questions($params); $res = $obj->getContent(); $script_line = '<script> $BV.ui("qa", "show_questions", { productId: "test" }); </script>'; $this->assertNotContains($script_line, $res); }
/** * Load preview of a question screen. * * @access public * @param int $surveyid * @param int $qid * @param string $lang * @return void */ public function preview($surveyid, $qid, $lang = null) { $surveyid = sanitize_int($surveyid); $qid = sanitize_int($qid); $LEMdebugLevel = 0; Yii::app()->loadHelper("qanda"); Yii::app()->loadHelper("surveytranslator"); if (empty($surveyid)) { $this->getController()->error('No Survey ID provided'); } if (empty($qid)) { $this->getController()->error('No Question ID provided'); } if (empty($lang)) { $language = Survey::model()->findByPk($surveyid)->language; } else { $language = $lang; } if (!isset(Yii::app()->session['step'])) { Yii::app()->session['step'] = 0; } if (!isset(Yii::app()->session['prevstep'])) { Yii::app()->session['prevstep'] = 0; } if (!isset(Yii::app()->session['maxstep'])) { Yii::app()->session['maxstep'] = 0; } // Use $_SESSION instead of $this->session for frontend features. $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['s_lang'] = $language; $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['fieldmap'] = createFieldMap($surveyid, 'full', true, $qid, $language); // Prefill question/answer from defaultvalues foreach ($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['fieldmap'] as $field) { if (isset($field['defaultvalue'])) { $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid][$field['fieldname']] = $field['defaultvalue']; } } $clang = new limesurvey_lang($language); $thissurvey = getSurveyInfo($surveyid); setNoAnswerMode($thissurvey); Yii::app()->session['dateformats'] = getDateFormatData($thissurvey['surveyls_dateformat']); $qrows = Questions::model()->findByAttributes(array('sid' => $surveyid, 'qid' => $qid, 'language' => $language))->getAttributes(); $ia = array(0 => $qid, 1 => $surveyid . 'X' . $qrows['gid'] . 'X' . $qid, 2 => $qrows['title'], 3 => $qrows['question'], 4 => $qrows['type'], 5 => $qrows['gid'], 6 => $qrows['mandatory'], 7 => 'N', 8 => 'N'); $radix = getRadixPointData($thissurvey['surveyls_numberformat']); $radix = $radix['seperator']; $surveyOptions = array('radix' => $radix, 'tempdir' => Yii::app()->getConfig('tempdir')); LimeExpressionManager::StartSurvey($surveyid, 'question', $surveyOptions, false, $LEMdebugLevel); $qseq = LimeExpressionManager::GetQuestionSeq($qid); $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo($qseq + 1, true, false, true); $answers = retrieveAnswers($ia, $surveyid); if (!$thissurvey['template']) { $thistpl = getTemplatePath(Yii::app()->getConfig('defaulttemplate')); } else { $thistpl = getTemplatePath(validateTemplateDir($thissurvey['template'])); } doHeader(); $showQuestion = "\$('#question{$qid}').show();"; $dummy_js = <<<EOD <script type='text/javascript'> <!-- LEMradix='{$radix}'; var numRegex = new RegExp('[^-' + LEMradix + '0-9]','g'); var intRegex = new RegExp('[^-0-9]','g'); function fixnum_checkconditions(value, name, type, evt_type, intonly) { newval = new String(value); if (typeof intonly !=='undefined' && intonly==1) { newval = newval.replace(intRegex,''); } else { newval = newval.replace(numRegex,''); } if (LEMradix === ',') { newval = newval.split(',').join('.'); } if (newval != '-' && newval != '.' && newval != '-.' && newval != parseFloat(newval)) { newval = ''; } displayVal = newval; if (LEMradix === ',') { displayVal = displayVal.split('.').join(','); } if (name.match(/other\$/)) { \$('#answer'+name+'text').val(displayVal); } \$('#answer'+name).val(displayVal); if (typeof evt_type === 'undefined') { evt_type = 'onchange'; } checkconditions(newval, name, type, evt_type); } function checkconditions(value, name, type, evt_type) { if (typeof evt_type === 'undefined') { evt_type = 'onchange'; } if (type == 'radio' || type == 'select-one') { var hiddenformname='java'+name; document.getElementById(hiddenformname).value=value; } else if (type == 'checkbox') { if (document.getElementById('answer'+name).checked) { \$('#java'+name).val('Y'); } else { \$('#java'+name).val(''); } } else if (type == 'text' && name.match(/other\$/) && typeof document.getElementById('java'+name) !== 'undefined' && document.getElementById('java'+name) != null) { \$('#java'+name).val(value); } ExprMgr_process_relevance_and_tailoring(evt_type,name,type); {$showQuestion} } \$(document).ready(function() { {$showQuestion} }); \$(document).change(function() { {$showQuestion} }); \$(document).bind('keydown',function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 9) { {$showQuestion} return true; } return true; }); // --> </script> EOD; $answer = $answers[0][1]; // $help = $answers[0][2]; $qinfo = LimeExpressionManager::GetQuestionStatus($qid); $help = $qinfo['info']['help']; $question = $answers[0][0]; $question['code'] = $answers[0][5]; $question['class'] = getQuestionClass($qrows['type']); $question['essentials'] = 'id="question' . $qrows['qid'] . '"'; $question['sgq'] = $ia[1]; $question['aid'] = 'unknown'; $question['sqid'] = 'unknown'; if ($qrows['mandatory'] == 'Y') { $question['man_class'] = ' mandatory'; } else { $question['man_class'] = ''; } $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars())); $content = templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/startpage.pstpl"), array(), $redata); $content .= CHtml::form('index.php', 'post', array('id' => "limesurvey", 'name' => "limesurvey", 'autocomplete' => 'off')); $content .= templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/startgroup.pstpl"), array(), $redata); $question_template = file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/question.pstpl"); // the following has been added for backwards compatiblity. if (substr_count($question_template, '{QUESTION_ESSENTIALS}') > 0) { // LS 1.87 and newer templates $content .= "\n" . templatereplace($question_template, array(), $redata, 'Unspecified', false, $qid) . "\n"; } else { // LS 1.86 and older templates $content .= '<div ' . $question['essentials'] . ' class="' . $question['class'] . $question['man_class'] . '">'; $content .= "\n" . templatereplace($question_template, array(), $redata, 'Unspecified', false, $qid) . "\n"; $content .= "\n\t</div>\n"; } $content .= templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/endgroup.pstpl"), array(), $redata) . $dummy_js; LimeExpressionManager::FinishProcessingGroup(); $content .= LimeExpressionManager::GetRelevanceAndTailoringJavaScript(); $content .= '<p> </form>'; $content .= templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/endpage.pstpl"), array(), $redata); LimeExpressionManager::FinishProcessingPage(); echo $content; if ($LEMdebugLevel >= 1) { echo LimeExpressionManager::GetDebugTimingMessage(); } if ($LEMdebugLevel >= 2) { echo "<table><tr><td align='left'><b>Group/Question Validation Results:</b>" . $moveResult['message'] . "</td></tr></table>\n"; } echo "</html>\n"; exit; }
/** * Show survey summary * @param int Survey id * @param string Action to be performed */ function _surveysummary($iSurveyID, $action = null, $gid = null) { $clang = $this->getController()->lang; $baselang = Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language; $condition = array('sid' => $iSurveyID, 'language' => $baselang); $sumresult1 = Survey::model()->with(array('languagesettings' => array('condition' => 'surveyls_language=language')))->findByPk($iSurveyID); //$sumquery1, 1) ; //Checked if (is_null($sumresult1)) { Yii::app()->session['flashmessage'] = $clang->gT("Invalid survey ID"); $this->getController()->redirect($this->getController()->createUrl("admin/index")); } // if surveyid is invalid then die to prevent errors at a later time $surveyinfo = $sumresult1->attributes; $surveyinfo = array_merge($surveyinfo, $sumresult1->languagesettings[0]->attributes); $surveyinfo = array_map('flattenText', $surveyinfo); //$surveyinfo = array_map('htmlspecialchars', $surveyinfo); $activated = $surveyinfo['active']; $condition = array('sid' => $iSurveyID, 'parent_qid' => 0, 'language' => $baselang); $sumresult3 = Questions::model()->findAllByAttributes($condition); //Checked $sumcount3 = count($sumresult3); $condition = array('sid' => $iSurveyID, 'language' => $baselang); //$sumquery2 = "SELECT * FROM ".db_table_name('groups')." WHERE sid={$iSurveyID} AND language='".$baselang."'"; //Getting a count of groups for this survey $sumresult2 = Groups::model()->findAllByAttributes($condition); //Checked $sumcount2 = count($sumresult2); //SURVEY SUMMARY $aAdditionalLanguages = Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->additionalLanguages; $surveysummary2 = ""; if ($surveyinfo['anonymized'] != "N") { $surveysummary2 .= $clang->gT("Responses to this survey are anonymized.") . "<br />"; } else { $surveysummary2 .= $clang->gT("Responses to this survey are NOT anonymized.") . "<br />"; } if ($surveyinfo['format'] == "S") { $surveysummary2 .= $clang->gT("It is presented question by question.") . "<br />"; } elseif ($surveyinfo['format'] == "G") { $surveysummary2 .= $clang->gT("It is presented group by group.") . "<br />"; } else { $surveysummary2 .= $clang->gT("It is presented on one single page.") . "<br />"; } if ($surveyinfo['allowjumps'] == "Y") { if ($surveyinfo['format'] == 'A') { $surveysummary2 .= $clang->gT("No question index will be shown with this format.") . "<br />"; } else { $surveysummary2 .= $clang->gT("A question index will be shown; participants will be able to jump between viewed questions.") . "<br />"; } } if ($surveyinfo['datestamp'] == "Y") { $surveysummary2 .= $clang->gT("Responses will be date stamped.") . "<br />"; } if ($surveyinfo['ipaddr'] == "Y") { $surveysummary2 .= $clang->gT("IP Addresses will be logged") . "<br />"; } if ($surveyinfo['refurl'] == "Y") { $surveysummary2 .= $clang->gT("Referrer URL will be saved.") . "<br />"; } if ($surveyinfo['usecookie'] == "Y") { $surveysummary2 .= $clang->gT("It uses cookies for access control.") . "<br />"; } if ($surveyinfo['allowregister'] == "Y") { $surveysummary2 .= $clang->gT("If tokens are used, the public may register for this survey") . "<br />"; } if ($surveyinfo['allowsave'] == "Y" && $surveyinfo['tokenanswerspersistence'] == 'N') { $surveysummary2 .= $clang->gT("Participants can save partially finished surveys") . "<br />\n"; } if ($surveyinfo['emailnotificationto'] != '') { $surveysummary2 .= $clang->gT("Basic email notification is sent to:") . " {$surveyinfo['emailnotificationto']}<br />\n"; } if ($surveyinfo['emailresponseto'] != '') { $surveysummary2 .= $clang->gT("Detailed email notification with response data is sent to:") . " {$surveyinfo['emailresponseto']}<br />\n"; } $dateformatdetails = getDateFormatData(Yii::app()->session['dateformat']); if (trim($surveyinfo['startdate']) != '') { Yii::import('application.libraries.Date_Time_Converter'); $datetimeobj = new Date_Time_Converter($surveyinfo['startdate'], 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); $aData['startdate'] = $datetimeobj->convert($dateformatdetails['phpdate'] . ' H:i'); } else { $aData['startdate'] = "-"; } if (trim($surveyinfo['expires']) != '') { //$constructoritems = array($surveyinfo['expires'] , "Y-m-d H:i:s"); Yii::import('application.libraries.Date_Time_Converter'); $datetimeobj = new Date_Time_Converter($surveyinfo['expires'], 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); //$datetimeobj = new Date_Time_Converter($surveyinfo['expires'] , "Y-m-d H:i:s"); $aData['expdate'] = $datetimeobj->convert($dateformatdetails['phpdate'] . ' H:i'); } else { $aData['expdate'] = "-"; } if (!$surveyinfo['language']) { $aData['language'] = getLanguageNameFromCode($currentadminlang, false); } else { $aData['language'] = getLanguageNameFromCode($surveyinfo['language'], false); } // get the rowspan of the Additionnal languages row // is at least 1 even if no additionnal language is present $additionnalLanguagesCount = count($aAdditionalLanguages); $first = true; $aData['additionnalLanguages'] = ""; if ($additionnalLanguagesCount == 0) { $aData['additionnalLanguages'] .= "<td>-</td>\n"; } else { foreach ($aAdditionalLanguages as $langname) { if ($langname) { if (!$first) { $aData['additionnalLanguages'] .= "<tr><td> </td>"; } $first = false; $aData['additionnalLanguages'] .= "<td>" . getLanguageNameFromCode($langname, false) . "</td></tr>\n"; } } } if ($first) { $aData['additionnalLanguages'] .= "</tr>"; } if ($surveyinfo['surveyls_urldescription'] == "") { $surveyinfo['surveyls_urldescription'] = htmlspecialchars($surveyinfo['surveyls_url']); } if ($surveyinfo['surveyls_url'] != "") { $aData['endurl'] = " <a target='_blank' href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($surveyinfo['surveyls_url']) . "\" title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($surveyinfo['surveyls_url']) . "\">{$surveyinfo['surveyls_urldescription']}</a>"; } else { $aData['endurl'] = "-"; } $aData['sumcount3'] = $sumcount3; $aData['sumcount2'] = $sumcount2; if ($activated == "N") { $aData['activatedlang'] = $clang->gT("No"); } else { $aData['activatedlang'] = $clang->gT("Yes"); } $aData['activated'] = $activated; if ($activated == "Y") { $aData['surveydb'] = Yii::app()->db->tablePrefix . "survey_" . $iSurveyID; } $aData['warnings'] = ""; if ($activated == "N" && $sumcount3 == 0) { $aData['warnings'] = $clang->gT("Survey cannot be activated yet.") . "<br />\n"; if ($sumcount2 == 0 && hasSurveyPermission($iSurveyID, 'surveycontent', 'create')) { $aData['warnings'] .= "<span class='statusentryhighlight'>[" . $clang->gT("You need to add question groups") . "]</span><br />"; } if ($sumcount3 == 0 && hasSurveyPermission($iSurveyID, 'surveycontent', 'create')) { $aData['warnings'] .= "<span class='statusentryhighlight'>[" . $clang->gT("You need to add questions") . "]</span><br />"; } } $aData['hints'] = $surveysummary2; //return (array('column'=>array($columns_used,$hard_limit) , 'size' => array($length, $size_limit) )); // $aData['tableusage'] = getDBTableUsage($iSurveyID); // ToDo: Table usage is calculated on every menu display which is too slow with bug surveys. // Needs to be moved to a database field and only updated if there are question/subquestions added/removed (it's currently also not functional due to the port) // $aData['tableusage'] = false; if ($gid || $action !== true && in_array($action, array('deactivate', 'activate', 'surveysecurity', 'editdefaultvalues', 'editemailtemplates', 'surveyrights', 'addsurveysecurity', 'addusergroupsurveysecurity', 'setsurveysecurity', 'setusergroupsurveysecurity', 'delsurveysecurity', 'editsurveysettings', 'editsurveylocalesettings', 'updatesurveysettingsandeditlocalesettings', 'addgroup', 'importgroup', 'ordergroups', 'deletesurvey', 'resetsurveylogic', 'importsurveyresources', 'translate', 'emailtemplates', 'exportstructure', 'quotas', 'copysurvey', 'viewgroup', 'viewquestion'))) { $showstyle = "style='display: none'"; } else { $showstyle = ""; } $aData['showstyle'] = $showstyle; $aData['aAdditionalLanguages'] = $aAdditionalLanguages; $aData['clang'] = $clang; $aData['surveyinfo'] = $surveyinfo; $this->getController()->render("/admin/survey/surveySummary_view", $aData); }
/** * Get array of Questions by TestId * * @param int $testId * @return array $arrQuestion массив вопросов */ public function getQuestionListByTestId($testId) { $objQuestions = new Questions(); return $objQuestions->getQuestionListByTestId($testId); }
private function addQuestionToExpertQueue(\Questions $question, ObjectCollection $expertMembers) { $conn = Propel::getWriteConnection(ExpertQuestionStateTableMap::DATABASE_NAME); $conn->beginTransaction(); try { foreach ($expertMembers as $member) { $qState = new \ExpertQuestionState(); $qState->setUsername($member->getExpert()); $qState->setQuestionId($question->getId()); $qState->save($conn); } $conn->commit(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $conn->rollback(); throw $e; } }
function __construct() { $question = new Questions($_SESSION['id'], $_REQUEST['libelle'], $_REQUEST['type']); $question->ajouterQuestions(Connexion::seConnecter("mysql", "localhost", "sondage", "root", "")); }
public function questions() { return Questions::Instance(); }
$maxvalue = $qidattributes['multiflexible_max']; } } if (trim($qidattributes['multiflexible_step']) != '') { $stepvalue = $qidattributes['multiflexible_step']; } else { $stepvalue = 1; } if ($qidattributes['multiflexible_checkbox'] != 0) { $minvalue = 0; $maxvalue = 1; $stepvalue = 1; } foreach ($result[$key1] as $row) { $row = array_values($row); $fresult = Questions::model()->getQuestionsForStatistics('*', "parent_qid='{$flt['0']}' AND language = '{$language}' AND scale_id = 1", 'question_order, title'); foreach ($fresult as $frow) { $myfield2 = $myfield . $row[0] . "_" . $frow['title']; echo "<!-- {$myfield2} - "; if (isset($_POST[$myfield2])) { echo $_POST[$myfield2]; } echo " -->\n"; if ($counter2 == 4) { echo "\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n"; $counter2 = 0; } echo "\t<td align='center'>" . "<input type='checkbox' name='summary[]' value='{$myfield2}'"; if (isset($summary) && array_search($myfield2, $summary) !== FALSE) { echo " checked='checked'"; }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param Question $questions * @throws \Exception * @return Response */ public function destroy(Questions $questions) { $questions->delete(); return redirect()->route('admin.questions.index'); }
public function destroy($question_id) { $json_request = array('status' => FALSE, 'responseText' => '', 'redirect' => FALSE); if (Request::ajax()) { Questions::where('id', $question_id)->delete(); $json_request['responseText'] = "Вопрос удален."; $json_request['status'] = TRUE; } else { return Redirect::back(); } return Response::json($json_request, 200); }
public function getQuestions() { $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), array('token' => 'required', 'doctor' => '')); if ($validator->passes()) { $post = Input::all(); if ($post['token'] == Config::get('doktornarabote.secret_string')) { $questions = array(); if (Input::has('doctor')) { $doctor_type = Input::get('doctor'); $doctors_types = Config::get('doktornarabote.doctor_types'); $doctor_type_id = 0; foreach ($doctors_types as $index => $name) { if (is_numeric($doctor_type)) { if ($index == (int) $doctor_type) { $doctor_type_id = $index; break; } } elseif (is_string($doctor_type)) { if (mb_strtolower(trim($name)) == mb_strtolower(trim($doctor_type))) { $doctor_type_id = $index; break; } } } $questions_list = Questions::orderBy('order')->where('doctor_type', $doctor_type_id)->get(); } else { $questions_list = Questions::orderBy('order')->get(); } foreach ($questions_list as $question) { $questions[] = array('question' => trim($question->question), 'doctor_type' => $question->doctor_type, 'is_true' => $question->is_true, 'answer' => trim($question->answer), 'is_branding' => $question->is_branding); } $this->json_request['data'] = $questions; $this->json_request['error'] = 0; } else { $this->json_request['message'] = 'Неверный токен'; } } return Response::make(Input::get('callback') . '(' . json_encode($this->json_request) . ')', 200); }
public static function deleteWithDependency($groupId, $surveyId) { $questionIds = Groups::getQuestionIdsInGroup($groupId); Questions::deleteAllById($questionIds); Assessment::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('sid' => $surveyId, 'gid' => $groupId)); return Groups::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('sid' => $surveyId, 'gid' => $groupId)); }
/** * RPC Routine to return the ids and info of questions of a survey/group. * Returns array of ids and info. * * @access public * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials * @param int $iSurveyID Id of the survey to list questions * @param int $iGroupID Optional id of the group to list questions * @param string $sLanguage Optional parameter language for multilingual questions * @return array The list of questions */ public function list_questions($sSessionKey, $iSurveyID, $iGroupID = NULL, $sLanguage = NULL) { if ($this->_checkSessionKey($sSessionKey)) { Yii::app()->loadHelper("surveytranslator"); $oSurvey = Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID); if (!isset($oSurvey)) { return array('status' => 'Error: Invalid survey ID'); } if (hasSurveyPermission($iSurveyID, 'survey', 'read')) { if (is_null($sLanguage)) { $sLanguage = $oSurvey->language; } if (!array_key_exists($sLanguage, getLanguageDataRestricted())) { return array('status' => 'Error: Invalid language'); } if ($iGroupID != NULL) { $oGroup = Groups::model()->findByAttributes(array('gid' => $iGroupID)); $sGroupSurveyID = $oGroup['sid']; if ($sGroupSurveyID != $iSurveyID) { return array('status' => 'Error: IMissmatch in surveyid and groupid'); } else { $aQuestionList = Questions::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("sid" => $iSurveyID, "gid" => $iGroupID, "parent_qid" => "0", "language" => $sLanguage)); } } else { $aQuestionList = Questions::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("sid" => $iSurveyID, "parent_qid" => "0", "language" => $sLanguage)); } if (count($aQuestionList) == 0) { return array('status' => 'No questions found'); } foreach ($aQuestionList as $oQuestion) { $aData[] = array('id' => $oQuestion->primaryKey, 'type' => $oQuestion->attributes['type'], 'question' => $oQuestion->attributes['question']); } return $aData; } else { return array('status' => 'No permission'); } } else { return array('status' => 'Invalid session key'); } }
/** * Deletes a survey and all its data * * @access public * @param int $iSurveyID * @param bool @recursive * @return void */ public function deleteSurvey($iSurveyID, $recursive = true) { Survey::model()->deleteByPk($iSurveyID); if ($recursive == true) { if (tableExists("{{survey_" . intval($iSurveyID) . "}}")) { Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->dropTable("{{survey_" . intval($iSurveyID) . "}}"); } if (tableExists("{{survey_" . intval($iSurveyID) . "_timings}}")) { Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->dropTable("{{survey_" . intval($iSurveyID) . "_timings}}"); } if (tableExists("{{tokens_" . intval($iSurveyID) . "}}")) { Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->dropTable("{{tokens_" . intval($iSurveyID) . "}}"); } $oResult = Questions::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('sid' => $iSurveyID)); foreach ($oResult as $aRow) { Answers::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('qid' => $aRow['qid'])); Conditions::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('qid' => $aRow['qid'])); Question_attributes::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('qid' => $aRow['qid'])); Defaultvalues::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('qid' => $aRow['qid'])); } Questions::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('sid' => $iSurveyID)); Assessment::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('sid' => $iSurveyID)); Groups::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('sid' => $iSurveyID)); Surveys_languagesettings::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('surveyls_survey_id' => $iSurveyID)); Survey_permissions::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('sid' => $iSurveyID)); Saved_control::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('sid' => $iSurveyID)); Survey_url_parameters::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('sid' => $iSurveyID)); Quota::model()->deleteQuota(array('sid' => $iSurveyID), true); } }
<?php //report.php //url setup = report.php?Qid=[QUESTIONID]; include 'header.php'; $questionID = $_GET['Qid']; if ($_POST['report']) { $quests = new Questions(); $quests->report_question($questionID, $_POST['reportText'], $user->data['user_id']); echo '<a href="index.php">Report Fixed, return to the home page</a>'; die; } ?> <h2>Report a Question</h2><br/> Report a question for inaccuracies or other issues,. Please be as specific as possible. <form method="POST" action=""> <textarea name="reportText" class="question_id" id="stylized"></textarea><br/> <input type="submit" value="Submit Report" name="report"/> </form>
private function _reorderGroup($iSurveyID) { $AOrgData = array(); parse_str($_POST['orgdata'], $AOrgData); $grouporder = 0; foreach ($AOrgData['list'] as $ID => $parent) { if ($parent == 'root' && $ID[0] == 'g') { Groups::model()->updateAll(array('group_order' => $grouporder), 'gid=:gid', array(':gid' => (int) substr($ID, 1))); $grouporder++; } elseif ($ID[0] == 'q') { if (!isset($questionorder[(int) substr($parent, 1)])) { $questionorder[(int) substr($parent, 1)] = 0; } Questions::model()->updateAll(array('question_order' => $questionorder[(int) substr($parent, 1)], 'gid' => (int) substr($parent, 1)), 'qid=:qid', array(':qid' => (int) substr($ID, 1))); Questions::model()->updateAll(array('gid' => (int) substr($parent, 1)), 'parent_qid=:parent_qid', array(':parent_qid' => (int) substr($ID, 1))); $questionorder[(int) substr($parent, 1)]++; } } LimeExpressionManager::SetDirtyFlag(); // so refreshes syntax highlighting Yii::app()->session['flashmessage'] = Yii::app()->lang->gT("The new question group/question order was successfully saved."); $this->getController()->redirect($this->getController()->createUrl('admin/survey/sa/view/surveyid/' . $iSurveyID)); }
<?php require_once "includes/initialize.php"; if (isset($_GET['tid'])) { $tid = $_GET['tid']; } else { $tid = $_POST['tid']; } if (isset($_GET['tname'])) { $tname = $_GET['tname']; } else { $tname = $_POST['tname']; } //$tid=2; $tt = new Test(); $qa = new Questions(); $records = $qa->get_ques_level($tid); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $username = trim($_POST['username']); $password = trim($_POST['password']); $sid = $username . $password; $result = $tt->authenticatetest($sid, $tid); if (empty($result)) { $message = "The Secret Code of Invigilator/Admin is Incorrect."; } else { $log = new Logs($_SESSION['owner_id'], $tname); // do some logging operations //set the parameters to Begintest //$ctid=$tt->Begintest($session->owner_id,$tid,$result,$_POST['ql']); $_SESSION['first_time'] = "true"; $ctid = $tt->Begin_test($_SESSION['owner_id'], $tid, $result[0], $_POST['myselect'], $_SESSION['uname']);
function index($subaction, $iSurveyID = null, $gid = null, $qid = null) { $iSurveyID = sanitize_int($iSurveyID); $gid = sanitize_int($gid); $qid = sanitize_int($qid); $clang = $this->getController()->lang; $imageurl = Yii::app()->getConfig("adminimageurl"); Yii::app()->loadHelper("database"); if (!empty($_POST['subaction'])) { $subaction = Yii::app()->request->getPost('subaction'); } //BEGIN Sanitizing POSTed data if (!isset($iSurveyID)) { $iSurveyID = returnGlobal('sid'); } if (!isset($qid)) { $qid = returnGlobal('qid'); } if (!isset($gid)) { $gid = returnGlobal('gid'); } if (!isset($p_scenario)) { $p_scenario = returnGlobal('scenario'); } if (!isset($p_cqid)) { $p_cqid = returnGlobal('cqid'); if ($p_cqid == '') { $p_cqid = 0; } // we are not using another question as source of condition } if (!isset($p_cid)) { $p_cid = returnGlobal('cid'); } if (!isset($p_subaction)) { if (isset($_POST['subaction'])) { $p_subaction = $_POST['subaction']; } else { $p_subaction = $subaction; } } if (!isset($p_cquestions)) { $p_cquestions = returnGlobal('cquestions'); } if (!isset($p_csrctoken)) { $p_csrctoken = returnGlobal('csrctoken'); } if (!isset($p_prevquestionsgqa)) { $p_prevquestionsgqa = returnGlobal('prevQuestionSGQA'); } if (!isset($p_canswers)) { if (isset($_POST['canswers']) && is_array($_POST['canswers'])) { foreach ($_POST['canswers'] as $key => $val) { $p_canswers[$key] = preg_replace("/[^_.a-zA-Z0-9]@/", "", $val); } } } // this array will be used soon, // to explain wich conditions is used to evaluate the question if (Yii::app()->getConfig('stringcomparizonoperators') == 1) { $method = array("<" => $clang->gT("Less than"), "<=" => $clang->gT("Less than or equal to"), "==" => $clang->gT("equals"), "!=" => $clang->gT("Not equal to"), ">=" => $clang->gT("Greater than or equal to"), ">" => $clang->gT("Greater than"), "RX" => $clang->gT("Regular expression"), "a<b" => $clang->gT("Less than (Strings)"), "a<=b" => $clang->gT("Less than or equal to (Strings)"), "a>=b" => $clang->gT("Greater than or equal to (Strings)"), "a>b" => $clang->gT("Greater than (Strings)")); } else { $method = array("<" => $clang->gT("Less than"), "<=" => $clang->gT("Less than or equal to"), "==" => $clang->gT("equals"), "!=" => $clang->gT("Not equal to"), ">=" => $clang->gT("Greater than or equal to"), ">" => $clang->gT("Greater than"), "RX" => $clang->gT("Regular expression")); } if (isset($_POST['method'])) { if (!in_array($_POST['method'], array_keys($method))) { $p_method = "=="; } else { $p_method = trim($_POST['method']); } } if (isset($_POST['newscenarionum'])) { $p_newscenarionum = sanitize_int($_POST['newscenarionum']); } //END Sanitizing POSTed data //include_once("login_check.php"); include_once "database.php"; // Caution (lemeur): database.php uses autoUnescape on all entries in $_POST // Take care to not use autoUnescape on $_POST variables after this $br = CHtml::openTag('br /'); //MAKE SURE THAT THERE IS A SID if (!isset($iSurveyID) || !$iSurveyID) { $conditionsoutput = $clang->gT("You have not selected a survey") . str_repeat($br, 2); $conditionsoutput .= CHtml::submitButton($clang->gT("Main admin screen"), array('onclick' => "'" . $this->getController()->createUrl("admin/") . "', '_top')")) . $br; safeDie($conditionsoutput); return; } if (isset($p_subaction) && $p_subaction == "resetsurveylogic") { $clang = $this->getController()->lang; $resetsurveylogicoutput = $br; $resetsurveylogicoutput .= CHtml::openTag('table', array('class' => 'alertbox')); $resetsurveylogicoutput .= CHtml::openTag('tr') . CHtml::openTag('td', array('colspan' => '2')); $resetsurveylogicoutput .= CHtml::tag('font', array('size' => '1'), CHtml::tag('strong', array(), $clang->gT("Reset Survey Logic"))); $resetsurveylogicoutput .= CHtml::closeTag('td') . CHtml::closeTag('tr'); if (!isset($_GET['ok'])) { $button_yes = CHtml::submitButton($clang->gT("Yes"), array('onclick' => "'" . $this->getController()->createUrl("admin/conditions/sa/index/subaction/resetsurveylogic/surveyid/{$iSurveyID}") . "?ok=Y" . "', '_top')")); $button_cancel = CHtml::submitButton($clang->gT("Cancel"), array('onclick' => "'" . $this->getController()->createUrl("admin/survey/sa/view/surveyid/{$iSurveyID}") . "', '_top')")); $messagebox_content = $clang->gT("You are about to delete all conditions on this survey's questions") . "({$iSurveyID})" . $br . $clang->gT("We recommend that before you proceed, you export the entire survey from the main administration screen.") . $br . $clang->gT("Continue?") . $br . $button_yes . $button_cancel; $this->_renderWrappedTemplate('conditions', array('message' => array('title' => $clang->gT("Warning"), 'message' => $messagebox_content))); exit; } else { LimeExpressionManager::RevertUpgradeConditionsToRelevance($iSurveyID); Conditions::model()->deleteRecords("qid in (select qid from {{questions}} where sid={$iSurveyID})"); Yii::app()->session['flashmessage'] = $clang->gT("All conditions in this survey have been deleted."); $this->getController()->redirect($this->getController()->createUrl('admin/survey/sa/view/surveyid/' . $iSurveyID)); } } // MAKE SURE THAT THERE IS A QID if (!isset($qid) || !$qid) { $conditionsoutput = $clang->gT("You have not selected a question") . str_repeat($br, 2); $conditionsoutput .= CHtml::submitButton($clang->gT("Main admin screen"), array('onclick' => "'" . $this->getController()->createUrl("admin/") . "', '_top')")) . $br; safeDie($conditionsoutput); return; } // If we made it this far, then lets develop the menu items // add the conditions container table $extraGetParams = ""; if (isset($qid) && isset($gid)) { $extraGetParams = "/gid/{$gid}/qid/{$qid}"; } $conditionsoutput_action_error = ""; // defined during the actions $markcidarray = array(); if (isset($_GET['markcid'])) { $markcidarray = explode("-", $_GET['markcid']); } //BEGIN PROCESS ACTIONS // ADD NEW ENTRY IF THIS IS AN ADD if (isset($p_subaction) && $p_subaction == "insertcondition") { if (!isset($p_canswers) && !isset($_POST['ConditionConst']) && !isset($_POST['prevQuestionSGQA']) && !isset($_POST['tokenAttr']) && !isset($_POST['ConditionRegexp']) || !isset($p_cquestions) && !isset($p_csrctoken)) { $conditionsoutput_action_error .= CHtml::script("\n<!--\n alert(\"" . $clang->gT("Your condition could not be added! It did not include the question and/or answer upon which the condition was based. Please ensure you have selected a question and an answer.", "js") . "\")\n //-->\n"); } else { if (isset($p_cquestions) && $p_cquestions != '') { $conditionCfieldname = $p_cquestions; } elseif (isset($p_csrctoken) && $p_csrctoken != '') { $conditionCfieldname = $p_csrctoken; } $condition_data = array('qid' => $qid, 'scenario' => $p_scenario, 'cqid' => $p_cqid, 'cfieldname' => $conditionCfieldname, 'method' => $p_method); if (isset($p_canswers)) { foreach ($p_canswers as $ca) { //First lets make sure there isn't already an exact replica of this condition $condition_data['value'] = $ca; $result = Conditions::model()->findAllByAttributes($condition_data); $count_caseinsensitivedupes = count($result); if ($count_caseinsensitivedupes == 0) { $result = Conditions::model()->insertRecords($condition_data); } } } unset($posted_condition_value); // Please note that autoUnescape is already applied in database.php included above // so we only need to db_quote _POST variables if (isset($_POST['ConditionConst']) && isset($_POST['editTargetTab']) && $_POST['editTargetTab'] == "#CONST") { $posted_condition_value = Yii::app()->request->getPost('ConditionConst'); } elseif (isset($_POST['prevQuestionSGQA']) && isset($_POST['editTargetTab']) && $_POST['editTargetTab'] == "#PREVQUESTIONS") { $posted_condition_value = Yii::app()->request->getPost('prevQuestionSGQA'); } elseif (isset($_POST['tokenAttr']) && isset($_POST['editTargetTab']) && $_POST['editTargetTab'] == "#TOKENATTRS") { $posted_condition_value = Yii::app()->request->getPost('tokenAttr'); } elseif (isset($_POST['ConditionRegexp']) && isset($_POST['editTargetTab']) && $_POST['editTargetTab'] == "#REGEXP") { $posted_condition_value = Yii::app()->request->getPost('ConditionRegexp'); } if (isset($posted_condition_value)) { $condition_data['value'] = $posted_condition_value; $result = Conditions::model()->insertRecords($condition_data); } } LimeExpressionManager::UpgradeConditionsToRelevance(NULL, $qid); } // UPDATE ENTRY IF THIS IS AN EDIT if (isset($p_subaction) && $p_subaction == "updatecondition") { if (!isset($p_canswers) && !isset($_POST['ConditionConst']) && !isset($_POST['prevQuestionSGQA']) && !isset($_POST['tokenAttr']) && !isset($_POST['ConditionRegexp']) || !isset($p_cquestions) && !isset($p_csrctoken)) { $conditionsoutput_action_error .= CHtml::script("\n<!--\n alert(\"" . $clang->gT("Your condition could not be added! It did not include the question and/or answer upon which the condition was based. Please ensure you have selected a question and an answer.", "js") . "\")\n //-->\n"); } else { if (isset($p_cquestions) && $p_cquestions != '') { $conditionCfieldname = $p_cquestions; } elseif (isset($p_csrctoken) && $p_csrctoken != '') { $conditionCfieldname = $p_csrctoken; } if (isset($p_canswers)) { foreach ($p_canswers as $ca) { // This is an Edit, there will only be ONE VALUE $updated_data = array('qid' => $qid, 'scenario' => $p_scenario, 'cqid' => $p_cqid, 'cfieldname' => $conditionCfieldname, 'method' => $p_method, 'value' => $ca); $result = Conditions::model()->insertRecords($updated_data, TRUE, array('cid' => $p_cid)); } } unset($posted_condition_value); // Please note that autoUnescape is already applied in database.php included above // so we only need to db_quote _POST variables if (isset($_POST['ConditionConst']) && isset($_POST['editTargetTab']) && $_POST['editTargetTab'] == "#CONST") { $posted_condition_value = Yii::app()->request->getPost('ConditionConst'); } elseif (isset($_POST['prevQuestionSGQA']) && isset($_POST['editTargetTab']) && $_POST['editTargetTab'] == "#PREVQUESTIONS") { $posted_condition_value = Yii::app()->request->getPost('prevQuestionSGQA'); } elseif (isset($_POST['tokenAttr']) && isset($_POST['editTargetTab']) && $_POST['editTargetTab'] == "#TOKENATTRS") { $posted_condition_value = Yii::app()->request->getPost('tokenAttr'); } elseif (isset($_POST['ConditionRegexp']) && isset($_POST['editTargetTab']) && $_POST['editTargetTab'] == "#REGEXP") { $posted_condition_value = Yii::app()->request->getPost('ConditionRegexp'); } if (isset($posted_condition_value)) { $updated_data = array('qid' => $qid, 'scenario' => $p_scenario, 'cqid' => $p_cqid, 'cfieldname' => $conditionCfieldname, 'method' => $p_method, 'value' => $posted_condition_value); $result = Conditions::model()->insertRecords($updated_data, TRUE, array('cid' => $p_cid)); } } LimeExpressionManager::UpgradeConditionsToRelevance(NULL, $qid); } // DELETE ENTRY IF THIS IS DELETE if (isset($p_subaction) && $p_subaction == "delete") { LimeExpressionManager::RevertUpgradeConditionsToRelevance(NULL, $qid); // in case deleted the last condition $result = Conditions::model()->deleteRecords(array('cid' => $p_cid)); LimeExpressionManager::UpgradeConditionsToRelevance(NULL, $qid); } // DELETE ALL CONDITIONS IN THIS SCENARIO if (isset($p_subaction) && $p_subaction == "deletescenario") { LimeExpressionManager::RevertUpgradeConditionsToRelevance(NULL, $qid); // in case deleted the last condition $result = Conditions::model()->deleteRecords(array('qid' => $qid, 'scenario' => $p_scenario)); LimeExpressionManager::UpgradeConditionsToRelevance(NULL, $qid); } // UPDATE SCENARIO if (isset($p_subaction) && $p_subaction == "updatescenario" && isset($p_newscenarionum)) { $result = Conditions::model()->insertRecords(array('scenario' => $p_newscenarionum), TRUE, array('qid' => $qid, 'scenario' => $p_scenario)); LimeExpressionManager::UpgradeConditionsToRelevance(NULL, $qid); } // DELETE ALL CONDITIONS FOR THIS QUESTION if (isset($p_subaction) && $p_subaction == "deleteallconditions") { LimeExpressionManager::RevertUpgradeConditionsToRelevance(NULL, $qid); // in case deleted the last condition $result = Conditions::model()->deleteRecords(array('qid' => $qid)); } // RENUMBER SCENARIOS if (isset($p_subaction) && $p_subaction == "renumberscenarios") { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT scenario FROM {{conditions}} WHERE qid=:qid ORDER BY scenario"; $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->bindParam(":qid", $qid, PDO::PARAM_INT)->query() or safeDie("Couldn't select scenario<br />{$query}<br />"); $newindex = 1; foreach ($result->readAll() as $srow) { // new var $update_result == old var $result2 $update_result = Conditions::model()->insertRecords(array('scenario' => $newindex), TRUE, array('qid' => $qid, 'scenario' => $srow['scenario'])); $newindex++; } LimeExpressionManager::UpgradeConditionsToRelevance(NULL, $qid); Yii::app()->session['flashmessage'] = $clang->gT("All conditions scenarios were renumbered."); } // COPY CONDITIONS IF THIS IS COPY if (isset($p_subaction) && $p_subaction == "copyconditions") { $qid = returnGlobal('qid'); $copyconditionsfrom = returnGlobal('copyconditionsfrom'); $copyconditionsto = returnGlobal('copyconditionsto'); if (isset($copyconditionsto) && is_array($copyconditionsto) && isset($copyconditionsfrom) && is_array($copyconditionsfrom)) { //Get the conditions we are going to copy foreach ($copyconditionsfrom as &$entry) { $entry = Yii::app()->db->quoteValue($entry); } $query = "SELECT * FROM {{conditions}}\n" . "WHERE cid in ("; $query .= implode(", ", $copyconditionsfrom); $query .= ")"; $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->query() or safeDie("Couldn't get conditions for copy<br />{$query}<br />"); foreach ($result->readAll() as $row) { $proformaconditions[] = array("scenario" => $row['scenario'], "cqid" => $row['cqid'], "cfieldname" => $row['cfieldname'], "method" => $row['method'], "value" => $row['value']); } // while foreach ($copyconditionsto as $copyc) { list($newsid, $newgid, $newqid) = explode("X", $copyc); foreach ($proformaconditions as $pfc) { //TIBO //First lets make sure there isn't already an exact replica of this condition $conditions_data = array('qid' => $newqid, 'scenario' => $pfc['scenario'], 'cqid' => $pfc['cqid'], 'cfieldname' => $pfc['cfieldname'], 'method' => $pfc['method'], 'value' => $pfc['value']); $result = Conditions::model()->findAllByAttributes($conditions_data); $count_caseinsensitivedupes = count($result); $countduplicates = 0; if ($count_caseinsensitivedupes != 0) { foreach ($result as $ccrow) { if ($ccrow['value'] == $pfc['value']) { $countduplicates++; } } } if ($countduplicates == 0) { $result = Conditions::model()->insertRecords($conditions_data); $conditionCopied = true; } else { $conditionDuplicated = true; } } } if (isset($conditionCopied) && $conditionCopied === true) { if (isset($conditionDuplicated) && $conditionDuplicated == true) { $CopyConditionsMessage = CHtml::tag('div', array('class' => 'partialheader'), '(' . $clang->gT("Conditions successfully copied (some were skipped because they were duplicates)") . ')'); } else { $CopyConditionsMessage = CHtml::tag('div', array('class' => 'successheader'), '(' . $clang->gT("Conditions successfully copied") . ')'); } } else { $CopyConditionsMessage = CHtml::tag('div', array('class' => 'warningheader'), '(' . $clang->gT("No conditions could be copied (due to duplicates)") . ')'); } } LimeExpressionManager::UpgradeConditionsToRelevance($iSurveyID); // do for whole survey, since don't know which questions affected. } //END PROCESS ACTIONS $cquestions = array(); $canswers = array(); //BEGIN: GATHER INFORMATION // 1: Get information for this question if (!isset($qid)) { $qid = returnGlobal('qid'); } if (!isset($iSurveyID)) { $iSurveyID = returnGlobal('sid'); } $thissurvey = getSurveyInfo($iSurveyID); $qresult = Questions::model()->with('groups')->findByAttributes(array('qid' => $qid, 'parent_qid' => 0, 'language' => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language)); $questiongroupname = $qresult->groups->group_name; $questiontitle = $qresult['title']; $questiontext = $qresult['question']; $questiontype = $qresult['type']; // 2: Get all other questions that occur before this question that are pre-determined answer types // To avoid natural sort order issues, // first get all questions in natural sort order // , and find out which number in that order this question is $qresult = Questions::model()->with(array('groups' => array('condition' => 'groups.language = :lang', 'params' => array(':lang' => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language))))->findAllByAttributes(array('parent_qid' => 0, 'sid' => $iSurveyID, 'language' => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language)); $qrows = array(); foreach ($qresult as $k => $v) { $qrows[$k] = array_merge($v->attributes, $v->groups->attributes); } // Perform a case insensitive natural sort on group name then question title (known as "code" in the form) of a multidimensional array usort($qrows, 'groupOrderThenQuestionOrder'); $position = "before"; // Go through each question until we reach the current one foreach ($qrows as $qrow) { if ($qrow["qid"] != $qid && $position == "before") { // remember all previous questions // all question types are supported. $questionlist[] = $qrow["qid"]; } elseif ($qrow["qid"] == $qid) { break; } } // Now, using the same array which is now properly sorted by group then question // Create an array of all the questions that appear AFTER the current one $position = "before"; foreach ($qrows as $qrow) { if ($qrow["qid"] == $qid) { $position = "after"; //break; } elseif ($qrow["qid"] != $qid && $position == "after") { $postquestionlist[] = $qrow['qid']; } } $theserows = array(); $postrows = array(); if (isset($questionlist) && is_array($questionlist)) { foreach ($questionlist as $ql) { $result = Questions::model()->with(array('groups' => array('condition' => 'groups.language = :lang', 'params' => array(':lang' => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language))))->findAllByAttributes(array('qid' => $ql, 'parent_qid' => 0, 'sid' => $iSurveyID, 'language' => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language)); $thiscount = count($result); // And store again these questions in this array... foreach ($result as $myrows) { //key => value $theserows[] = array("qid" => $myrows['qid'], "sid" => $myrows['sid'], "gid" => $myrows['gid'], "question" => $myrows['question'], "type" => $myrows['type'], "mandatory" => $myrows['mandatory'], "other" => $myrows['other'], "title" => $myrows['title']); } } } if (isset($postquestionlist) && is_array($postquestionlist)) { foreach ($postquestionlist as $pq) { $result = Questions::model()->with(array('groups' => array('condition' => 'groups.language = :lang', 'params' => array(':lang' => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language))))->findAllByAttributes(array('qid' => $pq, 'parent_qid' => 0, 'sid' => $iSurveyID, 'language' => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language)); $postcount = count($result); foreach ($result as $myrows) { $postrows[] = array("qid" => $myrows['qid'], "sid" => $myrows['sid'], "gid" => $myrows['gid'], "question" => $myrows['question'], "type" => $myrows['type'], "mandatory" => $myrows['mandatory'], "other" => $myrows['other'], "title" => $myrows['title']); } // while } $postquestionscount = count($postrows); } $questionscount = count($theserows); if (isset($postquestionscount) && $postquestionscount > 0) { //Build the array used for the questionNav and copyTo select boxes foreach ($postrows as $pr) { $pquestions[] = array("text" => $pr['title'] . ": " . substr(strip_tags($pr['question']), 0, 80), "fieldname" => $pr['sid'] . "X" . $pr['gid'] . "X" . $pr['qid']); } } // Previous question parsing ==> building cquestions[] and canswers[] if ($questionscount > 0) { $X = "X"; foreach ($theserows as $rows) { $shortquestion = $rows['title'] . ": " . strip_tags($rows['question']); if ($rows['type'] == "A" || $rows['type'] == "B" || $rows['type'] == "C" || $rows['type'] == "E" || $rows['type'] == "F" || $rows['type'] == "H") { $aresult = Questions::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('parent_qid' => $rows['qid'], 'language' => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language), array('order' => 'question_order ASC')); foreach ($aresult as $arows) { $shortanswer = "{$arows['title']}: [" . flattenText($arows['question']) . "]"; $shortquestion = $rows['title'] . ":{$shortanswer} " . flattenText($rows['question']); $cquestions[] = array($shortquestion, $rows['qid'], $rows['type'], $rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title']); switch ($rows['type']) { case "A": //Array 5 buttons for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'], $i, $i); } break; case "B": //Array 10 buttons for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'], $i, $i); } break; case "C": //Array Y/N/NA $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'], "Y", $clang->gT("Yes")); $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'], "U", $clang->gT("Uncertain")); $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'], "N", $clang->gT("No")); break; case "E": //Array >/=/< $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'], "I", $clang->gT("Increase")); $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'], "S", $clang->gT("Same")); $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'], "D", $clang->gT("Decrease")); break; case "F": //Array Flexible Row //Array Flexible Row case "H": //Array Flexible Column $fresult = Answers::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('qid' => $rows['qid'], "language" => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language, 'scale_id' => 0), array('order' => 'sortorder, code')); foreach ($fresult as $frow) { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'], $frow['code'], $frow['answer']); } break; } // Only Show No-Answer if question is not mandatory if ($rows['mandatory'] != 'Y') { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'], "", $clang->gT("No answer")); } } //while } elseif ($rows['type'] == ":" || $rows['type'] == ";") { // Multiflexi //Get question attribute for $canswers $qidattributes = getQuestionAttributeValues($rows['qid'], $rows['type']); if (isset($qidattributes['multiflexible_max']) && trim($qidattributes['multiflexible_max']) != '') { $maxvalue = floatval($qidattributes['multiflexible_max']); } else { $maxvalue = 10; } if (isset($qidattributes['multiflexible_min']) && trim($qidattributes['multiflexible_min']) != '') { $minvalue = floatval($qidattributes['multiflexible_min']); } else { $minvalue = 1; } if (isset($qidattributes['multiflexible_step']) && trim($qidattributes['multiflexible_step']) != '') { $stepvalue = floatval($qidattributes['multiflexible_step']); if ($stepvalue == 0) { $stepvalue = 1; } } else { $stepvalue = 1; } if (isset($qidattributes['multiflexible_checkbox']) && $qidattributes['multiflexible_checkbox'] != 0) { $minvalue = 0; $maxvalue = 1; $stepvalue = 1; } // Get the Y-Axis $fquery = "SELECT sq.*, q.other" . " FROM {{questions sq}}, {{questions q}}" . " WHERE sq.sid={$iSurveyID} AND sq.parent_qid=q.qid " . "AND q.language=:lang" . " AND sq.language=:lang" . " AND q.qid=:qid\n AND sq.scale_id=0\n ORDER BY sq.question_order"; $sLanguage = Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language; $y_axis_db = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($fquery)->bindParam(":lang", $sLanguage, PDO::PARAM_STR)->bindParam(":qid", $rows['qid'], PDO::PARAM_INT)->query(); // Get the X-Axis $aquery = "SELECT sq.*\n FROM {{questions q}}, {{questions sq}}\n WHERE q.sid={$iSurveyID}\n AND sq.parent_qid=q.qid\n AND q.language=:lang\n AND sq.language=:lang\n AND q.qid=:qid\n AND sq.scale_id=1\n ORDER BY sq.question_order"; $x_axis_db = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($aquery)->bindParam(":lang", $sLanguage, PDO::PARAM_STR)->bindParam(":qid", $rows['qid'], PDO::PARAM_INT)->query() or safeDie("Couldn't get answers to Array questions<br />{$aquery}<br />"); foreach ($x_axis_db->readAll() as $frow) { $x_axis[$frow['title']] = $frow['question']; } foreach ($y_axis_db->readAll() as $yrow) { foreach ($x_axis as $key => $val) { $shortquestion = $rows['title'] . ":{$yrow['title']}:{$key}: [" . strip_tags($yrow['question']) . "][" . strip_tags($val) . "] " . flattenText($rows['question']); $cquestions[] = array($shortquestion, $rows['qid'], $rows['type'], $rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $yrow['title'] . "_" . $key); if ($rows['type'] == ":") { for ($ii = $minvalue; $ii <= $maxvalue; $ii += $stepvalue) { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $yrow['title'] . "_" . $key, $ii, $ii); } } } } unset($x_axis); } elseif ($rows['type'] == "1") { $aresult = Questions::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('parent_qid' => $rows['qid'], 'language' => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language), array('order' => 'question_order desc')); foreach ($aresult as $arows) { $attr = getQuestionAttributeValues($rows['qid']); $label1 = isset($attr['dualscale_headerA']) ? $attr['dualscale_headerA'] : 'Label1'; $label2 = isset($attr['dualscale_headerB']) ? $attr['dualscale_headerB'] : 'Label2'; $shortanswer = "{$arows['title']}: [" . strip_tags($arows['question']) . "][{$label1}]"; $shortquestion = $rows['title'] . ":{$shortanswer} " . strip_tags($rows['question']); $cquestions[] = array($shortquestion, $rows['qid'], $rows['type'], $rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'] . "#0"); $shortanswer = "{$arows['title']}: [" . strip_tags($arows['question']) . "][{$label2}]"; $shortquestion = $rows['title'] . ":{$shortanswer} " . strip_tags($rows['question']); $cquestions[] = array($shortquestion, $rows['qid'], $rows['type'], $rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'] . "#1"); // first label $lresult = Answers::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('qid' => $rows['qid'], 'scale_id' => 0, 'language' => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language), array('order' => 'sortorder, answer')); foreach ($lresult as $lrows) { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'] . "#0", "{$lrows['code']}", "{$lrows['code']}"); } // second label $lresult = Answers::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('qid' => $rows['qid'], 'scale_id' => 1, 'language' => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language), array('order' => 'sortorder, answer')); foreach ($lresult as $lrows) { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'] . "#1", "{$lrows['code']}", "{$lrows['code']}"); } // Only Show No-Answer if question is not mandatory if ($rows['mandatory'] != 'Y') { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'] . "#0", "", $clang->gT("No answer")); $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'] . "#1", "", $clang->gT("No answer")); } } //while } elseif ($rows['type'] == "K" || $rows['type'] == "Q") { $aresult = Questions::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("parent_qid" => $rows['qid'], "language" => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language), array('order' => 'question_order desc')); foreach ($aresult as $arows) { $shortanswer = "{$arows['title']}: [" . strip_tags($arows['question']) . "]"; $shortquestion = $rows['title'] . ":{$shortanswer} " . strip_tags($rows['question']); $cquestions[] = array($shortquestion, $rows['qid'], $rows['type'], $rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title']); // Only Show No-Answer if question is not mandatory if ($rows['mandatory'] != 'Y') { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'], "", $clang->gT("No answer")); } } //while } elseif ($rows['type'] == "R") { $aresult = Answers::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("qid" => $rows['qid'], "scale_id" => 0, "language" => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language), array('order' => 'sortorder, answer')); $acount = count($aresult); foreach ($aresult as $arow) { $theanswer = addcslashes($arow['answer'], "'"); $quicky[] = array($arow['code'], $theanswer); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $acount; $i++) { $cquestions[] = array("{$rows['title']}: [RANK {$i}] " . strip_tags($rows['question']), $rows['qid'], $rows['type'], $rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $i); foreach ($quicky as $qck) { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $i, $qck[0], $qck[1]); } // Only Show No-Answer if question is not mandatory if ($rows['mandatory'] != 'Y') { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $i, " ", $clang->gT("No answer")); } } unset($quicky); } elseif ($rows['type'] == "M" || $rows['type'] == "P") { $shortanswer = " [" . $clang->gT("Group of checkboxes") . "]"; $shortquestion = $rows['title'] . ":{$shortanswer} " . strip_tags($rows['question']); $cquestions[] = array($shortquestion, $rows['qid'], $rows['type'], $rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid']); $aresult = Questions::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("parent_qid" => $rows['qid'], "language" => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language), array('order' => 'question_order desc')); foreach ($aresult as $arows) { $theanswer = addcslashes($arows['question'], "'"); $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'], $arows['title'], $theanswer); $shortanswer = "{$arows['title']}: [" . strip_tags($arows['question']) . "]"; $shortanswer .= "[" . $clang->gT("Single checkbox") . "]"; $shortquestion = $rows['title'] . ":{$shortanswer} " . strip_tags($rows['question']); $cquestions[] = array($shortquestion, $rows['qid'], $rows['type'], "+" . $rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title']); $canswers[] = array("+" . $rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'], 'Y', $clang->gT("checked")); $canswers[] = array("+" . $rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'] . $arows['title'], '', $clang->gT("not checked")); } } elseif ($rows['type'] == "X") { //Just ignore this questiontype } else { $cquestions[] = array($shortquestion, $rows['qid'], $rows['type'], $rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid']); switch ($rows['type']) { case "Y": // Y/N/NA $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'], "Y", $clang->gT("Yes")); $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'], "N", $clang->gT("No")); // Only Show No-Answer if question is not mandatory if ($rows['mandatory'] != 'Y') { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'], " ", $clang->gT("No answer")); } break; case "G": //Gender $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'], "F", $clang->gT("Female")); $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'], "M", $clang->gT("Male")); // Only Show No-Answer if question is not mandatory if ($rows['mandatory'] != 'Y') { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'], " ", $clang->gT("No answer")); } break; case "5": // 5 choice for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'], $i, $i); } // Only Show No-Answer if question is not mandatory if ($rows['mandatory'] != 'Y') { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'], " ", $clang->gT("No answer")); } break; case "N": // Simple Numerical questions // Only Show No-Answer if question is not mandatory if ($rows['mandatory'] != 'Y') { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'], " ", $clang->gT("No answer")); } break; default: $aresult = Answers::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('qid' => $rows['qid'], 'scale_id' => 0, 'language' => Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language), array('order' => 'sortorder, answer')); foreach ($aresult as $arows) { $theanswer = addcslashes($arows['answer'], "'"); $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'], $arows['code'], $theanswer); } if ($rows['type'] == "D") { // Only Show No-Answer if question is not mandatory if ($rows['mandatory'] != 'Y') { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'], " ", $clang->gT("No answer")); } } elseif ($rows['type'] != "M" && $rows['type'] != "P" && $rows['type'] != "J" && $rows['type'] != "I") { // For dropdown questions // optinnaly add the 'Other' answer if (($rows['type'] == "L" || $rows['type'] == "!") && $rows['other'] == "Y") { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'], "-oth-", $clang->gT("Other")); } // Only Show No-Answer if question is not mandatory if ($rows['mandatory'] != 'Y') { $canswers[] = array($rows['sid'] . $X . $rows['gid'] . $X . $rows['qid'], " ", $clang->gT("No answer")); } } break; } //switch row type } //else } //foreach theserows } //if questionscount > 0 //END Gather Information for this question $questionNavOptions = CHtml::openTag('optgroup', array('class' => 'activesurveyselect', 'label' => $clang->gT("Before", "js"))); foreach ($theserows as $row) { $question = $row['question']; $question = strip_tags($question); if (strlen($question) < 35) { $questionselecter = $question; } else { //$questionselecter = substr($question, 0, 35).".."; $questionselecter = htmlspecialchars(mb_strcut(html_entity_decode($question, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 0, 35, 'UTF-8')) . "..."; } $questionNavOptions .= CHtml::tag('option', array('value' => $this->getController()->createUrl("/admin/conditions/sa/index/subaction/editconditionsform/surveyid/{$iSurveyID}/gid/{$row['gid']}/qid/{$row['qid']}")), $questionselecter); } $questionNavOptions .= CHtml::closeTag('optgroup'); $questionNavOptions .= CHtml::openTag('optgroup', array('class' => 'activesurveyselect', 'label' => $clang->gT("Current", "js"))); $question = strip_tags($questiontext); if (strlen($question) < 35) { $questiontextshort = $question; } else { //$questiontextshort = substr($question, 0, 35).".."; $questiontextshort = htmlspecialchars(mb_strcut(html_entity_decode($question, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 0, 35, 'UTF-8')) . "..."; } $questionNavOptions .= CHtml::tag('option', array('value' => $this->getController()->createUrl("/admin/conditions/sa/index/subaction/editconditionsform/surveyid/{$iSurveyID}/gid/{$gid}/qid/{$qid}"), 'selected' => 'selected'), $questiontitle . ': ' . $questiontextshort); $questionNavOptions .= CHtml::closeTag('optgroup'); $questionNavOptions .= CHtml::openTag('optgroup', array('class' => 'activesurveyselect', 'label' => $clang->gT("After", "js"))); foreach ($postrows as $row) { $question = $row['question']; $question = strip_tags($question); if (strlen($question) < 35) { $questionselecter = $question; } else { //$questionselecter = substr($question, 0, 35).".."; $questionselecter = htmlspecialchars(mb_strcut(html_entity_decode($question, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 0, 35, 'UTF-8')) . "..."; } $questionNavOptions .= CHtml::tag('option', array('value' => $this->getController()->createUrl("/admin/conditions/sa/index/subaction/editconditionsform/surveyid/{$iSurveyID}/gid/{$row['gid']}/qid/{$row['qid']}")), $row['title'] . ':' . $questionselecter); } $questionNavOptions .= CHtml::closeTag('optgroup'); //Now display the information and forms //BEGIN: PREPARE JAVASCRIPT TO SHOW MATCHING ANSWERS TO SELECTED QUESTION $javascriptpre = CHtml::openTag('script', array('type' => 'text/javascript')) . "<!--\n" . "\tvar Fieldnames = new Array();\n" . "\tvar Codes = new Array();\n" . "\tvar Answers = new Array();\n" . "\tvar QFieldnames = new Array();\n" . "\tvar Qcqids = new Array();\n" . "\tvar Qtypes = new Array();\n"; $jn = 0; if (isset($canswers)) { foreach ($canswers as $can) { $an = ls_json_encode(flattenText($can[2])); $javascriptpre .= "Fieldnames[{$jn}]='{$can['0']}';\n" . "Codes[{$jn}]='{$can['1']}';\n" . "Answers[{$jn}]={$an};\n"; $jn++; } } $jn = 0; if (isset($cquestions)) { foreach ($cquestions as $cqn) { $javascriptpre .= "QFieldnames[{$jn}]='{$cqn['3']}';\n" . "Qcqids[{$jn}]='{$cqn['1']}';\n" . "Qtypes[{$jn}]='{$cqn['2']}';\n"; $jn++; } } // record a JS variable to let jQuery know if survey is Anonymous if ($thissurvey['anonymized'] == 'Y') { $javascriptpre .= "isAnonymousSurvey = true;"; } else { $javascriptpre .= "isAnonymousSurvey = false;"; } $javascriptpre .= "//-->\n" . CHtml::closeTag('script'); //END: PREPARE JAVASCRIPT TO SHOW MATCHING ANSWERS TO SELECTED QUESTION $this->getController()->_css_admin_includes(Yii::app()->getConfig("publicstyleurl") . 'jquery.multiselect.css'); $aViewUrls = array(); $aData['clang'] = $clang; $aData['surveyid'] = $iSurveyID; $aData['qid'] = $qid; $aData['gid'] = $gid; $aData['imageurl'] = $imageurl; $aData['extraGetParams'] = $extraGetParams; $aData['quesitonNavOptions'] = $questionNavOptions; $aData['conditionsoutput_action_error'] = $conditionsoutput_action_error; $aData['javascriptpre'] = $javascriptpre; $aViewUrls['conditionshead_view'][] = $aData; //BEGIN DISPLAY CONDITIONS FOR THIS QUESTION if ($subaction == 'index' || $subaction == 'editconditionsform' || $subaction == 'insertcondition' || $subaction == "editthiscondition" || $subaction == "delete" || $subaction == "updatecondition" || $subaction == "deletescenario" || $subaction == "renumberscenarios" || $subaction == "deleteallconditions" || $subaction == "updatescenario" || $subaction == 'copyconditionsform' || $subaction == 'copyconditions' || $subaction == 'conditions') { //3: Get other conditions currently set for this question $conditionscount = 0; $s = 0; $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->select = 'scenario'; // only select the 'scenario' column $criteria->condition = 'qid=:qid'; $criteria->params = array(':qid' => $qid); $criteria->order = 'scenario'; $criteria->group = 'scenario'; $scenarioresult = Conditions::model()->findAll($criteria); $scenariocount = count($scenarioresult); $showreplace = "{$questiontitle}" . $this->_showSpeaker($questiontext); $onlyshow = sprintf($clang->gT("Only show question %s IF"), $showreplace); $aData['conditionsoutput'] = ''; $aData['extraGetParams'] = $extraGetParams; $aData['quesitonNavOptions'] = $questionNavOptions; $aData['conditionsoutput_action_error'] = $conditionsoutput_action_error; $aData['javascriptpre'] = $javascriptpre; $aData['onlyshow'] = $onlyshow; $aData['subaction'] = $subaction; $aData['scenariocount'] = $scenariocount; $aViewUrls['conditionslist_view'][] = $aData; if ($scenariocount > 0) { //self::_js_admin_includes($this->config->item("generalscripts").'jquery/jquery.checkgroup.js'); $this->getController()->_js_admin_includes(Yii::app()->getConfig("generalscripts") . 'jquery/jquery.checkgroup.js'); foreach ($scenarioresult as $scenarionr) { $scenariotext = ""; if ($s == 0 && $scenariocount > 1) { $scenariotext = " -------- <i>Scenario {$scenarionr['scenario']}</i> --------"; } if ($s > 0) { $scenariotext = " -------- <i>" . $clang->gT("OR") . " Scenario {$scenarionr['scenario']}</i> --------"; } if ($subaction == "copyconditionsform" || $subaction == "copyconditions") { $initialCheckbox = "<td><input type='checkbox' id='scenarioCbx{$scenarionr['scenario']}' checked='checked'/>\n" . "<script type='text/javascript'>\$(document).ready(function () { \$('#scenarioCbx{$scenarionr['scenario']}').checkgroup({ groupName:'aConditionFromScenario{$scenarionr['scenario']}'}); });</script>" . "</td><td> </td>\n"; } else { $initialCheckbox = ""; } if ($scenariotext != "" && ($subaction == "editconditionsform" || $subaction == "insertcondition" || $subaction == "updatecondition" || $subaction == "editthiscondition" || $subaction == "renumberscenarios" || $subaction == "updatescenario" || $subaction == "deletescenario" || $subaction == "delete")) { $img_tag = CHtml::image($imageurl . '/scenario_delete.png', $clang->gT("Delete this scenario"), array('name' => 'DeleteWholeGroup')); $additional_main_content = CHtml::link($img_tag, '#', array('onclick' => "if ( confirm('" . $clang->gT("Are you sure you want to delete all conditions set in this scenario?", "js") . "')) { document.getElementById('deletescenario{$scenarionr['scenario']}').submit();}")); $img_tag = CHtml::image($imageurl . '/scenario_edit.png', $clang->gT("Edit scenario"), array('name' => 'DeleteWholeGroup')); $additional_main_content .= CHtml::link($img_tag, '#', array('id' => 'editscenariobtn' . $scenarionr['scenario'], 'onclick' => "\$('#editscenario{$scenarionr['scenario']}').toggle('slow');")); $aData['additional_content'] = $additional_main_content; } $aData['initialCheckbox'] = $initialCheckbox; $aData['scenariotext'] = $scenariotext; $aData['scenarionr'] = $scenarionr; if (!isset($aViewUrls['output'])) { $aViewUrls['output'] = ''; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= $this->getController()->render('/admin/conditions/includes/conditions_scenario', $aData, TRUE); unset($currentfield); $query = "SELECT count(*) as recordcount\n FROM {{conditions}} c, {{questions}} q, {{groups}} g\n WHERE c.cqid=q.qid " . "AND q.gid=g.gid " . "AND q.parent_qid=0 " . "AND q.language=:lang1 " . "AND g.language=:lang2 " . "AND c.qid=:qid " . "AND c.scenario=:scenario " . "AND c.cfieldname NOT LIKE '{%' "; // avoid catching SRCtokenAttr conditions $sLanguage = Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language; $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->bindValue(":scenario", $scenarionr['scenario'])->bindValue(":qid", $qid, PDO::PARAM_INT)->bindValue(":lang1", $sLanguage, PDO::PARAM_STR)->bindValue(":lang2", $sLanguage, PDO::PARAM_STR)->queryRow(); $conditionscount = (int) $result['recordcount']; $query = "SELECT c.cid, c.scenario, c.cqid, c.cfieldname, c.method, c.value, q.type\n FROM {{conditions}} c, {{questions}} q, {{groups}} g\n WHERE c.cqid=q.qid " . "AND q.gid=g.gid " . "AND q.parent_qid=0 " . "AND q.language=:lang1 " . "AND g.language=:lang2 " . "AND c.qid=:qid " . "AND c.scenario=:scenario " . "AND c.cfieldname NOT LIKE '{%' " . "ORDER BY g.group_order, q.question_order, c.cfieldname"; $sLanguage = Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language; $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->bindValue(":scenario", $scenarionr['scenario'])->bindValue(":qid", $qid, PDO::PARAM_INT)->bindValue(":lang1", $sLanguage, PDO::PARAM_STR)->bindValue(":lang2", $sLanguage, PDO::PARAM_STR)->query() or safeDie("Couldn't get other conditions for question {$qid}<br />{$query}<br />"); $querytoken = "SELECT count(*) as recordcount " . "FROM {{conditions}} " . "WHERE " . " {{conditions}}.qid=:qid " . "AND {{conditions}}.scenario=:scenario " . "AND {{conditions}}.cfieldname LIKE '{%' "; // only catching SRCtokenAttr conditions $resulttoken = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($querytoken)->bindValue(":scenario", $scenarionr['scenario'], PDO::PARAM_INT)->bindValue(":qid", $qid, PDO::PARAM_INT)->queryRow() or safeDie("Couldn't get other conditions for question {$qid}<br />{$query}<br />"); $conditionscounttoken = (int) $resulttoken['recordcount']; $querytoken = "SELECT {{conditions}}.cid, " . "{{conditions}}.scenario, " . "{{conditions}}.cqid, " . "{{conditions}}.cfieldname, " . "{{conditions}}.method, " . "{{conditions}}.value, " . "'' AS type " . "FROM {{conditions}} " . "WHERE " . " {{conditions}}.qid=:qid " . "AND {{conditions}}.scenario=:scenario " . "AND {{conditions}}.cfieldname LIKE '{%' " . "ORDER BY {{conditions}}.cfieldname"; $resulttoken = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($querytoken)->bindValue(":scenario", $scenarionr['scenario'], PDO::PARAM_INT)->bindValue(":qid", $qid, PDO::PARAM_INT)->query() or safeDie("Couldn't get other conditions for question {$qid}<br />{$query}<br />"); $conditionscount = $conditionscount + $conditionscounttoken; if ($conditionscount > 0) { $aConditionsMerged = array(); foreach ($resulttoken->readAll() as $arow) { $aConditionsMerged[] = $arow; } foreach ($result->readAll() as $arow) { $aConditionsMerged[] = $arow; } foreach ($aConditionsMerged as $rows) { if ($rows['method'] == "") { $rows['method'] = "=="; } //Fill in the empty method from previous versions $markcidstyle = "oddrow"; if (array_search($rows['cid'], $markcidarray) !== FALSE) { // This is the style used when the condition editor is called // in order to check which conditions prevent a question deletion $markcidstyle = "markedrow"; } if ($subaction == "editthiscondition" && isset($p_cid) && $rows['cid'] === $p_cid) { // Style used when editing a condition $markcidstyle = "editedrow"; } if (isset($currentfield) && $currentfield != $rows['cfieldname']) { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<tr class='evenrow'>\n" . "\t<td colspan='2'>\n" . "<span><strong>" . $clang->gT("and") . "</strong></span></td></tr>"; } elseif (isset($currentfield)) { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<tr class='evenrow'>\n" . "\t<td colspan='2'>\n" . "<span><strong>" . $clang->gT("or") . "</strong></span></td></tr>"; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t<tr class='{$markcidstyle}'>\n" . "\t<td colspan='2'>" . CHtml::form(array("/admin/conditions/sa/index/subaction/{$subaction}/surveyid/{$iSurveyID}/gid/{$gid}/qid/{$qid}/"), 'post', array('id' => "conditionaction{$rows['cid']}", 'name' => "conditionaction{$rows['cid']}")) . "<table>\n" . "\t<tr>\n"; if ($subaction == "copyconditionsform" || $subaction == "copyconditions") { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<td> </td>" . "<td>\n" . "\t<input type='checkbox' name='aConditionFromScenario{$scenarionr['scenario']}' id='cbox{$rows['cid']}' value='{$rows['cid']}' checked='checked'/>\n" . "</td>\n"; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "" . "<td>\n" . "\t<span>\n"; $leftOperandType = 'unknown'; // prevquestion, tokenattr if ($thissurvey['anonymized'] != 'Y' && preg_match('/^{TOKEN:([^}]*)}$/', $rows['cfieldname'], $extractedTokenAttr) > 0) { $leftOperandType = 'tokenattr'; $aTokenAttrNames = getTokenFieldsAndNames($iSurveyID); if (count($aTokenAttrNames) != 0) { $thisAttrName = HTMLEscape($aTokenAttrNames[strtolower($extractedTokenAttr[1])]['description']) . " [" . $clang->gT("From token table") . "]"; } else { $thisAttrName = HTMLEscape($extractedTokenAttr[1]) . " [" . $clang->gT("Inexistant token table") . "]"; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t{$thisAttrName}\n"; // TIBO not sure this is used anymore !! $conditionsList[] = array("cid" => $rows['cid'], "text" => $thisAttrName); } else { $leftOperandType = 'prevquestion'; foreach ($cquestions as $cqn) { if ($cqn[3] == $rows['cfieldname']) { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t{$cqn['0']} (qid{$rows['cqid']})\n"; $conditionsList[] = array("cid" => $rows['cid'], "text" => $cqn[0] . " ({$rows['value']})"); } else { //$aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t<font color='red'>ERROR: Delete this condition. It is out of order.</font>\n"; } } } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t</span></td>\n" . "\t<td>\n" . "<span>\n" . $method[trim($rows['method'])] . "</span>\n" . "\t</td>\n" . "\n" . "\t<td>\n" . "<span>\n"; // let's read the condition's right operand // determine its type and display it $rightOperandType = 'unknown'; // predefinedAnsw,constantVal, prevQsgqa, tokenAttr, regexp if ($rows['method'] == 'RX') { $rightOperandType = 'regexp'; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "" . HTMLEscape($rows['value']) . "\n"; } elseif (preg_match('/^@([0-9]+X[0-9]+X[^@]*)@$/', $rows['value'], $matchedSGQA) > 0) { // SGQA $rightOperandType = 'prevQsgqa'; $textfound = false; foreach ($cquestions as $cqn) { if ($cqn[3] == $matchedSGQA[1]) { $matchedSGQAText = $cqn[0]; $textfound = true; break; } } if ($textfound === false) { $matchedSGQAText = $rows['value'] . ' (' . $clang->gT("Not found") . ')'; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "" . HTMLEscape($matchedSGQAText) . "\n"; } elseif ($thissurvey['anonymized'] != 'Y' && preg_match('/^{TOKEN:([^}]*)}$/', $rows['value'], $extractedTokenAttr) > 0) { $rightOperandType = 'tokenAttr'; $aTokenAttrNames = getTokenFieldsAndNames($iSurveyID); if (count($aTokenAttrNames) != 0) { $thisAttrName = HTMLEscape($aTokenAttrNames[strtolower($extractedTokenAttr[1])]['description']) . " [" . $clang->gT("From token table") . "]"; } else { $thisAttrName = HTMLEscape($extractedTokenAttr[1]) . " [" . $clang->gT("Inexistant token table") . "]"; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t{$thisAttrName}\n"; } elseif (isset($canswers)) { foreach ($canswers as $can) { if ($can[0] == $rows['cfieldname'] && $can[1] == $rows['value']) { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "{$can['2']} ({$can['1']})\n"; $rightOperandType = 'predefinedAnsw'; } } } // if $rightOperandType is still unkown then it is a simple constant if ($rightOperandType == 'unknown') { $rightOperandType = 'constantVal'; if ($rows['value'] == ' ' || $rows['value'] == '') { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "" . $clang->gT("No answer") . "\n"; } else { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "" . HTMLEscape($rows['value']) . "\n"; } } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t</span></td>\n" . "\t<td>\n"; if ($subaction == "editconditionsform" || $subaction == "insertcondition" || $subaction == "updatecondition" || $subaction == "editthiscondition" || $subaction == "renumberscenarios" || $subaction == "deleteallconditions" || $subaction == "updatescenario" || $subaction == "deletescenario" || $subaction == "delete") { // show single condition action buttons in edit mode $aData['rows'] = $rows; $aData['sImageURL'] = Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl'); //$aViewUrls['includes/conditions_edit'][] = $aData; $aViewUrls['output'] .= $this->getController()->render('/admin/conditions/includes/conditions_edit', $aData, TRUE); // now sets e corresponding hidden input field // depending on the leftOperandType if ($leftOperandType == 'tokenattr') { $aViewUrls['output'] .= CHtml::hiddenField('csrctoken', HTMLEscape($rows['cfieldname']), array('id' => 'csrctoken' . $rows['cid'])); } else { $aViewUrls['output'] .= CHtml::hiddenField('cquestions', HTMLEscape($rows['cfieldname']), array('id' => 'cquestions' . $rows['cid'])); } // now set the corresponding hidden input field // depending on the rightOperandType // This is used when Editting a condition if ($rightOperandType == 'predefinedAnsw') { $aViewUrls['output'] .= CHtml::hiddenField('EDITcanswers[]', HTMLEscape($rows['value']), array('id' => 'editModeTargetVal' . $rows['cid'])); } elseif ($rightOperandType == 'prevQsgqa') { $aViewUrls['output'] .= CHtml::hiddenField('EDITprevQuestionSGQA', HTMLEscape($rows['value']), array('id' => 'editModeTargetVal' . $rows['cid'])); } elseif ($rightOperandType == 'tokenAttr') { $aViewUrls['output'] .= CHtml::hiddenField('EDITtokenAttr', HTMLEscape($rows['value']), array('id' => 'editModeTargetVal' . $rows['cid'])); } elseif ($rightOperandType == 'regexp') { $aViewUrls['output'] .= CHtml::hiddenField('EDITConditionRegexp', HTMLEscape($rows['value']), array('id' => 'editModeTargetVal' . $rows['cid'])); } else { $aViewUrls['output'] .= CHtml::hiddenField('EDITConditionConst', HTMLEscape($rows['value']), array('id' => 'editModeTargetVal' . $rows['cid'])); } } $aViewUrls['output'] .= CHtml::closeTag('td') . CHtml::closeTag('tr') . CHtml::closeTag('table') . CHtml::closeTag('form') . CHtml::closeTag('td') . CHtml::closeTag('tr'); $currentfield = $rows['cfieldname']; } } $s++; } } else { // no condition ==> disable delete all conditions button, and display a simple comment $aViewUrls['output'] = CHtml::openTag('tr') . CHtml::tag('td', array(), $clang->gT("This question is always shown.")) . CHtml::tag('td', array(), ' ') . CHtml::closeTag('tr'); } $aViewUrls['output'] .= CHtml::closeTag('table'); } //END DISPLAY CONDITIONS FOR THIS QUESTION // BEGIN: DISPLAY THE COPY CONDITIONS FORM if ($subaction == "copyconditionsform" || $subaction == "copyconditions") { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<tr class=''><td colspan='3'>\n" . CHtml::form(array("/admin/conditions/sa/index/subaction/copyconditions/surveyid/{$iSurveyID}/gid/{$gid}/qid/{$qid}/"), 'post', array('id' => "copyconditions", 'name' => "copyconditions")) . "<div class='header ui-widget-header'>" . $clang->gT("Copy conditions") . "</div>\n"; //CopyConditionsMessage if (isset($CopyConditionsMessage)) { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<div class='messagebox ui-corner-all'>\n" . "{$CopyConditionsMessage}\n" . "</div>\n"; } if (isset($conditionsList) && is_array($conditionsList)) { //TIBO $this->getController()->_js_admin_includes(Yii::app()->getConfig("generalscripts") . 'jquery/jquery.multiselect.min.js'); // TODO $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\$(document).ready(function () { \$('#copytomultiselect').multiselect( { autoOpen: true, noneSelectedText: '" . $clang->gT("No questions selected") . "', checkAllText: '" . $clang->gT("Check all") . "', uncheckAllText: '" . $clang->gT("Uncheck all") . "', selectedText: '# " . $clang->gT("selected") . "', beforeclose: function(){ return false;},height: 200 } ); });</script>"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t<div class='conditioncopy-tbl-row'>\n" . "\t<div class='condition-tbl-left'>" . $clang->gT("Copy the selected conditions to") . ":</div>\n" . "\t<div class='condition-tbl-right'>\n" . "\t\t<select name='copyconditionsto[]' id='copytomultiselect' multiple='multiple' >\n"; if (isset($pquestions) && count($pquestions) != 0) { foreach ($pquestions as $pq) { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t\t<option value='{$pq['fieldname']}'>" . $pq['text'] . "</option>\n"; } } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t\t</select>\n" . "\t</div>\n" . "\t</div>\n"; if (!isset($pquestions) || count($pquestions) == 0) { $disableCopyCondition = " disabled='disabled'"; } else { $disableCopyCondition = " "; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t<div class='condition-tbl-full'>\n" . "\t\t<input type='submit' value='" . $clang->gT("Copy conditions") . "' onclick=\"prepareCopyconditions(); return true;\" {$disableCopyCondition}/>\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='subaction' value='copyconditions' />\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='sid' value='{$iSurveyID}' />\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='gid' value='{$gid}' />\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='qid' value='{$qid}' />\n" . "</div>\n"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" . "function prepareCopyconditions()\n" . "{\n" . "\t\$(\"input:checked[name^='aConditionFromScenario']\").each(function(i,val)\n" . "\t{\n" . "var thecid = val.value;\n" . "var theform = document.getElementById('copyconditions');\n" . "addHiddenElement(theform,'copyconditionsfrom[]',thecid);\n" . "return true;\n" . "\t});\n" . "}\n" . "</script>\n"; } else { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<div class='messagebox ui-corner-all'>\n" . "<div class='partialheader'>" . $clang->gT("There are no existing conditions in this survey.") . "</div><br />\n" . "</div>\n"; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "</form></td></tr>\n"; } // END: DISPLAY THE COPY CONDITIONS FORM if (isset($cquestions)) { if (count($cquestions) > 0 && count($cquestions) <= 10) { $qcount = count($cquestions); } else { $qcount = 9; } } else { $qcount = 0; } //BEGIN: DISPLAY THE ADD or EDIT CONDITION FORM if ($subaction == "editconditionsform" || $subaction == "insertcondition" || $subaction == "updatecondition" || $subaction == "deletescenario" || $subaction == "renumberscenarios" || $subaction == "deleteallconditions" || $subaction == "updatescenario" || $subaction == "editthiscondition" || $subaction == "delete") { $aViewUrls['output'] .= CHtml::form(array("/admin/conditions/sa/index/subaction/{$subaction}/surveyid/{$iSurveyID}/gid/{$gid}/qid/{$qid}/"), 'post', array('id' => "editconditions", 'name' => "editconditions")); if ($subaction == "editthiscondition" && isset($p_cid)) { $mytitle = $clang->gT("Edit condition"); } else { $mytitle = $clang->gT("Add condition"); } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<div class='header ui-widget-header'>" . $mytitle . "</div>\n"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Begin "Scenario" row if ($subaction != "editthiscondition" && isset($scenariocount) && ($scenariocount == 1 || $scenariocount == 0) || $subaction == "editthiscondition" && isset($scenario) && $scenario == 1) { $scenarioAddBtn = "\t<a id='scenarioaddbtn' href='#' onclick=\"\$('#scenarioaddbtn').hide();\$('#defaultscenariotxt').hide('slow');\$('#scenario').show('slow');\">" . "<img src='{$imageurl}/plus.png' alt='" . $clang->gT('Add scenario') . "' /></a>\n"; $scenarioTxt = "<span id='defaultscenariotxt'>" . $clang->gT("Default scenario") . "</span>"; $scenarioInputStyle = "style = 'display: none;'"; } else { $scenarioAddBtn = ""; $scenarioTxt = ""; $scenarioInputStyle = "style = ''"; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<div class='condition-tbl-row'>\n" . "<div class='condition-tbl-left'>{$scenarioAddBtn} " . $clang->gT("Scenario") . "</div>\n" . "<div class='condition-tbl-right'><input type='text' name='scenario' id='scenario' value='1' size='2' {$scenarioInputStyle}/>" . "{$scenarioTxt}\n" . "</div>\n" . "</div>\n"; // Begin "Question" row $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<div class='condition-tbl-row'>\n" . "<div class='condition-tbl-left'>" . $clang->gT("Question") . "</div>\n" . "<div class='condition-tbl-right'>\n" . "\t<div id=\"conditionsource\" class=\"tabs-nav\">\n" . "\t<ul>\n" . "\t<li><a href=\"#SRCPREVQUEST\"><span>" . $clang->gT("Previous questions") . "</span></a></li>\n" . "\t<li><a href=\"#SRCTOKENATTRS\"><span>" . $clang->gT("Token fields") . "</span></a></li>\n" . "\t</ul>\n"; // Previous question tab $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<div id='SRCPREVQUEST'><select name='cquestions' id='cquestions' size='" . ($qcount + 1) . "' >\n"; if (isset($cquestions)) { $js_getAnswers_onload = ""; foreach ($cquestions as $cqn) { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<option value='{$cqn['3']}' title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($cqn[0]) . "\""; if (isset($p_cquestions) && $cqn[3] == $p_cquestions) { $aViewUrls['output'] .= " selected"; if (isset($p_canswers)) { $canswersToSelect = ""; foreach ($p_canswers as $checkval) { $canswersToSelect .= ";{$checkval}"; } $canswersToSelect = substr($canswersToSelect, 1); $js_getAnswers_onload .= "\$('#canswersToSelect').val('{$canswersToSelect}');\n"; } } $aViewUrls['output'] .= ">{$cqn['0']}</option>\n"; } } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "</select>\n" . "</div>\n"; // Source token Tab $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<div id='SRCTOKENATTRS'><select name='csrctoken' id='csrctoken' size='" . ($qcount + 1) . "' >\n"; foreach (getTokenFieldsAndNames($iSurveyID) as $tokenattr => $tokenattrName) { // Check to select if (isset($p_csrctoken) && $p_csrctoken == '{TOKEN:' . strtoupper($tokenattr) . '}') { $selectThisSrcTokenAttr = "selected=\"selected\""; } else { $selectThisSrcTokenAttr = ""; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<option value='{TOKEN:" . strtoupper($tokenattr) . "}' {$selectThisSrcTokenAttr}>" . HTMLEscape($tokenattrName['description']) . "</option>\n"; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "</select>\n" . "</div>\n\n"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t</div>\n"; // end conditionsource div $aViewUrls['output'] .= "</div>\n" . "</div>\n"; // Begin "Comparison operator" row $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<div class='condition-tbl-row'>\n" . "<div class='condition-tbl-left'>" . $clang->gT("Comparison operator") . "</div>\n" . "<div class='condition-tbl-right'>\n" . "<select name='method' id='method'>\n"; foreach ($method as $methodCode => $methodTxt) { $selected = $methodCode == "==" ? " selected='selected'" : ""; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t<option value='" . $methodCode . "'{$selected}>" . $methodTxt . "</option>\n"; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "</select>\n" . "</div>\n" . "</div>\n"; // Begin "Answer" row $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<div class='condition-tbl-row'>\n" . "<div class='condition-tbl-left'>" . $clang->gT("Answer") . "</div>\n"; if ($subaction == "editthiscondition") { $multipletext = ""; if (isset($_POST['EDITConditionConst']) && $_POST['EDITConditionConst'] != '') { $EDITConditionConst = HTMLEscape($_POST['EDITConditionConst']); } else { $EDITConditionConst = ""; } if (isset($_POST['EDITConditionRegexp']) && $_POST['EDITConditionRegexp'] != '') { $EDITConditionRegexp = HTMLEscape($_POST['EDITConditionRegexp']); } else { $EDITConditionRegexp = ""; } } else { $multipletext = "multiple"; if (isset($_POST['ConditionConst']) && $_POST['ConditionConst'] != '') { $EDITConditionConst = HTMLEscape($_POST['ConditionConst']); } else { $EDITConditionConst = ""; } if (isset($_POST['ConditionRegexp']) && $_POST['ConditionRegexp'] != '') { $EDITConditionRegexp = HTMLEscape($_POST['ConditionRegexp']); } else { $EDITConditionRegexp = ""; } } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "" . "<div class='condition-tbl-right'>\n" . "<div id=\"conditiontarget\" class=\"tabs-nav\">\n" . "\t<ul>\n" . "\t\t<li><a href=\"#CANSWERSTAB\"><span>" . $clang->gT("Predefined") . "</span></a></li>\n" . "\t\t<li><a href=\"#CONST\"><span>" . $clang->gT("Constant") . "</span></a></li>\n" . "\t\t<li><a href=\"#PREVQUESTIONS\"><span>" . $clang->gT("Questions") . "</span></a></li>\n" . "\t\t<li><a href=\"#TOKENATTRS\"><span>" . $clang->gT("Token fields") . "</span></a></li>\n" . "\t\t<li><a href=\"#REGEXP\"><span>" . $clang->gT("RegExp") . "</span></a></li>\n" . "\t</ul>\n"; // Predefined answers tab $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t<div id='CANSWERSTAB'>\n" . "\t\t<select name='canswers[]' {$multipletext} id='canswers' size='7'>\n" . "\t\t</select>\n" . "\t\t<br /><span id='canswersLabel'>" . $clang->gT("Predefined answer options for this question") . "</span>\n" . "\t</div>\n"; // Constant tab $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t<div id='CONST' style='display:block;' >\n" . "\t\t<textarea name='ConditionConst' id='ConditionConst' rows='5' cols='113'>{$EDITConditionConst}</textarea>\n" . "\t\t<br /><div id='ConditionConstLabel'>" . $clang->gT("Constant value") . "</div>\n" . "\t</div>\n"; // Previous answers tab @SGQA@ placeholders $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t<div id='PREVQUESTIONS'>\n" . "\t\t<select name='prevQuestionSGQA' id='prevQuestionSGQA' size='7'>\n"; foreach ($cquestions as $cqn) { // building the @SGQA@ placeholders options if ($cqn[2] != 'M' && $cqn[2] != 'P') { // Type M or P aren't real fieldnames and thus can't be used in @SGQA@ placehodlers $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t\t<option value='@{$cqn['3']}@' title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($cqn[0]) . "\""; if (isset($p_prevquestionsgqa) && $p_prevquestionsgqa == "@" . $cqn[3] . "@") { $aViewUrls['output'] .= " selected='selected'"; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= ">{$cqn['0']}</option>\n"; } } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t\t</select>\n" . "\t\t<br /><span id='prevQuestionSGQALabel'>" . $clang->gT("Answers from previous questions") . "</span>\n" . "\t</div>\n"; // Token tab $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t<div id='TOKENATTRS'>\n" . "\t\t<select name='tokenAttr' id='tokenAttr' size='7'>\n"; foreach (getTokenFieldsAndNames($iSurveyID) as $tokenattr => $tokenattrName) { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t\t<option value='{TOKEN:" . strtoupper($tokenattr) . "}'>" . HTMLEscape($tokenattrName['description']) . "</option>\n"; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t\t</select>\n" . "\t\t<br /><span id='tokenAttrLabel'>" . $clang->gT("Attributes values from the participant's token") . "</span>\n" . "\t</div>\n"; // Regexp Tab $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t<div id='REGEXP' style='display:block;'>\n" . "\t\t<textarea name='ConditionRegexp' id='ConditionRegexp' rows='5' cols='113'>{$EDITConditionRegexp}</textarea>\n" . "\t\t<br /><div id='ConditionRegexpLabel'><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">" . $clang->gT("Regular expression") . "</a></div>\n" . "\t</div>\n"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "</div>\n"; // end conditiontarget div $this->getController()->_js_admin_includes(Yii::app()->getConfig("adminscripts") . 'conditions.js'); $this->getController()->_js_admin_includes(Yii::app()->getConfig("generalscripts") . 'jquery/lime-conditions-tabs.js'); if ($subaction == "editthiscondition" && isset($p_cid)) { $submitLabel = $clang->gT("Update condition"); $submitSubaction = "updatecondition"; $submitcid = sanitize_int($p_cid); } else { $submitLabel = $clang->gT("Add condition"); $submitSubaction = "insertcondition"; $submitcid = ""; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "</div>\n" . "</div>\n"; // Begin buttons row $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<div class='condition-tbl-full'>\n" . "\t<input type='reset' id='resetForm' value='" . $clang->gT("Clear") . "' />\n" . "\t<input type='submit' value='" . $submitLabel . "' />\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='sid' value='{$iSurveyID}' />\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='gid' value='{$gid}' />\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='qid' value='{$qid}' />\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='subaction' value='{$submitSubaction}' />\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='cqid' id='cqid' value='' />\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='cid' id='cid' value='" . $submitcid . "' />\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='editTargetTab' id='editTargetTab' value='' />\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='editSourceTab' id='editSourceTab' value='' />\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='canswersToSelect' id='canswersToSelect' value='' />\n" . "</div>\n" . "</form>\n"; if (!isset($js_getAnswers_onload)) { $js_getAnswers_onload = ''; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n" . "<!--\n" . "\t" . $js_getAnswers_onload . "\n"; if (isset($p_method)) { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('method').value='" . $p_method . "';\n"; } if ($subaction == "editthiscondition") { // in edit mode we read previous values in order to dusplay them in the corresponding inputs if (isset($_POST['EDITConditionConst']) && $_POST['EDITConditionConst'] != '') { // In order to avoid issues with backslash escaping, I don't use javascript to set the value // Thus the value is directly set when creating the Textarea element //$aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('ConditionConst').value='".HTMLEscape($_POST['EDITConditionConst'])."';\n"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('editTargetTab').value='#CONST';\n"; } elseif (isset($_POST['EDITprevQuestionSGQA']) && $_POST['EDITprevQuestionSGQA'] != '') { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('prevQuestionSGQA').value='" . HTMLEscape($_POST['EDITprevQuestionSGQA']) . "';\n"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('editTargetTab').value='#PREVQUESTIONS';\n"; } elseif (isset($_POST['EDITtokenAttr']) && $_POST['EDITtokenAttr'] != '') { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('tokenAttr').value='" . HTMLEscape($_POST['EDITtokenAttr']) . "';\n"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('editTargetTab').value='#TOKENATTRS';\n"; } elseif (isset($_POST['EDITConditionRegexp']) && $_POST['EDITConditionRegexp'] != '') { // In order to avoid issues with backslash escaping, I don't use javascript to set the value // Thus the value is directly set when creating the Textarea element //$aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('ConditionRegexp').value='".HTMLEscape($_POST['EDITConditionRegexp'])."';\n"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('editTargetTab').value='#REGEXP';\n"; } elseif (isset($_POST['EDITcanswers']) && is_array($_POST['EDITcanswers'])) { // was a predefined answers post $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('editTargetTab').value='#CANSWERSTAB';\n"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\t\$('#canswersToSelect').val('" . $_POST['EDITcanswers'][0] . "');\n"; } if (isset($_POST['csrctoken']) && $_POST['csrctoken'] != '') { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('csrctoken').value='" . HTMLEscape($_POST['csrctoken']) . "';\n"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('editSourceTab').value='#SRCTOKENATTRS';\n"; } else { if (isset($_POST['cquestions']) && $_POST['cquestions'] != '') { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('cquestions').value='" . HTMLEscape($_POST['cquestions']) . "';\n"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('editSourceTab').value='#SRCPREVQUEST';\n"; } } } else { // in other modes, for the moment we do the same as for edit mode if (isset($_POST['ConditionConst']) && $_POST['ConditionConst'] != '') { // In order to avoid issues with backslash escaping, I don't use javascript to set the value // Thus the value is directly set when creating the Textarea element //$aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('ConditionConst').value='".HTMLEscape($_POST['ConditionConst'])."';\n"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('editTargetTab').value='#CONST';\n"; } elseif (isset($_POST['prevQuestionSGQA']) && $_POST['prevQuestionSGQA'] != '') { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('prevQuestionSGQA').value='" . HTMLEscape($_POST['prevQuestionSGQA']) . "';\n"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('editTargetTab').value='#PREVQUESTIONS';\n"; } elseif (isset($_POST['tokenAttr']) && $_POST['tokenAttr'] != '') { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('tokenAttr').value='" . HTMLEscape($_POST['tokenAttr']) . "';\n"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('editTargetTab').value='#TOKENATTRS';\n"; } elseif (isset($_POST['ConditionRegexp']) && $_POST['ConditionRegexp'] != '') { // In order to avoid issues with backslash escaping, I don't use javascript to set the value // Thus the value is directly set when creating the Textarea element //$aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('ConditionRegexp').value='".HTMLEscape($_POST['ConditionRegexp'])."';\n"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('editTargetTab').value='#REGEXP';\n"; } else { // was a predefined answers post if (isset($_POST['cquestions'])) { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('cquestions').value='" . HTMLEscape($_POST['cquestions']) . "';\n"; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('editTargetTab').value='#CANSWERSTAB';\n"; } if (isset($_POST['csrctoken']) && $_POST['csrctoken'] != '') { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('csrctoken').value='" . HTMLEscape($_POST['csrctoken']) . "';\n"; $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('editSourceTab').value='#SRCTOKENATTRS';\n"; } else { if (isset($_POST['cquestions'])) { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('cquestions').value='" . javascriptEscape($_POST['cquestions']) . "';\n"; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('editSourceTab').value='#SRCPREVQUEST';\n"; } } if (isset($p_scenario)) { $aViewUrls['output'] .= "\tdocument.getElementById('scenario').value='" . $p_scenario . "';\n"; } $aViewUrls['output'] .= "-->\n" . "</script>\n"; } //END: DISPLAY THE ADD or EDIT CONDITION FORM $conditionsoutput = $aViewUrls['output']; $aData['conditionsoutput'] = $conditionsoutput; $this->_renderWrappedTemplate('conditions', $aViewUrls, $aData); // TMSW Conditions->Relevance: Must call LEM->ConvertConditionsToRelevance() whenever Condition is added or updated - what is best location for that action? }
} if ($action == 'FinalTest') { $qtotal = $_GET["qtotal"]; $q = new Questions(); $json = $q->getFinalExamQuestions('1', $qtotal); echo $json; } if ($action == 'SendFinalAnswers') { $userId = $_SESSION[constant("SESSION_USER_REGID")]; $testType = $_GET["testType"]; $ans_user = $_GET["answers"]; $questions = $_GET["questions"]; $testId = 0; $testName = 'All'; // Get Answers for Questions; $q = new Questions(); $ans_sys = $q->getAnswersList($questions); echo $ans_sys; echo $ans_user; $userobj = json_decode($ans_user); $sysobj = json_decode($ans_sys); $count = 0; for ($uind = 0; $uind < count($userobj); $uind++) { $status = "F"; for ($sind = 0; $sind < count($sysobj); $sind++) { if ($userobj[$uind]->{'QuestionId'} == $sysobj[$sind]->{'idTestQuestions'}) { if ($userobj[$uind]->{'UserAnswer'} == $sysobj[$sind]->{'answer'}) { $status = "P"; $count++; } }
/** * Import survey from an TSV file template that does not require or allow assigning of GID or QID values. * NOTE: This currently only supports import of one language * @global type $connect * @global type $dbprefix * @global type $clang * @global type $timeadjust * @param type $sFullFilepath * @return type * * @author TMSWhite */ function TSVImportSurvey($sFullFilepath) { $clang = Yii::app()->lang; $insertdata = array(); $results = array(); $results['error'] = false; $baselang = 'en'; // TODO set proper default $encoding = ''; $handle = fopen($sFullFilepath, 'r'); $bom = fread($handle, 2); rewind($handle); // Excel tends to save CSV as UTF-16, which PHP does not properly detect if ($bom === chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) || $bom === chr(0xfe) . chr(0xff)) { // UTF16 Byte Order Mark present $encoding = 'UTF-16'; } else { $file_sample = fread($handle, 1000) + 'e'; //read first 1000 bytes // + e is a workaround for mb_string bug rewind($handle); $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($file_sample, 'UTF-8, UTF-7, ASCII, EUC-JP,SJIS, eucJP-win, SJIS-win, JIS, ISO-2022-JP'); } if ($encoding && $encoding != 'UTF-8') { stream_filter_append($handle, 'convert.iconv.' . $encoding . '/UTF-8'); } $file = stream_get_contents($handle); fclose($handle); // fix Excel non-breaking space $file = str_replace("0xC20xA0", ' ', $file); $filelines = explode("\n", $file); $row = array_shift($filelines); $headers = explode("\t", $row); $rowheaders = array(); foreach ($headers as $header) { $rowheaders[] = trim($header); } // remove BOM from the first header cell, if needed $rowheaders[0] = preg_replace("/^\\W+/", "", $rowheaders[0]); if (preg_match('/class$/', $rowheaders[0])) { $rowheaders[0] = 'class'; // second attempt to remove BOM } $adata = array(); foreach ($filelines as $rowline) { $rowarray = array(); $row = explode("\t", $rowline); for ($i = 0; $i < count($rowheaders); ++$i) { $val = isset($row[$i]) ? $row[$i] : ''; // if Excel was used, it surrounds strings with quotes and doubles internal double quotes. Fix that. if (preg_match('/^".*"$/', $val)) { $val = str_replace('""', '"', substr($val, 1, -1)); } $rowarray[$rowheaders[$i]] = $val; } $adata[] = $rowarray; } $results['defaultvalues'] = 0; $results['answers'] = 0; $results['surveys'] = 0; $results['languages'] = 0; $results['questions'] = 0; $results['subquestions'] = 0; $results['question_attributes'] = 0; $results['groups'] = 0; $results['importwarnings'] = array(); // these aren't used here, but are needed to avoid errors in post-import display $results['assessments'] = 0; $results['quota'] = 0; $results['quotamembers'] = 0; $results['quotals'] = 0; // collect information about survey and its language settings $surveyinfo = array(); $surveyls = array(); foreach ($adata as $row) { switch ($row['class']) { case 'S': if (isset($row['text']) && $row['name'] != 'datecreated') { $surveyinfo[$row['name']] = $row['text']; } break; case 'SL': if (!isset($surveyls[$row['language']])) { $surveyls[$row['language']] = array(); } if (isset($row['text'])) { $surveyls[$row['language']][$row['name']] = $row['text']; } break; } } $iOldSID = 1; if (isset($surveyinfo['sid'])) { $iOldSID = (int) $surveyinfo['sid']; } // Create the survey entry $surveyinfo['startdate'] = NULL; $surveyinfo['active'] = 'N'; // unset($surveyinfo['datecreated']); switchMSSQLIdentityInsert('surveys', true); $iNewSID = Survey::model()->insertNewSurvey($surveyinfo); //or safeDie($clang->gT("Error").": Failed to insert survey<br />"); if ($iNewSID == false) { $results['error'] = Survey::model()->getErrors(); $results['bFailed'] = true; return $results; } $surveyinfo['sid'] = $iNewSID; $results['surveys']++; switchMSSQLIdentityInsert('surveys', false); $results['newsid'] = $iNewSID; $gid = 0; $gseq = 0; // group_order $qid = 0; $qseq = 0; // question_order $qtype = 'T'; $aseq = 0; // answer sortorder // set the language for the survey $_title = 'Missing Title'; foreach ($surveyls as $_lang => $insertdata) { $insertdata['surveyls_survey_id'] = $iNewSID; $insertdata['surveyls_language'] = $_lang; if (isset($insertdata['surveyls_title'])) { $_title = $insertdata['surveyls_title']; } else { $insertdata['surveyls_title'] = $_title; } $result = Surveys_languagesettings::model()->insertNewSurvey($insertdata); // if (!$result) { $results['error'][] = $clang->gT("Error") . " : " . $clang->gT("Failed to insert survey language"); break; } $results['languages']++; } $ginfo = array(); $qinfo = array(); $sqinfo = array(); if (isset($surveyinfo['language'])) { $baselang = $surveyinfo['language']; // the base language } $rownumber = 1; foreach ($adata as $row) { $rownumber += 1; switch ($row['class']) { case 'G': // insert group $insertdata = array(); $insertdata['sid'] = $iNewSID; $gname = isset($row['name']) ? $row['name'] : 'G' . $gseq; $insertdata['group_name'] = $gname; $insertdata['grelevance'] = isset($row['relevance']) ? $row['relevance'] : ''; $insertdata['description'] = isset($row['text']) ? $row['text'] : ''; $insertdata['language'] = isset($row['language']) ? $row['language'] : $baselang; // For multi numeric survey : same title if (isset($ginfo[$gname])) { $gseq = $ginfo[$gname]['group_order']; $gid = $ginfo[$gname]['gid']; $insertdata['gid'] = $gid; $insertdata['group_order'] = $gseq; } else { $insertdata['group_order'] = $gseq; } $newgid = Groups::model()->insertRecords($insertdata); if (!$newgid) { $results['error'][] = $clang->gT("Error") . " : " . $clang->gT("Failed to insert group") . ". " . $clang->gT("Text file row number ") . $rownumber . " (" . $gname . ")"; break; } if (!isset($ginfo[$gname])) { $results['groups']++; $gid = $newgid; // save this for later $ginfo[$gname]['gid'] = $gid; $ginfo[$gname]['group_order'] = $gseq++; } $qseq = 0; // reset the question_order break; case 'Q': // insert question $insertdata = array(); $insertdata['sid'] = $iNewSID; $qtype = isset($row['type/scale']) ? $row['type/scale'] : 'T'; $qname = isset($row['name']) ? $row['name'] : 'Q' . $qseq; $insertdata['gid'] = $gid; $insertdata['type'] = $qtype; $insertdata['title'] = $qname; $insertdata['question'] = isset($row['text']) ? $row['text'] : ''; $insertdata['relevance'] = isset($row['relevance']) ? $row['relevance'] : ''; $insertdata['preg'] = isset($row['validation']) ? $row['validation'] : ''; $insertdata['help'] = isset($row['help']) ? $row['help'] : ''; $insertdata['language'] = isset($row['language']) ? $row['language'] : $baselang; $insertdata['mandatory'] = isset($row['mandatory']) ? $row['mandatory'] : ''; $insertdata['other'] = isset($row['other']) ? $row['other'] : 'N'; $insertdata['same_default'] = isset($row['same_default']) ? $row['same_default'] : 0; $insertdata['parent_qid'] = 0; // For multi numeric survey : same name, add the gid to have same name on different gid. Bad for EM. $fullqname = "G{$gid}_" . $qname; if (isset($qinfo[$fullqname])) { $qseq = $qinfo[$fullqname]['question_order']; $qid = $qinfo[$fullqname]['qid']; $insertdata['qid'] = $qid; $insertdata['question_order'] = $qseq; } else { $insertdata['question_order'] = $qseq; } // Insert question and keep the qid for multi language survey $result = Questions::model()->insertRecords($insertdata); if (!$result) { $results['error'][] = $clang->gT("Error") . " : " . $clang->gT("Could not insert question") . ". " . $clang->gT("Text file row number ") . $rownumber . " (" . $qname . ")"; break; } $newqid = $result; if (!isset($qinfo[$fullqname])) { $results['questions']++; $qid = $newqid; // save this for later $qinfo[$fullqname]['qid'] = $qid; $qinfo[$fullqname]['question_order'] = $qseq++; } $aseq = 0; //reset the answer sortorder $sqseq = 0; //reset the sub question sortorder // insert question attributes foreach ($row as $key => $val) { switch ($key) { case 'class': case 'type/scale': case 'name': case 'text': case 'validation': case 'relevance': case 'help': case 'language': case 'mandatory': case 'other': case 'same_default': case 'default': break; default: if ($key != '' && $val != '') { $insertdata = array(); $insertdata['qid'] = $qid; $insertdata['language'] = isset($row['language']) ? $row['language'] : $baselang; $insertdata['attribute'] = $key; $insertdata['value'] = $val; $result = Question_attributes::model()->insertRecords($insertdata); // if (!$result) { $results['importwarnings'][] = $clang->gT("Warning") . " : " . $clang->gT("Failed to insert question attribute") . ". " . $clang->gT("Text file row number ") . $rownumber . " ({$key})"; break; } $results['question_attributes']++; } break; } } // insert default value if (isset($row['default'])) { $insertdata = array(); $insertdata['qid'] = $qid; $insertdata['language'] = isset($row['language']) ? $row['language'] : $baselang; $insertdata['defaultvalue'] = $row['default']; $result = Defaultvalues::model()->insertRecords($insertdata); if (!$result) { $results['importwarnings'][] = $clang->gT("Warning") . " : " . $clang->gT("Failed to insert default value") . ". " . $clang->gT("Text file row number ") . $rownumber; break; } $results['defaultvalues']++; } break; case 'SQ': $sqname = isset($row['name']) ? $row['name'] : 'SQ' . $sqseq; if ($qtype == 'O' || $qtype == '|') { // these are fake rows to show naming of comment and filecount fields } elseif ($sqname == 'other' && ($qtype == '!' || $qtype == 'L')) { // only want to set default value for 'other' in these cases - not a real SQ row // TODO - this isn't working if (isset($row['default'])) { $insertdata = array(); $insertdata['qid'] = $qid; $insertdata['specialtype'] = 'other'; $insertdata['language'] = isset($row['language']) ? $row['language'] : $baselang; $insertdata['defaultvalue'] = $row['default']; $result = Defaultvalues::model()->insertRecords($insertdata); if (!$result) { $results['importwarnings'][] = $clang->gT("Warning") . " : " . $clang->gT("Failed to insert default value") . ". " . $clang->gT("Text file row number ") . $rownumber; break; } $results['defaultvalues']++; } } else { $insertdata = array(); $scale_id = isset($row['type/scale']) ? $row['type/scale'] : 0; $insertdata['sid'] = $iNewSID; $insertdata['gid'] = $gid; $insertdata['parent_qid'] = $qid; $insertdata['type'] = $qtype; $insertdata['title'] = $sqname; $insertdata['question'] = isset($row['text']) ? $row['text'] : ''; $insertdata['relevance'] = isset($row['relevance']) ? $row['relevance'] : ''; $insertdata['preg'] = isset($row['validation']) ? $row['validation'] : ''; $insertdata['help'] = isset($row['help']) ? $row['help'] : ''; $insertdata['language'] = isset($row['language']) ? $row['language'] : $baselang; $insertdata['mandatory'] = isset($row['mandatory']) ? $row['mandatory'] : ''; $insertdata['scale_id'] = $scale_id; // For multi nueric language, qid is needed, why not gid. name is not unique. $fullsqname = "G{$gid}Q{$qid}_{$sqname}"; if (isset($sqinfo[$fullsqname])) { $qseq = $sqinfo[$fullsqname]['question_order']; $sqid = $sqinfo[$fullsqname]['sqid']; $insertdata['question_order'] = $qseq; $insertdata['qid'] = $sqid; } else { $insertdata['question_order'] = $qseq; } // Insert sub question and keep the sqid for multi language survey $newsqid = Questions::model()->insertRecords($insertdata); if (!$newsqid) { $results['error'][] = $clang->gT("Error") . " : " . $clang->gT("Could not insert sub question") . ". " . $clang->gT("Text file row number ") . $rownumber . " (" . $qname . ")"; break; } if (!isset($sqinfo[$fullsqname])) { $sqinfo[$fullsqname]['question_order'] = $qseq++; $sqid = $newsqid; // save this for later $sqinfo[$fullsqname]['sqid'] = $sqid; $results['subquestions']++; } // insert default value if (isset($row['default'])) { $insertdata = array(); $insertdata['qid'] = $qid; $insertdata['sqid'] = $sqid; $insertdata['scale_id'] = $scale_id; $insertdata['language'] = isset($row['language']) ? $row['language'] : $baselang; $insertdata['defaultvalue'] = $row['default']; $result = Defaultvalues::model()->insertRecords($insertdata); if (!$result) { $results['importwarnings'][] = $clang->gT("Warning") . " : " . $clang->gT("Failed to insert default value") . ". " . $clang->gT("Text file row number ") . $rownumber; break; } $results['defaultvalues']++; } } break; case 'A': $insertdata = array(); $insertdata['qid'] = $qid; $insertdata['code'] = isset($row['name']) ? $row['name'] : 'A' . $aseq; $insertdata['answer'] = isset($row['text']) ? $row['text'] : ''; $insertdata['scale_id'] = isset($row['type/scale']) ? $row['type/scale'] : 0; $insertdata['language'] = isset($row['language']) ? $row['language'] : $baselang; $insertdata['assessment_value'] = isset($row['relevance']) ? $row['relevance'] : ''; $insertdata['sortorder'] = ++$aseq; $result = Answers::model()->insertRecords($insertdata); // or safeDie("Error: Failed to insert answer<br />"); if (!$result) { $results['error'][] = $clang->gT("Error") . " : " . $clang->gT("Could not insert answer") . ". " . $clang->gT("Text file row number ") . $rownumber; } $results['answers']++; break; } } // Delete the survey if error found if (is_array($results['error'])) { $result = Survey::model()->deleteSurvey($iNewSID); } return $results; }
/** * This function replaces the old insertans tags with new ones across a survey * * @param string $newsid Old SID * @param string $oldsid New SID * @param mixed $fieldnames Array array('oldfieldname'=>'newfieldname') */ function translateInsertansTags($newsid, $oldsid, $fieldnames) { uksort($fieldnames, create_function('$a,$b', 'return strlen($a) < strlen($b);')); Yii::app()->loadHelper('database'); $newsid = sanitize_int($newsid); $oldsid = sanitize_int($oldsid); # translate 'surveyls_urldescription' and 'surveyls_url' INSERTANS tags in surveyls $sql = "SELECT surveyls_survey_id, surveyls_language, surveyls_urldescription, surveyls_url from {{surveys_languagesettings}}\n WHERE surveyls_survey_id=" . $newsid . " AND (surveyls_urldescription LIKE '%{$oldsid}X%' OR surveyls_url LIKE '%{$oldsid}X%')"; $result = dbExecuteAssoc($sql) or show_error("Can't read groups table in transInsertAns "); // Checked //while ($qentry = $res->FetchRow()) foreach ($result->readAll() as $qentry) { $urldescription = $qentry['surveyls_urldescription']; $endurl = $qentry['surveyls_url']; $language = $qentry['surveyls_language']; foreach ($fieldnames as $sOldFieldname => $sNewFieldname) { $pattern = $sOldFieldname; $replacement = $sNewFieldname; $urldescription = preg_replace('/' . $pattern . '/', $replacement, $urldescription); $endurl = preg_replace('/' . $pattern . '/', $replacement, $endurl); } if (strcmp($urldescription, $qentry['surveyls_urldescription']) != 0 || strcmp($endurl, $qentry['surveyls_url']) != 0) { // Update Field $data = array('surveyls_urldescription' => $urldescription, 'surveyls_url' => $endurl); $where = array('surveyls_survey_id' => $newsid, 'surveyls_language' => $language); Surveys_languagesettings::update($data, $where); } // Enf if modified } // end while qentry # translate 'quotals_urldescrip' and 'quotals_url' INSERTANS tags in quota_languagesettings $sql = "SELECT quotals_id, quotals_urldescrip, quotals_url from {{quota_languagesettings}} qls, {{quota}} q\n WHERE sid=" . $newsid . " AND AND (quotals_urldescrip LIKE '%{$oldsid}X%' OR quotals_url LIKE '%{$oldsid}X%')"; $result = dbExecuteAssoc($sql) or safeDie("Can't read quota table in transInsertAns"); // Checked foreach ($result->readAll() as $qentry) { $urldescription = $qentry['quotals_urldescrip']; $endurl = $qentry['quotals_url']; foreach ($fieldnames as $sOldFieldname => $sNewFieldname) { $pattern = $sOldFieldname; $replacement = $sNewFieldname; $urldescription = preg_replace('/' . $pattern . '/', $replacement, $urldescription); $endurl = preg_replace('/' . $pattern . '/', $replacement, $endurl); } if (strcmp($urldescription, $qentry['quotals_urldescrip']) != 0 || strcmp($endurl, $qentry['quotals_url']) != 0) { // Update Field $sqlupdate = "UPDATE {{quota_languagesettings}} SET quotals_urldescrip='" . $urldescription . "', quotals_url='" . $endurl . "' WHERE quotals_id={$qentry['quotals_id']}"; $updateres = dbExecuteAssoc($sqlupdate) or safeDie("Couldn't update INSERTANS in quota_languagesettings<br />{$sqlupdate}<br />"); //Checked } // Enf if modified } // end while qentry # translate 'description' INSERTANS tags in groups $sql = "SELECT gid, language, group_name, description from {{groups}}\n WHERE sid=" . $newsid . " AND description LIKE '%{$oldsid}X%' OR group_name LIKE '%{$oldsid}X%'"; $res = dbExecuteAssoc($sql) or show_error("Can't read groups table in transInsertAns"); // Checked //while ($qentry = $res->FetchRow()) foreach ($res->readAll() as $qentry) { $gpname = $qentry['group_name']; $description = $qentry['description']; $gid = $qentry['gid']; $language = $qentry['language']; foreach ($fieldnames as $sOldFieldname => $sNewFieldname) { $pattern = $sOldFieldname; $replacement = $sNewFieldname; $gpname = preg_replace('/' . $pattern . '/', $replacement, $gpname); $description = preg_replace('/' . $pattern . '/', $replacement, $description); } if (strcmp($description, $qentry['description']) != 0 || strcmp($gpname, $qentry['group_name']) != 0) { // Update Fields $data = array('description' => $description, 'group_name' => $gpname); $where = array('gid' => $gid, 'language' => $language); Groups::model()->update($data, $where); } // Enf if modified } // end while qentry # translate 'question' and 'help' INSERTANS tags in questions $sql = "SELECT qid, language, question, help from {{questions}}\n WHERE sid=" . $newsid . " AND (question LIKE '%{$oldsid}X%' OR help LIKE '%{$oldsid}X%')"; $result = dbExecuteAssoc($sql) or die("Can't read question table in transInsertAns "); // Checked //while ($qentry = $res->FetchRow()) $aResultData = $result->readAll(); foreach ($aResultData as $qentry) { $question = $qentry['question']; $help = $qentry['help']; $qid = $qentry['qid']; $language = $qentry['language']; foreach ($fieldnames as $sOldFieldname => $sNewFieldname) { $pattern = $sOldFieldname; $replacement = $sNewFieldname; $question = preg_replace('/' . $pattern . '/', $replacement, $question); $help = preg_replace('/' . $pattern . '/', $replacement, $help); } if (strcmp($question, $qentry['question']) != 0 || strcmp($help, $qentry['help']) != 0) { // Update Field $data = array('question' => $question, 'help' => $help); $where = array('qid' => $qid, 'language' => $language); Questions::model()->updateByPk($where, $data); } // Enf if modified } // end while qentry # translate 'answer' INSERTANS tags in answers $result = Answers::model()->oldNewInsertansTags($newsid, $oldsid); //while ($qentry = $res->FetchRow()) foreach ($result as $qentry) { $answer = $qentry['answer']; $code = $qentry['code']; $qid = $qentry['qid']; $language = $qentry['language']; foreach ($fieldnames as $sOldFieldname => $sNewFieldname) { $pattern = $sOldFieldname; $replacement = $sNewFieldname; $answer = preg_replace('/' . $pattern . '/', $replacement, $answer); } if (strcmp($answer, $qentry['answer']) != 0) { // Update Field $data = array('answer' => $answer, 'qid' => $qid); $where = array('code' => $code, 'language' => $language); Answers::model()->update($data, $where); } // Enf if modified } // end while qentry }
private function _array_filter_help($qidattributes, $surveyprintlang, $surveyid) { $clang = $this->getController()->lang; $output = ""; if (!empty($qidattributes['array_filter'])) { $newquestiontext = Questions::model()->findByAttributes(array('title' => $qidattributes['array_filter'], 'language' => $surveyprintlang, 'sid' => $surveyid))->getAttribute('question'); $output .= "\n<p class='extrahelp'>\n " . sprintf($clang->gT("Only answer this question for the items you selected in question %s ('%s')"), $qidattributes['array_filter'], flattenText(breakToNewline($newquestiontext['question']))) . "\n </p>\n"; } if (!empty($qidattributes['array_filter_exclude'])) { $newquestiontext = Questions::model()->findByAttributes(array('title' => $qidattributes['array_filter_exclude'], 'language' => $surveyprintlang, 'sid' => $surveyid))->getAttribute('question'); $output .= "\n <p class='extrahelp'>\n " . sprintf($clang->gT("Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question %s ('%s')"), $qidattributes['array_filter_exclude'], breakToNewline($newquestiontext['question'])) . "\n </p>\n"; } return $output; }
/** * Увеличение индекса сортировка для вопроса (перемещение вниз в списке) * @return void */ public function downAction() { if ($this->_authorize('question', 'down')) { $arrParams = $this->getRequest()->getParams(); if (array_key_exists('questionId', $arrParams) && !empty($arrParams['questionId'])) { $questionId = (int) $arrParams['questionId']; } else { throw new Exception('[LS_REQUIRED_PARAM_FAILED]'); } if (array_key_exists('testId', $arrParams) && !empty($arrParams['testId'])) { $testId = (int) $arrParams['testId']; } else { throw new Exception('[LS_REQUIRED_PARAM_FAILED]'); } $objQuestions = new Questions(); $objQuestions->moveQuestionDown($questionId, $testId); if (array_key_exists('testId', $arrParams) && !empty($arrParams['testId'])) { $this->_helper->redirector('edit', 'test', null, array('testId' => $testId)); } } }