public function filterQuery($query) { // limit to a repository if selected if (!empty($this->request->repository)) { $query->addSubquery(QubitSearch::getInstance()->addTerm($this->request->repository, 'repositoryId'), true); $this->queryTerms[] = array('term' => $this->getContext()->i18n->__('Repository') . ': ' . QubitRepository::getById($this->request->repository)->__toString(), 'operator' => 'and'); } // digital object filters if ('true' == $this->request->hasDigitalObject) { $query->addSubquery(QubitSearch::getInstance()->addTerm('true', 'hasDigitalObject'), true); $this->queryTerms[] = array('term' => $this->getContext()->i18n->__('Digital object is available'), 'operator' => 'and'); } else { if ('false' == $this->request->hasDigitalObject) { $query->addSubquery(QubitSearch::getInstance()->addTerm('false', 'hasDigitalObject'), true); $this->queryTerms[] = array('term' => $this->getContext()->i18n->__('No digital object is available'), 'operator' => 'and'); } } if (!empty($this->request->mediatype)) { $query->addSubquery(QubitSearch::getInstance()->addTerm($this->request->mediatype, 'do_mediaTypeId'), true); $this->queryTerms[] = array('term' => 'mediatype: ' . QubitTerm::getById($this->request->mediatyp)->__toString(), 'operator' => 'and'); } $query = parent::filterQuery($query); return $query; }
<fieldset class="collapsible collapsed" id="repositoryArea"> <legend><?php echo __('Permissions by %1%', array('%1%' => sfConfig::get('app_ui_label_repository'))); ?> </legend> <?php if (0 < count($repositories)) { ?> <?php foreach ($repositories as $repositoryId => $permissions) { ?> <div class="form-item"> <?php echo get_component('aclGroup', 'aclTable', array('object' => QubitRepository::getById($repositoryId), 'permissions' => $permissions, 'actions' => $basicActions)); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php echo javascript_tag(<<<EOL Drupal.behaviors.dialog2 = { attach: function (context) { Qubit.repoDialog = new QubitAclDialog('addRepository', '{$tableTemplate}', jQuery);
<td colspan="<?php echo $tableCols; ?> "><strong> <?php if ('' == $repoId && '' == $objectId) { ?> <em><?php echo __('All %1%', array('%1%' => sfConfig::get('app_ui_label_informationobject'))); ?> </em> <?php } elseif ('' != $repoId) { ?> <?php echo sfConfig::get('app_ui_label_repository') . ': ' . render_title(QubitRepository::getById($repoId)); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo render_title(QubitInformationObject::getById($objectId)); ?> <?php } ?> </strong></td> </tr> <?php $row = 0; ?>
public function setIdentifierWithCodes($identifier, $options) { $this->setIdentifier($identifier); if ($repository = QubitRepository::getById($this->getRepositoryId())) { // if the repository doesn't already have a code, set it using the <unitid repositorycode=""> value if (isset($options['repositorycode'])) { if (!$repository->getIdentifier()) { $repository->setIdentifier($options['repositorycode']); $repository->save(); } } // if the repository doesn't already have an country code, set it using the <unitid countrycode=""> value if (isset($options['countrycode'])) { if (!$repository->getCountryCode()) { if ($primaryContact = $repository->getPrimaryContact()) { $primaryContact->setCountryCode(strtoupper($options['countrycode'])); $primaryContact->save(); } else { if (count($contacts = $repository->getContactInformation()) > 0) { $contacts[0]->setCountryCode(strtoupper($options['countrycode'])); $contacts[0]->save(); } else { $contactInformation = new QubitContactInformation(); $contactInformation->setCountryCode(strtoupper($options['countrycode'])); $contactInformation->setActorId($repository->id); $contactInformation->save(); } } } } } }
public function getRepository() { if (null !== ($repositoryId = $this->getConstants(array('name' => 'repositoryId')))) { return QubitRepository::getById($repositoryId); } }
<td colspan="<?php echo $tableCols; ?> "><strong> <?php if ('' == $repoId && '' == $objectId) { ?> <em><?php echo __('All %1%', array('%1%' => sfConfig::get('app_ui_label_informationobject'))); ?> </em> <?php } elseif ('' != $repoId) { ?> <?php echo __('%1%: %2%', array('%1%' => sfConfig::get('app_ui_label_repository'), '%2%' => render_title(QubitRepository::getById($repoId)))); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo render_title(QubitInformationObject::getById($objectId)); ?> <?php } ?> </strong></td> </tr> <?php $row = 0;