public static function buildJSONTree($lang = 'en-US') { $u = Qdmvc_Helper::getCurrentUser(); $debug_mode = isset($_GET['debugmode']) ? $_GET['debugmode'] : 0; $re = array(); foreach (static::getIndex() as $key => $config) { if (!$u->hasPermission(null, null, $key)) { continue; } //quocdunginfo, performance $tmp = array(); $active = isset($config['Active']) ? $config['Active'] : true; $p_id = isset($config['ParentId']) ? $config['ParentId'] : -1; if (!$active) { continue; } $text = isset($config['Caption']) && isset($config['Caption'][$lang]) ? $config['Caption'][$lang] : $key; $tmp['title'] = $debug_mode == 1 ? $key : $text; $tmp['key'] = $key; $tmp['parentid'] = $p_id; if (!Qdmvc_Helper::isNullOrEmpty($config['PageType']) && $config['PageType'] == 'Folder') { $tmp['title'] = '[' . $tmp['title'] . ']'; $tmp['value'] = ''; $tmp['folder'] = true; } else { $tmp['value'] = Qdmvc_Helper::getCompactPageListLink($key); } array_push($re, $tmp); } return json_encode($re); }
public function render() { $this->style(); parent::render(); $this->onReadyHook(); ?> <div id="qdmvcRootDiv" style="display: none; width: inherit; height: inherit"> <style> #wpbody-content { overflow-y: hidden !important; } </style> <script> MYAPP = {}; MYAPP.openInNewTab = function (url) { if (window == window.parent) {, '_blank'); return; } window.parent.MYAPP.openInNewTab(url); }; MYAPP.TreeUnflatten = function( array, parent, tree ){ tree = typeof tree !== 'undefined' ? tree : []; parent = typeof parent !== 'undefined' ? parent : { key: -1 }; var children = _.filter( array, function(child){ return child.parentid == parent.key; }); if( !_.isEmpty( children ) ){ if( parent.key == -1 ){ tree = children; }else{ parent['children'] = children } _.each( children, function( child ){ MYAPP.TreeUnflatten( array, child ) } ); } return tree; }; (function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { //height = $(window).height()-3; $("#splitter").jqxSplitter({width: '100%', height: '100%', panels: [{size: 230}]}); $("#splitter2").jqxSplitter({orientation: 'horizontal', width: '100%', height: '100%', panels: [{size: '90%'}]}); // Create jqxTree Array.prototype.insert = function (index, item) { this.splice(index, 0, item); }; var data = <?php echo Qdmvc_Page_Index::buildJSONTree($this->data['language']); ?> ; data = MYAPP.TreeUnflatten(data); var autoexpand = false; <?php if ($this->data['setup']->autoexpandmenu == true) { ?> autoexpand = true; <?php } ?> $("#jqxTree").fancytree({ extensions: ["filter"], quicksearch: true, checkbox: false, source: data, autoScroll: true, filter: { autoApply: true, // Re-apply last filter if lazy data is loaded counter: true, // Show a badge with number of matching child nodes near parent icons fuzzy: false, // Match single characters in order, e.g. 'fb' will match 'FooBar' hideExpandedCounter: true, // Hide counter badge, when parent is expanded highlight: true, // Highlight matches by wrapping inside <mark> tags mode: "hide" // Grayout unmatched nodes (pass "hide" to remove unmatched node instead) }, click: function(event, data) { var node = data.node; //add tab var args = event.args; var label = node.title; var url =; if (url == '') { return;//ignore folder } //check existed var totaltab = $('#jqxTabs').jqxTabs('length'); var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < totaltab; i++) { var title = $('#jqxTabs').jqxTabs('getTitleAt', i); if (title == label) { $('#jqxTabs').jqxTabs('select', i);//switch to tab return;//ignore duplicate tab } } $('#jqxTabs').jqxTabs('addLast', label, '<iframe id="pagepart" src="' + url + '" width="100%" height="99%" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0"><p>Your browser does not support iframes</p> </iframe>'); }, create: function(event, data){ //alert('create done'); }, init: function(event, data){ if(autoexpand!=undefined && autoexpand==true) { $("#jqxTree").fancytree("getRootNode").visit(function (node) { node.setExpanded(true); }); } } }); //Tabs $('#jqxTabs').jqxTabs({height: '100%', width: '100%', showCloseButtons: true, reorder: true}); /*Handle Tab Panel Context Menu var contextMenu = $("#jqxMenu").jqxMenu({ width: '120px', height: '80px', autoOpenPopup: false, mode: 'popup'}); $("#jqxMenu").bind('itemclick', function(event) { var item = $(event.args).text(); var tabS = $('#jqxTabs'); switch (item) { case "Close Others": var currentIndex = tabS.jqxTabs('selectedItem'); var currentTabTitle = tabS.jqxTabs('getTitleAt', currentIndex); for(var kk=currentIndex+1;kk<tabS.jqxTabs('length');kk++) { tabS.jqxTabs('removeAt', kk); } while(tabS.jqxTabs('length') > 1){ tabS.jqxTabs('removeFirst'); } break; case "Close All": while(tabS.jqxTabs('length') > 0){ tabS.jqxTabs('removeLast'); } break; } }); */ // open the context menu when the user presses the mouse right button. $("#jqxTabs").bind('mousedown', function (event) { var rightClick = isRightClick(event); if (rightClick) { var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var scrollLeft = $(window).scrollLeft(); contextMenu.jqxMenu('open', parseInt(event.clientX) + 5 + scrollLeft, parseInt(event.clientY) + 5 + scrollTop); return false; } }); /* // disable the default browser's context menu. $(document).bind('contextmenu', function (e) { //return false; }); */ function isRightClick(event) { var rightclick; if (!event) var event = window.event; if (event.which) rightclick = (event.which == 3); else if (event.button) rightclick = (event.button == 2); return rightclick; } /*Handle Context Menu*/ $("#searchbox").keyup(function(e){ var match = $(this).val(); var tree = $("#jqxTree").fancytree("getTree"); if(e && e.which === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE || $.trim(match) === ""){ //reset filter tree.clearFilter(); return; } // Pass text as filter string (will be matched as substring in the node title) var n = tree.filterNodes(match, {autoExpand: true}); }).focus(); }); })(jQuery); </script> <div id="splitter"> <div> <div id="splitter2"> <div> <div style="width: 100%;"> <div style="float: left;">Search:</div> <input id="searchbox" style="float: left;" /> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id='jqxTree' style="height: 95%; overflow: auto;"> </div> </div> <div> <a target="_blank" href="<?php echo admin_url('profile.php'); ?> "><?php $tmp = wp_get_current_user(); echo $tmp->user_login; ?> </a> | <a onclick="return confirm('<?php echo Qdmvc_Message::getMsg('msg_confirm'); ?> ')" href="<?php echo wp_logout_url(Qdmvc_Helper::getCompactPageListLink('navigation')); ?> "> <?php echo Qdmvc_Message::getMsg('msg_logout'); ?> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="ContentPanel"> <!-- <div id='jqxMenu'> <ul> <li>Close Others</li> <li>Close All</li> </ul> </div>--> <div id='jqxTabs' style="float: left;"> <ul style="margin-left: 30px;" id="unorderedList"> <li>Home</li> </ul> <div> Home page content </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> (function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { $('#panelContentpaneljqxTree li').click(function () { //alert('wtf'); }); }); })(jQuery); </script> <style> #hidden { display: none } </style> </div> <?php }
public function getPageListURL() { $filter = $this->getPageView(); return Qdmvc_Helper::getCompactPageListLink($this->getPageList(), $filter); }
public function __get($field_name) { //check cached value if (is_array($this->qd_cached_attr) && isset($this->qd_cached_attr[$field_name])) { return $this->qd_cached_attr[$field_name]; } //calculate field value if (static::ISFLOWFIELD($field_name)) { //CALC FlowField First return $this->CALCFIELDS($field_name); } else { if (static::ISSYSTEMFIELD($field_name)) { $class_name = $this->getCalledClassName(); //system preserved field if ($field_name == '__sys_note_url') { $tmp = $this->qd_cached_attr[$field_name] = Qdmvc_Helper::getCompactPageListLink('note', array('model' => $class_name, 'model_id' => $this->id)); //COUNT $record = new QdNote(); $record->SETRANGE('model', $this->getCalledClassName()); $record->SETRANGE('model_id', $this->id); $count = $record->COUNTLIST(); return add_query_arg(array('item_count' => $count), $tmp); } else { if ($field_name == '__sys_log_url') { $tmp = $this->qd_cached_attr[$field_name] = Qdmvc_Helper::getCompactPageListLink('log', array('model' => $class_name, 'model_id' => $this->id)); //COUNT $record = new QdLog(); $record->SETRANGE('model', $this->getCalledClassName()); $record->SETRANGE('model_id', $this->id); $count = $record->COUNTLIST(); return add_query_arg(array('item_count' => $count), $tmp); } else { if ($field_name == '__sys_image_url') { $tmp = $this->qd_cached_attr[$field_name] = Qdmvc_Helper::getCompactPageListLink('image', array('model' => $class_name, 'model_id' => $this->id)); //COUNT $record = new QdImage(); $record->SETRANGE('model', $this->getCalledClassName()); $record->SETRANGE('model_id', $this->id); $count = $record->COUNTLIST(); return add_query_arg(array('item_count' => $count), $tmp); } else { if ($field_name == '__lasteditor_name') { if ($this->lasteditor_id > 0) { $user_info = get_userdata($this->lasteditor_id); return $this->qd_cached_attr[$field_name] = $user_info->user_login; } return Qdmvc_Helper::getNoneText(); } else { if ($field_name == '__owner_name') { if ($this->owner_id > 0) { $user_info = get_userdata($this->owner_id); return $this->qd_cached_attr[$field_name] = $user_info->user_login; } return Qdmvc_Helper::getNoneText(); } else { if ($field_name == 'date_created' || $field_name == 'date_modified' || $field_name == 'owner_id') { return parent::__get($field_name); } else { // if ($field_name == '__sys_lines_url') {//Default system Lines Field return $this->getLinesURL($field_name); } } } } } } } } return parent::__get($field_name); }