socket_auth() public method

Creates a socket signature.
public socket_auth ( $channel, string $socket_id, string $custom_data = null ) : string
$socket_id string
$custom_data string
return string

use app\config\Config;
// Initialize the app
require_once '../../app/init.php';
// Include the pusher library
require_once '../../lib/pusher/Pusher.php';
// Gather the pusher key, secret and application ID
$authKey = Config::getValue('pusher', 'auth_key', '');
$secret = Config::getValue('pusher', 'secret', '');
$appId = Config::getValue('pusher', 'app_id', '0');
// Create a pusher instance with the proper key, secret and application ID
$pusher = new Pusher($authKey, $secret, $appId);
// Authenticate the request
echo $pusher->socket_auth($_POST['channel_name'], $_POST['socket_id']);
  * Return the valid authentication response.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  mixed  $result
  * @return mixed
 public function validAuthenticationResponse($request, $result)
     if (Str::startsWith($request->channel_name, 'private')) {
         return $this->decodePusherResponse($this->pusher->socket_auth($request->channel_name, $request->socket_id));
     } else {
         return $this->decodePusherResponse($this->pusher->presence_auth($request->channel_name, $request->socket_id, $request->user()->id, $result));

// include Pusher PHP library
require_once 'lib/Pusher.php';
// Replace with auth information for your app
$auth_key = "";
$secret_key = "";
$app_id = "";
// read channel name and socket id from request
$channel_name = trim($_REQUEST['channel_name']);
$socket_id = trim($_REQUEST['socket_id']);
// use Pusher PHP library to generate auth signature and echo as response to client
$pusher = new Pusher($auth_key, $secret_key, $app_id);
$auth_sig = $pusher->socket_auth($channel_name, $socket_id);
echo $auth_sig;
require '../../vendor/autoload.php';
require '../_includes/config.php';
$appId = getenv('PUSHER_APP_ID');
$appKey = getenv('PUSHER_APP_KEY');
$appSecret = getenv('PUSHER_APP_SECRET');
$pusher = new Pusher($appKey, $appSecret, $appId);
Uncomment this to have internal Pusher PHP library logging
information echoed in the response to the incoming request
// class EchoLogger {
//   public function log($msg) {
//     echo($msg);
//   }
// }
// $pusher->set_logger(new EchoLogger());
$channelName = $_POST['channel_name'];
$socketId = $_POST['socket_id'];
TODO: implement checks to determine if the user is:
1. Authenticated with the app
2. Allowed to subscribe to the $channelName
3. Sanitize any additional data that has been recieved and is to be used

If so, proceed...
$auth = $pusher->socket_auth($channelName, $socketId);
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo $auth;

require 'Pusher.php';
$app_id = '142419';
$app_key = '875a535db554ca357be9';
$app_secret = 'd97dd660cfe8f4e8a900';
$pusher = new Pusher($app_key, $app_secret, $app_id);
list(, $userId) = explode('.', $_POST['socket_id']);
$auth = $pusher->socket_auth($_POST['channel_name'], $userId);
//$presence_data = array('user_id' => $userId);
$presence_data = array();
echo $pusher->presence_auth($_POST['channel_name'], $_POST['socket_id'], $userId, $presence_data);
  * @param Request $request
  * @return string
  * @throws AuthenticationException
 public function pusherAuth(Request $request)
     //Verify the user has permission to connect to the chosen channel
     if ($request->get('channel_name') !== 'private-' . Auth::id()) {
         throw new AuthenticationException();
     $pusher = new \Pusher(config('broadcasting.connections.pusher.key'), config('broadcasting.connections.pusher.secret'), config('broadcasting.connections.pusher.app_id'));
     return $pusher->socket_auth($request->get('channel_name'), $request->get('socket_id'));
 public function __construct()
     define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);
     include_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/wp-load.php';
     $this->options = get_option('wp_pusher', false);
     if ($this->options !== false && $this->options['key'] !== '' && $this->options['secret'] !== '' && $this->options['app_id'] !== '') {
         include_once 'pusher-php-server/lib/Pusher.php';
         $pusher = new Pusher($this->options['key'], $this->options['secret'], $this->options['app_id']);
         echo $pusher->socket_auth($_POST['channel_name'], $_POST['socket_id']);

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$app_id = '134441';
$app_key = '599cb5ed77cd5efb659a';
$app_secret = '76a57ea82e311bcbbb1f';
error_log('post ' . var_export($_SERVER, true));
$channel_name = $_POST['channel_name'];
$socket_id = $_POST['socket_id'];
error_log('channel name: ' . $channel_name);
error_log('socket id: ' . $socket_id);
$pusher = new Pusher($app_key, $app_secret, $app_id);
echo $pusher->socket_auth($channel_name, $socket_id);
 public function Process()
     $this->cachedir = JPATH_ROOT . "/cache/" . get_class($this);
     file_exists($this->cachedir) or mkdir($this->cachedir);
     //$this->CacheLifetime = intval($this->Params->get("cache_lifetime", 2)) * 60;  // Converte da minuti in secondi
     $this->CacheLifetime = 2 * 60;
     // Converte da minuti in secondi 2 minuti
     $tw_consumer_key = trim($this->Params->get("twitter_consumer_key", ""));
     $tw_consumer_secret = trim($this->Params->get("twitter_consumer_secret", ""));
     $app_id = trim($this->Params->get("pusher_app_id", ""));
     $app_key = trim($this->Params->get("pusher_app_key", ""));
     $app_secret = trim($this->Params->get("pusher_app_secret", ""));
     if (isset($_POST['channel_name']) && isset($_POST['socket_id']) && isset($_POST['only_get_num']) && $_POST['only_get_num']){
     	$verify_channel=$_POST['channel_name'];//private- presence-
     	if ($channel_type == 'presence'){
     		$pusher = new Pusher($app_key, $app_secret, $app_id);
     		$presence_data = array(
     			'displayName' => 'hidden',
     			'objectType' => 'person',
     			'image' => array('url'=>''),
     		echo $pusher->presence_auth($verify_channel, $verify_socketid, $presence_data['userid'], $presence_data);
     if (isset($_POST['only_get_num']) && $_POST['only_get_num']) {
         if (!isset($_POST['channel_name'])) {
             $this->returnError("Invalid channel");
         $verify_channel = $_POST['channel_name'];
         //private- presence-
         $parts = explode('-', $verify_channel);
         $channel_type = $parts[0];
         if ($channel_type == 'presence') {
             //Caching! QUi
             $cache_expired = true;
             $num_users_connected = 0;
             $cachefile = $this->cachedir . "/" . $this->getHash(array($app_key, $verify_channel), array($app_secret, $app_id));
             if (file_exists($cachefile)) {
                 $age = time() - filemtime($cachefile);
                 $lt = $this->CacheLifetime;
                 if ($age < $lt) {
                     $num_users_connected = file_get_contents($cachefile);
                     $cache_expired = false;
             if ($cache_expired) {
                 $pusher = new Pusher($app_key, $app_secret, $app_id);
                 //echo json_encode($pusher->get('/channels/'.$verify_channel.'/members'));
                 $users = $pusher->get('/channels/' . $verify_channel . '/users');
                 $users = json_decode($users['body'], true);
                 $num_users_connected = count($users['users']);
                 file_put_contents($cachefile, $num_users_connected);
             echo json_encode(array('c' => $num_users_connected));
         } else {
             $this->returnError("Invalid channel");
     $anonymous_login = intval($this->Params->get("anonymous_login", "1")) == 1;
     $joomla_login = intval($this->Params->get("joomla_login", "1")) == 1;
     $facebook_login = false;
     $googleplus_login = false;
     $twitter_login = false;
     $fb_app_id = trim($this->Params->get("facebook_app_id", ""));
     $fb_app_secret = trim($this->Params->get("facebook_app_secret", ""));
     if (!empty($fb_app_id) && !empty($fb_app_secret)) {
         $facebook_login = true;
     $gp_client_id = trim($this->Params->get("googleplus_client_id", ""));
     $gp_client_secret = trim($this->Params->get("googleplus_client_secret", ""));
     if (!empty($gp_client_id) && !empty($gp_client_secret)) {
         $googleplus_login = true;
     if (!empty($tw_consumer_key) && !empty($tw_consumer_secret)) {
         $twitter_login = true;
     $available_logins = array();
     if ($anonymous_login) {
         $available_logins[] = 'anonymous';
     if ($joomla_login) {
         $available_logins[] = 'joomla';
     if ($facebook_login) {
         $available_logins[] = 'facebook';
     if ($googleplus_login) {
         $available_logins[] = 'googleplus';
     if ($twitter_login) {
         $available_logins[] = 'twitter';
     if ($twitter_login && isset($_REQUEST['tw_verify'])) {
         $this->twitter_verify_and_die($tw_consumer_key, $tw_consumer_secret);
     if ($twitter_login && isset($_POST['tw_get'])) {
         $this->twitter_get_and_die($tw_consumer_key, $tw_consumer_secret);
     if (isset($_POST['tw_get_status'])) {
         if ($this->logged_in) {
             header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
             header('Content-type: application/json');
             echo json_encode($this->actor);
         } else {
             $this->returnError("Not logged in");
     $this->logged_in = false;
     $this->actor = array();
     $session = JFactory::getSession();
     if (isset($_POST['logout'])) {
         $session_var_name = 'oc_user_id_' . $_POST['logout'];
         if ($session->has($session_var_name)) {
         if ($_POST['logout'] == 'twitter' && $session->has("oc_twitter_oauth_access_token_response")) {
     $oc_logged_in = '';
     if (!empty($_COOKIE['oc_logged_in'])) {
         $oc_logged_in = $_COOKIE['oc_logged_in'];
     if (!empty($_POST['loginonly'])) {
         $oc_logged_in = $_POST['loginonly'];
     if (!empty($oc_logged_in) && in_array($oc_logged_in, $available_logins)) {
         $session_var_name = 'oc_user_id_' . $oc_logged_in;
         if (isset($_COOKIE[$session_var_name]) && $session->has($session_var_name)) {
             $actor = $session->get($session_var_name);
             if ($actor['userid'] == $_COOKIE[$session_var_name]) {
                 $this->logged_in = true;
                 $this->actor = $actor;
         if (!$this->logged_in) {
             if ($oc_logged_in == 'googleplus') {
             } else {
                 if ($oc_logged_in == 'facebook') {
                 } else {
                     if ($oc_logged_in == 'joomla') {
                     } else {
                         if ($oc_logged_in == 'twitter') {
                         } else {
                             if ($oc_logged_in == 'anonymous') {
                                 $this->anonymousLogin($_COOKIE['oc_anon_name'], $_COOKIE['oc_anon_email']);
             if ($this->logged_in) {
                 $session->set($session_var_name, $this->actor);
     if (isset($_POST['loginonly'])) {
         if ($this->logged_in) {
             header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
             header('Content-type: application/json');
             echo json_encode(array('OK'));
         } else {
             $this->returnError("Not logged in");
     if (isset($_POST['channel_name']) && isset($_POST['socket_id'])) {
         //authendpoint private or presence
         $verify_channel = $_POST['channel_name'];
         //private- presence-
         $verify_socketid = $_POST['socket_id'];
         $parts = explode('-', $verify_channel);
         $channel_type = $parts[0];
         if (!in_array($channel_type, array('private', 'presence'))) {
             $this->returnError('invalid private or presence channel');
         if ($this->logged_in) {
             $pusher = new Pusher($app_key, $app_secret, $app_id);
             $presence_data = $this->actor;
             if ($channel_type == 'presence') {
                 echo $pusher->presence_auth($verify_channel, $verify_socketid, $this->actor['userid'], $presence_data);
             } else {
                 echo $pusher->socket_auth($verify_channel, $verify_socketid);
         } else {
     if (isset($_POST['chat_info'])) {
         //send message
         $channel_name = "private-" . $this->get_channel_name($this->Params->get("pusher_channel_name", "channel1"));
         $result = array();
         //'activity' => $data, 'pusherResponse' => $response);
         //if (isset($_POST['chat_info']['logout']) && isset($_POST['chat_info']['logout']['logout_from'])){
         //non devo fare nulla
         //	$this->logged_in=false;
         if ($this->logged_in && isset($_POST['chat_info']['text']) && !empty($_POST['chat_info']['text'])) {
             //creo il messaggio
             $data = array('id' => uniqid(), 'body' => mb_substr($_POST['chat_info']['text'], 0, 300), 'published' => date('r'), 'type' => 'chat-message', 'actor' => $this->actor);
             $data['actor']['displayName'] = mb_substr($data['actor']['displayName'], 0, 30);
             //invio del messaggio
             $pusher = new Pusher($app_key, $app_secret, $app_id);
             $response = $pusher->trigger($channel_name, 'chat_message', $data);
             $result = array('activity' => $data, 'pusherResponse' => $response);
         //output result
         header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
         header('Content-type: application/json');
         echo json_encode($result);
     //se arrivo qui non è ne una presence ne una send
     $this->returnError('invalid data', 400);