<?php include S_SECTIONS . "/member/memberaccess.php"; if (!isset($pohObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.PurchaseOrderHeading.php"; $pohObj = new PurchaseOrderHeading(); } if (!isset($poLineObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.PurchaseOrderLine.php"; $poLineObj = new PurchaseOrderLine(); } if (!isset($statusmasterObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "class.StatusMaster.php"; $statusmasterObj = new StatusMaster(); } if (!isset($countryObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "class.Country.php"; $countryObj = new Country(); } $poid = $_GET['id']; //$msg=$_REQUEST['msg']; if (isset($_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_MSG'])) { $msg = $_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_MSG']; unset($_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_MSG']); } if ($msg == 'ras') { $msg = $smarty->get_template_vars('MSG_ADD_SUCC'); } elseif ($msg == 'raserr') { $msg = $smarty->get_template_vars('MSG_ADD_ERR'); } elseif ($msg == 'rus') { $msg = $smarty->get_template_vars('MSG_UPDATE_SUCC');
} if (!isset($userActionObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . 'user/class.UserActionVerification.php'; $userActionObj = new UserActionVerification(); } if (!isset($sendMail)) { include SITE_CLASS_GEN . "class.sendmail.php"; $sendMail = new SendPHPMail(); } if (!isset($pohObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.PurchaseOrderHeading.php"; $pohObj = new PurchaseOrderHeading(); } if (!isset($poLineObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.PurchaseOrderLine.php"; $poLineObj = new PurchaseOrderLine(); } if (!isset($invAttachmentObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.InvoiceOrderAttachment.php"; $invAttachmentObj = new InvoiceOrderAttachment(); } if (!isset($imgObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_GEN . "class.imagecrop.php"; $imgObj = new imagecrop(); } $totusrs = $orgUsrObj->getDetails(" COUNT(*) as tot ", " AND iOrganizationID={$curORGID} AND eUserType='User'"); $totusrs = $totusrs[0]['tot']; $ordt = $orgUsrObj->getDetails('*', " AND iOrganizationID={$curORGID} AND eUserType='Admin' AND eStatus='Active'"); $org = $orgObj->select($curORGID); $smdt = $secManObj->getDetails('*', " AND iASMID=" . $org[0]['iASMID'] . " AND eStatus='Active'"); if (is_array($smdt) && is_array($ordt)) {
function getProductRows() { $return_array = array(); if ($this->id != "") { $purchaseorderLine = new PurchaseOrderLine(); $return_array = $purchaseorderLine->get_full_list("id", "purchaseorderid='" . $this->id . "'"); } return $return_array; }
function handleSave($prefix, $redirect = true, $useRequired = false) { require_once 'modules/PurchaseOrders/PurchaseOrder.php'; require_once 'modules/PurchaseOrderLines/PurchaseOrderLine.php'; require_once 'log4php/LoggerManager.php'; require_once 'include/formbase.php'; require_once 'include/TimeDate.php'; $timedate = new TimeDate(); $focus = new PurchaseOrder(); if ($useRequired && !checkRequired($prefix, array_keys($focus->required_fields))) { return null; } $focus = populateFromPost($prefix, $focus); if (!ACLController::checkAccess($focus->module_dir, 'edit', $focus->isOwner($current_user->id))) { ACLController::displayNoAccess(true); } if (empty($_REQUEST['status']) || $_REQUEST['status'] == 'off') { $focus->status = 0; } else { $focus->status = 1; } //echo "post length:".count($_POST); //echo "product_count:".$count."<br>"; //echo "cost_price num:".count($_POST["cost_price"])."<br"; $return_id = $focus->save(); $purchaseorderLine1 = new PurchaseOrderLine(); $purchaseorderLine1->mark_deletedByPurchaseOrderid($return_id); $count = count($_POST); $keys = array_keys($_POST); $sum = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (substr_count($keys[$i], "materialname_") > 0) { $index = substr($keys[$i], strpos($keys[$i], "_") + 1); $materialid = $_POST["materialid_" . $index]; $paperid = $_POST["paperid_" . $index]; if (!isset($materialid) || empty($materialid) && !isset($paperid) && empty($paperid)) { continue; } $number = $_POST["number_" . $index]; $materialname = $_POST["materialname_" . $index]; $measure = $_POST["measure_" . $index]; $unit = $_POST["unit_" . $index]; $singlep = $_POST["singlep_" . $index]; $price = $_POST["price_" . $index]; $purchaseorderLine = new PurchaseOrderLine(); $purchaseorderLine->number = $number; $purchaseorderLine->materialid = $materialid; $purchaseorderLine->paperid = $paperid; $purchaseorderLine->materialname = $materialname; $purchaseorderLine->measure = $measure; $purchaseorderLine->unit = $unit; $purchaseorderLine->singlep = $singlep; $purchaseorderLine->price = $price; $purchaseorderLine->purchaseorderid = $return_id; $purchaseorderLine->save(); } } $count = $_POST["product_count"]; // $GLOBLES['log']->debug("Saved record with id of ".$return_id); if ($redirect) { $this->handleRedirect($return_id); } else { return $focus; } }
function __construct($orderId, $date, $supplierid, $total, $user) { $this->id = $orderId; $this->transactionId = $orderId; $this->date = $date; $this->type = 'Purchase Order'; //$this->description = 'Order for items'; $this->party = Supplier::GetSupplier($supplierid); $this->amount = floatval($total); $this->total = floatval($total); if (is_null($user)) { $this->user = SessionManager::GetUsername(); } else { $this->user = $user; } $this->lineItems = PurchaseOrderLine::GetOrderItems($orderId); $this->description = ''; foreach ($this->lineItems as $item) { $this->description .= $item->quantity . ' x ' . $item->itemName . ', '; } }
<?php if (!isset($poLineObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.PurchaseOrderLine.php"; $poLineObj = new PurchaseOrderLine(); } if (!isset($orgObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php"; $orgObj = new Organization(); } if (!isset($pohObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.PurchaseOrderHeading.php"; $pohObj = new PurchaseOrderHeading(); } $eOrderType = $_POST['eOrderType']; $iPurchaseOrderID = $_POST['iPurchaseOrderID']; if (is_array($_POST['vItemCode']) && is_array($_POST['itemCode'])) { $vItemCode = array_merge($_POST['itemCode'], $_POST['vItemCode']); } else { if (is_array($_POST['itemCode'])) { $vItemCode = $_POST['itemCode']; } else { if (is_array($_POST['vItemCode'])) { $vItemCode = $_POST['vItemCode']; } } } // echo $view; exit; // prints($_POST); if (is_array($eOrderType)) { ### SERVER SIDE VALIDATION ####
break; } //$reqVal = Recompile($reqVal); /*Prints($fileds); Prints($itemfileds); Prints($reqVal); Prints($itemval); exit;*/ $scs = 'n'; // Prints($itemval); // pr($reqVal); exit; if (count($reqVal) > 0) { if (!isset($poLineObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.PurchaseOrderLine.php"; $poLineObj = new PurchaseOrderLine(); } if (!isset($orgUsrObj)) { require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.OrganizationUser.php"; $orgUsrObj = new OrganizationUser(); } if (!isset($orgObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php"; $orgObj = new Organization(); } if (!isset($statusmasterObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "class.StatusMaster.php"; $statusmasterObj = new StatusMaster(); } $TagArr = array('Buyer Company ID' => 'iBuyerOrganizationID', 'Buyer Company Name' => 'vBuyerCompanyName', 'Buyer Code' => 'vBuyerCode', 'Suplier Company ID' => 'iSupplierOrganizationID', 'Suplier Company Name' => 'vSupplierName', 'Supplier Contact Party' => 'vSupplierContactParty', 'Po Buyer Code' => 'vPoBuyerCode', 'PO Code' => 'vPOCode', 'Order date' => 'dOrderDate', 'Order Description' => 'tOrderDescription', 'Opening Unit' => 'iOpeningUnit', 'Supplier Order Num' => 'vSupplierOrderNum', 'Carrier' => 'tCarrier', 'Line Item Tax' => 'eLineItemTax', 'VAT' => 'fVAT', 'Other tax 1' => 'fOther_tax_1', 'ShipToParty' => 'vShipToParty', 'Ship To Address Line1' => 'vShipToAddressLine1', 'Ship To Address Line 2' => 'vShipToAddressLine2', 'Ship To City' => 'vShipToCity', 'Ship To Country' => 'vShipToCountry', 'Ship To State' => 'vShipToState', 'Ship To Zip Code' => 'vShipToZipCode', 'Ship To Contact Party' => 'vShipToContactParty', 'Ship To Contact Telephone' => 'vShipToContactTelephone', 'Bill To Party' => 'vBillToParty', 'Bill To AddLine 1' => 'vBillToAddLine1', 'Bill To AddLine 2' => 'vBillToAddLine2', 'Bill To City' => 'vBillToCity', 'Bill To Country' => 'vBillToCountry', 'Bill To State' => 'vBillToState', 'Bill To ZipCode' => 'vBillToZipCode', 'Bill To Contact Party' => 'vBillToContactParty', 'Bill To Contact Telephone' => 'vBillToContactTelephone', 'Currency' => 'vCurrency', 'PO Total' => 'fPOTotal', 'Prepayment' => 'fPrepayment', 'Sourcing Document' => 'tSourcingDocument', 'Global Agreement' => 'tGlobalAgreement', 'Payment Terms' => 'tPaymentTerms', 'FOB' => 'tFOB', 'Delivery Terms' => 'tDeliveryTerms', 'Shipping Control' => 'tShippingControl', 'Conditions For Payment' => 'tConditionsForPayment', 'Penalties' => 'tPenalties', 'Special Instruction' => 'tSpecialInstruction', 'Note' => 'tNote'); $pref_ary = array('tSourcingDocument', 'tGlobalAgreement', 'tPaymentTerms', 'tFOB', 'tDeliveryTerms', 'tShippingControl', 'tConditionsForPayment', 'tPenalties', 'tSpecialInstruction', 'tNote');
} if ($msg == 'ras') { $msg = $smarty->get_template_vars('MSG_ADD_SUCC'); } elseif ($msg == 'raserr') { $msg = $smarty->get_template_vars('MSG_ADD_ERR'); } elseif ($msg == 'rus') { $msg = $smarty->get_template_vars('MSG_UPDATE_SUCC'); } elseif ($msg == 'ruserr') { $msg = $smarty->get_template_vars('MSG_UPDATE_ERR'); } else { $msg = ''; } $iPurchaseOrderID = $_GET['id']; if (!isset($poLineObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.PurchaseOrderLine.php"; $poLineObj = new PurchaseOrderLine(); } if (!isset($pohObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.PurchaseOrderHeading.php"; $pohObj = new PurchaseOrderHeading(); } if (trim($iPurchaseOrderID) != '' && is_numeric($iPurchaseOrderID)) { $view = 'edit'; $where = " AND iPurchaseOrderID={$iPurchaseOrderID}"; $poData = $poLineObj->getDetails('*', $where); //prints($poData);exit; $podtls = $pohObj->select($iPurchaseOrderID); $isdtls = $statusmasterObj->getDetails('*', " AND eFor='PO' AND vStatus_en='Issued' "); $isdtls = $isdtls[0]['iStatusID']; if ($uorg_type == 'Buyer2') { $b2us = $pohObj->getPurchaseOrderRfq2Buyer2OrgIds($iPurchaseOrderID);
public function generatePurchaseOrder($supplierid, $date, $items) { $supplier = Supplier::GetSupplier($supplierid); $order = PurchaseOrder::CreateOrder($supplier, $date); foreach ($items as $item) { $ql = PurchaseOrderLine::Create($order->id, $item['item'], $item['qty'], $item['price']); $order->addToOrder($ql); } $voucher = $order->generate(); if ($voucher) { echo json_encode($voucher); } else { echo 0; } }