<?php require '../Pubnub.php'; $pubnub = new Pubnub('demo', 'demo'); $pubnub->publish(array('channel' => 'my_test_channel', 'message' => array('some_text' => 'hello!')));
<?php require_once 'Pubnub.php'; ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## USAGE: ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## php ./bootstrap.php ## Capture Publish and Subscribe Keys from Command Line $publish_key = isset($argv[7]) ? $argv[7] : 'demo'; $subscribe_key = isset($argv[8]) ? $argv[8] : 'demo'; $secret_key = isset($argv[9]) ? $argv[9] : false; $cipher_key = isset($argv[10]) ? $argv[10] : false; $ssl_on = false; ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Create Pubnub Object ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $pubnub = new Pubnub($publish_key, $subscribe_key, $secret_key, $cipher_key, $ssl_on); ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Find all Streams running on this system ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $channel = "stockblast"; $streams = system(implode(' | ', array('ps a', 'grep stock.php', 'grep -v grep', 'awk "{print \\$7}"', 'tr "\\n+" ","'))); $publish_success = $pubnub->publish(array('channel' => $channel, 'message' => trim($streams, ',')));
<?php ## Capture Publish and Subscribe Keys from Command Line $publish_key = "demo"; $subscribe_key = "demo"; $channel_name = "while-loop-channel"; ## Require Pubnub API echo "Loading Pubnub.php Class\n"; require '../Pubnub.php'; ## ----------------------------------------- ## Create Pubnub Client API (INITIALIZATION) ## ----------------------------------------- echo "Creating new Pubnub Client API\n"; $pubnub = new Pubnub($publish_key, $subscribe_key, '', false, 'pubsub.pubnub.com'); ## ---------------------- ## Send Message (PUBLISH) ## ---------------------- echo "Sending a message with Publish Function\n"; $start = microtime(1); $tries = 100.0; $i = 0; $message = json_decode('{"id":"130051906964946945","type":"newtopic","created_at":"Fri Oct 28 22:42:45 +0000 2011","current_time":1319841837,"posted_at":1319841837,"reply_count":0,"from_user":"******","from_user_name":"Demo","profile_image_url":"http:\\/\\/a1.twimg.com\\/profile_images\\/1568426943\\/Screen_shot_2011-10-01_at_1.40.42_PM_normal.png","tweettext":"#uynb5598 ggttrru <a href=\\"http:\\/\\/t.co\\/QkKBpjRS\\" rel=\\"nofollow\\" target=\\"_blank\\">http:\\/\\/t.co\\/QkKBpjRS<\\/a>","bubble_color":"","product_shorturl":null,"product_longurl":null,"media_type":"YFrog","message_video_url":null,"message_image_id":"21067","message_o_image_url":"http:\\/\\/c797842.r42.cf2.rackcdn.com\\/TIKZuz.jpg","message_l_image_url":"http:\\/\\/c797844.r44.cf2.rackcdn.com\\/TIKZuz.jpg","message_t_image_url":"http:\\/\\/c797843.r43.cf2.rackcdn.com\\/TIKZuz.jpg","message_f_image_url":null,"message_tvt_image_url":null,"message_tvl_image_url":null}'); #array( 'text' => $message ); while ($i++ < $tries) { $pubnub->publish(array('channel' => $channel_name, 'message' => $message)); } ## DONE $end = microtime(1); print_r(array('total publishes sent' => $tries, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'total test duration in seconds' => $end - $start, 'average delivery in seconds' => ($end - $start) / $tries, 'publishes per second' => $tries / ($end - $start)));
<? require(dirname(__FILE__)."/../www/system/shared.php"); require(dirname(__FILE__)."/../www/system/Pubnub.php"); $db = Database::getInstance(); $confirmations = 0; //Check for active monitors, order by ensures new events are attempted first $res = $db->query("SELECT order_id,tx_hash,address,`value` FROM `active_uncomfirmed_monitors` ORDER BY order_id DESC"); if ($res->num_rows > 0) { $pubnub = new Pubnub(PUBNUB_PUB, PUBNUB_SUB, "", false); } echo "Found ".$res->num_rows." rows \r\n"; while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) { $tx = $row['tx_hash']; $orderid = $row['order_id']; $address = $row['address']; $value = $row['value']; $success = true; $order = new Order($orderid); $user = new User($order->userid); var_dump($order); var_dump($user); foreach ($order->notifications as $notification) {
<?php require_once 'Pubnub.php'; $pubnub = new Pubnub('demo', 'demo', false, false, false); $pubnub->presence(array('channel' => 'testChannel', 'callback' => function ($message) { $fp = fopen('presenceOut.txt', 'w'); fwrite($fp, serialize($message)); fclose($fp); exit; }));
## Capture Publish and Subscribe Keys from Command Line $publish_key = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : false; $subscribe_key = isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : false; # Print usage if missing info. if (!($publish_key && $subscribe_key)) { echo "\n ==============\n EXAMPLE USAGE:\n ==============\n php ./chat-command-line.php PUBLISH-KEY SUBSCRIBE-KEY\n\n"; exit; } ## Require Pubnub API echo "Connecting...\n"; echo "(Press ^C to exit)\n"; require '../Pubnub.php'; ## ----------------------------------------- ## Create Pubnub Client API (INITIALIZATION) ## ----------------------------------------- $pubnub = new Pubnub($publish_key, $subscribe_key); ## ---------------------------------------- ## Send/Recieve Message (PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE) ## ---------------------------------------- $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { ## Fail :'( die('Could not fork. Get newer version of PHP!'); } else { if ($pid) { ## Get Username echo "ENTER USERNAME: "******"YOUR NAME IS {$user}\n\n"; ## Listen for Messages From User
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## USAGE: ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # php ./unit-test.php # php ./unit-test.php [PUB-KEY] [SUB-KEY] [SECRET-KEY] [USE SSL] # ## Capture Publish and Subscribe Keys from Command Line $publish_key = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : 'demo'; $subscribe_key = isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : 'demo'; $secret_key = isset($argv[3]) ? $argv[3] : false; $ssl_on = isset($argv[4]); ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Create Pubnub Object ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $pubnub = new Pubnub($publish_key, $subscribe_key, $secret_key, $ssl_on); ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Generate Random Channel Name ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $channel = 'unit-test-' . rand(0, 100000000) . rand(0, 100000000); ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Get History Part 1 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $history = $pubnub->history(array('channel' => $channel, 'limit' => 1)); test(count($history), 0, 'Initial Empty History'); ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## PUBLISH ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $pubish_success = $pubnub->publish(array('channel' => $channel, 'message' => 'Hi. (顶顅Ȓ)')); test($pubish_success[0], 1, 'Publish First Message'); ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<?php ## Require Pubnub API echo "Loading Pubnub.php Class\n"; require '../Pubnub.php'; ## ----------------------------------------- ## Create Pubnub Client API (INITIALIZATION) ## ----------------------------------------- echo "Creating new Pubnub Client API\n"; $pubnub = new Pubnub(); ## ---------------------- ## Send Message (PUBLISH) ## ---------------------- echo "Sending a message with Publish Function\n"; $start = microtime(1); $tries = 50.0; $success = 0; $failes = 0; $sent = 0; while ($sent++ < $tries) { $info = $pubnub->publish(array('channel' => 'performance-test', 'message' => 'hi')); $info[0] && $success++; $info[0] || $failes++; $sent % (int) ($tries / 50) || (print '.'); } ## DONE $end = microtime(1); print "\n"; print_r(array('total successful publishes' => $success, 'total failed publishes' => $failes, 'total sequential publishes sent' => $tries, 'successful delivery rate' => '%' . $success / $tries * 100, 'failure delivery rate' => '%' . $failes / $tries * 100, 'total test duration in seconds' => $end - $start, 'average delivery in seconds' => ($end - $start) / $tries, 'publishes per second' => $tries / ($end - $start), 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end));
<?php ## Capture Publish and Subscribe Keys from Command Line $publish_key = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : false; $subscribe_key = isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : false; # Print usage if missing info. if (!($publish_key && $subscribe_key)) { echo "\n ==============\n EXAMPLE USAGE:\n ==============\n php ./publish-example.php PUBLISH-KEY SUBSCRIBE-KEY\n\n"; exit; } ## Require Pubnub API echo "Loading Pubnub.php Class\n"; require '../Pubnub.php'; ## ----------------------------------------- ## Create Pubnub Client API (INITIALIZATION) ## ----------------------------------------- echo "Creating new Pubnub Client API\n"; $pubnub = new Pubnub($publish_key, $subscribe_key); ## Get History echo "Requesting History...\n"; $messages = $pubnub->history(array('channel' => 'hello_world', 'limit' => 100)); var_dump($messages); ## Prints Published Messages. ?>
<?php require_once 'Pubnub.php'; $publish_key = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : 'demo'; $subscribe_key = isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : 'demo'; $secret_key = isset($argv[3]) ? $argv[3] : false; $cipher_key = isset($argv[4]) ? $argv[4] : false; $ssl_on = false; ## Create Pubnub Object $pubnub = new Pubnub($publish_key, $subscribe_key, $secret_key, $cipher_key, $ssl_on); ## Define Messaging Channel $channel = "hello_world"; ## Subscribe Example echo "\nWaiting for Publish message... Hit CTRL+C to finish.\n"; $pubnub->subscribe(array('channel' => $channel, 'callback' => function ($message) { print_r($message); echo "\r\n"; return false; }));
$publish_key = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : false; $subscribe_key = isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : false; $channel_name = isset($argv[3]) ? $argv[3] : 'hello_world2'; # Print usage if missing info. if (!($publish_key && $subscribe_key)) { echo "\n ==============\n EXAMPLE USAGE:\n ==============\n php ./subscribe-example.php PUBLISH-KEY SUBSCRIBE-KEY\n\n"; exit; } ## Require Pubnub API echo "Loading Pubnub.php Class\n"; require '../Pubnub.php'; ## ----------------------------------------- ## Create Pubnub Client API (INITIALIZATION) ## ----------------------------------------- echo "Creating new Pubnub Client API\n"; $pubnub = new Pubnub($publish_key, $subscribe_key); ## ------------------------------ ## Listen for Message (SUBSCRIBE) ## ------------------------------ echo "Listening for Messages (Press ^C to stop)\n"; $pubnub->subscribe(array('channel' => $channel_name, 'callback' => function ($message) { ## REQUIRED Callback With Response var_dump($message); ## Print Message usleep(100); return true; ## Keep listening (return false to stop) })); ?>
## Encryption Test if (decrypt($cipher_text, $cipher_key) == $plain_text) { echo "Standard encryption test PASS.\n\n"; } else { echo "Standard encryption test FAIL.\n\n"; } ## Decryption Test if (encrypt($plain_text, $cipher_key) == $cipher_text) { echo "Standard decryption test PASS.\n\n"; } else { echo "Standard decryption test FAIL.\n\n"; } ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Create Pubnub Object ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $pubnub = new Pubnub($publish_key, $subscribe_key, $secret_key, $cipher_key, $ssl_on); ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Define Messaging Channel ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $channel = "hello_world"; ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Publish Example ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Running publish\r\n"; $publish_success = $pubnub->publish(array('channel' => $channel, 'message' => 'Pubnub Messaging API 1')); echo $publish_success[0] . $publish_success[1]; echo "\r\n"; $publish_success = $pubnub->publish(array('channel' => $channel, 'message' => 'Pubnub Messaging API 2')); echo $publish_success[0] . $publish_success[1]; echo "\r\n"; $publish_success = $pubnub->publish(array('channel' => $channel, 'message' => '漢語'));
<?php require '../Pubnub.php'; $pubnub = new Pubnub('demo', 'demo'); $pubnub->subscribe(array('channel' => 'extra_cool_channel', 'callback' => function ($message) { var_dump($message); return true; ## continue listening }));
<?php ## Capture Publish and Subscribe Keys from Command Line $publish_key = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : false; $subscribe_key = isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : false; ## Require Pubnub API require '../Pubnub.php'; ## ----------------------------------------- ## Create Pubnub Client API (INITIALIZATION) ## ----------------------------------------- $pubnub = new Pubnub($publish_key, $subscribe_key); ## ---------------------- ## Send Message (PUBLISH) ## ---------------------- $pubnub->subscribe(array('channel' => 'php_chat', 'callback' => function ($message) { ## REQUIRED Callback With Response ## Print Message echo "[" . date('H:i:s') . "] <" . $message['from'] . "> " . $message['text'] . "\r\n"; ## Keep listening (return false to stop) return true; })); ?>
<?php require_once 'Pubnub.php'; $pubnub = new Pubnub('demo', 'demo', false, false, false); $here = $pubnub->here_now(array('channel' => 'my_channel')); $occupancy = $here['occupancy']; $user_ids = $here['uuids']; print "UUIDs (userIDs): "; print_r($user_ids); print "\n"; print "OCCUPANTS: {$occupancy}\n\n";