public function refreshDashboardAction() { $mode = $this->_getParam('mode'); $today = date('Y-m-d'); switch ($mode) { case 'today': $date = $today; break; case 'yesterday': $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($today . '-1 day')); break; case 'tomorrow': $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($today . '+1 day')); break; case 'last7days': $date1 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($today . '-7 days')); $date2 = $today; break; case 'last30days': $date1 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($today . '-30 days')); $date2 = $today; break; case 'thismonth': $date = null; break; case 'lastmonth': $date = null; break; } $modelDailyExercises = new Public_Model_Daily_Exercises(); $dailyIntake = new Public_Model_Daily_Intake(); if (isset($date1) && isset($date2)) { $milesRan = $modelDailyExercises->fetchAll("type = 'Running' and date between '" . $date1 . "' and '" . $date2 . "' and userId = " . $this->user->getId())->toArray(); $daysWithGym = $modelDailyExercises->fetchDaysWithOrWoutGym($date1, $date2, $this->user); } else { $dataDailyIntake = $dailyIntake->fetchMacros($date, $this->user); $milesRan = $modelDailyExercises->fetchAll("type = 'Running' and date = '" . $date . "' and userId = " . $this->user->getId())->toArray(); if (isset($dataDailyIntake[$date]['totalCalories'])) { $statistics['caloriesConsumed'] = $dataDailyIntake[$date]['totalCalories']; } } $totalMiles = null; foreach ($milesRan as $data) { if ($data['miles']) { $totalMiles += $data['miles']; } } $statistics['milesRan'] = $totalMiles; $this->view->statistics = $statistics; $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); }
public function myPlateAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); if ($request->isGet()) { $food = $this->_getParam('food'); $date = $this->_getParam('date'); $foodSearch = $this->_getParam('foodsearch'); if ($food) { $modelFoods = new Model_Foods(); header("Content-Type: application/json"); $aResults = $modelFoods->fetchResults($foodSearch); echo "{\"results\": ["; $arr = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($aResults); $i++) { $arr[] = '{"id": "' . $aResults[$i]['foodId'] . '", "value": "' . $aResults[$i]['name'] . '", "servingSize": "' . $aResults[$i]['servingSize'] . ' ' . $aResults[$i]['servingSizeType'] . '", "servingSizeType": "' . $aResults[$i]['servingSizeType'] . '", "info": "' . $this->t->_('Calories') . ': ' . $aResults[$i]['calories'] . ' | ' . $this->t->_('Protein') . ': ' . $aResults[$i]['protein'] . ' | ' . $this->t->_('Fat') . ': ' . $aResults[$i]['fat'] . ' | ' . $this->t->_('Sugar') . ': ' . $aResults[$i]['sugar'] . ' | ' . $this->t->_('Carbs') . ': ' . $aResults[$i]['carbs'] . ' | ' . $this->t->_('Sodium') . ': ' . $aResults[$i]['sodium'] . ' | ' . $this->t->_('Fiber') . ': ' . $aResults[$i]['fiber'] . ' | ' . $this->t->_('Cholesterol') . ': ' . $aResults[$i]['cholesterol'] . ' "}'; } echo implode(", ", $arr); echo "]}"; exit; } elseif ($date) { $mealId = $this->_getParam('mealId', 0); $mealId = (int) $mealId; $foodIds = $this->_getParam('foodIds', 0); $what = null; if ($mealId) { $what = 'Meal'; $modelDailyIntake = new Public_Model_Daily_Intake(); $modelDailyIntake->insert(array('userId' => $this->user->getId(), 'mealId' => $mealId, 'date' => $date)); } elseif ($foodIds) { $what = 'Food(s)'; $foodIds = explode(',', $foodIds); foreach ($foodIds as $foodId) { $foodId = (int) $foodId; if ($foodId) { $modelDailyIntake = new Public_Model_Daily_Intake(); $modelDailyIntake->insert(array('userId' => $this->user->getId(), 'foodId' => $foodId, 'servingSize' => $this->_getParam('servingSize'), 'servingSizes' => $this->_getParam('servingSizes'), 'date' => $date)); } } } echo Zend_Json::encode(array('success' => 1)); exit; } } $modelMeals = new Model_Meals(); $modelFoods = new Model_Foods(); $formMeals = self::getMyaccountMealsForm(); $formMeals->setMeals($modelMeals->fetchAll('userId = ' . $this->user->getId())->toArray()); $formFoods = self::getMyaccountFoodsForm(); $modelDailyIntake = new Public_Model_Daily_Intake(); $this->view->dailyIntake = $modelDailyIntake->fetchAll("date = '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' and userId = " . (int) $this->user->getId() . "")->toArray(); $this->view->formMeals = $formMeals; $this->view->formFoods = $formFoods; $this->view->modelFoods = $modelFoods; }