 function run_transaction($vars)
     global $db;
     $psi = new PsiGatePayment();
     // Not all fields below are required.  Consult manual for specifics.
     if ($vars['testmode']) {
     } else {
     // 0 – Sale, 1 – PreAuth, 2 – PostAuth, 3 – Credit, 4 – Forced PostAuth, 9 – Void
     //$psi->setOrderID($vars['order-id']); // For PostAuth, Credit, and Void transactions, OrderID is required and it must its value must be the same as the OrderID of the associated transaction request.
     // Amount
     // Card Number
     $psi->setCardExpMonth(substr($vars['card-exp'], 0, 2));
     // Month in 2-digit format
     $psi->setCardExpYear(substr($vars['card-exp'], 2, 2));
     // Year in 2-digit format
     if ($vars['card-cvv']) {
         // Pass CVV code
                     Passes the status for Visa CVV2, MasterCard CVC2, and Amex CID.  
                     If unknown leave blank.
                     0 = Bypassed
                     1 = Value present
                     2 = Value illegible
                     9 = Card has no CVV2 value
         // Passes Visa CVV2, MasterCard CVC2, and Amex CID numbers
     if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) {
         if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"])) {
             $proxy_ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"];
         } else {
             $proxy_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
         $client_ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
         $forwarded_ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
     } else {
         if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"])) {
             $client_ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"];
         } else {
             $client_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
         $proxy_ip = '';
         $forwarded_ip = '';
     // Customer IP address, for fraud
     // Unique customer identifier set by merchant.
     // shipping
     // Tax value 1, ex Sales Tax
         	$psi->setTaxTotal2('0.00'); // Tax value 2, ex VAT
         	$psi->setTaxTotal3('0.00'); // Tax value 3, ex GST
         	$psi->setTaxTotal4('0.00'); // Tax value 4, ex PST
         	$psi->setTaxTotal5('0.00'); // Tax value 5
     // Billing Name
     // Company Name
     // Billing Address 1
     // Billing Address 2
     // Billing City
     // Billing state or province
     // Billing Zip
     // Country Code - 2 alpha characters
     // Customer Phone
     // Customer Email
     // comments, whatever you'd like
         	$psi->setSname(''); // Shipping Name
         	$psi->setScompany(''); // Shipping Company
         	$psi->setSaddress1(''); // Shipping Address 1
         	$psi->setSaddress2(''); // Shipping Address 2
         	$psi->setScity(''); // Shipping City
         	$psi->setSprovince(''); // Shipping state or province
         	$psi->setSpostalCode(''); // Shipping Zip
         	$psi->setScountry(''); // Shipping country
     //  $psi->setTestResult('A'); // Test result if you'd like to pass one.  See xml guide for more details
     TestResult may be set to simulate a response from the bank.
     A simulated transaction result shall be returned once the transaction request passes the fulfillment and fraud rule checks.  
     A – Simulates an approved response.
     D – Simulates a declined response.
     R – Randomly approves or declines orders.
     F – Simulates a fraud response.        
     // Send transaction data to the gateway
     $psi_xml_error = !($psi->doPayment() == PSIGATE_TRANSACTION_OK);
     $return['RESULT'] = $psi->getTrxnApproved();
     $return['RESPMSG'] = $psi->getTrxnErrMsg();
     $return['PNREF'] = $psi->getTrxnTransRefNumber();
     $return['ORDERID'] = $psi->getTrxnOrderID();
     $return['AVS'] = $psi->getTrxnAVSResult();
     $return['CVV_VALID'] = $psi->getTrxnCardIDResult();
     $return['TAX_TOTAL'] = $psi->getTrxnTaxTotal();
     $return['SUB_TOTAL'] = $psi->getTrxnSubTotal();
     $return['FULL_TOTAL'] = $psi->getTrxnFullTotal();
     $err = '';
     if ($psi->getTrxnErrMsg()) {
         $err = "<br />PSiGate ERROR: " . $psi->getTrxnErrMsg();
     $db->log_error("PSiGate RESPONSE: " . $psi->getTrxnReturnCode() . $err);
     return $return;
function psigate_refund($params)
    global $remote_ip;
    $psi = new PsiGatePayment();
    if ($params['testmode'] == "on") {
    } else {
    $psi_xml_error = !($psi->doPayment() == PSIGATE_TRANSACTION_OK);
    $desc = "Action => Refund\nClient => " . $params['clientdetails']['firstname'] . " " . $params['clientdetails']['lastname'] . "\n";
    $desc .= "Transaction Time => " . $psi->myResultTrxnTransTime . "\n";
    $desc .= "Order ID => " . $psi->myResultTrxnOrderID . "\n";
    $desc .= "Approved => " . $psi->myResultTrxnApproved . "\n";
    $desc .= "Return Code => " . $psi->myResultTrxnReturnCode . "\n";
    $desc .= "Error Message => " . $psi->myResultTrxnErrMsg . "\n";
    $desc .= "Total => " . $psi->myResultTrxnFullTotal . "\n";
    $desc .= "Payment Type => " . $psi->myResultTrxnPaymentType . "\n";
    $desc .= "Card Number => " . $psi->myResultTrxnCardNumber . "\n";
    $desc .= "Expiry Month => " . $psi->myResultTrxnCardExpMonth . "\n";
    $desc .= "Expiry Year => " . $psi->myResultTrxnCardExpYear . "\n";
    $desc .= "Reference Number => " . $psi->myResultTrxnTransRefNumber . "\n";
    $desc .= "IP Result => " . $psi->myResultTrxnIPResult . "\n";
    $desc .= "IP Country => " . $psi->myResultTrxnIPCountry . "\n";
    $desc .= "IP Region => " . $psi->myResultTrxnIPRegion . "\n";
    $desc .= "IP City => " . $psi->myResultTrxnIPCity . "\n";
    $desc .= "Error => " . $psi->myError . "\n";
    $desc .= "Error Message => " . $psi->myErrorMessage . "\n";
    if ($psi->myResultTrxnApproved == "APPROVED") {
        return array("status" => "success", "transid" => $psi->myResultTrxnTransRefNumber, "rawdata" => $desc);
    if ($psi->myResultTrxnApproved == "DECLINED") {
        return array("status" => "declined", "rawdata" => $desc);
    return array("status" => "error", "rawdata" => $desc);