  * Test to see if Promo Code is valid, used by Model validation. Note this doesn't mean that all products will use it,
  * just that at least item in the cart (or free shipping) will accept the code. If this function returns true,
  * we still have to Apply the code to the cart which will determine which items actually get the discount.
  * @param $attribute
  * @param $param
 public function validatePromocode($attribute, $param)
     $strCode = $this->{$attribute};
     if ($strCode == '') {
     $objPromoCode = PromoCode::LoadByCode($strCode);
     if (!$objPromoCode) {
         $this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('global', 'Promo Code is invalid.'));
     if (!$objPromoCode->enabled) {
         $this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('global', 'Promo Code is invalid'));
     $strLabel = Yii::t('global', 'Promo Code');
     if ($objPromoCode->Shipping) {
         $strLabel = Yii::t('global', 'Free Shipping');
     //If start date is defined, have we reached it yet
     if (!$objPromoCode->Started) {
         $this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('global', '{label} is not active yet.', array('{label}' => $strLabel)));
     //If end date is defined or remaining uses
     if ($objPromoCode->Expired || !$objPromoCode->HasRemaining) {
         $this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('global', '{label} has expired or has been used up.', array('{label}' => $strLabel)));
     //Minimum price threshold
     if (!is_null($objPromoCode->threshold)) {
         if ($objPromoCode->Threshold > Yii::app()->shoppingcart->originalSubTotal) {
             $this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('global', '{label} only valid when your purchases total at least {amount}.', array('{label}' => $strLabel, '{amount}' => _xls_currency($objPromoCode->threshold))));
     //If this is for shipping, we need to make sure all items in the cart qualify
     if ($objPromoCode->Shipping) {
         //Test our two extremes -- all items or no items. The IsProductAffected() takes care of the reverse logic for No Items
         if ($objPromoCode->exception == PromoCode::QUALIFY_ALL_ITEMS || $objPromoCode == PromoCode::QUALIFY_NO_ITEMS) {
             $bolApplied = true;
             //We start with true because we want to make sure we don't have a disqualifying item in our cart
             foreach (Yii::app()->shoppingcart->cartItems as $objItem) {
                 if (!$objPromoCode->IsProductAffected($objItem)) {
                     $bolApplied = false;
         //Test for just one qualifying item
         if ($objPromoCode->exception == PromoCode::QUALIFY_MIN_ONE_ITEM) {
             $bolApplied = false;
             foreach (Yii::app()->shoppingcart->cartItems as $objItem) {
                 if ($objPromoCode->IsProductAffected($objItem)) {
                     $bolApplied = true;
         if ($bolApplied == false) {
             $this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('yii', 'We are sorry, but one or more of the items in your cart cannot be used with {label}.', array('{label}' => $strLabel)));
     } else {
         //else for regular promo codes, see if any items in the cart match qualify for this promo code
         $bolApplied = false;
         foreach (Yii::app()->shoppingcart->cartItems as $objItem) {
             if ($objPromoCode->IsProductAffected($objItem)) {
                 $bolApplied = true;
         //If we have reached this point and $bolApplied is still false, none of our items qualify
         if (!$bolApplied) {
             $this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('yii', 'We are sorry, but one or more of the items in your cart cannot be used with {label}.', array('{label}' => $strLabel)));
 public function applyPromoCode($mixCode)
     if ($mixCode instanceof PromoCode) {
         $objPromoCode = $mixCode;
     } else {
         $objPromoCode = PromoCode::LoadByCode($mixCode);
     if ($objPromoCode instanceof PromoCode) {
         $this->model->fk_promo_id = $objPromoCode->id;
  * Apply a promo code to the cart and return an array indicating what happened.
  * @param string $strPromoCode The promocode.
  * @return array An array indicating what happened.
  *	['success'] boolean Whether the promo code was applied.
  *	['action'] string Recommended action: alert|error|triggerCalc|success.
  *	['message'] string A message to display.
 protected function applyPromoCodeModal($strPromoCode)
     if (Yii::app()->shoppingcart->PromoCode !== null) {
         return array('success' => false, 'action' => 'alert', 'message' => Yii::t('global', 'Only one promo code can be applied'));
     $objPromoCode = new PromoCode();
     $objPromoCode->code = $strPromoCode;
     if ($objPromoCode->validate() === false) {
         $arrErrors = $objPromoCode->getErrors();
         return array('success' => false, 'action' => 'error', 'message' => $arrErrors['code'][0]);
     $objPromoCode = PromoCode::LoadByCode($strPromoCode);
     // See if this promo code is supposed to turn on free shipping.
     // This runs AFTER validate() so if we get here, it means that any
     // criteria have passed. So just apply and refresh the shipping list.
     if ($objPromoCode->Shipping) {
         // Update the shipping selection to use the free shipping module.
         $objFreeShipping = Modules::model()->freeshipping()->find();
         if ($objFreeShipping !== null) {
             $checkoutForm = MultiCheckoutForm::loadFromSession();
             if ($checkoutForm !== null) {
                 try {
                     $arrCartScenario = Shipping::getCartScenarios($checkoutForm);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $arrCartScenario = null;
                 if ($arrCartScenario !== null) {
                     $freeShippingScenario = findWhere($arrCartScenario, array('providerId' => $objFreeShipping->id));
                     $checkoutForm = MultiCheckoutForm::loadFromSessionOrNew();
                     $checkoutForm->shippingProvider = $freeShippingScenario['providerId'];
                     $checkoutForm->shippingPriority = $freeShippingScenario['priorityLabel'];
         return array('success' => true, 'action' => 'triggerCalc', 'message' => Yii::t('global', 'Congratulations! This order qualifies for Free Shipping!'));
     return array('success' => true, 'action' => 'success');