public static function delModule($project_id) { try { $delete_data = ProjectDetail::findFirst(array('project_id = :project_id:', 'bind' => array('project_id' => $project_id))); if (isset($delete_data->project_id)) { $manager = new TxManager(); $transaction = $manager->get(); $delete_data->setTransaction($transaction); if ($delete_data->delete() == false) { $transaction->rollback('数据更新失败-1'); } #说明该项目下需求量表已导入过,则继续更新项目状态 $project = Project::findFirst(array("id=?1", 'bind' => array(1 => $project_id))); $project->setTransaction($transaction); $project->state = $project->state - 1 >= 0 ? $project->state - 1 : 0; if ($project->save() == false) { $transaction->rollback("数据插入失败-2"); } $transaction->commit(); return true; } else { return true; } } catch (TxFailed $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } }
public function getindividualComprehensive($examinee_id) { $project_id = Examinee::findFirst($examinee_id)->project_id; $project_detail = ProjectDetail::findFirst(array("project_id = :project_id:", 'bind' => array('project_id' => $project_id))); if (empty($project_detail) || empty($project_detail->module_names)) { throw new Exception('项目配置信息有误'); } $exist_module_array = explode(',', $project_detail->module_names); $module_array = array("心理健康" => 'mk_xljk', "素质结构" => 'mk_szjg', "智体结构" => 'mk_ztjg', "能力结构" => 'mk_nljg'); $module_array_score = array(); foreach ($module_array as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($value, $exist_module_array)) { continue; } $module_record = Module::findFirst(array("name = ?1", 'bind' => array(1 => $value))); $children = $module_record->children; $children_array = explode(',', $children); $result_1 = $this->modelsManager->createBuilder()->columns(array('Index.chs_name as chs_name', ' as name', 'IndexAns.score as score', 'Index.children as children'))->from('Index')->inwhere('', $children_array)->join('IndexAns', 'IndexAns.index_id = AND IndexAns.examinee_id = ' . $examinee_id)->orderBy('IndexAns.score desc')->getQuery()->execute()->toArray(); //进行规范排序 $module_array_score[$key] = array(); foreach ($result_1 as &$result_1_record) { $skey = array_search($result_1_record['name'], $children_array); $module_array_score[$key][$skey] = $result_1_record; } //对指标层进行遍历查找中间层,以及children foreach ($module_array_score[$key] as &$index_info) { $middle = array(); $middle = MiddleLayer::find(array('father_chs_name=?1', 'bind' => array(1 => $index_info['chs_name'])))->toArray(); $children = array(); $index_info['count'] = count(explode(',', $index_info['children'])); $children = $this->getChildrenOfIndexDesc($index_info['name'], $index_info['children'], $examinee_id); $tmp = array(); $children = $this->foo($children, $tmp); $tmp_detail = array(); foreach ($middle as $middle_info) { $outter_tmp = array(); $middle_children = explode(',', $middle_info['children']); $outter_tmp_score = 0; foreach ($middle_children as $children_name) { $skey = array_search($children_name, $children); $inner_tmp = array(); $inner_tmp['name'] = $children_name; $inner_tmp['score'] = $children[$skey + 1]; $outter_tmp_score += $inner_tmp['score']; $tmp_detail[] = $inner_tmp; } $outter_tmp['name'] = null; $outter_tmp['score'] = $outter_tmp_score; $tmp_detail[] = $outter_tmp; } $index_info['detail'] = $tmp_detail; } } return $module_array_score; }
public function getComprehensiveData($project_id) { $this->project_check($project_id); #判断项目详细信息中是否有职业素质相关的模块 $project_detail = ProjectDetail::findFirst(array("project_id = :project_id:", 'bind' => array('project_id' => $project_id))); if (empty($project_detail) || empty($project_detail->module_names)) { throw new Exception('项目配置信息有误'); } $exist_module_array = explode(',', $project_detail->module_names); $module_array = array("心理健康" => 'mk_xljk', "素质结构" => 'mk_szjg', "智体结构" => 'mk_ztjg', "能力结构" => 'mk_nljg'); $module_name_array = array("心理健康" => '职业心理', "素质结构" => '职业素质', "智体结构" => '智体结构', "能力结构" => '职业能力'); $module_array_score = array(); foreach ($module_array as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($value, $exist_module_array)) { continue; } $module_record = Module::findFirst(array("name = ?1", 'bind' => array(1 => $value))); $children = $module_record->children; $children_array = explode(',', $children); //获取某项模块下所有指标的平均分 $result_1 = $this->modelsManager->createBuilder()->columns(array('AVG(IndexAns.score) as score', 'Index.chs_name as chs_name', ' as id'))->from('Examinee')->join('IndexAns', 'IndexAns.examinee_id = AND Examinee.type = 0 AND Examinee.project_id = ' . $project_id)->join('Index', ' = IndexAns.index_id')->inwhere('', $children_array)->groupBy('')->orderBy('AVG(IndexAns.score) desc')->getQuery()->execute(); $tmp = array(); $tmp['children'] = $result_1->toArray(); $count = count($result_1); $sum = 0; foreach ($tmp['children'] as &$svalue) { $sum += sprintf('%.2f', $svalue['score']); } if ($count == 0) { throw new Exception('系统错误-模块下属指标的数量为0'); } $tmp['value'] = sprintf('%.2f', $sum / $count); $tmp['name'] = $module_name_array[$key]; $tmp['name_in_table'] = $value; $module_array_score[] = $tmp; } return $module_array_score; }
public function getmoduleAction() { $manager = $this->session->get('Manager'); if ($manager) { $result = array(); $result['state'] = false; $result['ans'] = null; $project_detail = ProjectDetail::findFirst(array("project_id=?1", "bind" => array(1 => $manager->project_id))); if (!isset($project_detail->project_id)) { $this->dataReturn(array('success' => $result)); return; } $module_name = array(); $module_names = $project_detail->module_names; $module_name = explode(',', $module_names); if (empty($module_name)) { $this->dataReturn(array('success' => $result)); return; } $ans = array(); foreach ($module_name as $name) { $module = Module::findFirst(array('name=?1', 'bind' => array(1 => $name))); $ans[] = $module->chs_name; } $result['state'] = true; $result['ans'] = implode('|', $ans); $this->dataReturn(array("success" => $result)); return; } else { $this->dataReturn(array('error' => "您的身份验证出错,请重新登录")); return; } }
public function actionCreatelistuser() { $pj = ProjectDetail::model()->find("project_id = {$_REQUEST['pid']} and worker_id = {$_REQUEST['worker']} "); if (count($pj) == 0) { // ProjectDetail::model()->deleteAll("worker_id = $_REQUEST[worker]" ); $model = new ProjectDetail(); $model->project_id = $_REQUEST['pid']; $model->worker_id = $_REQUEST['worker']; $model->task_id = 0; $model->doing = 1; if ($model->save()) { echo "sukses"; } else { echo "no"; } } else { echo "no"; } // $this->renderPartial('add-list-user'); }
public static function getSPMdata($examinee_info) { $projectdetail = ProjectDetail::findFirst(array('project_id=?1', 'bind' => array(1 => $examinee_info->project_id))); $factors = json_decode($projectdetail->factor_names, true); if (!isset($factors['SPM'])) { return null; } $ans = array(); foreach ($factors['SPM'] as $key => $value) { $inner_array = array(); $factor_info = Factor::findFirst($key); $inner_array['chs_name'] = $factor_info->chs_name; $factor_score_info = FactorAns::findFirst(array('factor_id = ?1 AND examinee_id =?2', 'bind' => array(1 => $key, 2 => $examinee_info->id))); $inner_array['std_score'] = intval($factor_score_info->std_score); $inner_array['score'] = $factor_score_info->score; //$inner_array['name'] = $factor_info->name; $ans[$factor_info->name] = $inner_array; } return $ans; }
<?php } ?> </td> <td colspan="3" align="center" style="width:auto;" > <?php if ($level == 1 or $level == 2) { ?> <table style="margin-top:2px;"> <?php $detail = ProjectDetail::model()->findAll("t.project_id = {$de['id']} "); $no = 1; $total = count($detail); foreach ($detail as $d) { $img = Team::model()->findByPk($d->worker_id)->image; ?> <tr class="additional-team" <?php //if ($no==$total) echo "style='border-bottom:1px solid black'" ?> > <!-- row for user --> <td style="width:90px;"> <?php //if ($level==1):
<?php if (User::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->user->id)->level == 2) { ?> <div id="sp"> <div class="left"> <br> <b style="font-size:20px">WORKING ON</b> <br> <p style="text-transform:uppercase" class="project-name" > <?php // echo Yii::app()->user->id; $userid = Team::model()->find("username='******'")->id; // $userid; $pd = ProjectDetail::model()->find("worker_id='{$userid}'")->project_id; // echo $pd; echo Project::model()->findByPk($pd)->project_name; ?> </p> </div> <div class="right"> <?php $liststatus = Task::model()->findAll(); $id = Yii::app()->user->id; $idt = Team::model()->find("username = '******'")->id; $idp = Project::model()->find("worker={$idt} and status!=5")->id; $name = Project::model()->find("worker={$idt} and status!=5")->username; $ids = Project::model()->find("worker={$idt} and status!=5")->task; ?> <br> <b style="font-size:20px;display:none;">set by : (<?php echo $name;
/** * @type: 多次更改 * @method $rt->module_names, $rt->index_names, $rt->factor_names, $rt->exam_json; ok * @usage 用于缓存通过project_id获取到的ProjectDetail表中的数据 * @return \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset\Simple * @param int $project_id */ public static function getProjectDetail($project_id) { self::checkConnect(); return ProjectDetail::findFirst(array("project_id = :project_id:", 'bind' => array('project_id' => $project_id), 'hydration' => \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset\Simple::HYDRATE_ARRAYS, 'cache' => array('key' => 'project_detail_id_' . $project_id))); }
<?php $detail = ProjectDetail::model()->findAll("t.project_id = {$id} "); $no = 1; foreach ($detail as $d) { ?> <tr> <?php ?> <td style="width:20px"><?php echo $no; ?> </td> <td> <?php $img = Team::model()->findByPk($d->worker_id)->image; ?> <img src="<?php echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl; ?> /img/icon-team/<?php echo $img; ?> " > <!-- <select class="select-user" name="payments" style="width:250px;"> <option value="0" >select user</option> <?php $user = Project::model()->findByPk($de[id])->worker; foreach (Team::model()->findAll() as $tim) { ?>
</tr> </table> <h1> PROJECT 3D ARTISTS </h1> <?php $data = Project::model()->findByPk($_REQUEST['id']); ?> <table> <tr> <td class="name"> No</td> <td class="value">Name</td> </tr> <?php $no = 1; foreach (ProjectDetail::model()->findAll("t.project_id = '{$_REQUEST['id']}'") as $key) { ?> <tr> <td class="name"><?php echo $no; ?> </td> <td class="value"><?php echo Team::model()->findByPk($key->worker_id)->name; ?> </td> </tr> <?php $no++; }
public function IsHidden($examinee_id) { $factor_name = 'epqal'; $project_id = $this->self_check($examinee_id); //判断项目是否选中该因子 $factor_id = ''; $factor_info = ProjectDetail::findFirst(array("project_id = :project_id:", 'bind' => array('project_id' => $project_id))); $factor_names = json_decode($factor_info->factor_names, true); if (isset($factor_names['EPQA'])) { if (!in_array($factor_name, $factor_names['EPQA'])) { return true; } else { $new_array = array_flip($factor_names['EPQA']); $factor_id = $new_array[$factor_name]; } } else { return true; } //存在的情况下进行项目整体判断 $result = $this->modelsManager->createBuilder()->columns(array('avg(FactorAns.score) as avg'))->from('Examinee')->join('FactorAns', ' = FactorAns.examinee_id and Examinee.project_id = ' . $project_id)->join('Factor', " = FactorAns.factor_id AND = '{$factor_name}'")->getQuery()->execute(); $average = $result->toArray()[0]['avg']; $result = FactorAns::findFirst(array('factor_id = ?1 AND examinee_id = ?2', 'bind' => array(1 => $factor_id, 2 => $examinee_id))); $person_score = $result->score; if ($person_score <= $average) { return true; } else { return false; } }