/** * Parses for the XML Response in the MIME multipart message. * @param string $response MIME multipart message * @return string XML Response */ function parseForResponseXML($response) { $beginResponseXML = strpos($response, '<?xml'); $endResponseXML = strpos($response, '</downloadFileResponse>', $beginResponseXML); //Assume a service level error and die. if ($endResponseXML === FALSE) { $errorXML = parseForErrorMessage($response); PrintUtils::printXML($errorXML); die; } $endResponseXML += strlen('</downloadFileResponse>'); return substr($response, $beginResponseXML, $endResponseXML - $beginResponseXML); }
global $debug; $request = $_POST['userRequest']; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $request = stripslashes($request); } return $request; } if (isset($_POST['userRequest'])) { $session = new LargeMerchantServiceSession('XML', 'XML', ENV_SANDBOX); $request = getRequest(); $responseXML = $session->sendBulkDataExchangeRequest('startDownloadJob', $request); $xml = simplexml_load_string($responseXML); if (!empty($xml) && 'Success' == (string) $xml->ack) { $id_array = array("JobID" => (string) $xml->jobId); } PrintUtils::printXML($responseXML); parseResponseAndPrintExamples($xml); } ?> <hr /> <a href="./../index.php">Index</a> <?php if (!empty($id_array['JobID'])) { ?> <a href="./../GetJobStatus/GetJobStatus.php?jobId=<?php echo $id_array['JobID']; ?> ">GetJobStatus</a> <?php } if (!empty($debug)) {
//set the timestamp define('d', date("m/d/Y H:i:s")); //concatenate src and utils to the include path on the fly set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . "src" . PATH_SEPARATOR . "utils"); //parse the config file $config = parse_ini_file("config.ini", true); include_once "LiveIdManager.php"; include_once "EntityUtils.php"; include_once 'PrintUtils.php'; include_once 'CrmAPIContext.php'; $liveIDUseranme = $config["dynamics"]["crmUserId"]; $liveIDPassword = $config["dynamics"]["crmPassword"]; $organizationServiceURL = $config["dynamics"]["organizationServiceURL"]; $liveIDManager = new LiveIDManager(); $securityData = $liveIDManager->authenticateWithLiveID($organizationServiceURL, $liveIDUseranme, $liveIDPassword); if ($securityData != null && isset($securityData)) { echo "\nKey Identifier:" . $securityData->getKeyIdentifier(); echo "\nSecurity Token 1:" . $securityData->getSecurityToken0(); echo "\nSecurity Token 2:" . $securityData->getSecurityToken1(); } else { echo "Unable to authenticate LiveId."; return; } echo "\n"; $dynamicsCrm = new CrmAPIContext(); $accountId = $dynamicsCrm->createOrg($organizationServiceURL, $securityData, "New Org created by Rajesh\\'s app" . d); PrintUtils::dump($dynamicsCrm->readOrg($accountId, $organizationServiceURL, $securityData)); $dynamicsCrm->updateOrg($accountId, $organizationServiceURL, $securityData, "New Org name Updated by Rajesh\\'s app_" . d); PrintUtils::dump($dynamicsCrm->readOrg($accountId, $organizationServiceURL, $securityData)); //Uncomment only if you want to delete the created org //$dynamicsCrm->deleteOrg($accountId, $organizationServiceURL, $securityData);
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '\\..\\utils\\PrintUtils.php'; /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: evans * Date: 2015/12/10 * Time: 15:36 * 浮点数 */ //使用一下语法定义,太大了会自动使用科学计数法 $a = 1.234; $b = 1200.0; $c = 0.007; $d = 7000.0; $e = 7.0E+20; PrintUtils::var_dump($a, $b, $c, $d, $e);
//值(value)可以是任意类型的值 $a = array(1 => "one", 2 => "two"); //短数组定义法,php5.4起 $b = [1 => "one", 2 => "two"]; PrintUtils::var_dump($a, $b); /** * tip : * 包含有合法整型值的字符串会被转换为整型。例如键名 "8" 实际会被储存为 8。但是 "08" 则不会强制转换,因为其不是一个合法的十进制数值。 * 浮点数也会被转换为整型,意味着其小数部分会被舍去。例如键名 8.7 实际会被储存为 8。 * 布尔值也会被转换成整型。即键名 true 实际会被储存为 1 而键名 false 会被储存为 0。 * Null 会被转换为空字符串,即键名 null 实际会被储存为 ""。 * 数组和对象不能被用为键名。坚持这么做会导致警告:Illegal offset type */ //混合integer和string键名 $c = array("foo" => "bar", "bar" => "foo", 100 => -100, -100 => 100, 101); $d = array("foo", "bar", "hallo", "world"); //给部分键名 $e = ["a", "b", "c", 6 => "d", "e"]; PrintUtils::var_dump($c, $d, $e); //访问数组单元[],也可以使用{}代替 $f = array("foo" => "bar", 42 => 24, "multi" => array("dimensional" => array("array" => "foo"))); //对数组赋值,直接指定地方或者不指定(根据最大键值名字) $f[1] = "new"; $f[] = "new"; PrintUtils::var_dump($f, $f["foo"], $f[42], $f["multi"]["dimensional"]["array"]); //删除数组 unset($f[1]); unset($f); /*PrintUtils::var_dump($f, $f["foo"], $f[42], $f["multi"]["dimensional"]["array"]);*/ //重新索引数组 var_dump(array_values($e));