function transferPriceBookCurrency($old_cur, $new_cur) { global $log, $adb; $log->debug("Entering function updatePriceBookCurrency..."); $pb_res = $adb->pquery("select pricebookid from vtiger_pricebook where currency_id = ?", array($old_cur)); $numRows = $adb->num_rows($pb_res); $pb_ids = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $numRows; $i++) { $pb_ids[] = $adb->query_result($pb_res, $i, 'pricebookid'); } if (count($pb_ids) > 0) { require_once 'modules/PriceBooks/PriceBooks.php'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($pb_ids); $i++) { $pb_id = $pb_ids[$i]; $focus = new PriceBooks(); $focus->id = $pb_id; $focus->mode = 'edit'; $focus->retrieve_entity_info($pb_id, "PriceBooks"); $focus->column_fields['currency_id'] = $new_cur; $focus->save("PriceBooks"); } } $log->debug("Exiting function updatePriceBookCurrency..."); }
$focus->column_fields['ccmail'] = $cc_array[$i]; $focus->column_fields['bccmail'] = $bcc_array[$i]; $email->save("Emails"); $email_ids[] = $email->id; } //Populate PriceBook data $PB_array = array("Cd-R PB", "Vtiger PB", "Gator PB", "Kyple PB", "Pastor PB", "Zoho PB", "PB_100", "Per_PB", "CST_PB", "GATE_PB", "Chevron_PB", "Pizza_PB"); $Active_array = array("0", "1", "1", "0", "1", "0", "1", "1", "0", "1", "0", "1"); //$num_array = array(0,1,2,3,4); for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) { $pricebook = new PriceBooks(); $rand = array_rand($num_array); $pricebook->column_fields["bookname"] = $PB_array[$i]; $pricebook->column_fields["active"] = $Active_array[$i]; $pricebook->column_fields["currency_id"] = '1'; $pricebook->save("PriceBooks"); $pricebook_ids[] = $pricebook->id; } // Populate Ticket data $status_array = array("Open", "In Progress", "Wait For Response", "Open", "Closed"); $category_array = array("Big Problem", "Small Problem", "Other Problem", "Small Problem", "Other Problem"); $ticket_title_array = array("Upload Attachment problem", "Individual Customization -Menu and RSS", "Export Output query", "Import Error CSV Leads", "How to automatically add a lead from a web form to VTiger"); for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $helpdesk = new HelpDesk(); $rand = array_rand($num_array); $contact_key = array_rand($contact_ids); $helpdesk->column_fields["parent_id"] = $contact_ids[$contact_key]; $helpdesk->column_fields["ticketpriorities"] = "Normal"; $helpdesk->column_fields["product_id"] = $product_ids[$i]; $helpdesk->column_fields["ticketseverities"] = "Minor"; $helpdesk->column_fields["ticketstatus"] = $status_array[$i];