文件: Predict.php 项目: stml/auspex
  * Calculate satellite visibility.
  * @param Predict_Sat $sat     The satellite structure.
  * @param Predict_QTH $qth     The QTH
  * @param float       $jul_utc The time at which the visibility should be calculated.
  * @return int The visiblity constant, 0, 1, 2, or 3 (see above)
 public function get_sat_vis(Predict_Sat $sat, Predict_QTH $qth, $jul_utc)
     /* gboolean sat_sun_status;
        gdouble  sun_el;
        gdouble  threshold;
        gdouble  eclipse_depth;
        sat_vis_t vis = SAT_VIS_NONE; */
     $eclipse_depth = 0.0;
     $zero_vector = new Predict_Vector();
     $obs_geodetic = new Predict_Geodetic();
     /* Solar ECI position vector  */
     $solar_vector = new Predict_Vector();
     /* Solar observed az and el vector  */
     $solar_set = new Predict_ObsSet();
     /* FIXME: could be passed as parameter */
     $obs_geodetic->lon = $qth->lon * self::de2ra;
     $obs_geodetic->lat = $qth->lat * self::de2ra;
     $obs_geodetic->alt = $qth->alt / 1000.0;
     $obs_geodetic->theta = 0;
     Predict_Solar::Calculate_Solar_Position($jul_utc, $solar_vector);
     Predict_SGPObs::Calculate_Obs($jul_utc, $solar_vector, $zero_vector, $obs_geodetic, $solar_set);
     if (Predict_Solar::Sat_Eclipsed($sat->pos, $solar_vector, $eclipse_depth)) {
         /* satellite is eclipsed */
         $sat_sun_status = false;
     } else {
         /* satellite in sunlight => may be visible */
         $sat_sun_status = true;
     if ($sat_sun_status) {
         $sun_el = Predict_Math::Degrees($solar_set->el);
         if ($sun_el <= $this->threshold && $sat->el >= 0.0) {
             $vis = self::SAT_VIS_VISIBLE;
         } else {
             $vis = self::SAT_VIS_DAYLIGHT;
     } else {
         $vis = self::SAT_VIS_ECLIPSED;
     return $vis;