function setIcs20($posts) { $events20 = PostHelper::getEvents($posts, EventData::$twenty); $email = array_key_exists('employee', $this->emails) ? $this->emails['employee'] : ''; $icsgen = new IcsGenerator($events20, $email, EventData::$calendarNames[0]); $this->events['ev20'] = $icsgen->getString(); //var_dump($this->events); }
/** * postMessages * * @return void */ public function publishPosts() { if ($this->cron_enabled) { if (AUTOTWEETNG_JOOCIAL) { $now = JFactory::getDate(); if (VirtualManager::getInstance()->isWorking($now)) { PostHelper::publishCronjobPosts($this->max_posts); } else { $logger = AutotweetLogger::getInstance(); $logger->log(JLog::INFO, 'CronjobHelper::publishPosts - VM not working now ' . $now->toISO8601(true)); } } else { PostHelper::publishCronjobPosts($this->max_posts); } } }
<div class="media-body well"> <div class="forum-text-area"> <?php if ($data['child_reply']) { ?> <?php $childReply = Reply::model()->getChildReplyPosting($data['child_reply']); $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbBox', array('title' => "In reply to <a href='#'>" . PostHelper::PrintPosterName($childReply['username'], $childReply['user_group_id']) . "</a>", 'headerIcon' => 'icon-arrow-left', 'content' => $childReply['is_active'] ? CHtml::decode($childReply['message']) : PostHelper::PrintDisabledMessage())); ?> <?php } ?> <?php echo $data['is_active'] ? CHtml::decode($data['message']) : PostHelper::PrintDisabledMessage(); ?> </div> <?php if ($data['is_active']) { ?> <div class="forum-post-bottom-bar"> <?php echo CHtml::link("<i class='icon-warning-sign'></i>" . Yii::t('forum', ''), array('post/report', 'id' => $data['id']), array('class' => 'forum-report pull-right')); ?> <?php echo CHtml::hiddenField('reply_id', $data['id']); echo CHtml::link(Yii::t('forum', 'forum.view.reply'), '#', array('class' => 'forum-reply pull-right')); ?>
/** * moveToState * * @param int $pubstate Param * * @return bool */ public function moveToState($pubstate) { JLoader::register('PostHelper', JPATH_AUTOTWEET_HELPERS . '/post.php'); if (is_array($this->id_list) && !empty($this->id_list)) { if (empty($user)) { $oUser = JFactory::getUser(); $userid = $oUser->id; } if (!PostHelper::moveToState($this->id_list, $userid, $pubstate)) { $this->setError('moveToState - postMessages failed'); return false; } } return true; }
/** * sharePost * * @param object &$channel Param * @param object &$post Param * @param int $userid Param * * @return array */ protected function sharePost(&$channel, &$post, $userid = null) { // Check for duplicate post if ($this->dpcheck_enabled) { $isDuplicated = PostHelper::isDuplicatedPost($post->id, $post->ref_id, $post->plugin, $post->channel_id, $post->message, $this->dpcheck_time_intval); if ($isDuplicated) { $this->logger->log(JLog::INFO, 'sendPost: duplicate post detection - message is already posted, article id = ' . $post->ref_id . ', plugin = ' . $post->plugin . ', interval = ' . $this->dpcheck_time_intval); return array('state' => AutotweetPostHelper::POST_ERROR, 'result_msg' => 'COM_AUTOTWEET_ERROR_DUPLICATED'); } } // Check for banned post if ($this->bannedwordscheck_enabled) { $isBanned = PostHelper::isBannedPost($post->message, $this->banned_words); if ($isBanned) { $this->logger->log(JLog::INFO, 'sendPost: banned post detection - message has banned words, article id = ' . $post->ref_id . ', plugin = ' . $post->plugin); return array('state' => AutotweetPostHelper::POST_ERROR, 'result_msg' => 'COM_AUTOTWEET_ERROR_BANNED'); } } // Get short url one time and if needed only (better performance) if (AutotweetPostHelper::SHOWURL_OFF != $post->show_url && !empty($post->org_url) && !array_key_exists($post->org_url, $this->current_short_url)) { $shorturlHelper = ShorturlHelper::getInstance(); $this->current_short_url[$post->org_url] = $shorturlHelper->getShortUrl($post->org_url); } $current_short_url = null; if (array_key_exists($post->org_url, $this->current_short_url)) { $current_short_url = $this->current_short_url[$post->org_url]; } // Construct url and truncate message, if necessary $finalUrlMessage = TextUtil::getMessageWithUrl($channel, $post, $current_short_url, $this->shorturl_always); // Switch original url to short url to use short url also for all other links $post->url = $finalUrlMessage['url']; $message = $finalUrlMessage['message']; // Just in case we want to repeat the message // $post->message = $message; return $this->sharePostChannel($message, $channel, $post); }
echo CHtml::encode($thread['title']); ?> </legend> <div class="media forum-post"> <div class="media-object forum-id-box pull-left"> <?php echo CHtml::hiddenField('user_id', $thread['user_id']); ?> <a href="#"> <?php echo PostHelper::DrawUserAvatar($thread['profile_image']); ?> <h4><?php echo PostHelper::PrintPosterName($thread['username'], $thread['user_group_id']); ?> </h4> </a> <p>Registered: <span><?php echo CHtml::encode($thread['register_date']); ?> </span></p> <p>Posted: <span><?php echo CHtml::encode($thread['date_created']); ?> </span></p> </div> <div class="media-body well"> <div class="forum-text-area">