public static function translateTopicTitleForDocLinks($title, $fromNamespace = NULL, $ver = NULL, $topic = NULL)
     if (PONYDOCS_DEBUG) {
         error_log("DEBUG [PonyDocs] [" . __METHOD__ . "] Raw title: " . $title);
     // Get rid of whitespace at the end of the title
     $title = trim($title);
     // If we're missing the namespace from a title AND we're in the PonyDocs namespace, prepend PonyDocs namespace to title
     if (strpos($title, ':') === false && $fromNamespace == PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME) {
         $title = $fromNamespace . ':' . $title;
     // Default
     $toUrl = $title;
     // Do special parsing for PonyDocs titles
     if (strpos($toUrl, PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME) !== false) {
         $pieces = explode(':', $title);
         // Evaluate based on the different "forms" our internal documentation links can take.
         if (sizeof($pieces) == 2) {
             // Handles links with no product/manual/version specified:
             // (Namespace was prepended at the beginning of this function)
             // [[Documentation:Topic]] ->
             // Documenation/Product/Version/Manual/Topic
             if ($ver === NULL || $topic === NULL) {
                 error_log("WARNING [PonyDocs] [" . __METHOD__ . "] If no Product, Manual, and Version specified in PonyDocs title, must include version and topic objects when calling translateTopicTitleForDocLinks().");
                 return false;
             // Get the manual
             $toTitle = $topic->getTitle();
             $topicMetaData = PonyDocsArticleFactory::getArticleMetadataFromTitle($toTitle);
             // Put together the $toUrl
             $toUrl = $pieces[0] . '/' . $ver->getProductName() . '/' . $ver->getVersionName() . '/' . $topicMetaData['manual'] . '/' . $pieces[1];
         } else {
             if (sizeof($pieces) == 4) {
                 // Handles links with no version specified:
                 // [[Documentation:Product:Manual:Topic]] ->
                 // Documentation/Product/Version/Manual/Topic
                 // Handle links to other products that don't specify a version
                 if ($ver !== NULL) {
                     // link is from non-Ponydocs namespace
                     $fromProduct = $ver->getProductName();
                 } else {
                     $fromProduct = '';
                 $toProduct = $pieces[1];
                 if ($fromProduct != $toProduct) {
                     $toVersion = "latest";
                 } else {
                     if ($ver === NULL) {
                         error_log("WARNING [PonyDocs] [" . __METHOD__ . "] If Version is not specified in title, must include version object when calling translateTopicTitleForDocLinks().");
                         return false;
                     $toVersion = $ver->getVersionName();
                 // Put together the $toUrl
                 $toUrl = $pieces[0] . '/' . $pieces[1] . '/' . $toVersion . '/' . $pieces[2] . '/' . $pieces[3];
             } else {
                 if (sizeof($pieces) == 5) {
                     // Handles links with full product/version/manual specified:
                     // [[Documentation:Product:Manual:Topic:Version]] =>
                     // Documentation/Product/Version/Manual/Topic
                     $toUrl = $pieces[0] . '/' . $pieces[1] . '/' . $pieces[4] . '/' . $pieces[2] . '/' . $pieces[3];
                 } else {
                     // Not a valid number of pieces in title
                     error_log("WARNING [PonyDocs] [" . __METHOD__ . "] Wrong number of pieces in PonyDocs title.");
                     return false;
     if (PONYDOCS_DEBUG) {
         error_log("DEBUG [PonyDocs] [" . __METHOD__ . "] Final title: " . $toUrl);
     return $toUrl;
     * Generates an HTML string which represents the entire manual for a given product and version.
     * @param $product PonyDocsProduct
     * @param $manual  PonyDocsProductManual
     * @param $version PonyDocsProductVersion
     * @return string HTML String representation of manual contents
    public function getManualHTML($product, $manual, $version)
        global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgParser, $wgRequest;
        global $wgServer, $wgArticlePath, $wgScriptPath, $wgUploadPath, $wgUploadDirectory, $wgScript, $wgStylePath;
        // Grab parser options for the logged in user.
        $opt = ParserOptions::newFromUser($wgUser);
        // Any potential titles to exclude
        $exclude = array();
        // Determine articles to gather
        $articles = array();
        $toc = new PonyDocsTOC($manual, $version, $product);
        list($manualtoc, $tocprev, $tocnext, $tocstart) = $toc->loadContent();
        // We successfully got our table of contents.  It's stored in $manualtoc
        foreach ($manualtoc as $tocEntry) {
            if ($tocEntry['level'] > 0 && strlen($tocEntry['title']) > 0) {
                $title = Title::newFromText($tocEntry['title']);
                $articles[$tocEntry['section']][] = array('title' => $title, 'text' => $tocEntry['text']);
        // Format the article(s) as a single HTML document with absolute URL's
        $html = <<<EOT
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="" xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb="" charset="utf-8">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
html,body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
width: 210mm;
max-width: 210mm;
overflow-x: hidden;
pre {
\twidth: 100%;
\toverflow-x: hidden;

        $wgArticlePath = $wgServer . $wgArticlePath;
        $wgScriptPath = $wgServer . $wgScriptPath;
        $wgUploadPath = $wgServer . $wgUploadPath;
        $wgScript = $wgServer . $wgScript;
        $currentSection = '';
        foreach ($articles as $section => $subarticles) {
            foreach ($subarticles as $article) {
                $title = $article['title'];
                $ttext = $title->getPrefixedText();
                if (!in_array($ttext, $exclude)) {
                    if ($currentSection != $section) {
                        $html .= '<h1>' . $section . '</h1>';
                        $currentSection = $section;
                    $article = new Article($title, 0);
                    $text = $article->fetchContent();
                    $text .= '__NOTOC__';
                    // remove section-edit links
                    // use this so DISPLAYTITLE magic works
                    $out = $wgParser->parse($text, $title, $opt, true, true);
                    $ttext = $wgOut->getHTMLTitle();
                    $text = $out->getText();
                    // parse article title string and add topic name anchor tag for intramanual linking
                    $articleMeta = PonyDocsArticleFactory::getArticleMetadataFromTitle($title);
                    $text = '<a name="' . $articleMeta['topic'] . '"></a>' . $text;
                    // prepare for replacing pre tags with code tags WEB-5926 derived from
                    // only inside pre tag:
                    //   replace space with &nbsp; only when positive lookbehind is a whitespace character
                    //   replace \n -> <br/>
                    //   replace \t -> 8 * &nbsp;
                    /* split on <pre ... /pre>, basically.  probably good enough */
                    $str = " " . $text;
                    // guarantee split will be in even positions
                    $parts = preg_split("/(< \\s* pre .* \\/ \\s* pre \\s* >)/Umsxu", $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
                    foreach ($parts as $idx => $part) {
                        if ($idx % 2) {
                            $parts[$idx] = preg_replace(array("/(?<=\\s) /", "/\n/", "/\t/"), array("&nbsp;", "<br/>", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"), $part);
                    $str = implode('', $parts);
                    /* chop off the first space, that we had added */
                    $text = substr($str, 1);
                    // String search and replace
                    $str_search = array('<h5>', '</h5>', '<h4>', '</h4>', '<h3>', '</h3>', '<h2>', '</h2>', '<h1>', '</h1>', '<code>', '</code>', '<pre>', '</pre>');
                    $str_replace = array('<h6>', '</h6>', '<h5>', '</h5>', '<h4><font size="3"><b><i>', '</i></b></font></h4>', '<h3>', '</h3>', '<h2>', '</h2>', '<code><font size="2">', '</font></code>', '<code><font size="2">', '</font></code>');
                    $text = str_replace($str_search, $str_replace, $text);
                     * HTML regex tweaking prior to sending to PDF library
                     * 1 - replace intramanual links with just the anchor hash of topic name (e.g. href="#topicname")
                     * 2 - remove all non-intramanual links - strip anchor tags with href attribute whose href value doesn't start
                     *     with #
                     * 3 - wrap all span tags having id attribute with <a name="[topicname]_[span_id_attr_value]"> ... </a>
                     * 4 - all anchor links' href values that contain two # characters, replace the second with _
                     * 5 - make images have absolute URLs
                     * 6 - non-printable areas
                     * 7 - comment
                     * 8 - cell padding
                     * 9 - th bgcolor
                     * 10 - td valign, align and font size
                    $regex_search = array('|<a([^\\>]+)href="(' . str_replace('/', '\\/', $wgServer) . ')+\\/' . PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . '\\/' . $product->getShortName() . '\\/' . $version->getVersionName() . '\\/' . $manual->getShortName() . '\\/([^"]*)"([^\\<]*)>|', '|<a[^\\>]+href="(?!#)[^"]*"[^>]*>(.*?)</a>|', '|<span[^\\>]+id="([^"]*)"[^>]*>(.*?)</span>|', '|<a([^\\>]+)href="#([^"]*)#([^"]*)"([^>]*)>(.*?)</a>|', '|(<img[^>]+?src=")(/.*>)|', '|<div\\s*class=[\'"]?noprint["\']?>.+?</div>|s', '|@{4}([^@]+?)@{4}|s', '/(<table[^>]*)/', '/(<th[^>]*)/', '/(<td[^>]*)>([^<]*)/');
                    // Table vars
                    $table_extra = ' cellpadding="6"';
                    $th_extra = ' bgcolor="#C0C0C0"';
                    $td_extra = ' valign="center" align="left"';
                    $regex_replace = array('<a${1}href="#${3}"${4}>', '${1}', '<a name="' . $articleMeta['topic'] . '_${1}">${0}</a>', '<a${1}href="#${2}_${3}"${4}>${5}</a>', "\$1{$wgServer}\$2", '', '<!--$1-->', "\$1{$table_extra}", "\$1{$th_extra}", "\$1{$td_extra}>\$2");
                    $text = preg_replace($regex_search, $regex_replace, $text);
                    // Make all anchor tags uniformly lower case (wkhtmltopdf is case sensitive for internal links)
                    $text = preg_replace_callback('|<a([^\\>])+href="([^"]*)"([^\\<]*)>|', function ($matches) {
                        return '<a' . $matches[1] . 'href="' . strtolower($matches[2]) . '"' . $matches[3] . '>';
                    }, $text);
                    $text = preg_replace_callback('|<a([^\\>])+name="([^"]*)"([^>]*)>|', function ($matches) {
                        return '<a' . $matches[1] . 'name="' . strtolower($matches[2]) . '"' . $matches[3] . '>';
                    }, $text);
                    $ttext = basename($ttext);
                    $html .= $text . "\n";
        $html .= "</body></html>";
        return $html;