 * Standardize queries and error reporting
 * @param string $query The SQL query
 * @param string $error (optional) The failure message
 * @param string $results_error (optional) Throw an error if a records are found
 * @param string $no_results_error (optional) Throw an error if no records are found
 * @since 1.2.0
function pod_query($sql, $error = 'SQL failed', $results_error = null, $no_results_error = null)
    global $wpdb;
    $sql = trim($sql);
    // Using @wp_users is deprecated! use $wpdb->users instead!
    $sql = str_replace('@wp_users', $wpdb->users, $sql);
    $sql = str_replace('@wp_', $wpdb->prefix, $sql);
    $sql = str_replace('{prefix}', '@wp_', $sql);
    $sql = apply_filters('pod_query', $sql, $error, $results_error, $no_results_error);
    // Return cached resultset
    if ('SELECT' == substr($sql, 0, 6)) {
        $cache = PodCache::instance();
        if ($cache->cache_enabled && isset($cache->results[$sql])) {
            $result = $cache->results[$sql];
            if (0 < mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                mysql_data_seek($result, 0);
            $result = apply_filters('pod_query_return', $result, $sql, $error, $results_error, $no_results_error);
            return $result;
    if (false !== $error) {
        $result = mysql_query($sql, $wpdb->dbh) or die("<e>{$error}; SQL: {$sql}; Response: " . mysql_error($wpdb->dbh));
    } else {
        $result = @mysql_query($sql, $wpdb->dbh);
    if (0 < @mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        if (!empty($results_error)) {
    } elseif (!empty($no_results_error)) {
    if ('INSERT' == substr($sql, 0, 6)) {
        $result = mysql_insert_id($wpdb->dbh);
    } elseif ('SELECT' == substr($sql, 0, 6)) {
        if ('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()' != $sql) {
            $cache->results[$sql] = $result;
    $result = apply_filters('pod_query_return', $result, $sql, $error, $results_error, $no_results_error);
    return $result;

$cache = PodCache::instance();
$form_count = $cache->form_count;
global $coltype_exists;
$name = $field['name'];
$label = $field['label'];
$comment = $field['comment'];
$coltype = $field['coltype'];
$input_helper = $field['input_helper'];
$hidden = empty($field['hidden']) ? '' : ' hidden';
$value = is_array($this->data[$name]) ? $this->data[$name] : stripslashes($this->data[$name]);
$css_id = 'pods_form' . $form_count . '_' . $name;
// The first 3 CSS classes will be DEPRECATED in 2.0.0
$css_classes = "form {$coltype} {$name} pods_field pods_field_{$name} pods_coltype_{$coltype}";
if (1 > $field['multiple']) {
    $css_classes = str_replace(' pick ', ' pick1 ', $css_classes);
//pre-field hooks
do_action('pods_pre_input_field', $field, $css_id, $css_classes, $value, $this);
do_action("pods_pre_input_field_{$name}", $field, $css_id, $css_classes, $value, $this);
do_action("pods_pre_input_field_type_{$coltype}", $field, $css_id, $css_classes, $value, $this);
    <div class="leftside <?php 
echo esc_attr($name . $hidden);
        <label for="<?php 
echo esc_attr($css_id);
define('PODS_DIR', rtrim(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__), '/'));
// non-trailing slash being deprecated in 2.0
define('WP_INC_URL', rtrim(includes_url(), '/'));
// non-trailing slash being deprecated in 2.0
require_once PODS_DIR . '/functions.php';
require_once PODS_DIR . '/classes/PodInit.php';
require_once PODS_DIR . '/classes/Pod.php';
require_once PODS_DIR . '/classes/PodAPI.php';
require_once PODS_DIR . '/classes/PodCache.php';
require_once PODS_DIR . '/pods-ui.php';
global $pods_cache, $cache, $pods_init;
if (false !== pods_compatible() && (!defined('SHORTINIT') || !SHORTINIT)) {
    // JSON support
    if (!function_exists('json_encode')) {
        require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/classes/utils/JSON.php';
        function json_encode($str)
            $json = new Moxiecode_JSON();
            return $json->encode($str);
        function json_decode($str)
            $json = new Moxiecode_JSON();
            return $json->decode($str);
    $pods_cache = PodCache::instance();
    $cache =& $pods_cache;
    // DEPRECATED IN 2.0
    $pods_init = new PodInit();
     * Display HTML for all datatype fields
    function showform($pod_id = null, $public_columns = null, $label = 'Save changes')
        if (empty($this->datatype_id)) {
            echo "<e>Error: Pod name invalid</e>";
            return null;
        $pod_id = absint($pod_id);
        $cache = PodCache::instance();
        $datatype = $this->datatype;
        $datatype_id = (int) $this->datatype_id;
        $this->data['pod_id'] = $pod_id = (int) $pod_id;
        $where = '';
        if (!empty($public_columns)) {
            foreach ($public_columns as $key => $val) {
                if (is_array($public_columns[$key])) {
                    $where[] = $key;
                    $attributes[$key] = $val;
                } else {
                    $where[] = $val;
                    $attributes[$val] = array();
            $where = "AND name IN ('" . implode("','", $where) . "')";
        $result = pod_query("SELECT * FROM @wp_pod_fields WHERE datatype = {$datatype_id} {$where} ORDER BY weight ASC");
        $public_columns = array();
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $fields[$row['name']] = $row;
            $public_columns[] = $row['name'];
        // Re-order the fields if a public form
        if (!empty($attributes)) {
            $tmp = $fields;
            $fields = array();
            foreach ($attributes as $key => $val) {
                if (isset($tmp[$key])) {
                    $fields[$key] = $tmp[$key];
        // Edit an existing item
        if (!empty($pod_id)) {
            $sql = "\n            SELECT\n                `t`.*\n            FROM\n                @wp_pod `p`\n            INNER JOIN\n                `@wp_pod_tbl_{$datatype}` AS `t` ON `t`.`id` = `p`.`tbl_row_id`\n            WHERE\n                `p`.`id` = {$pod_id}\n            LIMIT\n                1\n            ";
            $result = pod_query($sql);
            if (0 < mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                $tbl_cols = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
        $uri_hash = wp_hash($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
        do_action('pods_showform_pre', $pod_id, $public_columns, $label, $this);
        foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
            // Replace field attributes with public form attributes
            if (!empty($attributes) && is_array($attributes[$key])) {
                $field = array_merge($field, $attributes[$key]);
            if (empty($field['label'])) {
                $field['label'] = ucwords($key);
            if (1 == $field['required']) {
                $field['label'] .= ' <span class="red">*</span>';
            if (!empty($field['pickval'])) {
                $val = array();
                $tbl_row_ids = array();
                $table = $field['pickval'];
                $result = pod_query("SELECT `id` FROM `@wp_pod_fields` WHERE `datatype` = {$datatype_id} AND `name` = '{$key}' LIMIT 1");
                $field_id = (int) mysql_result($result, 0);
                $result = pod_query("SELECT `tbl_row_id` FROM `@wp_pod_rel` WHERE `field_id` = {$field_id} AND `pod_id` = {$pod_id}");
                while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                    $tbl_row_ids[] = (int) $row['tbl_row_id'];
                // Use default values for public forms
                if (empty($tbl_row_ids) && !empty($field['default'])) {
                    $tbl_row_ids = $field['default'];
                    if (!is_array($field['default'])) {
                        $tbl_row_ids = explode(',', $tbl_row_ids);
                        foreach ($tbl_row_ids as $row_key => $row_val) {
                            $tbl_row_ids[$row_key] = (int) trim($row_val);
                // If the PICK column is unique, get values already chosen
                $unique_vals = false;
                if (1 == $field['unique']) {
                    $exclude = empty($pod_id) ? '' : "AND `pod_id` != {$pod_id}";
                    $result = pod_query("SELECT `tbl_row_id` FROM `@wp_pod_rel` WHERE `field_id` = {$field_id} {$exclude}");
                    if (0 < mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                        $unique_vals = array();
                        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                            $unique_vals[] = (int) $row['tbl_row_id'];
                        $unique_vals = implode(',', $unique_vals);
                $params = array('table' => $table, 'field_name' => null, 'tbl_row_ids' => $tbl_row_ids, 'unique_vals' => $unique_vals, 'pick_filter' => $field['pick_filter'], 'pick_orderby' => $field['pick_orderby']);
                $this->data[$key] = $this->get_dropdown_values($params);
            } else {
                // Set a default value if no value is entered
                if (!isset($this->data[$key]) && !empty($field['default'])) {
                    $this->data[$key] = $field['default'];
                } else {
                    $this->data[$key] = isset($tbl_cols[$key]) && $this->is_val($tbl_cols[$key]) ? $tbl_cols[$key] : null;
        $uri_hash = wp_hash($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
        $save_button_atts = array('type' => 'button', 'class' => 'button btn_save', 'value' => $label, 'onclick' => "saveForm({$cache->form_count})");
        $save_button_atts = apply_filters('pods_showform_save_button_atts', $save_button_atts, $this);
        $atts = '';
        foreach ($save_button_atts as $att => $value) {
            $atts .= $att . '="' . $value . '" ';
        $save_button = '<input ' . $atts . '/>';
    <input type="hidden" class="form num pod_id" value="<?php 
        echo $pod_id;
" />
    <input type="hidden" class="form num tbl_row_id" value="<?php 
        echo !empty($tbl_cols) ? $tbl_cols['id'] : 0;
" />
    <input type="hidden" class="form txt datatype" value="<?php 
        echo $datatype;
" />
    <input type="hidden" class="form txt form_count" value="<?php 
        echo $cache->form_count;
" />
    <input type="hidden" class="form txt token" value="<?php 
        echo pods_generate_key($datatype, $uri_hash, $public_columns, $cache->form_count);
" />
    <input type="hidden" class="form txt uri_hash" value="<?php 
        echo $uri_hash;
" />
        echo apply_filters('pods_showform_save_button', $save_button, $save_button_atts, $this);
        do_action('pods_showform_post', $pod_id, $public_columns, $label, $this);