function widget($args, $instance)
        $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);
        $largeitems = intval($instance['largeitems']);
        $mediumitems = intval($instance['mediumitems']);
        $thumbnailitems = intval($instance['thumbnailitems']);
        $listitems = intval($instance['listitems']);
        global $post;
        echo $before_widget;
        if ($title) {
            echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
        echo "<div id='ht-feature-news'>";
        //load manual sticky news stories
        $hc = new Pod('homepage_control');
        $top_slot = $hc->get_field('top_news_story');
        //forumalate grid of news stories and formats
        $totalstories = $largeitems + $mediumitems + $thumbnailitems + $listitems;
        $newsgrid = array();
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalstories; $i++) {
            if ($i <= $largeitems) {
                $newsgrid[] = "L";
            } elseif ($i <= $largeitems + $mediumitems) {
                $newsgrid[] = "M";
            } elseif ($i <= $largeitems + $mediumitems + $thumbnailitems) {
                $newsgrid[] = "T";
            } elseif ($i <= $largeitems + $mediumitems + $thumbnailitems + $listitems) {
                $newsgrid[] = "Li";
        $siteurl = site_url();
        //manual override news stories
        //display sticky top news stories
        $num_top_slots = count($top_slot);
        $to_fill = $totalstories - $num_top_slots;
        $k = -1;
        $alreadydone = array();
        if ($num_top_slots > 0) {
            foreach ((array) $top_slot as $slot) {
                $newspod = new Pod('news', $slot['ID']);
                if ($newspod->get_field('post_status') != 'publish') {
                $alreadydone[] = $slot['ID'];
                if (function_exists('get_video_thumbnail')) {
                    $videostill = get_video_thumbnail($slot['ID']);
                $thistitle = govintranetpress_custom_title($slot['post_title']);
                $thisURL = $slot['post_name'];
                if ($newsgrid[$k] == "L") {
                    $image_uri = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($slot['ID']), 'newshead');
                    if ($image_uri != "" && $videostill == '') {
                        echo "<a href='" . $siteurl . "/news/" . $slot['post_name'] . "/'><img class='img img-responsive' src='{$image_uri[0]}' width='{$image_uri[1]}' height='{$image_uri[2]}' alt='" . govintranetpress_custom_title($slot) . "' /></a>";
                if ($newsgrid[$k] == "M") {
                    $image_uri = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($slot['ID']), 'medium');
                    if ($image_uri != "" && $videostill == '') {
                        echo "<a href='" . $siteurl . "/news/" . $slot['post_name'] . "/'><img class='img img-responsive' src='{$image_uri[0]}' width='{$image_uri[1]}' height='{$image_uri[2]}' alt='" . govintranetpress_custom_title($slot) . "' /></a>";
                if ($newsgrid[$k] == "T") {
                    $image_uri = "<a class='pull-right' href='" . $siteurl . "/news/" . $slot['post_name'] . "/'>" . get_the_post_thumbnail($slot['ID'], 'thumbnail', array('class' => 'media-object hidden-xs')) . "</a>";
                    if ($image_uri != "" && $videostill == '') {
                        $image_url = "<a href='" . $siteurl . "/news/" . $slot['post_name'] . "/'>" . $image_uri . "</a>";
                $thisdate = $slot['post_date'];
                $post = get_post($slot['ID']);
                $thisexcerpt = get_the_excerpt();
                $thisdate = date("j M Y", strtotime($thisdate));
                echo "<h3 class='noborder'><a class='' href='" . $thisURL . "'>" . $thistitle . "</a></h3>";
                if ($newsgrid[$k] == "Li") {
                    echo "<p><span class='news_date'>" . $thisdate . "";
                    echo " <a class='more' href='{$thisURL}' title='{$thistitle}'>Read more</a></span></p>";
                } else {
                    echo "<p><span class='news_date'>" . $thisdate . "</span></p>";
                if ($newsgrid[$k] == "T") {
                    echo "<div class='media'>" . $image_url;
                echo "<div class='media-body'>";
                if ($newsgrid[$k] != "Li") {
                    echo $thisexcerpt . "<p class='news_date'>";
                    echo "<a class='more' href='{$thisURL}' title='{$thistitle}'>Read more</a></p>";
                echo "</div>";
                if ($newsgrid[$k] == "T") {
                    echo "</div>";
                echo "<hr class='light' />\n";
        //end of stickies
        //display remaining stories
        $cquery = array('orderby' => 'post_date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'post_type' => 'news', 'posts_per_page' => $totalstories, 'meta_query' => array(array('key' => 'news_listing_type', 'value' => 0)));
        $news = new WP_Query($cquery);
        if ($news->post_count == 0) {
            echo "Nothing to show.";
        while ($news->have_posts()) {
            if (in_array($post->ID, $alreadydone)) {
                //don't show if already in stickies
            if ($k >= $totalstories) {
            $thistitle = get_the_title($news->ID);
            $newspod = new Pod('news', $news->ID);
            $thisURL = get_permalink($news->ID);
            if ($newsgrid[$k] == "L") {
                $image_uri = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($news->ID), 'newshead');
                if ($image_uri != "" && $videostill == '') {
                    echo "<a href='{$thisURL}'><img class='img img-responsive' src='{$image_uri[0]}' width='{$image_uri[1]}' height='{$image_uri[2]}' alt='" . govintranetpress_custom_title($slot) . "' /></a>";
            if ($newsgrid[$k] == "M") {
                $image_uri = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($news->ID), 'medium');
                if ($image_uri != "" && $videostill == '') {
                    echo "<a href='{$thisURL}'><img class='img' src='{$image_uri[0]}' width='{$image_uri[1]}' height='{$image_uri[2]}' alt='" . govintranetpress_custom_title($slot) . "' /></a>";
            if ($newsgrid[$k] == "T") {
                $image_uri = "<a class='pull-right' href='{$thisURL}'>" . get_the_post_thumbnail($news->ID, 'thumbnail', array('class' => 'media-object hidden-xs')) . "</a>";
                if ($image_uri != "" && $videostill == '') {
                    $image_url = "<a href='{$thisURL}'>" . $image_uri . "</a>";
            $thisdate = get_the_date();
            $thisexcerpt = get_the_excerpt();
            $thisdate = date("j M Y", strtotime($thisdate));
            echo "<h3 class='noborder'><a class='' href='" . $thisURL . "'>" . $thistitle . "</a></h3>";
            if ($newsgrid[$k] == "Li") {
                echo "<p><span class='news_date'>" . $thisdate . "";
                echo " <a class='more' href='{$thisURL}' title='{$thistitle}'>Read more</a></span></p>";
            } else {
                echo "<p><span class='news_date'>" . $thisdate . "</span></p>";
            if ($newsgrid[$k] == "T") {
                echo "<div class='media'>" . $image_url;
            echo "<div class='media-body'>";
            if ($newsgrid[$k] != "Li") {
                echo $thisexcerpt . "<p class='news_date'>";
                echo "<a class='more' href='{$thisURL}' title='{$thistitle}'>Read more</a></p>";
            echo "</div>";
            if ($newsgrid[$k] == "T") {
                echo "</div>";
            echo "<hr class='light' />\n";
        echo "</div>";
		<div class="category-block"><p><strong><a title='More in news' class="small" href="<?php 
        echo $siteurl;
/newspage/">More in news</a></strong> <i class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right small'></i></p></div>

        echo $after_widget;

/* Default template for displaying content. */
$myPost = new Pod();
$post_image_asset = $myPost->get_field('image_asset');
$post_event_start_date = $myPost->get_field('event_start_date');
$post_event_end_date = $myPost->get_field('event_end_date');
$post_flight_departure = $myPost->get_field('flight_departure_date');
$post_proposed_flight_return = $myPost->get_field('flight_return_date');
$post_city = $myPost->get_field('venue_city');
$post_city_name = $myPost->display('city_location');
$post_event_url = $myPost->get_field('event_url');
$post_event_ticket_url = $myPost->get_field('event_ticket_url');
$post_event_price = $myPost->get_field('event_price');
$post_venue_airport = $myPost->get_field('venue_airport');
$post_venue_country = $myPost->get_field('venue_country');
$post_venue_airport_name = $myPost->display('airport_location');
$post_venue_country_name = $myPost->display('country_location');
$post_pod_city = $myPost->get_field('city_location');
$citypod = pods('citylocation', $post_pod_city);
$cityCodeFromPod = $citypod->get_field('citycode');
$post_pod_venue_name = $myPost->field('venue_name');
$post_pod_venueAddress = $myPost->field('venue_address');
$post_venue_name = $myPost->get_field('venue_name');
$post_venue_address = $myPost->get_field('venue_address');
$post_event_cover_photo = $myPost->get_field('event_cover_photo');
$evenCoverPhoto = $post_event_cover_photo[0]['guid'];
$post_event_detail_photo_1 = $myPost->get_field('event_detail_photo_1');
$post_event_detail_photo_2 = $myPost->get_field('event_detail_photo_2');
$post_event_detail_photo_3 = $myPost->get_field('event_detail_photo_3');