function plugin_pre_item_update_tag($parm) { global $DB; if (isset($_REQUEST['plugin_tag_tag_id']) && isset($_REQUEST['plugin_tag_tag_itemtype'])) { $already_present = array(); $itemtype = PluginTagTag::getItemtype($_REQUEST['plugin_tag_tag_itemtype'], $_REQUEST['plugin_tag_tag_id']); $query_part = "`items_id`=" . $_REQUEST['plugin_tag_tag_id'] . " \n AND `itemtype` = '" . $itemtype . "'"; $item = new PluginTagTagItem(); foreach ($item->find($query_part) as $indb) { if (isset($_REQUEST["_plugin_tag_tag_values"]) && in_array($indb["plugin_tag_tags_id"], $_REQUEST["_plugin_tag_tag_values"])) { $already_present[] = $indb["plugin_tag_tags_id"]; } else { $item->delete(array("id" => $indb['id'])); } } if (isset($_REQUEST["_plugin_tag_tag_values"])) { foreach ($_REQUEST["_plugin_tag_tag_values"] as $tag_id) { if (!in_array($tag_id, $already_present)) { $item->add(array('plugin_tag_tags_id' => $tag_id, 'items_id' => $_REQUEST['plugin_tag_tag_id'], 'itemtype' => ucfirst($itemtype))); } } } } return $parm; }
static function tagDropdownMultiple($options = array()) { $itemtype = self::getItemtype($_REQUEST['itemtype'], $_REQUEST['id']); $obj = new $itemtype(); // Object must be an instance of CommonDBTM (or inherint of this) if (!$obj instanceof CommonDBTM) { return; } $obj->getFromDB($_REQUEST['id']); $sel_attr = $obj->canUpdateItem() ? '' : ' disabled '; echo "<select data-placeholder='" . __('Choose tags...', 'tag') . self::MNBSP . "' name='_plugin_tag_tag_values[]'\n id='tag_select' multiple class='chosen-select-no-results' " . $sel_attr . " style='width:80%;' >"; $selected_id = array(); $tag_item = new PluginTagTagItem(); foreach ($tag_item->find('items_id=' . $_REQUEST['id'] . ' AND itemtype="' . $itemtype . '"') as $found_item) { $selected_id[] = $found_item['plugin_tag_tags_id']; } // Restrict tag by entity if current object has entity $where = "1 "; if (isset($obj->fields['entities_id'])) { $field = $obj->getType() == 'Entity' ? 'id' : 'entities_id'; $where .= getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND", '', '', $obj->fields[$field], true); } $tag = new self(); $items = $tag->find($where, 'name'); foreach ($items as $item) { $param = in_array($item['id'], $selected_id) ? ' selected ' : ''; $param .= 'data-color-option="' . $item['color'] . '"'; if (!empty($item['type_menu'])) { // Allowed types foreach (json_decode($item['type_menu'], true) as $subtype) { if (strtolower($subtype) == $itemtype) { echo '<option value="' . $item['id'] . '" ' . $param . '>' . $item['name'] . '</option>'; break; } } } else { echo '<option value="' . $item['id'] . '" ' . $param . '>' . $item['name'] . '</option>'; } } echo "</select>"; if (self::canCreate()) { $rand = mt_rand(); /* echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n window.updateTagSelectResults_".$rand." = function () { } </script>"; */ // Show '+' button : self::showMoreButton($rand); } }
<?php include '../../../inc/includes.php'; Session::checkRight("config", UPDATE); Plugin::load('tag', true); $plugin = new Plugin(); if (!$plugin->isInstalled("tag") || !$plugin->isActivated("tag")) { Html::displayNotFoundError(); } if (isset($_POST['add']) || isset($_REQUEST['update'])) { if (isset($_POST['add'])) { $item = new PluginTagTagItem(); // Check unicity : if (isset($_REQUEST['plugin_tag_tags_id'])) { $found = $item->find('plugin_tag_tags_id = ' . $_REQUEST['plugin_tag_tags_id'] . ' AND items_id = ' . $_REQUEST['items_id'] . ' AND itemtype = "' . $_REQUEST['itemtype'] . '"'); if (count($found) == 0) { $item->add($_REQUEST); } } else { $item->add($_REQUEST); } } } $dropdown = new PluginTagTag(); include GLPI_ROOT . "/front/dropdown.common.form.php";
static function tagDropdownMultiple($options = array()) { global $CFG_GLPI; //default options $params['name'] = '_plugin_tag_tag_values'; $params['rand'] = mt_rand(); if (is_array($options) && count($options)) { foreach ($options as $key => $val) { $params[$key] = $val; } } // multiple select : add [] to name $params['name'] .= "[]"; $itemtype = self::getItemtype($_REQUEST['itemtype'], $_REQUEST['id']); $obj = new $itemtype(); // Object must be an instance of CommonDBTM (or inherint of this) if (!$obj instanceof CommonDBTM) { return; } $selected_id = array(); $tag_item = new PluginTagTagItem(); foreach ($tag_item->find('items_id=' . $_REQUEST['id'] . ' AND itemtype="' . $itemtype . '"') as $found_item) { $selected_id[] = $found_item['plugin_tag_tags_id']; } $obj->getFromDB($_REQUEST['id']); $sel_attr = $obj->canUpdateItem() ? '' : ' disabled '; $tag = new self(); $where = ""; // restrict tag by entity if current object has entity if (isset($obj->fields['entities_id'])) { if ($itemtype == 'entity') { $field = 'id'; } else { $field = 'entities_id'; } $where = getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" ", '', '', $obj->fields[$field], true); } $found = $tag->find($where); echo "<span style='width:80%'>"; echo "<select data-placeholder='" . __('Choose tags...', 'tag') . self::MNBSP . "' name='" . $params['name'] . "'\n id='tag_select' multiple class='chosen-select-no-results' {$sel_attr} style='width:80%;' >"; usort($found, array(__CLASS__, "cmp_Tag")); foreach ($found as $label) { $param = in_array($label['id'], $selected_id) ? ' selected ' : ''; if (is_null($label['color'])) { $label['color'] = ""; } $param .= 'data-color-option="' . $label['color'] . '"'; echo '<option value="' . $label['id'] . '" ' . $param . '>' . $label['name'] . '</option>'; } echo "</select>"; echo "</span>"; echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n\n window.updateTagSelectResults_" . $params['rand'] . " = function () {\n \n }\n </script>"; if (self::canCreate()) { // Show '+' button : echo " <img title=\"" . __s('Add') . "\" src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/add_dropdown.png' style='cursor:pointer;margin-left:2px;'\n onClick=\"var w ='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/tag/front/tag.form.php?popup=1&rand=" . $params['rand'] . "', " . "'glpipopup', 'height=400, width=1000, top=100, left=100, scrollbars=yes' );w.focus();\">"; } }