
  @package   Plugin Monitoring for GLPI
  @author    David Durieux
  @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Plugin Monitoring for GLPI team
  @license   AGPL License 3.0 or (at your option) any later version
  @link      https://forge.indepnet.net/projects/monitoring/
  @since     2014

include "../../../inc/includes.php";
Session::checkRight("plugin_monitoring_servicescatalog", READ);
Html::header(__('Monitoring', 'monitoring'), $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "plugins", "monitoring", "businessrules");
$pmBusinessrule_component = new PluginMonitoringBusinessrule_component();
$pmComponentscatalog_Component = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog_Component();
if (isset($_POST['add'])) {
    if (!isset($_POST['plugin_monitoring_components_id']) || $_POST['plugin_monitoring_components_id'] < 1) {
    $a_data = current($pmComponentscatalog_Component->find("`plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id`='" . $_POST['plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_id'] . "'\n            AND `plugin_monitoring_components_id`='" . $_POST['plugin_monitoring_components_id'] . "'", '', 1));
    $_POST['plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_components_id'] = $a_data['id'];
 public function testPHPlogs()
     global $CFG_GLPI, $PLUGIN_HOOKS;
     $_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] = 2;
     $_SESSION["glpiID"] = 2;
     $_SESSION["glpiactiveentities_string"] = 0;
     $PLUGIN_HOOKS = plugin_init_monitoring();
     $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] = "";
     $pmComponent = new PluginMonitoringComponent();
     $pmComponentscatalog = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog();
     $pmComponentscatalog_Component = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog_Component();
     $pmComponentscatalog_rule = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog_rule();
     $pmComponentscatalog_Host = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog_Host();
     $pmService = new PluginMonitoringService();
     $computer = new Computer();
     // Add components
     $input = array();
     $input['name'] = 'Host alive';
     $input['plugin_monitoring_commands_id '] = '21';
     $input['plugin_monitoring_checks_id'] = '1';
     $input['calendars_id'] = '1';
     $components_id = $pmComponent->add($input);
     // Add components catalog
     $input = array();
     $input['name'] = 'linux servers';
     $catalogs_id = $pmComponentscatalog->add($input);
     $input = array();
     $input['plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id'] = $catalogs_id;
     $input['plugin_monitoring_components_id'] = $components_id;
     // Add Computer
     $input = array();
     $input['name'] = 'pc1';
     $input['entities_id'] = 0;
     $pc1 = $computer->add($input);
     // Check computer pc1 not added in ressources
     $a_hosts = $pmComponentscatalog_Host->find("`plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id`='" . $catalogs_id . "'");
     $this->assertEquals(count($a_hosts), '0', '[f1] Computer in component cataglog and may not be');
     $input = array();
     $input['plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id'] = $catalogs_id;
     $input['name'] = 'all have name';
     $input['itemtype'] = 'Computer';
     $input['condition'] = '{"field":["1"],"searchtype":["contains"],"contains":["pc"],"itemtype":"Computer","start":"0"}';
     $rules_id = $pmComponentscatalog_rule->add($input);
     // Check computer pc1 not added in ressources
     $a_hosts = $pmComponentscatalog_Host->find("`plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id`='" . $catalogs_id . "'");
     $this->assertEquals(count($a_hosts), '1', '[f2] Computer may be in component catalog');
     // Check service of this computer created
     $a_services = $pmService->find();
     $this->assertEquals(count($a_services), '1', '[s2] One service may be created');
     // Add Computer
     $input = array();
     $input['name'] = 'pc2';
     $input['entities_id'] = 0;
     $pc2 = $computer->add($input);
     // Check computer pc1 not added in ressources
     $a_hosts = $pmComponentscatalog_Host->find("`plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id`='" . $catalogs_id . "'");
     $this->assertEquals(count($a_hosts), '2', '[f3] 2 computers may be in component catalog');
     // Check service of this computer created
     $a_services = $pmService->find();
     $this->assertEquals(count($a_services), '2', '[s3] 2 services may be created');
     // Remove pc2
     $computer->delete(array('id' => $pc2), 1);
     // Check computer pc1 added in ressources
     $a_hosts = $pmComponentscatalog_Host->find("`plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id`='" . $catalogs_id . "'");
     $this->assertEquals(count($a_hosts), '1', '[f4] Computer may be unique in component catalog');
     // Check service of this computer created
     $a_services = $pmService->find();
     $this->assertEquals(count($a_services), '1', '[s4] One service may be created');
     // Modify rule
     $input['id'] = $rules_id;
     $input['condition'] = '{"field":["1"],"searchtype":["contains"],"contains":["tc"],"itemtype":"Computer","start":"0"}';
     // Check no computer in ressources
     $a_hosts = $pmComponentscatalog_Host->find("`plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id`='" . $catalogs_id . "'");
     $this->assertEquals(count($a_hosts), '0', '[f5] Computer may be deleted on rule update');
     // Check service
     $a_services = $pmService->find();
     $this->assertEquals(count($a_services), '0', '[s5] No service may be created');
     // Modify rule
     $input['id'] = $rules_id;
     $input['condition'] = '{"field":["1"],"searchtype":["contains"],"contains":["pc"],"itemtype":"Computer","start":"0"}';
     // Check computer pc1 added in ressources
     $a_hosts = $pmComponentscatalog_Host->find("`plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id`='" . $catalogs_id . "'");
     $this->assertEquals(count($a_hosts), '1', '[f6] Computer may be unique in component catalog');
     // Delete rule
     $pmComponentscatalog_rule->delete(array('id' => $rules_id), 1);
     // Check not have computer in ressources
     $a_hosts = $pmComponentscatalog_Host->find("`plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id`='" . $catalogs_id . "'");
     $this->assertEquals(count($a_hosts), '0', '[f7] must have no computer in component catalog');
     // Check service
     $a_services = $pmService->find();
     $this->assertEquals(count($a_services), '0', '[s7] No service may be created');
 function showForm($items_id, $servicescatalogs_id, $options = array())
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     if ($items_id != '') {
     } else {
     $pmBusinessrule_component = new PluginMonitoringBusinessrule_component();
     $pmSC = new PluginMonitoringServicescatalog();
     $rand = mt_rand();
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td>";
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='plugin_monitoring_servicescatalogs_id' value='" . $servicescatalogs_id . "'/>";
     echo __('Name') . "&nbsp;:";
     echo "</td>";
     echo "<td>";
     echo "<input type='text' name='name' value='" . $this->fields["name"] . "' size='30'/>";
     echo "</td>";
     if ($items_id != '') {
         if (Session::haveRight("plugin_monitoring_servicescatalog", CREATE)) {
             echo "<th colspan='2' width='60%'>";
             echo __('Resources', 'monitoring');
             echo "&nbsp;";
             echo "<img onClick=\"Ext.get('ressources" . $rand . "').setDisplayed('block')\"\n                       title=\"" . __('add') . "\" alt=\"" . __('add') . "\"\n                       class='pointer'  src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/add_dropdown.png'>";
             echo "</th>";
     echo "</tr>";
     echo "<tr>";
     echo "<td valign='top'>";
     echo __('Logical operator') . "&nbsp;:";
     echo "</td>";
     echo "<td valign='top'>";
     $first_operator = array();
     $first_operator['and'] = "and";
     $first_operator['or'] = "or";
     $first_operator['2 of:'] = __('2 of', 'monitoring');
     $first_operator['3 of:'] = __('3 of', 'monitoring');
     $first_operator['4 of:'] = __('4 of', 'monitoring');
     $first_operator['5 of:'] = __('5 of', 'monitoring');
     $first_operator['6 of:'] = __('6 of', 'monitoring');
     $first_operator['7 of:'] = __('7 of', 'monitoring');
     $first_operator['8 of:'] = __('8 of', 'monitoring');
     $first_operator['9 of:'] = __('9 of', 'monitoring');
     $first_operator['10 of:'] = __('10 of', 'monitoring');
     Dropdown::showFromArray('operator', $first_operator, array("value" => $this->fields['operator']));
     echo "</td>";
     if ($items_id != '') {
         echo "<td colspan='2'>";
         if (Session::haveRight("plugin_monitoring_servicescatalog", CREATE)) {
             // ** Dropdown to display
             echo "<div style='display:none' id='ressources" . $rand . "' >";
             // Static (a service for an host)
             echo "<table>";
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo "<form name='form' method='post' action='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/monitoring/front/businessrule.form.php'>";
             echo "<input type='hidden' name='plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id' value='" . $items_id . "' />";
             echo "<input type='hidden' name='is_generic' value='" . $pmSC->getField('is_generic') . "' />";
             PluginMonitoringBusinessrule::dropdownService(0, array('name' => 'type'));
             echo "<input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . __('Add') . "\" class='submit'>";
             echo "</td>";
             echo "</tr>";
             echo "</table>";
             echo "<hr>";
             // Dynamique (all service of component of component catalog)
             echo "<table>";
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
             echo "<td><strong>";
             echo __('Components catalog', 'monitoring');
             echo ' + ';
             echo __('Component', 'monitoring');
             echo " (" . __('Dynamic', 'monitoring') . ")";
             echo " :</strong></td>";
             echo "</tr>";
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
             echo "<td>";
             echo "<form name='form' method='post' action='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/monitoring/front/businessrule_component.form.php'>";
             echo "<input type='hidden' name='plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id' value='" . $items_id . "' />";
             $options = array('toupdate' => array('value_fieldname' => 'plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id', 'to_update' => "componentdropdown" . $rand, 'url' => $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/monitoring/ajax/dropdownComponent.php", 'moreparams' => array()));
             Dropdown::show('PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog', $options);
             echo '<div id="componentdropdown' . $rand . '"></div>';
             //PluginMonitoringBusinessrule::dropdownService(0, array('name' => 'type'));
             echo "<input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . __('Add') . "\" class='submit'>";
             echo "</td>";
             echo "</tr>";
             echo "</table>";
             echo "<hr>";
             echo "</div>";
         $pmBusinessrule = new PluginMonitoringBusinessrule();
         $pmService = new PluginMonitoringService();
         $a_services = $pmBusinessrule->find("`plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id`='" . $items_id . "'" . " AND `is_dynamic`='0'");
         if (count($a_services) > 0) {
             echo "<strong>" . __('Static hosts', 'monitoring') . " :</strong>";
             echo "<table width='100%'>";
             foreach ($a_services as $gdata) {
                 if ($pmService->getFromDB($gdata['plugin_monitoring_services_id'])) {
                     $shortstate = $pmService->getShortState();
                     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
                     echo "<td>";
                     echo "<img src='" . $pmService->getShortState(array('image' => '32')) . "'/>";
                     echo "</td>";
                     echo "<td>";
                     echo $pmService->getLink();
                     echo "</td>";
                     echo "<td>";
                     echo "<input type='submit' name='deletebusinessrules-" . $gdata['id'] . "' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Delete permanently') . "\" class='submit'>";
                     echo "</td>";
                     echo "</tr>";
                 } else {
                     // resource deleted
                     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
                     echo "<td colspan='2' bgcolor='#ff0000'>";
                     echo __('Resource deleted', 'monitoring');
                     echo "</td>";
                     echo "<td>";
                     echo "<input type='submit' name='deletebusinessrules-" . $gdata['id'] . "' value=\"" . __('Clean') . "\" class='submit'>";
                     echo "</td>";
                     echo "</tr>";
             echo "</table>";
             echo "<hr/>";
         $a_br_components = $pmBusinessrule_component->find("`plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id`='" . $items_id . "'");
         $pmComponentscatalog_Component = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog_Component();
         $pmComponentscatalog = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog();
         $pmComponent = new PluginMonitoringComponent();
         if (count($a_br_components) > 0) {
             echo "<strong>" . __('Dynamic hosts', 'monitoring') . " :</strong>";
             echo "<table width='100%'>";
             foreach ($a_br_components as $a_br_component) {
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
                 echo "<td>";
                 echo $pmComponentscatalog->getLink();
                 echo ' > ';
                 echo $pmComponent->getLink();
                 echo "</td>";
                 echo "<td>";
                 echo "<input type='submit' name='deletebrcomponents-" . $a_br_component['id'] . "' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Delete permanently') . "\" class='submit'>";
                 echo "</td>";
                 echo "</tr>";
             echo "</table>";
         if (!($pmSC->fields['is_generic'] && $pmSC->fields['is_recursive'])) {
             echo "<table width='100%'>";
             $a_services = $pmBusinessrule->find("`plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id`='" . $items_id . "'" . " AND `is_dynamic`='1'");
             foreach ($a_services as $gdata) {
                 $shortstate = $pmService->getShortState();
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
                 echo "<td width='130'>&nbsp;";
                 echo "</td>";
                 echo "<td>";
                 echo "<img src='" . $pmService->getShortState(array('image' => '32')) . "'/>";
                 echo "</td>";
                 echo "<td>";
                 $pmComponentscatalog_Host = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog_Host();
                 echo $pmService->getLink();
                 echo "</td>";
                 echo "</tr>";
             echo "</table>";
         } else {
             echo "<strong>" . __('Dynamic hosts list will be defined during Shinken configuration build.', 'monitoring') . "</strong>";
     echo "</td>";
     echo "</tr>";
     return true;
   function showSyntheseReport($componentscatalogs_id) {
      global $CFG_GLPI;

      if (!isset($_SESSION['glpi_plugin_monitoring']['synthese'])) {
         $_SESSION['glpi_plugin_monitoring']['synthese'] = array();
      if (!isset($_SESSION['glpi_plugin_monitoring']['synthese'][$componentscatalogs_id])) {
         $_SESSION['glpi_plugin_monitoring']['synthese'][$componentscatalogs_id] = array();
      $sess = $_SESSION['glpi_plugin_monitoring']['synthese'][$componentscatalogs_id];
      $pmComponentscatalog_Component = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog_Component();
      $pmComponent = new PluginMonitoringComponent();
      $a_options = array();


      echo "<form name='form' method='post'

      echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
      echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">';
      echo '<th colspan="5">';
      echo __('Report');
      echo "<input type='hidden' name='componentscatalogs_id' value='".$componentscatalogs_id."' />";
      echo "<input type='hidden' name='reporttype' value='synthese' />";
      $a_options['componentscatalogs_id'] = $componentscatalogs_id;
      echo '</th>';
      echo '</tr>';

      echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">';
      echo '<td>';
      echo '</td>';
      echo '<td colspan="2">';
      $default_value = 12;
      if (isset($sess['synthesenumber'])) {
         $default_value = $sess['synthesenumber'];
      Dropdown::showNumber("synthesenumber", array(
                'value' => $default_value,
                'min'   => 2,
                'max'   => 30)
      $a_options['synthesenumber'] = $default_value;
      echo "&nbsp;";
      $a_time = array('week' => __('Week'),
                      'month' => __('Month'),
                      'year' => __('Year'));
      $default_value = 'week';
      if (isset($sess['synthesenumber'])) {
         $default_value = $sess['synthesenumber'];
      Dropdown::showFromArray("syntheseperiod", $a_time, array('value' => $default_value));
      $a_options['syntheseperiod'] = $default_value;
      echo '</td>';
      echo "<td>".__('End date')." :</td>";
      echo "<td>";
      $default_value = date('Y-m-d');
      if (isset($sess['synthesedate_end'])) {
         $default_value = $sess['synthesedate_end'];
      Html::showDateFormItem("synthesedate_end", $default_value);
      $a_options['synthesedate_end'] = $default_value;
      echo "</td>";
      echo '</tr>';

      echo "</table>";

      echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
      $a_composants = $pmComponentscatalog_Component->find("`plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id`='".$componentscatalogs_id."'");
      foreach ($a_composants as $comp_data) {

         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
         echo "<td width='10'>";
         //echo "<input type='checkbox' name='components_id[]' value='".$pmComponent->getID()."' checked />";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='components_id[]' value='".$pmComponent->getID()."' />";
         $a_options['components_id'][] = $pmComponent->getID();
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo $pmComponent->getLink();
         echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr>";

         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
         echo "<td width='10'>";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";


         $a_perfnames = PluginMonitoringServicegraph::getperfdataNames($pmComponent->fields['graph_template']);
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_3'>";
         echo "<td rowspan='".count($a_perfnames)."' width='90'>";
         echo __('Use for report', 'monitoring')."&nbsp;:";

         echo "</td>";
         $i = 0;
         $j = 0;
         if (!isset($_SESSION['glpi_plugin_monitoring']['perfname'][$pmComponent->getID()])) {
            foreach ($a_perfnames as $name) {
               $_SESSION['glpi_plugin_monitoring']['perfname'][$pmComponent->getID()][$name] = 'checked';

         foreach ($a_perfnames as $name) {
            if ($i > 0) {
               echo "<tr class='tab_bg_3'>";
            echo "<td>";
            $checked = "checked";
            if (isset($sess['perfname'])
                 && isset($sess['perfname'][$pmComponent->getID()])) {

               if (isset($sess['perfname'][$pmComponent->getID()])) {
                  $checked = "";
               if (isset($sess['perfname'][$pmComponent->getID()][$name])) {
                  $checked = "checked";
            } else {
               if (isset($_SESSION['glpi_plugin_monitoring']['perfname'][$pmComponent->getID()])) {
                  $checked = "";
               if (isset($_SESSION['glpi_plugin_monitoring']['perfname'][$pmComponent->getID()][$name])) {
                  $checked = $_SESSION['glpi_plugin_monitoring']['perfname'][$pmComponent->getID()][$name];
            echo "<input type='checkbox' name='perfname[".$pmComponent->getID()."][".$name."]' value='".$name."' ".$checked."/> ".$name;
            if ($checked == 'checked') {
               $a_options['perfname'][$pmComponent->getID()][] = $name;
            echo "</td>";
            echo "<td>";
            echo __('Best is high value', 'monitoring').' :';
            echo "</td>";
            echo "<td>";
            $default_value = 1;
            if (isset($sess['perfname_val'])
                 && isset($sess['perfname_val'][$pmComponent->getID()])) {

               if (isset($sess['perfname_val'][$pmComponent->getID()][$name])) {
                  $default_value = $sess['perfname_val'][$pmComponent->getID()][$name];
            Dropdown::showYesNo('perfname_val['.$pmComponent->getID().']['.$name.']', $default_value);
            if ($checked == 'checked') {
               $a_options['perfname_val'][$pmComponent->getID()][$name] = $default_value;
            echo "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";

         echo "</table>";

         echo "</td>";

         echo "</tr>";
      echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
      echo "<td colspan='2' align='center'>";
      echo "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='update' value='".__('Save')."'/>";
      echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
         <input type='submit' class='submit' name='generatepdf' value='".__('Generate PDF', 'monitoring')."'/>";
      echo "</td>";
      echo "</tr>";
      echo "</table>";


      if (isset($_SESSION['plugin_monitoring_report'])) {
//         $a_options = $_SESSION['plugin_monitoring_report'];
 function showReport($componentscatalogs_id)
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     $pmComponentscatalog_Component = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog_Component();
     $pmComponent = new PluginMonitoringComponent();
     echo "<form name='form' method='post' \n         action='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/monitoring/front/report_componentscatalog.form.php'>";
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
     echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">';
     echo '<th colspan="5">';
     echo __('Report');
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='componentscatalogs_id' value='" . $componentscatalogs_id . "' />";
     echo '</th>';
     echo '</tr>';
     // ** simple report
     echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">';
     echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">';
     echo '<td>';
     echo '<input type="radio" name="reporttype" value="simplereport" checked />';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '<td colspan="4">';
     echo '<strong>' . __('Simple report', "monitoring") . '</strong>';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '</tr>';
     echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">';
     echo '<td>';
     echo '</td>';
     echo "<td>" . __('Start date') . " :</td>";
     echo "<td>";
     Html::showDateFormItem("date_start", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', date('U') - 24 * 3600 * 7));
     echo "</td>";
     echo "<td>" . __('End date') . " :</td>";
     echo "<td>";
     Html::showDateFormItem("date_end", date('Y-m-d'));
     echo "</td>";
     echo "</tr>";
     // ** synthese
     echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">';
     echo '<td>';
     echo '<input type="radio" name="reporttype" value="synthese" />';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '<td colspan="4">';
     echo '<strong>' . __('Synthese', "monitoring") . '</strong>';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '</tr>';
     echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">';
     echo '<td>';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '<td colspan="2">';
     Dropdown::showNumber("synthesenumber", array('value' => 12, 'min' => 2, 'max' => 30));
     echo "&nbsp;";
     $a_time = array('week' => __('Week'), 'month' => __('Month'), 'year' => __('Year'));
     Dropdown::showFromArray("syntheseperiod", $a_time);
     echo '</td>';
     echo "<td>" . __('End date') . " :</td>";
     echo "<td>";
     Html::showDateFormItem("synthesedate_end", date('Y-m-d'));
     echo "</td>";
     echo '</tr>';
     // ** synthese ++
     echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">';
     echo '<td>';
     echo '<input type="radio" name="reporttype" value="syntheseplus" />';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '<td colspan="4">';
     echo '<strong>' . __('Synthese detail', "monitoring") . '</strong>';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '</tr>';
     echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">';
     echo '<td>';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '<td colspan="2">';
     Dropdown::showNumber("syntheseplusnumber", array('value' => 12, 'min' => 2, 'max' => 30));
     echo "&nbsp;";
     $a_time = array('week' => __('Week'), 'month' => __('Month'), 'year' => __('Year'));
     Dropdown::showFromArray("syntheseplusperiod", $a_time);
     echo '</td>';
     echo "<td>" . __('End date') . " :</td>";
     echo "<td>";
     Html::showDateFormItem("syntheseplusdate_end", date('Y-m-d'));
     echo "</td>";
     echo '</tr>';
     echo "</table>";
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
     $a_composants = $pmComponentscatalog_Component->find("`plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id`='" . $componentscatalogs_id . "'");
     foreach ($a_composants as $comp_data) {
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
         echo "<td width='10'>";
         echo "<input type='checkbox' name='components_id[]' value='" . $pmComponent->getID() . "' checked />";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo $pmComponent->getLink();
         echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
         echo "<td width='10'>";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         PluginMonitoringServicegraph::preferences($pmComponent->getID(), 1, 1);
         echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td colspan='2' align='center'>";
     echo "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='generate' value='" . __('Generate the report', 'monitoring') . "'/>";
     echo "</td>";
     echo "</tr>";
  * Display content of tab
  * @param CommonGLPI $item
  * @param integer $tabnum
  * @param interger $withtemplate
  * @return boolean true
 static function displayTabContentForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $tabnum = 1, $withtemplate = 0)
     if ($item->getType() == 'PluginMonitoringComponent') {
         if ($tabnum == '0') {
         } else {
             if ($tabnum == '1') {
             } else {
                 if ($tabnum == '2') {
     return true;
 function replayDynamicServices($plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id)
     global $DB;
     if ($plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id == 0) {
     // Get entity and if recursif
     $pmBusinessrulegroup = new PluginMonitoringBusinessrulegroup();
     $pmServicescatalog = new PluginMonitoringServicescatalog();
     if ($pmServicescatalog->fields['is_recursive']) {
         $a_sons = getSonsOf("glpi_entities", $pmServicescatalog->fields['entities_id']);
         $restrict_entities = "AND ( `glpi_plugin_monitoring_services`.`entities_id` IN ('" . implode("','", $a_sons) . "') )";
     } else {
         $restrict_entities = "AND ( `glpi_plugin_monitoring_services`.`entities_id` = '" . $pmServicescatalog->fields['entities_id'] . "' )";
     $a_brcomponents = $this->find("`plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id`='" . $plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id . "'");
     $a_services = array();
     foreach ($a_brcomponents as $a_brcomponent) {
         $pmComponentscatalog_Component = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog_Component();
         // Get all services of component of component catalog
         $query = "SELECT `glpi_plugin_monitoring_services`.`id` FROM `glpi_plugin_monitoring_services`" . " LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts`" . "    ON plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts_id=" . "       `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts`.`id`" . " WHERE `glpi_plugin_monitoring_services`.`plugin_monitoring_components_id`" . "          = '" . $pmComponentscatalog_Component->fields['plugin_monitoring_components_id'] . "' " . $restrict_entities;
         $result = $DB->query($query);
         while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) {
             $a_services[$data['id']] = $data['id'];
     // get static services of the group (so not add dynamic if yet in static)
     $pmBusinessrule_component = new PluginMonitoringBusinessrule_component();
     $pmBusinessrule = new PluginMonitoringBusinessrule();
     $a_static = $pmBusinessrule->find("`plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id`='" . $plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id . "'" . " AND `is_dynamic`=0");
     foreach ($a_static as $data) {
         if (isset($a_services[$data['plugin_monitoring_services_id']])) {
             // Update generic status
             $input = array('id' => $data['id'], 'is_generic' => $pmServicescatalog->fields['is_generic']);
     // update services + is_dynamic=1
     $query = "SELECT * FROM `glpi_plugin_monitoring_businessrules`" . " WHERE `plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id`='" . $plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id . "'" . " AND `is_dynamic`=1";
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) {
         // Update if yet in DB
         if (isset($a_services[$data['plugin_monitoring_services_id']])) {
             // Update generic status
             $input = array('id' => $data['id'], 'is_generic' => $pmServicescatalog->fields['is_generic']);
         } else {
             // delete if not exist
     // Add new
     foreach ($a_services as $services_id) {
         $input = array('plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id' => $plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id, 'plugin_monitoring_services_id' => $services_id, 'is_dynamic' => '1', 'is_generic' => $pmServicescatalog->fields['is_generic']);
if (!isset($_POST["sort"])) {
    $_POST["sort"] = "";
if (!isset($_POST["order"])) {
    $_POST["order"] = "";
if (!isset($_POST["withtemplate"])) {
    $_POST["withtemplate"] = "";
$pmComponentscatalog = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog();
if ($_POST["id"] > 0 && $pmComponentscatalog->can($_POST["id"], 'r')) {
    switch ($_POST['glpi_tab']) {
        case -1:
        case 1:
            $pmComponentscatalog_Component = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog_Component();
        case 2:
            $pmComponentscatalog_Host = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog_Host();
            $pmComponentscatalog_Host->showHosts($_POST['id'], 1);
        case 3:
            $pmComponentscatalog_rule = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog_rule();
        case 4:
            $pmComponentscatalog_Host = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog_Host();
            $pmComponentscatalog_Host->showHosts($_POST['id'], 0);
        case 5:
  @package   Plugin Monitoring for GLPI
  @author    David Durieux
  @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Plugin Monitoring for GLPI team
  @license   AGPL License 3.0 or (at your option) any later version
  @link      https://forge.indepnet.net/projects/monitoring/
  @since     2011

include "../../../inc/includes.php";
Session::checkRight("plugin_monitoring_componentscatalog", READ);
$pmComponentscatalog_Component = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog_Component();
if (isset($_POST["add"])) {
    $pmComponentscatalog_Component->addComponentToItems($_POST['plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id'], $_POST['plugin_monitoring_components_id']);
} else {
    if (isset($_POST["deleteitem"])) {
        foreach ($_POST["item"] as $id => $num) {
            $fields = array();
            $fields = $pmComponentscatalog_Component->fields;
            $pmComponentscatalog_Component->delete(array('id' => $id));
            $pmComponentscatalog_Component->removeComponentToItems($fields['plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id'], $fields['plugin_monitoring_components_id']);