  * Manage a hub (many mac on a port mean you have a hub)
  * @param $pfNetworkport object Informations of the network port (switch port)
  * @return bool
 function hubNetwork($pfNetworkport, $a_mac)
     $nn = new NetworkPort_NetworkPort();
     $Netport = new NetworkPort();
     // Get port connected on switch port
     $hub_id = 0;
     $ID = $nn->getOppositeContact($pfNetworkport->fields['networkports_id']);
     if ($ID) {
         if ($Netport->fields["itemtype"] == $this->getType()) {
             if ($this->fields["hub"] == "1") {
                 // It's a hub connected, so will update connections
                 //$this->releaseHub($this->fields['id'], $p_oPort);
                 $hub_id = $this->fields['id'];
             } else {
                 // It's a direct connection, so disconnect and create a hub
                 $hub_id = $this->createHub($pfNetworkport, $a_mac);
         } else {
             // It's a direct connection, so disconnect and create a hub
             $hub_id = $this->createHub($pfNetworkport, $a_mac);
     } else {
         // No connections found and create a hub
         $hub_id = $this->createHub($pfNetworkport, $a_mac);
     // State : Now we have hub and it's id
     // Add source port id in comment of hub
     $h_input = array();
     $h_input['id'] = $hub_id;
     $h_input['comment'] = "Port : " . $pfNetworkport->fields['networkports_id'];
     // Get all ports connected to this hub
     $a_portglpi = array();
     $a_ports = $Netport->find("`items_id`='" . $hub_id . "'\n          AND `itemtype`='" . $this->getType() . "'");
     foreach ($a_ports as $data) {
         $id = $nn->getOppositeContact($data['id']);
         if ($id) {
             $a_portglpi[$id] = $data['id'];
     foreach ($a_mac as $ifmac) {
         $a_ports = $Netport->find("`mac`='" . $ifmac . "'", "", 1);
         if (count($a_ports) == "1") {
             if (!$this->searchIfmacOnHub($a_ports, $a_portglpi)) {
                 // Connect port (port found in GLPI)
                 $this->connectPortToHub($a_ports, $hub_id);
         } else {
             if (count($a_ports) == "0") {
                 // Port don't exist
                 // Create unmanaged device
                 $input = array();
                 $a_manufacturer = array(0 => PluginFusioninventoryInventoryExternalDB::getManufacturerWithMAC($ifmac));
                 $a_manufacturer = PluginFusioninventoryFormatconvert::cleanArray($a_manufacturer);
                 $input['name'] = $a_manufacturer[0];
                 if (isset($_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"])) {
                     $input['entities_id'] = $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"];
                 $unmanageds_id = $this->add($input);
                 $input = array();
                 $input["items_id"] = $unmanageds_id;
                 $input["itemtype"] = $this->getType();
                 $input["mac"] = $ifmac;
                 $input['instantiation_type'] = "NetworkPortEthernet";
                 $id_port = $Netport->add($input);
                 $this->connectPortToHub(array($id_port => $Netport->fields), $hub_id);
 function importConnectionMac($a_portconnection, $networkports_id)
     $wire = new NetworkPort_NetworkPort();
     $networkPort = new NetworkPort();
     $pfNetworkPort = new PluginFusioninventoryNetworkPort();
     $pfUnmanaged = new PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged();
     $a_snmpports = current($pfNetworkPort->find("`networkports_id`='" . $networkports_id . "'", "", 1));
     $count = count($a_portconnection);
     if ($pfNetworkPort->getValue('trunk') != '1') {
         if ($count == '2') {
             // detect if phone IP is one of the 2 devices
             $phonecase = 0;
             $macNotPhone_id = 0;
             $macNotPhone = '';
             $phonePort_id = 0;
             foreach ($a_portconnection as $ifmac) {
                 $a_ports = $networkPort->find("`mac`='" . $ifmac . "'", "", 1);
                 $a_port = current($a_ports);
                 if ($a_port['itemtype'] == 'Phone') {
                     // Connect phone on switch port and other (computer..) in this phone
                     $phonePort_id = $a_port['id'];
                 } else {
                     $macNotPhone_id = $a_port['id'];
                     $macNotPhone = $ifmac;
             if ($phonecase == '1') {
                 $wire->add(array('networkports_id_1' => $networkports_id, 'networkports_id_2' => $phonePort_id));
                 $Phone = new Phone();
                 $a_portsPhone = $networkPort->find("`items_id`='" . $networkPort->fields['items_id'] . "'\n                                                AND `itemtype`='Phone'\n                                                AND `name`='Link'", '', 1);
                 $portLink_id = 0;
                 if (count($a_portsPhone) == '1') {
                     $a_portPhone = current($a_portsPhone);
                     $portLink_id = $a_portPhone['id'];
                 } else {
                     // Create Port Link
                     $input = array();
                     $input['name'] = 'Link';
                     $input['itemtype'] = 'Phone';
                     $input['items_id'] = $Phone->fields['id'];
                     $input['entities_id'] = $Phone->fields['entities_id'];
                     $portLink_id = $networkPort->add($input);
                 $opposite_id = FALSE;
                 if ($opposite_id == $wire->getOppositeContact($portLink_id)) {
                     if ($opposite_id != $macNotPhone_id) {
                         // disconnect this port
                         // disconnect destination port
                 if (!isset($macNotPhone_id)) {
                     // Create unmanaged ports
                     $unmanagedn_infos = array();
                     $unmanagedn_infos["name"] = '';
                     if (isset($_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"])) {
                         $input['entities_id'] = $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"];
                     $newID = $pfUnmanaged->add($unmanagedn_infos);
                     // Add networking_port
                     $port_add = array();
                     $port_add["items_id"] = $newID;
                     $port_add["itemtype"] = 'PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged';
                     $port_add['mac'] = $macNotPhone;
                     $port_add['instantiation_type'] = "NetworkPortEthernet";
                     $macNotPhone_id = $networkPort->add($port_add);
                 $wire->add(array('networkports_id_1' => $portLink_id, 'networkports_id_2' => $macNotPhone_id));
             } else {
                 $pfUnmanaged->hubNetwork($pfNetworkPort, $a_portconnection);
         } else {
             if ($count > 1) {
                 // MultipleMac
                 $pfUnmanaged->hubNetwork($pfNetworkPort, $a_portconnection);
             } else {
                 // One mac on port
                 foreach ($a_portconnection as $ifmac) {
                     //Only 1 time
                     $a_ports = $networkPort->find("`mac`='" . $ifmac . "' AND `logical_number`='1'", "", 1);
                     if (count($a_ports) == 0) {
                         $a_ports = $networkPort->find("`mac`='" . $ifmac . "'", "", 1);
                     if (count($a_ports) > 0) {
                         $a_port = current($a_ports);
                         $hub = 0;
                         $id = $networkPort->getContact($a_port['id']);
                         if ($id and $networkPort->getFromDB($id)) {
                             if ($networkPort->fields['itemtype'] == 'PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged') {
                                 if ($pfUnmanaged->fields['hub'] == '1') {
                                     $hub = 1;
                         $direct_id = $networkPort->getContact($networkports_id);
                         if ($id and $id != $networkports_id and $hub == '0') {
                             $directconnect = 0;
                             if (!$direct_id) {
                                 $directconnect = 1;
                             } else {
                                 if ($networkPort->fields['itemtype'] == 'PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged') {
                                     // 1. Hub connected to this switch port
                                     $pfUnmanaged->connectPortToHub(array($a_port), $networkPort->fields['items_id']);
                                 } else {
                                     // 2. direct connection
                                     $directconnect = 1;
                             if ($directconnect == '1') {
                                 // disconnect this port
                                 // disconnect destination port
                                 $wire->add(array('networkports_id_1' => $networkports_id, 'networkports_id_2' => $a_port['id']));
                         } else {
                             if ($id and $hub == '1') {
                                 $directconnect = 0;
                                 if (!$direct_id) {
                                     $directconnect = 1;
                                 } else {
                                     $ddirect = $networkPort->fields;
                                     if ($ddirect['items_id'] == $networkPort->fields['items_id'] and $ddirect['itemtype'] == $networkPort->fields['itemtype']) {
                                         // 1.The hub where this device is connected is yet connected
                                         // to this switch port
                                         // => Do nothing
                                     } else {
                                         // 2. The hub where this device is connected to is not connected
                                         // to this switch port
                                         if ($ddirect['itemtype'] == 'PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged') {
                                             // b. We have a hub connected to the switch port
                                             $pfUnmanaged->connectPortToHub(array($a_port), $ddirect['items_id']);
                                         } else {
                                             // a. We have a direct connexion to another device
                                             // (on the switch port)
                                             $directconnect = 1;
                                 if ($directconnect == '1') {
                                     // disconnect this port
                                     // disconnect destination port
                                     $wire->add(array('networkports_id_1' => $networkports_id, 'networkports_id_2' => $a_port['id']));
                             } else {
                                 if ($id) {
                                     // Yet connected
                                 } else {
                                     // Not connected
                                     // disconnect this port
                                     $wire->add(array('networkports_id_1' => $networkports_id, 'networkports_id_2' => $a_port['id']));
                     } else {
                         // Create unmanaged device
                         $pfUnmanaged = new PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged();
                         $input = array();
                         $manufacturer = PluginFusioninventoryInventoryExternalDB::getManufacturerWithMAC($ifmac);
                         $input['name'] = $manufacturer;
                         if (isset($_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"])) {
                             $input['entities_id'] = $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"];
                         $newID = $pfUnmanaged->add($input);
                         $input['itemtype'] = "PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged";
                         $input['items_id'] = $newID;
                         $input['mac'] = $ifmac;
                         $input['instantiation_type'] = "NetworkPortEthernet";
                         $newPortID = $networkPort->add($input);
                         // disconnect this port
                         $wire->add(array('networkports_id_1' => $networkports_id, 'networkports_id_2' => $newPortID));