public function _CheckDoubleRelations() { // Check if this player is already related to this player if (Player_Manager::isRelatedTo($this->player_id, $this->manager_id)) { $this->error_message("player", "This player is already related to this manager."); return false; } return true; }
public function PlayerPayments($player = 0) { $this->template->setData("SelectedTab", "Connected players"); // Find the player $this->Player = new Account($player); // Make sure the player exists if (!$this->Player->exists()) { Session::GoBack("Player could not be found."); } // Make sure manager is related to this player if (!Player_Manager::isRelatedTo($this->Player->id, Auth::Get("id"))) { Session::GoBack("You are not related to this player."); } // Get Payments $this->Payments = $this->Player->payments->include_related("fixture", array("id", "location"))->include_related("game_block", array("time"))->where(array("fixtures.owner" => Auth::Get("id")))->order_by("id", "DESC")->get_iterated(); $this->load->view("manager/PlayerPayments"); }