文件: mail.php 项目: Rikisha/proj
  * Load letter from DB, load SMTP settings
  * TODO: Move this to NewsletterModel or NewsletterModelEntity
  * @param <string> $name - id of a letter
  * @return object - letter
  * @since 1.0
 public static function loadLetter($id = false)
     $letter = JTable::getInstance('Newsletter', 'NewsletterTable');
     $letter->load((int) $id);
     // If letter absent then fail.
     if (!$letter) {
         return false;
     $letter = (object) $letter->getProperties();
     $letter->params = (array) json_decode($letter->params);
     if (empty($letter->params['encoding'])) {
         $letter->params['encoding'] = 'utf-8';
     $profileEntity = JModel::getInstance('Smtpprofile', 'NewsletterModelEntity');
     $profileEntity->load((int) $letter->smtp_profile_id);
     $letter->smtp_profile = $profileEntity->toObject();
     // Set data when using J! SMTP profile
     if ($letter->smtp_profile_id == NewsletterModelEntitySmtpprofile::JOOMLA_SMTP_ID) {
         if (!empty($letter->params['newsletter_from_email'])) {
             $letter->smtp_profile->from_email = $letter->params['newsletter_from_email'];
         if (!empty($letter->params['newsletter_from_name'])) {
             $letter->smtp_profile->from_name = $letter->params['newsletter_from_name'];
         if (!empty($letter->params['newsletter_to_email'])) {
             $letter->smtp_profile->reply_to_email = $letter->params['newsletter_to_email'];
         if (!empty($letter->params['newsletter_to_name'])) {
             $letter->smtp_profile->reply_to_name = $letter->params['newsletter_to_name'];
     return $letter;
  * Set all data of the current subscriber as he has been logined in system
  * Don't trigger any plugins events
  * @param int the subscriber id (not j! user id)
  * @return boolean
  * @since  1.0
 public static function emulateUser($params)
     if (empty($params['email']) && empty($params['subscriber_id'])) {
         return false;
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     if (!empty($params['email'])) {
         $query->where('email="' . $params['email'] . '"');
     if (!empty($params['subscriber_id'])) {
         $query->where('subscriber_id="' . (int) $params['subscriber_id'] . '"');
     $subscriber = $db->loadObject();
     $user = JUser::getInstance();
     if (!empty($subscriber->user_id)) {
         // Get a database object
     // bind data
     if (!empty($subscriber->subscriber_id)) {
         $user->set('subscriber_id', $subscriber->subscriber_id);
         $user->set('name', $subscriber->name);
         $user->set('email', $subscriber->email);
         $user->set('subscription_key', $subscriber->subscription_key);
     // Mark the user as logged in
     $user->set('guest', 0);
     $user->set('isRoot', true);
     // Register the needed session variables
     $session = JFactory::getSession();
     $session->set('user', $user);
     $session->set('registry', null);
     // fetch the dynamic data for placeholders
     PlaceholderHelper::setPlaceholders(array('username' => $user->name, 'useremail' => $user->email, 'userid' => !empty($subscriber->subscriber_id) ? $user->subscriber_id : null, 'subscription key' => !empty($user->subscription_key) ? $user->subscription_key : null));
     return $user;
文件: document.php 项目: Rikisha/proj
  * Outputs the template to the browser.
  * @param boolean	$cache		If true, cache the output
  * @param array		$params		Associative array of attributes
  * @return The rendered data
  * @since  1.0
 public function render($caching = false, $params = array())
     try {
         // first pass of rendering.
         $this->_template->content = $this->_renderTemplate();
         // The second pass. Some dynamic data can contain placeholders.
         // In other words - placeholders in placeholders...
         $this->_template->content = $this->_renderTemplate();
         $this->_template->content = $this->_renderTemplate();
         // Set absolute links
         // Trigger plugins (GA and so on)
         // Add tracking by com_newsletter
         if (!empty($this->tracking)) {
             $this->track($this->_template->content, PlaceholderHelper::getPlaceholder('subscription key'), $params['newsletter_id']);
         return $this->_template->content;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
文件: mailer.php 项目: Rikisha/proj
  * The main send of one letter to one or mode recipients.
  * The mail content generates for each user
  * TODO: Need to refactor it all to:
  * sendNewsletterToSubscriber($nid, $sid, $options)
  * sentNewsletterToEmail($nid, array $emailAndName, $options)
  * sentLetterToEmail(array $letterData, array $emailAndName, $options)
  * @param  array $params newsletter_id, subscriber(object), type ('html'|'plain'), tracking(bool)
  * @return object
  * @since  1.0
 public function send($params = null)
     // load letter to send....
     if (empty($params['newsletter_id'])) {
         $msg = 'Newsletter id is absent. There is nothing to send.';
         throw new Exception($msg);
     if (empty($params['subscriber'])) {
         $msg = 'Subscriber is absent. There is no one to send.';
         throw new Exception($msg);
     if (empty($params['tracking'])) {
         $params['tracking'] = false;
     // Load newsletter...
     $letter = JModel::getInstance('Newsletter', 'NewsletterModelEntity');
     if (!$letter->load($params['newsletter_id'])) {
         $msg = 'Loading letter error or newsletter_id is not defined. Id:' . $params['newsletter_id'];
         throw new Exception($msg);
     // Load newsletter's SMTP profile...
     $smtpProfile = JModel::getInstance('Smtpprofile', 'NewsletterModelEntity');
     if (!$smtpProfile->load($letter->smtp_profile_id)) {
         $msg = 'Cant load SMTP profile with id: ' . $letter->smtp_profile_id;
         throw new Exception($msg);
     // Load mailbox profile bound to loaded SMTP profile...
     $mailboxProfile = JModel::getInstance('Mailboxprofile', 'NewsletterModelEntity');
     if (!$mailboxProfile->load($smtpProfile->mailbox_profile_id)) {
         LogHelper::addWarning('COM_NEWSLETTER_CANT_LOAD_MAILBOX_CANT_SET_SOME_HEADERS', LogHelper::CAT_MAILER, array('Mailbox profile id' => $smtpProfile->mailbox_profile_id, 'SMTP profile' => $smtpProfile->smtp_profile_name));
     // Now we have newsletter, subscriber, SMTP profile and, probably, Mailbox profile.
     // So we can start to send...
     // Use the phpMailer exceptions
     $sender = new MigurMailerSender(array('exceptions' => true));
     $subscriber = $params['subscriber'];
     $type = MailHelper::filterType(!empty($params['type']) ? $params['type'] : null);
     if (!$type) {
         $msg = 'The type "' . $type . '" is not supported';
         throw new Exception($msg);
     // emulate user environment
     if (!SubscriberHelper::emulateUser(array('email' => $subscriber->email))) {
         $msg = 'The user "' . $subscriber->email . '" is absent';
         throw new Exception($msg);
     PlaceholderHelper::setPlaceholder('newsletter id', $letter->newsletter_id);
     // render the content of letter for each user
     $letter->content = $this->render(array('type' => $type, 'newsletter_id' => $letter->newsletter_id, 'tracking' => true));
     $letter->subject = $this->renderSubject($letter->subject);
     $letter->encoding = $letter->params->encoding;
     // Result object
     $res = new StdClass();
     $res->state = false;
     $res->errors = array();
     $res->content = $letter->content;
     if ($letter->content === false) {
         return $res;
     // Add custom headers
     // Set the email to bounce
     if (!empty($mailboxProfile->username)) {
         $sender->AddCustomHeader('Return-Path:' . $mailboxProfile->username);
         $sender->AddCustomHeader('Return-Receipt-To:' . $mailboxProfile->username);
         $sender->AddCustomHeader('Errors-To:' . $mailboxProfile->username);
     // Add info about newsleerter and subscriber
     $sender->AddCustomHeader(MailHelper::EMAIL_NAME_HEADER . ':' . $letter->name);
     $sender->AddCustomHeader(MailHelper::NEWSLETTER_ID_HEADER . ':' . $params['newsletter_id']);
     $sender->AddCustomHeader(MailHelper::SUBSCRIBER_ID_HEADER . ':' . $subscriber->subscriber_id);
     // Get attachments
     $atts = DownloadHelper::getByNewsletterId($params['newsletter_id']);
     if (!$smtpProfile->isJoomlaProfile()) {
         $fromName = $smtpProfile->from_name;
         $fromEmail = $smtpProfile->from_email;
         $toName = $smtpProfile->reply_to_name;
         $toEmail = $smtpProfile->reply_to_email;
     } else {
         $jConfig = new JConfig();
         $fromName = isset($letter->params->from_name) ? $letter->params->from_name : $jConfig->fromname;
         $fromEmail = isset($letter->params->from_email) ? $letter->params->from_email : $jConfig->mailfrom;
         $toName = isset($letter->params->to_name) ? $letter->params->to_name : $jConfig->fromname;
         $toEmail = isset($letter->params->to_email) ? $letter->params->to_email : $jConfig->mailfrom;
     // Check if we dan determine all parameters...
     if (empty($fromName) || empty($fromEmail) || empty($toName) || empty($toEmail)) {
         LogHelper::addWarning('COM_NEWSLETTER_MAILER_CANT_DETERMINE SOME FROMTO', LogHelper::CAT_MAILER, array('From name' => $fromName, 'From email' => $fromEmail, 'Reply to name' => $toName, 'Reply to email' => $toEmail, 'SMTP profile' => $smtpProfile->smtp_profile_name, 'Newsletter' => $letter->name));
     try {
         // send the unique letter to each recipient
         $sendRes = $sender->send(array('letter' => $letter->toObject(), 'attach' => $atts, 'emails' => array($subscriber), 'smtpProfile' => $smtpProfile->toObject(), 'fromName' => $fromName, 'fromEmail' => $fromEmail, 'toName' => $toName, 'toEmail' => $toEmail, 'type' => $type, 'tracking' => $params['tracking']));
         // If sending failed
         if (!$sendRes && !empty($sender->ErrorInfo)) {
             throw new Exception($sender->ErrorInfo);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $error = JError::getError('unset');
         if (!empty($error)) {
             $msg = $error->get('message');
             $res->errors[] = $msg;
         $res->errors[] = $e->getMessage();
         LogHelper::addError('COM_NEWSLETTER_MAILER_SEND_ERROR', LogHelper::CAT_MAILER, array('Error' => $e->getMessage(), 'Email' => $subscriber->email, 'Mail type' => $type, 'SMTP profile' => $smtpProfile->smtp_profile_name, 'Newsletter' => $letter->name));
         return $res;
     $res->state = true;
     return $res;
  * The method to bind subscriber to J! user.
  * To test <b>?option=com_newsletter&task=subscribe.subscribe&newsletter-name=index.php
  * @return void
  * @since  1.0
 public function subscribe()
     // Initialise variables.
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     // Get variables from request
     $name = JRequest::getString('newsletter-name', null);
     $email = JRequest::getString('newsletter-email', null);
     $html = (int) JRequest::getInt('newsletter-html', null);
     $listsIds = DataHelper::toArrayOfInts(JRequest::getVar('newsletter-lists', array()));
     $fbenabled = JRequest::getInt('fbenabled', array());
     //$sendto = JRequest::getVar('sendto');
     // Check token, d_i_e on error.
     JRequest::checkToken() or jexit('Invalid Token');
     if (empty($name) || empty($email) || !in_array($html, array(0, 1)) || empty($listsIds)) {
         jexit('One or more parameters is missing');
     $comParams = JComponentHelper::getComponent('com_newsletter')->params;
     $isNew = false;
     // Let's check if we can create user as confirmed
     $confirmed = $comParams->get('users_autoconfirm') == '1';
     // try to get user data from FB
     $fbAppId = $comParams->get('fbappid');
     $fbSecret = $comParams->get('fbsecret');
     if (!empty($fbAppId) && !empty($fbSecret) && !empty($fbenabled)) {
         $me = SubscriberHelper::getFbMe($fbAppId, $fbSecret);
         if (!empty($me->email) && $me->email == $email) {
             $confirmed = true;
     // If it is a user's email
     $emailsAreEqual = false;
     if (!empty($user->id) && $user->email == $email) {
         $confirmed = true;
         $emailsAreEqual = true;
     // Get from db
     $subscriber = JModel::getInstance('Subscriber', 'NewsletterModelEntity');
     $subscriber->load(array('email' => $email));
     // If subscriber does not exist then create it
     if (!$subscriber->getId()) {
         $subscriber->create(array('name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'state' => '1', 'html' => $html, 'user_id' => $emailsAreEqual ? $user->id : 0, 'confirmed' => $confirmed));
     } else {
         // Update subscriber
         if ($confirmed == true) {
             // Confirm subscriber and
         if ($emailsAreEqual) {
             // If user is authorized
             $subscriber->user_id = $user->id;
     // Add subscribers to lists, ignore if already in db
     $assignedListsIds = array();
     foreach ($listsIds as $list) {
         if (!$subscriber->isInList($list)) {
             $assignedListsIds[] = $list;
     // Get lists we assigned
     $listManager = JModel::getInstance('Lists', 'NewsletterModel');
     $lists = $listManager->getItemsByIds($assignedListsIds);
     // Add to history all subscriptions
     foreach ($lists as $list) {
         $history = JTable::getInstance('history', 'NewsletterTable');
         $history->save(array('subscriber_id' => $subscriber->getId(), 'list_id' => $list->list_id, 'newsletter_id' => NULL, 'action' => NewsletterTableHistory::ACTION_SIGNEDUP, 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'text' => addslashes($list->name)));
     // Triggering the automailing process.
     $amManager = new NewsletterAutomailingManager();
     $amManager->processSubscription(array('subscriberId' => $subscriber->subscriber_id));
     // If subscriber is confirmed then no need to send emails.
     $message = JText::sprintf('Thank you %s for subscribing to our Newsletter!', $name);
     if (!$subscriber->isConfirmed()) {
         // Let's send newsletters
         $mailer = new MigurMailer();
         foreach ($lists as $list) {
             try {
                 $newsletter = JModel::getInstance('Newsletter', 'NewsletterModelEntity');
                 PlaceholderHelper::setPlaceholder('listname', $list->name);
                 $res = $mailer->send(array('type' => $newsletter->isFallback() ? 'plain' : $subscriber->getType(), 'subscriber' => $subscriber->toObject(), 'newsletter_id' => $newsletter->newsletter_id, 'tracking' => true));
                 if ($res->state) {
                     $message = JText::sprintf('Thank you %s for subscribing to our Newsletter! You will need to confirm your subscription. There should be an email in your inbox in a few minutes!', $name);
                     LogHelper::addMessage('COM_NEWSLETTER_WELLCOMING_NEWSLETTER_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY', LogHelper::CAT_SUBSCRIPTION, array('Email' => $subscriber->email, 'Newsletter' => $newsletter->name));
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception(json_encode($res->errors));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 LogHelper::addError('COM_NEWSLETTER_WELCOMING_SEND_FAILED', LogHelper::CAT_SUBSCRIPTION, array('Error' => $e->getMessage(), 'Email' => $subscriber->email, 'Newsletter' => $newsletter->name));
文件: template.php 项目: Rikisha/proj
  * Get all column placeholders from templice.
  * Something like table_width1 or table_height2.
  * @param string $tid Filename of template
  * @return array Array of names of placeholdedrs
 public function getColumnPlaceholders($content)
     $placeholders = PlaceholderHelper::fetchFromString($content);
     $res = array();
     // Let's find column placeholders
     foreach ($placeholders as $ph) {
         if (preg_match('/^(width_column.*)|(height_column.*)$/', $ph)) {
             $res[] = $ph;
     return $res;
  * Initializes the helper
  * @param  boolean $force - to force initialization or not
  * @return boolean
  * @since 1.0
 protected static function _init($force = false)
     if (!self::$_initialized || $force) {
         self::$placeholders = array();
         self::$placeholders['username'] = array('data' => null, 'default' => "");
         self::$placeholders['useremail'] = array('data' => null, 'default' => "");
         self::$placeholders['userid'] = array('data' => null, 'default' => 0);
         self::$placeholders['image_top.alt'] = array('data' => null, 'default' => 'The top image');
         self::$placeholders['image_bottom.alt'] = array('data' => null, 'default' => 'The bottom image');
         self::$placeholders['sitename'] = array('data' => null, 'default' => JFactory::getConfig()->get('sitename'));
         self::$placeholders['table_background'] = array('data' => null, 'default' => '#FFFFFF');
         self::$placeholders['text_color'] = array('data' => null, 'default' => '#000000');
         self::$placeholders['unsubscription link'] = array('data' => null, 'default' => JUri::getInstance()->toString(array('host', 'scheme')) . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_newsletter&task=subscribe.showunsubscribe', false) . '&uid=[subscription key]&nid=[newsletter id]', 'class' => 'link');
         self::$placeholders['confirmation link'] = array('data' => null, 'default' => JUri::getInstance()->toString(array('host', 'scheme')) . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_newsletter&task=subscribe.confirm', false) . '&id=[subscription key]', 'class' => 'link');
         self::$_initialized = true;
     return true;
文件: html.php 项目: Rikisha/proj
  * Load a template file
  * @param string	$template	The name of the template
  * @param string	$filename	The actual filename
  * @return string The contents of the template
  * @since  1.0
 protected function _loadTemplate($id)
     // Try to find the newsletter by id.
     // Supported both standard and custom
     $model = JModel::getInstance("Template", "NewsletterModel");
     $template = $model->getTemplateBy($id, 'preserve positions!');
     if (!$template) {
         return false;
     $template->params = $this->_mapParams($template->params);
     return $template;
  * Renders a module script and returns the results as a string
  * @param	string $name	The name of the module to render
  * @param	array $attribs	Associative array of values
  * @return	string			The output of the script
  * @since   1.0
 public function render($name, $attribs = array(), $content = null)
     return PlaceholderHelper::render($name, 'plain');