  * we test the count rows and the count rows recursive version
  * on a Complex array (rows with 2 and 3 levels only)
  * the recursive count returns 
  *         the sum of the number of rows of all the subtables 
  *         + the number of rows in the parent table
  * @group Core
  * @group DataTable
 public function testCountRowsComplex()
     $idcol = Piwik_DataTable_Row::COLUMNS;
     $idsubtable = Piwik_DataTable_Row::DATATABLE_ASSOCIATED;
     // table to go in the SUB table of RoW1
     $tableSubOfSubOfRow1 = new Piwik_DataTable();
     $rows1sub = array(array($idcol => array('label' => 'google')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'google78')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'googlaegge')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'gogeoggle')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'goaegaegaogle')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask')), array($idcol => array('label' => '238975247578949')));
     // table to go in row1
     $tableSubOfRow1 = new Piwik_DataTable();
     $rows1 = array(array($idcol => array('label' => 'google'), $idsubtable => $tableSubOfSubOfRow1), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask')), array($idcol => array('label' => '238975247578949')));
     // table to go in row2
     $tableSubOfRow2 = new Piwik_DataTable();
     $rows2 = array(array($idcol => array('label' => 'google')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask')), array($idcol => array('label' => '238975247578949')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'agaegaesk')), array($idcol => array('label' => '23g  8975247578949')));
     // main parent table
     $table = new Piwik_DataTable();
     $rows = array(array($idcol => array('label' => 'row1')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'row2'), $idsubtable => $tableSubOfRow1), array($idcol => array('label' => 'row3'), $idsubtable => $tableSubOfRow2));
     $this->assertEquals(count($rows), $table->getRowsCount());
     $countAllRows = count($rows) + count($rows1) + count($rows2) + count($rows1sub);
     $this->assertEquals($countAllRows, $table->getRowsCountRecursive());