  * Builds an Archive object or returns the same archive if previously built.
  * @param string|int idSite integer, or comma separated list of integer
  * @param string|Piwik_Date $date 'YYYY-MM-DD' or magic keywords 'today' @see Piwik_Date::factory()
  * @param string $period 'week' 'day' etc.
  * @param string Segment definition - defaults to false for Backward Compatibility
  * @return Piwik_Archive
 public static function build($idSite, $period, $strDate, $segment = false)
     if ($idSite === 'all') {
         $sites = Piwik_SitesManager_API::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();
     } else {
         $sites = Piwik_Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSite);
     if (!$segment instanceof Piwik_Segment) {
         $segment = new Piwik_Segment($segment, $idSite);
     // idSite=1,3 or idSite=all
     if (count($sites) > 1 || $idSite === 'all') {
         $archive = new Piwik_Archive_Array_IndexedBySite($sites, $period, $strDate, $segment);
     } elseif (is_string($strDate) && self::isMultiplePeriod($strDate, $period)) {
         $oSite = new Piwik_Site($idSite);
         $archive = new Piwik_Archive_Array_IndexedByDate($oSite, $period, $strDate, $segment);
     } else {
         $oSite = new Piwik_Site($idSite);
         if ($period == 'range') {
             $oPeriod = new Piwik_Period_Range('range', $strDate, $oSite->getTimezone(), Piwik_Date::factory('today', $oSite->getTimezone()));
         } else {
             if (is_string($strDate)) {
                 if ($strDate == 'now' || $strDate == 'today') {
                     $strDate = date('Y-m-d', Piwik_Date::factory('now', $oSite->getTimezone())->getTimestamp());
                 } elseif ($strDate == 'yesterday' || $strDate == 'yesterdaySameTime') {
                     $strDate = date('Y-m-d', Piwik_Date::factory('now', $oSite->getTimezone())->subDay(1)->getTimestamp());
                 $oDate = Piwik_Date::factory($strDate);
             } else {
                 $oDate = $strDate;
             $date = $oDate->toString();
             $oPeriod = Piwik_Period::factory($period, $oDate);
         $archive = new Piwik_Archive_Single();
     return $archive;
  * @see Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day::isThereSomeVisits()
  * @return bool|null
 public function isThereSomeVisits()
     if (!is_null($this->isThereSomeVisits)) {
         return $this->isThereSomeVisits;
     if (self::getPluginBeingProcessed($this->getRequestedReport()) == 'VisitsSummary' || $this->shouldProcessReportsAllPlugins($this->getSegment(), $this->period)) {
         $toSum = self::getCoreMetrics();
         $record = $this->archiveNumericValuesSum($toSum);
         $nbVisitsConverted = $record['nb_visits_converted'];
         $nbVisits = $record['nb_visits'];
     } else {
         $archive = new Piwik_Archive_Single();
         $nbVisits = $archive->getNumeric('nb_visits');
         $nbVisitsConverted = 0;
         if ($nbVisits > 0) {
             $nbVisitsConverted = $archive->getNumeric('nb_visits_converted');
     $this->isThereSomeVisits = $nbVisits > 0;
     return $this->isThereSomeVisits;
	 * Builds an Archive object or returns the same archive if previously built.
	 * @param string|int idSite integer, or comma separated list of integer
	 * @param string|Piwik_Date $date 'YYYY-MM-DD' or magic keywords 'today' @see Piwik_Date::factory()
	 * @param string $period 'week' 'day' etc.
	 * @return Piwik_Archive
	static public function build($idSite, $period, $strDate )
		if($idSite === 'all')
			$sites = Piwik_SitesManager_API::getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();
			$sites = Piwik_Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSite);
		// idSite=1,3 or idSite=all
		if( count($sites) > 1 
			|| $idSite === 'all' )
			$archive = new Piwik_Archive_Array_IndexedBySite($sites, $period, $strDate);
		// if a period date string is detected: either 'last30', 'previous10' or 'YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD'
			&& (
				preg_match('/^(last|previous){1}([0-9]*)$/', $strDate, $regs)
				|| preg_match('/^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}),([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2})$/', $strDate, $regs)
			$oSite = new Piwik_Site($idSite);
			$archive = new Piwik_Archive_Array_IndexedByDate($oSite, $period, $strDate);
		// case we request a single archive
				$oDate = Piwik_Date::factory($strDate);
				$oDate = $strDate;
			$date = $oDate->toString();
				return self::$alreadyBuilt[$idSite][$date][$period];
			$oPeriod = Piwik_Period::factory($period, $oDate);
			$archive = new Piwik_Archive_Single();
			$archive->setSite(new Piwik_Site($idSite));
			$archiveJustProcessed = $archive->prepareArchive();
			//we don't cache the archives just processed, the datatable were freed from memory 
				self::$alreadyBuilt[$idSite][$date][$period] = $archive;
		return $archive;
  * Builds an Archive object or returns the same archive if previously built.
  * @param int $idSite
  * @param string|Piwik_Date $date 'YYYY-MM-DD' or magic keywords 'today' @see Piwik_Date::factory()
  * @param string $period 'week' 'day' etc.
  * @return Piwik_Archive
 public static function build($idSite, $period, $strDate)
     $oSite = new Piwik_Site($idSite);
     // if a period date string is detected: either 'last30', 'previous10' or 'YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD'
     if (is_string($strDate) && (ereg('^(last|previous){1}([0-9]*)$', $strDate, $regs) || ereg('^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}),([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2})$', $strDate, $regs))) {
         require_once 'Archive/Array.php';
         $archive = new Piwik_Archive_Array($oSite, $period, $strDate);
     } else {
         if (is_string($strDate)) {
             $oDate = Piwik_Date::factory($strDate);
         } else {
             $oDate = $strDate;
         $date = $oDate->toString();
         if (isset(self::$alreadyBuilt[$idSite][$date][$period])) {
             return self::$alreadyBuilt[$idSite][$date][$period];
         $oPeriod = Piwik_Period::factory($period, $oDate);
         $archive = new Piwik_Archive_Single();
         self::$alreadyBuilt[$idSite][$date][$period] = $archive;
     return $archive;
  * If a segment is specified but a plugin other than 'VisitsSummary' is being requested,
  * we create an archive for processing VisitsSummary Core Metrics, which will in turn
  * execute the query above (in isThereSomeVisits)
  * @return bool|null
 private function redirectRequestToVisitsSummary()
     $archive = new Piwik_Archive_Single();
     $nbVisits = $archive->getNumeric('nb_visits');
     $this->isThereSomeVisits = $nbVisits > 0;
     if ($this->isThereSomeVisits) {
         $nbVisitsConverted = $archive->getNumeric('nb_visits_converted');
     return $this->isThereSomeVisits;
  * Builds an Archive object or returns the same archive if previously built.
  * @param string|int idSite integer, or comma separated list of integer
  * @param string|Piwik_Date $date 'YYYY-MM-DD' or magic keywords 'today' @see Piwik_Date::factory()
  * @param string $period 'week' 'day' etc.
  * @return Piwik_Archive
 public static function build($idSite, $period, $strDate)
     if ($idSite === 'all') {
         $sites = Piwik_SitesManager_API::getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();
     } else {
         $sites = Piwik_Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSite);
     // idSite=1,3 or idSite=all
     if (count($sites) > 1 || $idSite === 'all') {
         require_once 'Archive/Array/IndexedBySite.php';
         $archive = new Piwik_Archive_Array_IndexedBySite($sites, $period, $strDate);
     } elseif (is_string($strDate) && (ereg('^(last|previous){1}([0-9]*)$', $strDate, $regs) || ereg('^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}),([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2})$', $strDate, $regs))) {
         $oSite = new Piwik_Site($idSite);
         require_once 'Archive/Array/IndexedByDate.php';
         $archive = new Piwik_Archive_Array_IndexedByDate($oSite, $period, $strDate);
     } else {
         if (is_string($strDate)) {
             $oDate = Piwik_Date::factory($strDate);
         } else {
             $oDate = $strDate;
         $date = $oDate->toString();
         if (isset(self::$alreadyBuilt[$idSite][$date][$period])) {
             return self::$alreadyBuilt[$idSite][$date][$period];
         $oPeriod = Piwik_Period::factory($period, $oDate);
         $archive = new Piwik_Archive_Single();
         $archive->setSite(new Piwik_Site($idSite));
         $archiveJustProcessed = $archive->prepareArchive();
         //we don't cache the archives just processed, the datatable were freed from memory
         if (!$archiveJustProcessed) {
             self::$alreadyBuilt[$idSite][$date][$period] = $archive;
     return $archive;
  * Returns the ID of the archived subperiods.
  * @return array Array of the idArchive of the subperiods
 protected function loadSubperiodsArchive()
     $periods = array();
     // we first compute every subperiod of the archive
     foreach ($this->period->getSubperiods() as $period) {
         $archivePeriod = new Piwik_Archive_Single();
         $periods[] = $archivePeriod;
     return $periods;
	 * Returns true if there are logs for the current archive.
	 * If the current archive is for a specific plugin (for example, Referers), 
	 *   (for example when a Segment is defined and the Keywords report is requested)
	 * Then the function will create the Archive for the Core metrics 'VisitsSummary' which will in turn process the number of visits
	 *  If there is no specified segment, the SQL query will always run. 
	public function isThereSomeVisits()
			if($this->isThereSomeVisits && is_null($this->nb_visits)) { debug_print_backtrace(); exit; }
			return $this->isThereSomeVisits;
		// Handling Custom Segment
		$segmentSql = $this->getSegment()->getSql();
		$sqlSegmentBind = $segmentSql['bind'];
		$sqlSegment = $segmentSql['sql'];
		if(!empty($sqlSegment)) $sqlSegment = ' AND '.$sqlSegment;

		// We check if there is visits for the requested date / site / segment
		//  If no specified Segment 
		//  Or if a segment is passed and we specifically process VisitsSummary
		//   Then we check the logs. This is to ensure that this query is ran only once for this day/site/segment (rather than running it for every plugin)  
			|| self::getPluginBeingProcessed($this->getRequestedReport()) == 'VisitsSummary')
			$query = "SELECT 	count(distinct idvisitor) as nb_uniq_visitors, 
								count(*) as nb_visits,
								sum(visit_total_actions) as nb_actions, 
								max(visit_total_actions) as max_actions, 
								sum(visit_total_time) as sum_visit_length,
								sum(case visit_total_actions when 1 then 1 else 0 end) as bounce_count,
								sum(case visit_goal_converted when 1 then 1 else 0 end) as nb_visits_converted
						FROM ".Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_visit')." AS log_visit
						WHERE visit_last_action_time >= ?
							AND visit_last_action_time <= ?
							AND idsite = ?
			$bind = array_merge(array($this->getStartDatetimeUTC(), $this->getEndDatetimeUTC(), $this->idsite )
								, $sqlSegmentBind);
//			echo "Querying logs...";
//			var_dump($query);var_dump($bind);
			$row = $this->db->fetchRow($query, $bind );
			if($row === false || $row === null || $row['nb_visits'] == 0)
				$this->isThereSomeVisits = false;
				return $this->isThereSomeVisits;
			foreach($row as $name => $value)
				$this->insertNumericRecord($name, $value);
			$this->isThereSomeVisits = true;
			return $this->isThereSomeVisits;
		// If a segment is specified but a plugin other than 'VisitsSummary' is being requested
		// Then we create an archive for processing VisitsSummary Core Metrics, which will in turn execute the $query above
		$archive = new Piwik_Archive_Single();
		$archive->setSite( $this->site );
		$archive->setPeriod( $this->period );
		$archive->setSegment( $this->getSegment() );
		$archive->setRequestedReport( 'VisitsSummary' );
		$nbVisits = $archive->getNumeric('nb_visits');
		$isThereSomeVisits = $nbVisits > 0;
			$nbVisitsConverted = $archive->getNumeric('nb_visits_converted');
		$this->isThereSomeVisits = $isThereSomeVisits;
		return $this->isThereSomeVisits;
  * Builds an Archive object or returns the same archive if previously built.
  * @param int|string         $idSite                 integer, or comma separated list of integer
  * @param string             $period                 'week' 'day' etc.
  * @param Piwik_Date|string  $strDate                'YYYY-MM-DD' or magic keywords 'today' @see Piwik_Date::factory()
  * @param bool|string        $segment                Segment definition - defaults to false for Backward Compatibility
  * @param bool|string        $_restrictSitesToLogin  Used only when running as a scheduled task
  * @return Piwik_Archive
 public static function build($idSite, $period, $strDate, $segment = false, $_restrictSitesToLogin = false)
     if ($idSite === 'all') {
         $sites = Piwik_SitesManager_API::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess($_restrictSitesToLogin);
     } else {
         $sites = Piwik_Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSite);
     if (!$segment instanceof Piwik_Segment) {
         $segment = new Piwik_Segment($segment, $idSite);
     // idSite=1,3 or idSite=all
     if (count($sites) > 1 || $idSite === 'all') {
         $archive = new Piwik_Archive_Array_IndexedBySite($sites, $period, $strDate, $segment, $_restrictSitesToLogin);
     } elseif (is_string($strDate) && self::isMultiplePeriod($strDate, $period)) {
         $oSite = new Piwik_Site($idSite);
         $archive = new Piwik_Archive_Array_IndexedByDate($oSite, $period, $strDate, $segment);
     } else {
         $oSite = new Piwik_Site($idSite);
         $oPeriod = Piwik_Archive::makePeriodFromQueryParams($oSite, $period, $strDate);
         $archive = new Piwik_Archive_Single();
     return $archive;