  * Updates an image in a Picasa Web Album.  This method can be used for updating just the meta data or the meta data and image itself.
  * Passing null to any of the meta data parameters will cause that value in the album to not update.
  * To just update the meta data and not the image itself, pass null to $newImageLocation and $type, and make sure at least
  * one of the meta data parameters is not null.  To update just the image contents and not the meta data, make sure all
  * meta data parameters are null and the image location is not.
  * @access public
  * @param string $username            The username on the account that the image is in.
  * @param string $albumid             The id number of the album to that the image is in.
  * @param string $imageid             The id number of the image to update.
  * @param string $title               The title that the image will be given.  Optional, the default is null.
  * @param string $summary             A summary of what is in the image.  Optional, the default is null.
  * @param string $keywords            A comma-delimited list of keywords associated with the image.  Optional, the default is null.
  * @param string $commentingEnabled   Set to true if other users should be able to comment on the image and false
  *                                    if they shouldn't.  Optional, the default is null.
  * @param string $timestamp           The number of miliseconds after the Unix epoch (January 1st, 1970) that the image was taken (roughly).
  * @param string $gmlPosition         The location in the world that this image was taken.  The format is latitude and longitude,
  *                                    separated by a space.  Optional, the default is null.
  * @param string $newImageLocation    The path to the image on the local file system or network.
  *                                    You can specify a URL.  This parameter can be null, in which
  *                                    case only the meta data will be updated.
  * @param string $type                The type of image that is being uploaded.  Picasa currently accepts "image/bmp",
  *                                    "image/gif", "image/jpeg", and "image/png".  This parameter can be null if the
  *                                    $locationOnDisk parameter is also null, in which case on the meta data of the image
  *                                    will be updated and the image itself will stay the same.
  * @return Picasa_Image               The image that was updated.
  * @throws {@link Picasa_Exception}   If something was wrong with the post to Picasa.  A specific subclass of
  *                                    {@link Picasa_Exception} will be thrown based on what kind of problem was
  *                                    encountered, unless the type of error was unknown, in which case {@link Picasa_Exception}
  *                                    itself will be thrown.
  * @link http://code.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=63316&topic=10973
 public function updateImage($username, $albumid, $imageid, $title = null, $summary = null, $keywords = null, $commentingEnabled = null, $timestamp = null, $gmlPosition = null, $newImageLocation = null, $type = null)
     $host = Picasa::$PICASA_URL;
     $uploadImage = $this->getImageByIdAsEntry($username, $albumid, $imageid);
     $data = "";
     $binaryUpdate = false;
     $metaUpdate = false;
     // Check to see if this will be a multipart document
     if ($title != null || $summary != null || $keywords != null || $commentingEnabled != null || $timestamp != null || $gmlPosition != null) {
         $metaUpdate = true;
     if ($newImageLocation != null) {
         $binaryUpdate = true;
     // Get the XML for the meta data
     if ($metaUpdate) {
         if ($title == null) {
             $title = $uploadImage->getTitle();
         if ($summary == null) {
             $summary = $uploadImage->getDescription();
         if ($commentingEnabled == null) {
             $commentingEnabled = $uploadImage->getCommentingEnabled();
         if ($timestamp == null) {
             $timestamp = $uploadImage->getTimestamp();
         $metaXML = Picasa::constructImageXML($title, $summary, $keywords, $commentingEnabled, $timestamp, $gmlPosition);
     // Get the binary data
     if ($binaryUpdate) {
         if ($type == null) {
             throw new Picasa_Exception("Image must be accompanied by type.");
         $fileContents = @file_get_contents($newImageLocation);
         if ($fileContents === false) {
             throw new Picasa_Exception_FileNotFoundException("The specified file could not be found.");
     if ($metaUpdate && $binaryUpdate) {
         $size = strlen($fileContents);
         $path = '/data/media/api/user/';
         $contentType = "multipart/related; boundary=\"END_OF_PART\"";
         $authHeader = array(1 => $this->getAuthHeader(), 2 => "MIME-version: 1.0\r\n");
         $data = "\r\n\r\nMedia multipart posting\r\n--END_OF_PART\r\nContent-Type: application/atom+xml\r\n\r\n{$metaXML}\r\n--END_OF_PART\r\nContent-Type: {$type}\r\n\r\n{$fileContents}\r\n--END_OF_PART--";
     } else {
         if ($metaUpdate) {
             $contentType = "application/atom+xml";
             $authHeader = array(1 => $this->getAuthHeader());
             $path = '/data/entry/api/user/';
             $size = strlen($metaXML);
             $data = $metaXML;
         } else {
             if ($binaryUpdate) {
                 $size = strlen($fileContents);
                 $path = '/data/media/api/user/';
                 $contentType = "{$type}";
                 $authHeader = array(1 => $this->getAuthHeader(), 2 => "MIME-version: 1.0\r\n");
                 $data = $fileContents;
             } else {
                 // If nothing was sent for updating, just return the image
                 return $uploadImage;
     $path .= $username . '/albumid/' . $albumid . '/photoid/' . $imageid . '/' . $uploadImage->getVersion();
     try {
         Picasa::do_request($host, $path, $data, "PUT", $authHeader, $contentType);
     } catch (Picasa_Exception $e) {
         throw Picasa::getExceptionFromInvalidPost($e->getResponse(), $e->getMessage());
     try {
         $retObj = $this->getImageById($username, $albumid, $imageid);
     } catch (Picasa_Exception $e) {
         throw new Picasa_Exception("The image was successfully updated but then the following error was encountered: " . $e->getMessage(), $e->getResponse(), $e->getUrl());
     return $retObj;