 * This page should only get loaded if the site is running php 5.3 or greater,
 * otherwise this file will generate PHP parsing errors.
if (!defined('WP_PLUGIN_DIR')) {
    exit('No direct script access allowed');
//! Load up!
//  plugin_dir_path(__FILE__)
require_once PHP_SNIPPETS_PATH . '/includes/Base.php';
require_once PHP_SNIPPETS_PATH . '/includes/License.php';
$php_license = PhpSnippets\License::check();
$php_snippets_data = get_option('php_snippets');
// Check the license, show an error
add_action('admin_notices', function () {
    global $php_license;
    // Don't show this when we're posting data
    if ($php_license != 'valid' && empty($_POST)) {
        print PhpSnippets\License::get_error_msg();
if ($php_license != 'valid') {
require_once PHP_SNIPPETS_PATH . '/includes/Snippet.php';
require_once PHP_SNIPPETS_PATH . '/includes/Ajax.php';
require_once PHP_SNIPPETS_PATH . '/includes/Widget.php';