/** * Processes log messages and sends them to specific destination. * * @param array list of messages. Each array elements represents one message * with the following structure: * array( * [0] => message (string) * [1] => level (string) * [2] => category (string) * [3] => timestamp (float, obtained by microtime(true)); */ protected function processLogs($logs) { foreach ($logs as $log) { if (is_scalar($log[0])) { if ($log[1] == 'info') { PhpConsole::debug($log[0], $log[2]); } elseif ($log[1] == 'warning' || $log[1] == 'error') { PhpConsole::debug($log[0], 'error,' . $log[2]); } } } return true; }
function debug($message, $tags = 'debug') { if (ENVIRONMENT != 'production') { PhpConsole::debug($message, $tags); } }
function debug($message, $tags = 'debug') { PhpConsole::debug($message, $tags); }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../../src/PhpConsole/__autoload.php'; \PhpConsole\OldVersionAdapter::register(); // register PhpConsole class emulator // Call old PhpConsole v1 methods as is PhpConsole::start(true, true, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); PhpConsole::debug('Debug using old method PhpConsole::debug()', 'some,tags'); debug('Debug using old function debug()', 'some,tags'); echo $undefinedVar; PhpConsole::getInstance()->handleException(new Exception('test')); // Call new PhpConsole methods, if you need :) \PhpConsole\Connector::getInstance()->setServerEncoding('cp1251'); \PhpConsole\Helper::register(); PC::debug('Debug using new methods'); echo 'So there is an easy way to migrate from PhpConsole v1.x to v3.x without any code changes';