public function add_telefono() { $inputs = Input::all(); $rules = array('telefono' => 'required|numeric|unique:telefono,telefono', 'telefono_secundario' => 'numeric', 'telefono_fax' => 'numeric'); $validator = Validator::make($inputs, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator); } else { $telefono = new Phone(); $telefono->telefono = Input::get('telefono'); $telefono->telefono_secundario = Input::get('telefono_secundario'); $telefono->telefono_fax = Input::get('telefono_fax'); if (Input::get('fk_persona') != 'NULL') { $telefono->fk_persona = Input::get('fk_persona'); $telefono->fk_empresa = NULL; $telefono->save(); return Redirect::to('telefono'); } else { $telefono->fk_empresa = Input::get('fk_empresa'); $telefono->fk_persona = NULL; $telefono->save(); return Redirect::to('telefono'); } return Redirect::to('telefono'); } }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Phone(); if (isset($_GET['Phone']['city_id'])) { if (!empty($_GET['Phone']['city_id'])) { $model->city_id = $_GET['Phone']['city_id']; } } // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['Phone'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Phone']; $model->city_id = $_GET['Phone']['city_id']; if ($model->save()) { //$city = City::model()->findByPk($model->city_id); //после добавления связки - номер/шаблон, обновим статус у города, если надо, что он подвязан к шаблону $query = YiiBase::app()->db->createCommand('UPDATE tbl_city_site_phone SET relation_tpl=1 WHERE city_id=:city_id AND site_id=:site_id'); $query->bindValue(':site_id', $model->site_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->bindValue(':city_id', $model->city_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute(); $this->redirect(array('index', 'Phone[city_id]' => $model->city_id)); } } else { if (isset($_GET['Phone'])) { $model->attributes = $_GET['Phone']; } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model)); }
public function actionCreate() { $model = new Phone(); if (isset($_POST['Phone'])) { $model->setAttributes($_POST['Phone']); if ($model->save()) { if (Yii::app()->getRequest()->getIsAjaxRequest()) { Yii::app()->end(); } else { $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model)); }
public function handleCreate() { DB::transaction(function () { $input = Input::all(); $person = new Person(); $localizationController = new LocalizationController(); $person->names = $input['names']; $person->last_name = $input['last_name']; $person->doc_number = $input['doc_number']; $person->doc_type = $input['doc_type']; $person->email = $input['email']; $person->career = $input['career']; $person->state = 1; //para transformar a fecha $borndate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($input['born_date'])); $person->born_date = $borndate; $person->nationality = $input['nationality']; $person->academicdegree_id = $input['academicdegree_id']; $person->localization_id = $localizationController->getLocalizationId($input['localization_dept'], $input['localization_prov'], $input['localization_dist']); $person->save(); $i = 0; foreach ($input['mobile_number'] as $mobil) { $phone = new Phone(); $phone->person()->associate($person); $phone->mobile_number = $mobil; $phone->type = $input['phone_type'][$i]; $phone->save(); $i = $i + 1; } if (isset($input['notif1'])) { //asociar la persona a las notificaciones de tipo 1 //$person->notifications()->save(Notification::find(1)); $person->notifications()->attach(1); $person->notifications()->where('person_id', '=', $person->id)->update(array('state' => 1)); } if (isset($input['notif2'])) { //asociar la persona a las notificaciones de tipo 1 $person->notifications()->attach(2); $person->notifications()->where('person_id', '=', $person->id)->update(array('state' => 1)); } }); return Redirect::to('registro'); }
/** * Добавляет юзеру номер телефона, принимая объект номера телефона, * ассоциативный массив с кодом страны, кодом оператора и т.д. или * строку с неформатированым номером телефона. * Сохраняет телефонный номер в бд и возвращает его в случае успеха или * false при неудаче */ public function add_phone_number($phone) { if (gettype($phone) === 'array') { $phone = new Phone($phone); } else { if (gettype($phone) === 'string') { $params = array(); $params['country_code'] = substr($phone, 0, 3); $params['operator_code'] = substr($phone, 3, -7); $params['phone_number'] = substr($phone, 5); $phone = new Phone($params); } } $phone->user_id = $this->id; if ($phone->save()) { $this->phones[] = $phone; return $phone; } return false; }
if ($skipped != 0) { printf("\n%u addresses skipped.\n", $skipped); } if ($fixed != 0) { printf("\n%u addresses fixed.\n", $fixed); } print "\nAddress formating done.\n\n"; print "Formats non formated phones. (3/4)\n"; $it = XDB::rawIterator("SELECT search_tel AS search, display_tel AS display, comment, link_id,\n tel_type AS type, link_type, tel_id AS id, pid, pub\n FROM profile_phones\n WHERE search_tel = '' OR search_tel IS NULL\n ORDER BY pid, link_id, tel_id"); $total = $it->total(); $i = 0; $j = 0; while ($item = $it->next()) { $phone = new Phone($item); $phone->delete(); $phone->save(); ++$i; ++$j; if ($j == 100) { $j = 0; printf("\r%u / %u", $i, $total); } } printf("\r%u / %u", $i, $total); print "\nFormating done.\n\n"; print "Deletes duplicated phones. (4/4)\n"; $pids = XDB::rawFetchColumn("SELECT DISTINCT(pid)\n FROM profile_phones AS p1\n WHERE link_type = 'user' AND EXISTS (SELECT *\n FROM profile_phones AS p2\n WHERE p2.link_type = 'user' AND = AND p2.tel_id != p1.tel_id)\n ORDER BY pid"); $total = count($pids); $done = 0; $aux = 0; $deleted = 0;
function handler_jobs($page, $id = -1) { $page->changeTpl('admin/jobs.tpl'); if (Env::has('search')) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT id, name, acronym\n FROM profile_job_enum\n WHERE name LIKE CONCAT('%', {?}, '%') OR acronym LIKE CONCAT('%', {?}, '%')", Env::t('job'), Env::t('job')); if ($res->numRows() <= 20) { $page->assign('jobs', $res->fetchAllAssoc()); } else { $page->trigError("Il y a trop d'entreprises correspondant à ton choix. Affine-le !"); } $page->assign('askedJob', Env::v('job')); return; } if (Env::has('edit')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $selectedJob = Env::has('selectedJob'); Phone::deletePhones(0, Phone::LINK_COMPANY, $id); Address::deleteAddresses(null, Address::LINK_COMPANY, $id); if (Env::has('change')) { if (Env::has('newJobId') && Env::i('newJobId') > 0) { XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_job SET jobid = {?} WHERE jobid = {?}', Env::i('newJobId'), $id); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM profile_job_enum WHERE id = {?}', $id); $page->trigSuccess("L'entreprise a bien été remplacée."); } else { $page->trigError("L'entreprise n'a pas été remplacée car l'identifiant fourni n'est pas valide."); } } else { XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_job_enum SET name = {?}, acronym = {?}, url = {?}, email = {?}, SIREN_code = {?}, NAF_code = {?}, AX_code = {?}, holdingid = {?} WHERE id = {?}', Env::t('name'), Env::t('acronym'), Env::t('url'), Env::t('email'), Env::t('SIREN') == 0 ? null : Env::t('SIREN'), Env::t('NAF_code') == 0 ? null : Env::t('NAF_code'), Env::i('AX_code') == 0 ? null : Env::t('AX_code'), Env::i('holdingId') == 0 ? null : Env::t('holdingId'), $id); $phone = new Phone(array('display' => Env::v('tel'), 'link_id' => $id, 'id' => 0, 'type' => 'fixed', 'link_type' => Phone::LINK_COMPANY, 'pub' => 'public')); $fax = new Phone(array('display' => Env::v('fax'), 'link_id' => $id, 'id' => 1, 'type' => 'fax', 'link_type' => Phone::LINK_COMPANY, 'pub' => 'public')); $address = new Address(array('jobid' => $id, 'type' => Address::LINK_COMPANY, 'text' => Env::t('address'))); $phone->save(); $fax->save(); $address->save(); $page->trigSuccess("L'entreprise a bien été mise à jour."); } } if (!Env::has('change') && $id != -1) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT,, e.acronym, e.url,, e.SIREN_code AS SIREN, e.NAF_code, e.AX_code,\n AS holdingId, AS holdingName, h.acronym AS holdingAcronym,\n t.display_tel AS tel, f.display_tel AS fax, a.text AS address\n FROM profile_job_enum AS e\n LEFT JOIN profile_job_enum AS h ON (e.holdingid =\n LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS t ON ( = AND t.link_type = 'hq' AND t.tel_id = 0)\n LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS f ON ( = AND f.link_type = 'hq' AND f.tel_id = 1)\n LEFT JOIN profile_addresses AS a ON (a.jobid = AND a.type = 'hq')\n WHERE = {?}", $id); if ($res->numRows() == 0) { $page->trigError('Auncune entreprise ne correspond à cet identifiant.'); } else { $page->assign('selectedJob', $res->fetchOneAssoc()); } } }
/** * Try to find this person in the database. * If we cannot find them, create a new person record. * * @return Person */ public static function findPerson($post) { $search = array(); // Translates Open311 parameters into PersonList search parameters // open311 => personList $fields = array('first_name' => 'firstname', 'last_name' => 'lastname', 'email' => 'email', 'phone' => 'phoneNumber', 'device_id' => 'phoneDeviceId'); foreach ($fields as $open311Field => $crmField) { if (!empty($post[$open311Field])) { $search[$crmField] = $post[$open311Field]; } } // If the user provided any personal info, do a person search if (count($search)) { $table = new PersonTable(); $list = $table->find($search); // When we find one and only one record, use the record we found if (count($list) == 1) { $person = $list->current(); } else { $p = array(); foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { if (!empty($post[$key])) { $p[$field] = $post[$key]; } } if (count($p)) { $person = new Person(); try { $person->handleUpdate($p); $person->save(); if (!empty($post['email'])) { $email = new Email(); $email->setPerson($person); $email->setEmail($post['email']); $email->save(); } if (!empty($post['phone']) || !empty($post['device_id'])) { $phone = new Phone(); $phone->setPerson($person); if (!empty($post['phone'])) { $phone->setNumber($post['phone']); } if (!empty($post['device_id'])) { $phone->setDeviceId($post['device_id']); } $phone->save(); } } catch (\Exception $e) { unset($person); } } } } return isset($person) ? $person : null; }
/** Saves phones into the database. * @param $data: an array of form formatted phones. * @param $pid, $link_type, $link_id: pid, link_type and link_id concerned by the update. */ public static function savePhones(array $data, $pid, $link_type, $link_id = null) { foreach ($data as $id => $value) { $value['id'] = $id; if (!is_null($pid)) { $value['pid'] = $pid; } if (!is_null($link_type)) { $value['link_type'] = $link_type; } if (!is_null($link_id)) { $value['link_id'] = $link_id; } $phone = new Phone($value); $phone->save(); } }
public function addNewLead($domain, $linkedin_contact_id) { $domain = DomainHelper::getDomain($domain); $company_domain = CompanyDomain::where("linkedin_contact_id", "=", $linkedin_contact_id)->get(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($company_domain); $i++) { $company_domain[$i]->status = CompanyDomain::UNSELECTED; $company_domain[$i]->save(); } $company_domain = CompanyDomain::where("linkedin_contact_id", "=", $linkedin_contact_id)->where("url", "=", $domain)->first(); if (count($company_domain) == 0) { $linkedin_contact = LinkedinContact::find($linkedin_contact_id); $company_domain = new CompanyDomain(); $company_domain->url = $domain; $company_domain->linkedin_url = ""; $company_domain->status = CompanyDomain::SELECTED; $company_domain = $linkedin_contact->companyDomain()->save($company_domain); $company_domain->save(); if ($linkedin_contact->started_at == '' || $linkedin_contact->started_at == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $linkedin_contact->started_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $linkedin_contact->save(); } } else { $company_domain = CompanyDomain::find($company_domain->id); $company_domain->status = CompanyDomain::SELECTED; $company_domain->save(); } //SEO Scrapping Start $company_seo_data = $this->scrapeCompanySEO($domain); $company_domain->seo_company_title = $company_seo_data['seo_company_title']; $company_domain->seo_company_descriptoin = $company_seo_data['seo_company_descriptoin']; $company_domain->seo_company_keywords = $company_seo_data['seo_company_keywords']; //SEO Scrapping End //Company Social URL --Start $company_social_url = $this->companySocialURL($domain); $company_domain->company_facebook_url = $company_social_url['company_facebook_url']; $company_domain->company_twitter_url = $company_social_url['company_twitter_url']; $company_domain->company_google_url = $company_social_url['company_google_url']; $company_domain->fullcontact_company = $company_social_url['full_contact_company']; //Company Social URL --End // Company Visistat --Start $params = array('website' => $domain); //Query by Domain $objVisistat = new Visistat(); $response_Visistat = $objVisistat->makeCall($params); $company_domain->visistat = $response_Visistat; // Company Visistat URL --End $company_domain->save(); $linkedin_contact = LinkedinContact::find($linkedin_contact_id); $domain_list = $linkedin_contact->companyDomain()->get(); $domain = array(); $email_list = array(); $valid_email_array_list = array(); $api_email_array_list = array(); $emails = array(); $key = "id-"; foreach ($domain_list as $domain_item) { $domain_id = $domain_item->id; $domain["id-" . $domain_item->id] = $domain_item->url; if ($domain_item->status == CompanyDomain::SELECTED) { $key = "id-" . $domain_item->id; $email_list = $this->emailGenerator($linkedin_contact->firstname, $linkedin_contact->lastname, $domain_item->url); $final_domain = $domain_item->url; $test_domain = explode("www.", $domain_item->url); if (count($test_domain) == 2) { $final_domain = $test_domain[1]; } $check_email = strtolower($linkedin_contact->firstname . "_" . $linkedin_contact->lastname . '@' . $final_domain); //echo $check_email; exit; //save paid email for a specific contact according to history patterns of that domain $paid_db_email_patterns_list = PaidDatabaseEmail::select('url', 'pattern_id', 'level', 'percentage', 'paid_db')->distinct()->where("url", "=", $domain_item->url)->get(); if (count($paid_db_email_patterns_list) > 0) { foreach ($paid_db_email_patterns_list as $patterns) { $paid_email = ""; switch ($patterns['pattern_id']) { case 1: $patt = $linkedin_contact->firstname; //first $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; case 2: $patt = $linkedin_contact->firstname . "." . $linkedin_contact->lastname; //first.last $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; case 3: $patt = substr($linkedin_contact->firstname, 0, 1) . '' . $linkedin_contact->lastname; //flast $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; case 4: $patt = $linkedin_contact->lastname; //last $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; case 5: $patt = $linkedin_contact->firstname . "_" . $linkedin_contact->lastname; //first_last $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; case 6: $patt = $linkedin_contact->firstname . substr($linkedin_contact->lastname, 0, 1); //firstl $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; case 7: $patt = $linkedin_contact->firstname . $linkedin_contact->lastname; //firstlast $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; case 8: $patt = $linkedin_contact->lastname . substr($linkedin_contact->firstname, 0, 1); //lastf $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; case 9: $patt = substr($linkedin_contact->lastname, 0, 1) . $linkedin_contact->firstname; //lfirst $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; case 10: $patt = substr($linkedin_contact->firstname, 0, 1) . '.' . $linkedin_contact->lastname; //f.last $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; case 11: $patt = $linkedin_contact->lastname . '.' . substr($linkedin_contact->firstname, 0, 1); //last.f $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; case 12: $patt = substr($linkedin_contact->firstname, 0, 1) . $linkedin_contact->lastname . substr(0, 1); //fl $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; case 13: $patt = substr($linkedin_contact->firstname, 0, 1) . $linkedin_contact->lastname . "8"; //flast8 $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; case 14: $patt = $linkedin_contact->firstname . "-" . $linkedin_contact->lastname; //first-last $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; case 15: $patt = $linkedin_contact->firstname . "." . substr($linkedin_contact->lastname, 0, 1); //first.l $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; case 16: $patt = $linkedin_contact->lastname . "." . $linkedin_contact->firstname; //last.first $paid_email = strtolower($patt . '@' . $final_domain); break; default: //echo "default"; } if ($paid_email != "") { $_email_exist = PaidDatabaseEmail::where("email", "=", $paid_email)->get(); if (count($_email_exist) > 0) { //$_JSON["result"] = "This mail is already taken"; } else { try { $email_obj = new PaidDatabaseEmail(); $email_obj->url = $patterns['url']; $email_obj->email = $paid_email; $email_obj->paid_db = $patterns['paid_db']; $email_obj->pattern_id = $patterns['pattern_id']; $email_obj->level = $patterns['level']; $email_obj->percentage = $patterns['percentage']; $email_obj->linkedin_contact_id = $linkedin_contact->id; $email_obj->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { Log::notice($e); } } } } } //saving paid db1 and paid db2 for final phone $paid_phone_list = PaidDatabasePhone::select('url', 'phone', 'level', 'percentage', 'paid_db')->distinct()->where("url", "=", $domain_item->url)->get(); if (count($paid_phone_list) > 0) { foreach ($paid_phone_list as $phone_item) { $paid_phone = $phone_item['phone']; if ($paid_phone != "") { $_phone_exist = Phone::where("phone", "=", $paid_phone)->where("linkedin_contact_id", "=", $linkedin_contact->id)->get(); if (count($_phone_exist) > 0) { //$_JSON["result"] = "This phone is already taken"; } else { try { $ph_obj = new Phone(); $ph_obj->phone = $paid_phone; $ph_obj->level = $phone_item['level']; $ph_obj->percentage = $phone_item['percentage']; $ph_obj->linkedin_contact_id = $linkedin_contact->id; $ph_obj->save(); //$insertedId = $ph_obj->id; } catch (Exception $e) { Log::notice($e); } } } } } // first name or last name has been changed $check_email_validator = EmailDomainValidator::where("domain_id", "=", $domain_id)->where('email_pattern', '=', $check_email)->orderBy('status', 'desc')->get()->toArray(); $email_validator = EmailDomainValidator::where("domain_id", "=", $domain_id)->orderBy('status', 'desc')->get()->toArray(); if (!count($email_validator) || !count($check_email_validator)) { $emails = $email_list; array_shift($emails); set_time_limit(0); foreach ($emails as $email) { $api_key = '9bbfe3db-eeb8-413b-810c-f4aa02d62448'; $client = new BriteAPIContact($api_key); $client->email = $email; $client->verify(); $response = $client->response['email']; $status = $response['status']; $full_status = 0; $likelihood = 0; //Added by developer $validator = new EmailDomainValidator(); $validator->domain_id = $domain_id; $validator->email_pattern = $email; $validator->status = $response['status']; $validator->disposable = $response['disposable']; $validator->role_address = $response['role_address']; $validator->duration = $response['duration']; $validator->result = json_encode($response); $validator->save(); $validator_id = $validator->id; if ($response['status'] == 'invalid') { // We are doing nothing with it. Domain might be Invalid $response_json = ""; $errors = $client->errors(); $errors_codes = $client->error_codes(); $error_code = $errors_codes[0]; $error = $errors['email']; } else { // If status is not Valid, We are saving the pattern along with Full Contact Person API response $valid_email_array_list[$email] = $email; $response_json = $this->createWebhook($email, $validator_id); $response_obj = json_decode($response_json); $likelihood = 0; $full_status = $response_obj->status; // for api result copy patterns if (is_object($response_obj)) { if ($response_obj->status == 202) { //$api_email_list[$email->email_pattern] = $email->email_pattern; $api_email_array_list[$email] = $email; } else { if ($response_obj->status == 200) { //$api_email_list[$email->email_pattern] = $email->email_pattern; $api_email_array_list[$email] = $email; $likelihood = $response_obj->likelihood; } } } $error_code = ""; $error = ""; } $validator->likelihood = $likelihood; $validator->error_code = $error_code; $validator->error = $error; if ($response['status'] == 'valid') { $objFullContactPerson = new FullContactPerson(); $response_json = $objFullContactPerson->makeCall($email); $validator->fullcontact = $response_json; $response_obj = json_decode($response_json); $validator->full_status = $response_obj->status; } else { $validator->full_status = $full_status; $validator->fullcontact = $response_json; } $validator->webhook = 1; $validator->save(); // save record for accept all tracking // This needs to be placed under BriteVerify Status Level based on its most VALID recommendation. $accept_all_domain = CompanyDomain::find($domain_id); $accept_all_domain->brite_api_status = $response['status']; $accept_all_domain->save(); //auto save email for contact if it is valid by Brite api /* if ($response['status'] == 'valid') { if (Email::where('email', '=', $email)->exists()) { // email found } else { $email_object = new Email(); $email_object->linkedin_contact_id = $linkedin_contact->id; $email_object->email = $email; $email_object->level = 'Verified'; $email_object->percentage = '10'; $email_object->save(); } } */ } } // CONDITIONAL LOGIC FOR BRITEVERIFY STATUSES STARTS HERE // Initial Check - If any of the Email Pattern(s) is VALID $email_validator = EmailDomainValidator::where("domain_id", "=", $domain_id)->where('status', '=', "valid")->orderBy('status', 'desc')->get()->toArray(); if (!empty($email_validator)) { //echo " == Found Valid email ==" ; //print_r ($email_validator); $responseSocialURL = $this->socialURL($domain_id, 'valid'); $is_valid_lead = $responseSocialURL['is_valid']; if ($is_valid_lead == 1) { //echo " == Have found correct Social Data FullContact =="; } //else //echo " == Not found correct Social Data in FullContact =="; //exit ; // Fetch FULL Contact Social information through Email validator table against found VALID records. And show the results in Email POP UP } elseif (empty($email_validator)) { // Check if all email patterns are INVALID $email_validator = EmailDomainValidator::where("domain_id", "=", $domain_id)->where('status', '=', "invalid")->orderBy('status', 'desc')->get()->toArray(); if (!empty($email_validator) && count($email_validator) == 10) { //echo "== All Email Patterns are INVALID =="; //print_r ($email_validator); //exit; // Domain might not correct or email patterns don't exist } else { // All are not Invalid, Check if we have got unknown or accept_all $email_validator = EmailDomainValidator::whereIn('status', array('unknown', 'accept_all'))->where("domain_id", "=", $domain_id)->orderBy('status', 'desc')->get()->toArray(); if (!empty($email_validator)) { // echo "== Found unknown and/or accept_all email ==" ; // print_r ($email_validator); // Validating Social Data $responseSocialURL = $this->socialURL($domain_id, 'accept_all'); $is_valid_lead = $responseSocialURL['is_valid']; if ($is_valid_lead == 1) { //echo " == Have found correct Social Data in FullContact =="; // WE NEED TO UPDATE THE EMAIL PATTERN STATUS to VALID } elseif ($is_valid_lead == 0) { // echo " == Not found any Social Data in FullContact =="; // If Social Links are invalid then we would go further to following APis //$objNetProspexPerson = new NetProspexPerson(); //$objZoomInfoPersonDetail = new ZoomInfoPersonDetail(); /* // ZoominfoPersonMatch API $objZoomInfoPersonMatch = new ZoomInfoPersonMatch(); $response_ZoomInfoPersonMatch = $objZoomInfoPersonMatch->makeCall(array('firstName' => $linkedin_contact->firstname, 'lastName' => $linkedin_contact->lastname, 'companyName' => $final_domain)); $company_domain = CompanyDomain::find($domain_id); $company_domain->zoominfo_search = $response_ZoomInfoPersonMatch; $company_domain->save(); */ /* foreach ($email_validator as $key => $pattern) { // NetProsPexPerson API $response_NetProspexPerson = $objNetProspexPerson->makeCall(array('email' => $pattern['email_pattern'] )); // ZoominfoPersonDetail API $response_ZoomInfoPersonDetail = $objZoomInfoPersonDetail->makeCall(array('EmailAddress' => $pattern['email_pattern'] )); // Saving NetprosPex and Zoominfo API calls response in DB, email_validator table $validator = EmailDomainValidator::find($pattern['id']); $validator->netprospex_match = $response_NetProspexPerson; $validator->zoominfo_detail = $response_ZoomInfoPersonDetail; //$validator->zoominfo_detail = $response_ZoomInfoPersonMatch; // Saving Person Match Result in DB $validator->save(); } */ // echo "== NetProsPex and ZoomInfo Response has been saved in DB ==" ; // Fetch NetprosPex and Zoominfo Reponse to check if they have returned some Valid info /* $netProsPexResponse = $this->validateNetprosPex($domain_id, "accept_all") ; $is_valid_netprospex = $netProsPexResponse['is_found'] ; $zoomInfoResponse = $this->validateZoomInfo($domain_id, "accept_all") ; $is_valid_zoominfo = $zoomInfoResponse['is_found'] ; */ //if ( $is_valid_netprospex > 0 ) //{ // echo "== Found in NetprosPexPerson ==" ; // WE NEED TO UPDATE THE EMAIL PATTERN STATUS to VALID //} else { // echo "== Not found in NetprosPexPerson =="; //} // LETS CHECK OUT ZOOMINFO RESPONSE //if ( $is_valid_zoominfo > 0 ) //{ // echo "== Found in ZoominfoPerson ==" ; // WE NEED TO UPDATE THE EMAIL PATTERN STATUS to VALID //} else { // echo "== Not found in ZoominfoPerson =="; //} // NetProsPex Person Search AND ZoomInfo Person Search $is_valid_netprospex = 0; $is_valid_zoominfo = 0; if ($is_valid_netprospex == 0 && $is_valid_zoominfo == 0) { // We are unable to find success with FullcontactPerson, NetProsPexPerson and ZoominfoPerson, we need to keep looking // Before making following person search calls, we will look into company_domain_patterns table if we have already saved email patterns // for requested domain. If we already have, then we will get the patterns from DB and won't make new API calls for the same domain: $objNetProspexPersonList = new NetProspexPersonList(); $objZoomInfoPersonSearch = new ZoomInfoPersonSearch(); // NetProsPexPersonList API $response_NetProspexPersonList = $objNetProspexPersonList->makeCall(array('organizationWebsite' => $final_domain)); // ZoominfoPersonDetail API $response_ZoomInfoPersonSearch = $objZoomInfoPersonSearch->makeCall(array('companyDomainName' => $final_domain, 'companyPastOrPresent' => '1')); // Saving NetprosPex and Zoominfo API calls response in DB, company_domain table if ($response_NetProspexPersonList != "") { $company_domain = CompanyDomain::find($domain_id); $company_domain->netprospex_list = $response_NetProspexPersonList; $company_domain->save(); // Fetching email patterns / phone numbers out of Netprospex Person Search API to save these in // company_domain_patterns table for current / future use. $this->parseNetprospexList($domain_id, $final_domain); } if ($response_ZoomInfoPersonSearch != "") { $company_domain = CompanyDomain::find($domain_id); $company_domain->zoominfo_search = $response_ZoomInfoPersonSearch; $company_domain->save(); // Fetching email patterns / phone numbers out of Zoominfo Person Search API to save these in // company_domain_patterns table for current / future use. $this->parseZoomInfoList($domain_id, $final_domain); } } } } } } // PHONE Validator Code goes here.. $this->parsePhoneNumbers($domain_id); // Email pattern recognition Code // First we need to fetch the leads First Name, Last Name and Domain URL $response_lead = EmailDomainValidator::where("domain_id", "=", $domain_id)->get()->toArray(); $leadEmails = array(); foreach ($response_lead as $lead) { $leadEmails[] = $lead['email_pattern']; } // Second, we need to fetch the domain email patterns through DB $response_domain = CompanyDomainPatterns::where("company_domain_id", "=", $domain_id)->get()->toArray(); foreach ($response_domain as $lead) { $array = $this->emailGenerator($lead['first_name'], $lead['last_name'], $final_domain); $i = -1; foreach ($array as $email) { if ($email == $lead['email']) { // Update the lead email pattern status to 1 in company_status column to effect the Recommendation Formula on Email Popup $validator = EmailDomainValidator::where('email_pattern', $leadEmails[$i])->first(); $validator->company_status = $validator->company_status + 1; $validator->save(); break; } $i++; } } // Preselect top email pattern as Current $this->markTopEmailAsCurrent($domain_id, 1); // exit ; } } }
function handler_edit($page) { global $globals; $page->changeTpl('xnetgrp/edit.tpl'); $error = false; if (S::admin()) { $domains = XDB::iterator('SELECT * FROM group_dom ORDER BY nom'); $page->assign('domains', $domains); $page->assign('super', true); } if (Post::has('submit')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $flags = new PlFlagSet('wiki_desc'); $flags->addFlag('notif_unsub', Post::i('notif_unsub') == 1); $site = Post::t('site'); if ($site && $site != "http://") { $scheme = parse_url($site, PHP_URL_SCHEME); if (!$scheme) { $site = "http://" . $site; } } else { $site = ""; } $notify_all = Post::v('notify_all') ? true : false; if (!$notify_all) { $to_notify = array(); $uf = new UserFilter(new UFC_Group($globals->asso('id'), true)); $uids = $uf->getIds(); foreach ($uids as $uid) { if (Post::b('to_notify_' . $uid)) { $to_notify[] = $uid; } } if (count($to_notify) == 0) { $notify_all = true; $page->trigWarning("Aucun animateur n'ayant été selectionné pour recevoir les demandes d'inscriptions, tous le seront."); } } $flags->addFlag('notify_all', $notify_all); if (S::admin()) { $page->assign('super', true); if (Post::v('mail_domain') && strstr(Post::v('mail_domain'), '.') === false) { $page->trigError('Le domaine doit être un FQDN (aucune modification effectuée) !!!'); $error = true; } if (Post::t('nom') == '' || Post::t('diminutif') == '') { $page->trigError('Ni le nom ni le diminutif du groupe ne peuvent être vide.'); $error = true; } if ($error) { $page->assign('nom', Post::t('nom')); $page->assign('diminutif', Post::t('diminutif')); $page->assign('mail_domain', Post::t('mail_domain')); $page->assign('cat', Post::v('cat')); $page->assign('dom', Post::v('dom')); $page->assign('ax', Post::v('ax')); $page->assign('axDate', Post::t('axDate')); $page->assign('site', $site); $page->assign('resp', Post::t('resp')); $page->assign('mail', Post::t('mail')); $page->assign('phone', Post::t('phone')); $page->assign('fax', Post::t('fax')); $page->assign('address', Post::t('address')); $page->assign('forum', Post::t('forum')); $page->assign('inscriptible', Post::v('inscriptible')); $page->assign('sub_url', Post::t('sub_url')); $page->assign('unsub_url', Post::t('unsub_url')); $page->assign('welcome_msg', Post::t('welcome_msg')); $page->assign('pub', Post::v('pub')); $page->assign('notif_unsub', Post::i('notif_unsub')); $page->assign('descr', Post::t('descr')); $page->assign('disable_mails', Post::b('disable_mails')); $page->assign('status', Post::v('status')); $page->assign('error', $error); return; } $axDate = make_datetime(Post::v('axDate')); if (Post::t('axDate') != '') { $axDate = make_datetime(Post::v('axDate'))->format('Y-m-d'); } else { $axDate = null; } XDB::execute("UPDATE groups\n SET nom={?}, diminutif={?}, cat={?}, dom={?},\n descr={?}, site={?}, mail={?}, resp={?},\n forum={?}, mail_domain={?}, ax={?}, axDate = {?}, pub={?},\n sub_url={?}, inscriptible={?}, unsub_url={?},\n flags = {?}, welcome_msg = {?}, disable_mails = {?},\n status = {?}\n WHERE id={?}", Post::v('nom'), Post::v('diminutif'), Post::v('cat'), Post::i('dom') == 0 ? null : Post::i('dom'), Post::v('descr'), $site, Post::v('mail'), Post::v('resp'), Post::v('forum'), Post::v('mail_domain'), Post::has('ax'), $axDate, Post::v('pub'), Post::v('sub_url'), Post::v('inscriptible'), Post::v('unsub_url'), $flags, Post::t('welcome_msg'), Post::b('disable_mails'), Post::v('status'), $globals->asso('id')); if (Post::v('mail_domain')) { XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO email_virtual_domains (name) VALUES ({?})', Post::t('mail_domain')); XDB::execute('UPDATE email_virtual_domains SET aliasing = id WHERE name = {?}', Post::t('mail_domain')); } } else { XDB::execute("UPDATE groups\n SET descr={?}, site={?}, mail={?}, resp={?},\n forum={?}, pub= {?}, sub_url={?},\n unsub_url = {?}, flags = {?}, welcome_msg = {?},\n status = {?}\n WHERE id={?}", Post::v('descr'), $site, Post::v('mail'), Post::v('resp'), Post::v('forum'), Post::v('pub'), Post::v('sub_url'), Post::v('unsub_url'), $flags, Post::t('welcome_msg'), Post::v('status'), $globals->asso('id')); } Phone::deletePhones(0, Phone::LINK_GROUP, $globals->asso('id')); $phone = new Phone(array('link_type' => 'group', 'link_id' => $globals->asso('id'), 'id' => 0, 'type' => 'fixed', 'display' => Post::v('phone'), 'pub' => 'public')); $fax = new Phone(array('link_type' => 'group', 'link_id' => $globals->asso('id'), 'id' => 1, 'type' => 'fax', 'display' => Post::v('fax'), 'pub' => 'public')); $phone->save(); $fax->save(); Address::deleteAddresses(null, Address::LINK_GROUP, null, $globals->asso('id')); $address = new Address(array('groupid' => $globals->asso('id'), 'type' => Address::LINK_GROUP, 'text' => Post::v('address'))); $address->save(); if ($_FILES['logo']['name']) { $upload = PlUpload::get($_FILES['logo'], $globals->asso('id'), 'asso.logo', true); if (!$upload) { $page->trigError("Impossible de télécharger le logo."); } else { XDB::execute('UPDATE groups SET logo = {?}, logo_mime = {?} WHERE id = {?}', $upload->getContents(), $upload->contentType(), $globals->asso('id')); $upload->rm(); } } XDB::execute("UPDATE group_members\n SET flags = ''\n WHERE asso_id = {?}", $globals->asso('id')); if (!$notify_all) { XDB::execute("UPDATE group_members\n SET flags = 'notify'\n WHERE asso_id = {?} AND uid IN {?}", $globals->asso('id'), $to_notify); } pl_redirect('../' . Post::v('diminutif', $globals->asso('diminutif')) . '/edit'); } $uf = new UserFilter(new UFC_Group($globals->asso('id'), true, UFC_Group::NOTIFIED)); $page->assign('notified', $uf->getUsers()); $uf = new UserFilter(new UFC_Group($globals->asso('id'), true, UFC_Group::UNNOTIFIED)); $page->assign('unnotified', $uf->getUsers()); $page->assign('error', $error); $page->assign('cat', $globals->asso('cat')); $page->assign('dom', $globals->asso('dom')); $page->assign('ax', $globals->asso('ax')); $page->assign('inscriptible', $globals->asso('inscriptible')); $page->assign('pub', $globals->asso('pub')); $page->assign('notif_unsub', $globals->asso('notif_unsub')); $page->assign('notify_all', $globals->asso('notify_all')); $page->assign('disable_mails', $globals->asso('disable_mails')); $page->assign('status', $globals->asso('status')); }
public function commit() { $res = XDB::query('SELECT id FROM profile_job_enum WHERE name = {?}', $this->name); if ($res->numRows() != 1) { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profile_job_enum (name, acronym, url, email, holdingid, SIREN_code, NAF_code, AX_code) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $this->name, $this->acronym, $this->url, $this->email, $this->holdingid, $this->SIREN, $this->NAF_code, $this->AX_code); $jobid = XDB::insertId(); $phone = new Phone(array('link_type' => 'hq', 'link_id' => $jobid, 'id' => 0, 'type' => 'fixed', 'display' => $this->tel, 'pub' => 'public')); $fax = new Phone(array('link_type' => 'hq', 'link_id' => $jobid, 'id' => 1, 'type' => 'fax', 'display' => $this->fax, 'pub' => 'public')); $address = new Address(array('jobid' => $jobid, 'type' => Address::LINK_COMPANY, 'text' => $this->address)); $phone->save(); $fax->save(); $address->save(); } else { $jobid = $res->fetchOneCell(); } XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_job SET jobid = {?} WHERE pid = {?} AND id = {?}', $jobid, $this->profile->id(), $this->id); if (XDB::affectedRows() == 0) { return XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profile_job (jobid, pid, id) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?})', $jobid, $this->profile->id(), $this->id); } return true; }
echo json_encode(objectToArray(json_decode($phones))); }); // Get specific phone $contactList->get("/phones/:id", function ($id) use($contactList) { $phones = Phone::find($id); $contactList->response()->header('Content-Type', 'application/json'); echo json_encode(objectToArray(json_decode($phones))); }); // Add new phone $contactList->post("/phones", function () use($contactList) { $contactId = $contactList->request->params('contactid'); $phone = $contactList->request->params('phone'); $newPhone = new Phone(); $newPhone->contactId = $contactId; $newPhone->phone = $phone; if ($newPhone->save()) { $data['msg'] = 'Phone saved successfully!'; $data['id'] = $newPhone->id; } else { $data['msg'] = 'An error occurred while saving the phone!'; } $contactList->response()->header('Content-Type', 'application/json'); echo json_encode($data); }); // Edit phone $contactList->put("/phones/:id", function ($id) use($contactList) { $phone = $contactList->request->params('phone'); $editPhone = Phone::find($id); $editPhone->phone = $phone; if ($editPhone->save()) { $data['msg'] = 'Phone saved successfully!';