public function create(array $params)
     if (!Kingboard_BattleCreate_Form::validate($_POST)) {
         // @todo handle invalid
     $user = Kingboard_Auth::getUser();
     list($key, $character) = explode('|', $_POST['character']);
     $key = $user["keys"][$key];
     $pheal = new Pheal($key['apiuserid'], $key['apikey'], 'corp');
     $contacts = $pheal->ContactList(array('characterID' => $character));
     $positives = array();
     foreach ($contacts->corporateContactList as $contact) {
         // accumulate postive standings
         if ($contact->standing > 0) {
             $positives[$contact->contactID] = $contact->contactName;
     // alliance standings override corp standings
     foreach ($contacts->allianceContactList as $contact) {
         if ($contact->standing > 0) {
             $positives[$contact->contactID] = $contact->contactName;
         } else {
             // negative standings, we only need those if corp has positive, but alliance negative
             if (isset($positives[$contact->contactID])) {
     $battleSetting = new Kingboard_BattleSettings();
     $battleSetting->startdate = new MongoDate(strtotime($_POST['startdate']));
     $battleSetting->user = $user->_id;
     $battleSetting->enddate = new MongoDate(strtotime($_POST['enddate']));
     $battleSetting->system = $_POST['system'];
     $battleSetting->key = $key;
     $battleSetting->character = $character;
     $battleSetting->positives = $positives;
     $battleSetting->runs = 0;
     $battleSetting->nextRun = new MongoDate(time());
     // we are done here, lets redirect to the battle!
     $this->redirect("/battle/" . $battleSetting->_id);