$mail = phamm_set_var('mail'); } else { $mail = $_SESSION["login"]["username"]; } if ($_SESSION["login"]["level"] > 4) { $domain = phamm_set_var('domain'); } else { $domain = $_SESSION["phamm"]["domain"]; } // Create domain object if (isset($domain) && !empty($domain)) { $domain_obj = new PhammLdap(); $domain_val = $domain_obj->phamm_self_values('vd=' . $domain . ',' . LDAP_BASE, $filter = "(vd={$domain})"); $myObjectClass = isset($pv[$pn]["ACCOUNT"]["OBJECTCLASSES"]) ? key($pv[$pn]["ACCOUNT"]["OBJECTCLASSES"]) : 'virtualMailAccount'; $accounts_obj = new PhammLdap(); $accounts_val = $accounts_obj->phamm_search('vd=' . $domain . ',' . LDAP_BASE, '(&(objectClass=' . $myObjectClass . ')(!(cn=postmaster))(!(mail=abuse@*)))'); } // Overwrite action for user login if (!in_array($action, array('update_account')) && $_SESSION["login"]["level"] == 2) { $action = 'modify_account'; } elseif (!in_array($action, array('add_account', 'insert_account', 'modify_account', 'update_account', 'domain_property', 'catch_all', 'group_actions')) && $_SESSION["login"]["level"] == 4) { $action = 'domain_view'; } // Link to logount and language select phamm_print_xhtml('<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">'); phamm_print_xhtml('<ul class="nav navbar-nav">'); phamm_print_xhtml("<li><a href=\"?exit=1\">"); printf(_("Logout %s"), $_SESSION["login"]["username"]); phamm_print_xhtml('</a></li>'); phamm_print_xhtml('</ul>'); phamm_print_xhtml('<ul class="nav navbar-form navbar-right">');
/** * Create a XHTML form for plugin attribute * * @author Alessandro De Zorzi <*****@*****.**> * * @param string $p_name The plugin name * @param array $attributes The attributes * @return mixed **/ function form_template($p_name, $attributes, $myvalues, $skip_table = null) { global $action; global $minAuthLevel; global $domain; $dn_domain = 'vd=' . $domain . ',' . LDAP_BASE; $domain_values = PhammLdap::phamm_self_values($dn_domain, $filter = "(objectClass=*)"); $tag = ''; if (!isset($skip_table)) { $tag .= '<table class="">'; } if (is_array($attributes)) { foreach ($attributes as $key => $attr) { if (!isset($hidden)) { $tag .= '<tr><td>'; } // Set attributes $name = strtolower($key); $hidden = isset($attr["HIDDEN"]) ? 'type="hidden"' : null; $minAuthLevel = isset($attr["MINAUTHLEVEL"]) ? $attr["MINAUTHLEVEL"] : 0; $size = isset($attr["SIZE"]) && !isset($attr["HIDDEN"]) ? 'size="' . $attr["SIZE"] . '"' : null; $disabled = isset($attr["DISABLED"]) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : null; $maxlength = isset($attr["MAXLENGHT"]) ? strtolower($attr["MAXLENGTH"]) : null; $subordinated = isset($attr["SUBORDINATED"]) ? strtoupper($attr["SUBORDINATED"]) : null; $subordinatedreverse = isset($attr["SUBORDINATEDREVERSE"]) ? strtoupper($attr["SUBORDINATEDREVERSE"]) : null; $max_key = strtolower('max' . $key); if (isset($domain_values[0][$max_key][0])) { // Disable value is possible only from TRUE to FALSE if (isset($myvalues[0][$name][0]) || $myvalues[0][$name][0] == 'FALSE') { $max_val = $domain_values[0][$max_key][0]; // For Bool attrbute only check the sum of total account with attribute set TRUE if ($attr["BOOL"] == 1) { $active_val = PhammLdap::phamm_self_values($dn_domain, '(&(objectClass=*)(' . $key . '=TRUE))'); $current_val_count = $active_val["count"]; } else { $active_val = PhammLdap::phamm_search('vd=' . $domain . ',' . LDAP_BASE, '(&(objectClass=VirtualMailAccount))', array($key)); $total_key = 0; foreach ($active_val as $one_val) { if ($one_val[$key][0]) { $total_key = $total_key + $one_val[$key][0]; } } // @todo if ('quota' == $key) { $total_key = $total_key / 1024 / 1024 - $active_val['count'] * 2000; } $current_val_count = $total_key; } if ($current_val_count >= $max_val) { phamm_print_message('info', sprintf(_("The maximum number of attribute %s (%s) has been reached or exceeded. Attribute has been disabled!"), $key, $max_val)); $disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'; } } } // Set XHTML Tags $required = isset($attr["REQUIRED"]) ? ' *' : null; // Set Default value $value = ''; // Set standard value if (isset($myvalues[$p_name][$name])) { $value = $myvalues[$p_name][$name]; } elseif (isset($myvalues[0][$name][0])) { // If attr is multiple if (isset($attr["MULTIPLE"])) { $value = $myvalues[0][$name]; } else { $value = $myvalues[0][$name][0]; } } // Multiplier (Ex. Quota x 1024) if (isset($attr["MULTIPLIER"]) && in_array($action, array('modify_account', 'domain_property'))) { $value = $value / $attr["MULTIPLIER"]; } elseif (isset($attr["DEFAULT"]) && ($action == 'add_account' || $action == 'add_domain')) { if (preg_match('/^=php\\.(\\w+)\\((.*)\\)$/', $attr["DEFAULT"], $matches)) { $args = preg_split('/,/', $matches[2]); $function_name = $matches[1]; switch ($function_name) { case "Value": foreach ($args as $arg) { // Global vars if (preg_match('/^%(\\w+)(\\|.+)?(\\/[lU])?%/U', $arg, $matches)) { $var_name = $matches[1]; global ${$var_name}; $value .= ${$var_name}; } elseif (preg_match('/^\\+(\\w+)(\\|.+)?(\\/[lU])?\\+/U', $arg, $matches)) { $var_name = $matches[1]; $value .= $_POST[$var_name]; } else { $value .= $arg; } } break; // Call PHP Function // Call PHP Function default: if (function_exists($function_name)) { // Escape a string to be used as a shell argument foreach ($args as $arg) { $args_escaped = escapeshellarg($arg); } $value = call_user_func_array($function_name, $args_escaped); } break; } } else { $value = $attr["DEFAULT"]; } } // Hide values if SUBORDINATED to another if (isset($attr["SUBORDINATED"])) { if (isset($myvalues[0][strtolower($subordinated)][0])) { $hidden = $myvalues[0][strtolower($subordinated)][0] == "TRUE" ? null : 1; } elseif (isset($myvalues[$p_name][strtolower($subordinated)])) { $hidden = $myvalues[$p_name][strtolower($subordinated)] == "TRUE" ? null : 1; } else { $hidden = 1; } } if (isset($attr["SUBORDINATEDREVERSE"])) { if (isset($myvalues[0][strtolower($subordinatedreverse)][0])) { $hidden = $myvalues[0][strtolower($subordinatedreverse)][0] == "FALSE" ? null : 1; } elseif (isset($myvalues[$p_name][strtolower($subordinatedreverse)])) { $hidden = $myvalues[$p_name][strtolower($subordinatedreverse)] == "FALSE" ? null : 1; } else { $hidden = 1; } } if (!isset($hidden)) { $label = isset($attr["PRETTYNAME"]) ? $attr["PRETTYNAME"] : $key; $tag .= gettext($label); $tag .= $required; $tag .= "</td><td>"; } if (isset($attr["BOOL"]) && !isset($hidden)) { $reverse = isset($attr["REVERSE"]) ? 1 : null; $tag .= trueorfalse("values[" . $p_name . "]", $value, $name, $reverse, $disabled); } elseif (isset($attr["OPTIONS"]) && !isset($hidden)) { if ($_SESSION["login"]["level"] < $minAuthLevel) { $tag .= $value; } else { $tag .= '<select class="form-control" name="values[' . $p_name . '][' . $name . ']">'; foreach ($attr["OPTIONS"] as $k => $v) { $label = isset($attr["PRETTYNAME"]) ? $attr["PRETTYNAME"] : $k; $label = $k; $selected = $value == $v["VALUE"] ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $tag .= '<option value="' . $v["VALUE"] . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $label . ' (' . $v["VALUE"] . ')</option>' . "\n"; } $tag .= '</select>' . "\n\n"; } } elseif (isset($attr["DATE"]) && !isset($hidden)) { $current_date = $value ? $value : date('Y' . '-' . 'm' . '-' . 'd'); if ($_SESSION["login"]["level"] < $minAuthLevel) { $tag .= $value; } else { $tag .= date_input('values_date[' . $p_name . '][' . $name . ']', $current_date, $format = 'ymd'); } } elseif (isset($attr["TEXTAREA"]) && !isset($hidden)) { if ($_SESSION["login"]["level"] < $minAuthLevel) { $tag .= nl2br($value); } else { // Show box to add multiple values $tag .= '<textarea name="values[' . $p_name . '][' . $name . ']" cols="35" rows="5">'; $tag .= stripslashes($value); $tag .= "</textarea><br/>"; } } elseif (isset($attr["MULTIPLE"]) && !isset($hidden)) { // Show box to add multiple values $tag .= '<textarea name="values_multi[' . $p_name . '][' . $name . ']" cols="35" rows="5">'; if (isset($attr["TEXTAREA"])) { $tag .= stripslashes($value); } $tag .= "</textarea><br/>"; // Show the values if (is_array($value)) { for ($i = 0; $i < $value["count"]; $i++) { $tag .= '<input type="checkbox" name="values_multi_del[' . $p_name . '][' . $name . '][]" value="' . $value[$i] . '" />'; $tag .= $value[$i] . "<br/>"; } } } elseif (isset($attr["SUBORDINATEDDELETE"]) && $value) { $tag .= '<input type="checkbox" name="values_multi_del[' . $p_name . '][' . $name . ']" value="' . $value . '" id="subordinatedelete" />'; $tag .= $value . "<br/>"; } else { if (isset($hidden)) { $input_type = 'hidden'; } else { $input_type = 'text'; } // Show Value Only if auth level > level required if ($_SESSION["login"]["level"] >= $minAuthLevel) { $tag .= '<input type="' . $input_type . '" class="form-control" value="' . $value . '" name="values[' . $p_name . '][' . $name . ']" ' . $size . ' ' . $disabled . ' />'; } elseif (!isset($hidden)) { $tag .= $value; } } if (!isset($hidden)) { $tag .= "</td></tr>"; } } } // Exception, if last array attribute is hidden // XHTML Syntax required to close a TR if (isset($hidden)) { $tag .= "</td><td></td></tr>"; } if (!isset($skip_table)) { $tag .= "</table>"; } return $tag; }
/** * **/ function accounts_list($domain, $values, $initial, $domain_val) { global $pn; global $pv; global $action; // Rapresentative ObjectClass $myObjectClass = isset($pv[$pn]["ACCOUNT"]["OBJECTCLASSES"]) ? key($pv[$pn]["ACCOUNT"]["OBJECTCLASSES"]) : 'virtualMailAccount'; if (isset($initial)) { $account_array = PhammLdap::phamm_search('vd=' . $domain . ',' . LDAP_BASE, '(&(objectClass=' . $myObjectClass . ')(!(cn=postmaster))(!(mail=abuse@*))(mail=' . $initial . '*))'); } else { $account_array = PhammLdap::phamm_search('vd=' . $domain . ',' . LDAP_BASE, '(&(objectClass=' . $myObjectClass . ')(!(cn=postmaster))(!(mail=abuse@*)))'); } $max_account = $pn == 'alias' ? $domain_val[0]["maxalias"][0] : $domain_val[0]["maxmail"][0]; $tag = '<form method="post" action="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '" name="accounts" id="post-checks">'; $tag .= '<table class="table table-striped">'; $tag .= '<thead>'; $tag .= '<tr>'; $tag .= '<th><input type="checkbox" name="all" onclick="checkAll();" /></th>'; $tag .= '<th>'; if (isset($max_account)) { $tag .= sprintf(ngettext("Account <span class=\"badge\">%d/" . $max_account . "</span>", "Accounts <span class=\"badge\">%d/" . $max_account . "</span>", $account_array["count"]), $account_array["count"]); } else { $tag .= sprintf(ngettext("Account <span class=\"badge\">%d</span>", "Accounts <span class=\"badge\">%d</span>", $account_array["count"]), $account_array["count"]); } $tag .= '</th>' . "\n"; $tag .= '<th>' . _("Common Name") . '</th>' . "\n"; if (count($values) > 0) { foreach ($values["ATTRIBUTES"] as $key => $value) { if (isset($values["ATTRIBUTES"][$key]["TABLE"])) { $label = isset($values["ATTRIBUTES"][$key]["PRETTYNAME"]) ? $values["ATTRIBUTES"][$key]["PRETTYNAME"] : $key; $tag .= '<th>' . gettext($label) . '</th>' . "\n"; } } } $tag .= '</tr>'; $tag .= '</thead>'; $tag .= '<tbody>'; foreach ($account_array as $account) { $mail = $account["mail"][0]; if (isset($mail)) { $tag .= '<tr class="data">'; // Group action checkbox $tag .= '<td><input type="checkbox" name="accounts[' . $mail . ']" value="1" /></td>'; // Account name and link $tag .= '<td><a href="?action=modify_account&mail=' . $mail . '" class="inside">'; $tag .= $mail; $tag .= '</a></td>'; $tag .= '<td>' . stripslashes($account["cn"][0]) . '</td>'; // Other attributes (current plugin) if (isset($values["ATTRIBUTES"])) { foreach ($values["ATTRIBUTES"] as $key => $value) { $reverse = isset($values["ATTRIBUTES"][$key]["REVERSE"]) ? 1 : null; $cron = isset($values["ATTRIBUTES"][$key]["CRON"]) ? 1 : null; if (isset($values["ATTRIBUTES"][$key]["TABLE"])) { $key_lower = strtolower($key); $tag .= '<td>'; if (isset($account[$key_lower][0])) { $val = $account[$key_lower][0]; $rev = $val == 'TRUE' ? 'FALSE' : 'TRUE'; if (isset($values["ATTRIBUTES"][$key]["TABLENOEDIT"])) { $tag .= $val; } elseif (isset($values["ATTRIBUTES"][$key]["BOOL"])) { $tag .= tof_icon('accounts[' . $mail . ']', $val, 'group_actions&command=account;' . $key . ';' . $rev, $reverse, $cron); } else { if (isset($value["MULTIPLIER"]) && in_array($action, array('modify_account', 'domain_property', 'domain_view'))) { $tag .= $account[$key_lower][0] / $value["MULTIPLIER"]; } else { $tag .= $val; } } } $tag .= '</td>' . "\n"; } } } $tag .= '</tr>' . "\n"; } } $tag .= '</tbody>'; $tag .= '</table>'; return $tag; }