public function run() { $trabajos = array("Limpieza", "albañil", "plomero", "constructor", "Domestico", "Electricidad", "Niñero", "Seguridad"); DB::table('personal')->delete(); $faker = Faker\Factory::create('es_VE'); for ($i = 0; $i < 70; $i++) { $personal[] = array('nombre' => $faker->name, 'cedula' => $faker->numberBetween(10000000, 20000000), 'email' => $faker->email, 'cargo' => $trabajos[rand(0, 7)], 'telefono' => $faker->phoneNumber, 'residencia_id' => rand(1, 101)); } Personal::insert($personal); $this->command->info('Personal Table Seed!'); }
if ($user->userCakeAddUser()) { if ($user->mail_failure) { array_push($warning_messages, lang("ACTIVATION_MAIL_NOT_SENT", array($_POST['username'], $_POST['email']))); } // Retrieve the User_ID from the database $userdetails = fetchUserDetails($user->clean_username); if (!empty($userdetails)) { $contact = new Contact(true, $userdetails['User_ID'], $_POST); $personal = new Personal(true, $userdetails['User_ID'], $_POST); $status = new Status(true, $userdetails['User_ID'], $_POST); if ($_POST['group_id'] == 1 || $_POST['group_id'] == 2) { $studies = new Studies_Undergr(true, $userdetails['User_ID'], $_POST); } $inserted = array(); $inserted['contact'] = $contact->insert(); $inserted['personal'] = $personal->insert(); $inserted['status'] = $status->insert(); if ($_POST['group_id'] == 1 || $_POST['group_id'] == 2) { $inserted['studies'] = $studies->insert(); } // TODO Failure handling here is non-existent // Need to better handle the case when database insertion partially fails $success = true; foreach ($inserted as $key => $value) { if ($value == false) { array_push($warning_messages, lang("COULD_NOT_SAVE_IN_DATABASE", array($key))); } } } } }