  * Register New / Edit article data
  * @access	private
  * @param   object $item Article
  * @param   array	$_post _POST array
  * @return  void
 private function editing($item, $_post)
     $msg = null;
     // check permission
     if ($item->id) {
         $msg = AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], 'articles', $item->id, 2);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         // handle _post
         $post = array('bid' => $_post['bid'], 'id_area' => $_post['id_area'], 'lang' => $_post['lang'], 'code_context' => $_post['code_context'], 'category' => $_post['category'], 'id_page' => isset($_post['id_page']) ? $_post['id_page'] : 0, 'date_out' => empty($_post['date_out']) ? 0 : intval(strtotime($_post['date_out'])), 'xkeys' => strtolower($_post['xkeys']), 'name' => $_post['name'], 'content' => $_post['content'], 'js' => html_entity_decode($_post['js']), 'excerpt' => strstr($_post['content'], '<!--pagebreak-->') !== false ? 1 : 0, 'tags' => str_replace(', ', ',', $_post['tags']), 'author' => $_post['author'], 'module' => $_post['module'], 'param' => $_post['param'], 'id_editor' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'show_author' => intval(isset($_post['show_author'])), 'show_date' => intval(isset($_post['show_date'])), 'show_tags' => intval(isset($_post['show_tags'])), 'show_actions' => intval(isset($_post['show_actions'])), 'xon' => AUTOREFRESH);
         // adjust date_in value in case of set or update
         if ($item->id == 0 || $_post['date_in'] != date('Y-m-d', $_post['old_date_in'])) {
             $post['date_in'] = strtotime($_post['date_in']) + (date('G') * 60 + date('i')) * 60 + date('s');
         } else {
             $post['date_in'] = $_post['old_date_in'];
         // insert article
         $mod = new Article_model();
         // check for context
         // if the code_context is changed we assign a new bid to the article
         // if the id page is changed we assign a new bid
         if ($_post['old_context'] > -1 && $_post['old_context'] != $_post['code_context'] || isset($_post['id_page']) && $item->id_page != $_post['id_page']) {
             $post['bid'] = $mod->get_new_bid();
         $result = $mod->insert($post);
         if (APC) {
             apc_delete(SITE . 'abid' . $post['id_area'] . $_post['lang'] . $_post['bid']);
             if (!empty($post['old_module'])) {
                 apc_delete(SITE . 'pageto' . $post['id_area'] . $_post['lang'] . $_post['old_module'] . $_post['old_param']);
             if (!empty($post['module'])) {
                 apc_delete(SITE . 'pageto' . $post['id_area'] . $_post['lang'] . $post['module'] . $post['param']);
         // set message
         $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
         // add permission
         if ($result[1]) {
             $perm = new Permission_model();
             $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result[0], 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
             $res = $perm->pexec('articles', $array, $_post['id_area']);
             if (!empty($_post['from'])) {
                 $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'topic', 'url' => urldecode($_post['from']), 'title' => null);
  * Save article
  * @param   string	$bid
  * @return  void
 public function update($bid)
     // load dictionaries
     // get article id
     $mod = new Article_model();
     $item = $mod->get_by_bid($bid);
     // check permission
     AdmUtils_helper::chklevel($_SESSION['xuid'], 'articles', $item->id, 2);
     // only if there are differences
     if ($item->content != $_POST['content']) {
         // tinymce
         $post = array('bid' => $bid, 'id_area' => $item->id_area, 'lang' => $item->lang, 'code_context' => $item->code_context, 'id_page' => $item->id_page, 'date_in' => time(), 'xkeys' => $item->xkeys, 'name' => $item->name, 'content' => $_POST['content'], 'excerpt' => 0, 'author' => $_SESSION['mail'], 'module' => $item->module, 'param' => $item->param, 'id_editor' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'xon' => AUTOREFRESH);
         // insert new article's version
         $result = $mod->insert($post);
         if ($result[1]) {
             // add permission
             $perm = new Permission_model();
             // privs permissions
             $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result[0], 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
             $res = $perm->pexec('articles', $array, $item->id_area);
         // set message
         echo $_SESSION['msg'];
     } else {
         echo '';
  * Perform template install
  * @access	private
  * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
  * @return  void
 private function installing($_post)
     $msg = null;
     // check permission
     $msg = AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], '_template_install', 0, 4);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         // handle _post
         $post = array('name' => $_post['name'], 'css' => $_post['css'], 'id_theme' => $_post['id_theme'], 'description' => $_post['description'], 'sections' => $_post['sections']);
         $mod = new Template_model();
         $result = $mod->insert($post);
         // set message
         $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
         // add permission on new template
         if ($result[1]) {
             $perm = new Permission_model();
             $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result[0], 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
             $res = $perm->pexec('templates', $array, 1);
             $theme = $mod->get_var($post['id_theme'], 'themes', 'name');
             $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'tdown', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'templates/index/' . $post['id_theme'] . '/' . $theme, 'title' => null);
  * Register new page
  * @access	private
  * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
  * @return  void
 private function adding($_post)
     $msg = null;
     // check permissions
     $msg = AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], '_page_creation', 0, 4);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         // remove slash from url
         if ($_post['id_area'] > 1) {
             $_post['name'] = str_replace('/', '-', $_post['name']);
         // handle _post
         $post = array('lang' => $_post['lang'], 'id_area' => $_post['id_area'], 'url' => X4Utils_helper::unspace($_post['name'], true), 'name' => $_post['name'], 'title' => $_post['name'], 'description' => $_post['description'], 'xfrom' => $_post['xfrom'], 'tpl' => $_post['tpl']);
         // load model
         $mod = new Page_model($_post['id_area'], $_post['lang']);
         // check if a page with the same URL already exists
         $check = (bool) $mod->exists($post['url']);
         if ($check) {
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg(false, '', $this->dict->get_word('_PAGE_ALREADY_EXISTS', 'msg'));
         } else {
             // set css for the template of the new page
             $tmod = new Template_model();
             $css = $tmod->get_css($_post['id_area'], $_post['tpl']);
             $post['css'] = $css;
             // set xrif for admin pages
             if ($_post['id_area'] == 1) {
                 $post['xid'] = 'pages';
             // insert the new page
             $result = $mod->insert_page($post, $this->site->site->domain);
             // add permission
             if ($result[1]) {
                 $perm = new Permission_model();
                 $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result[0], 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                 $result = $perm->pexec('pages', $array, $post['id_area']);
                 // refresh article permissions
                 $perm->refactory_table($_SESSION['xuid'], array($post['id_area']), 'articles');
             // set message
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
             // set what update
             if ($result[1]) {
                 $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'topic', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'pages/index/' . $post['id_area'] . '/' . $post['lang'] . '/' . str_replace('/', '-', $post['xfrom']), 'title' => null);
  * Register Edited image
  * @access	private
  * @param   integer $id File ID (if 0 then is a new item)
  * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
  * @return  void
 private function saving($id_file, $_post)
     $msg = null;
     // check permissions
     $msg = AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], 'files', $id_file, 2);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         $ko = _MSG_ERROR;
         // check if set asnew
         $asnew = intval(isset($_post['asnew']));
         $mod = new File_model();
         $file = $mod->get_by_id($id_file);
         if ($file) {
             switch ($file->xtype) {
                 case 0:
                     // images
                     $path = APATH . 'files/filemanager/img/';
                     $rotation = intval($_post['rotate']);
                     $rotation = $rotation ? 360 - $rotation : 0;
                     if ($asnew) {
                         // save a new file
                         // set the new name
                         $final_name = X4Files_helper::get_final_name($path, $file->name);
                         $chk = X4Files_helper::create_cropped($path . $file->name, $path . $final_name, array($_post['width'], $_post['height']), array($_post['xcoord'], $_post['ycoord']), true);
                         if ($chk) {
                             $post = array();
                             $post[] = array('id_area' => $file->id_area, 'xtype' => $file->xtype, 'category' => $file->category, 'subcategory' => $file->subcategory, 'name' => $final_name, 'alt' => $file->alt, 'xon' => 1);
                             // insert
                             $result = $mod->insert_file($post);
                             // create permissions
                             if ($result[1]) {
                                 $id = $result[0];
                                 $perm = new Permission_model();
                                 // privs permissions
                                 $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $id, 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                                 $res = $perm->pexec('files', $array, $file->id_area);
                                 if ($rotation) {
                                     $res = X4Files_helper::rotate($path . $final_name, $path . $final_name, $rotation);
                         } else {
                             $result = array($_post['id'], intval($chk));
                     } else {
                         // replace old
                         $chk = X4Files_helper::create_cropped($path . $file->name, $path . $file->name, array($_post['width'], $_post['height']), array($_post['xcoord'], $_post['ycoord']), true);
                         if ($chk && $rotation) {
                             $res = X4Files_helper::rotate($path . $file->name, $path . $file->name, $rotation);
                         $result = array($_post['id'], intval($chk));
                         $id = $file->id;
                 case 1:
                     // generic text file
                     $path = APATH . 'files/filemanager/files/';
                     $txt = $_post['content'];
                     $res = file_put_contents($path . $file->name, $txt);
                     $id = $id_file;
                     $result = array($id, intval($res));
                 case 2:
                     // video file
                     // get the command, if exists
                     $ffmpeg = str_replace(NL, '', $this->command_exist('ffmpeg'));
                     if (!empty($ffmpeg)) {
                         $file_name = $file->name;
                         $mimes = array('video/quicktime' => 'mov', 'video/mp4' => 'mp4', 'video/webm' => 'webm', 'video/ogg' => 'ogv', 'application/ogg' => 'ogv', 'video/x-flv' => 'flv', 'video/avi' => 'avi', 'application/vnd.adobe.flash.movie' => 'swf', 'application/x-shockwave-flash' => 'swf');
                         if (isset($_post['capture'])) {
                             // we have to extract a frame
                             $vpath = APATH . 'files/filemanager/media/';
                             $ipath = APATH . 'files/filemanager/img/';
                             $file_name = str_replace($mimes[$_post['old_format']], 'jpg', $file_name);
                             // set the new name
                             $final_name = X4Files_helper::get_final_name($ipath, $file_name);
                             //ffmpeg -i video_file -an -ss 27.888237 -vframes 1 -s 320x240 -f image2 image_file
                             $chk = shell_exec($ffmpeg . ' -i ' . $vpath . $file->name . ' -an -ss ' . $_post['sec'] . ' -vframes 1 -s ' . $_post['iwidth'] . 'x' . $_post['iheight'] . ' -f image2 ' . $ipath . $final_name . ' 2>&1');
                             if ($chk && file_exists($ipath . $final_name)) {
                                 chmod($ipath . $final_name, 0777);
                                 $post = array();
                                 $post[] = array('id_area' => $file->id_area, 'xtype' => 0, 'category' => $file->category, 'subcategory' => $file->subcategory, 'name' => $final_name, 'alt' => $file->alt, 'xon' => 1);
                                 // insert
                                 $result = $mod->insert_file($post);
                                 // create permissions
                                 if ($result[1]) {
                                     $id = $result[0];
                                     $perm = new Permission_model();
                                     // privs permissions
                                     $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $id, 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                                     $res = $perm->pexec('files', $array, $file->id_area);
                         } else {
                             // is a video conversion
                             $path = APATH . 'files/filemanager/media/';
                             $new_format = $new_size = 0;
                             if ($_post['old_width'] != $_post['width'] || $_post['old_height'] != $_post['height']) {
                                 $new_size = 1;
                             // if new format is a new file
                             if ($_post['old_format'] != $_post['format']) {
                                 $new_format = 1;
                                 $file_name = str_replace($mimes[$_post['old_format']], $mimes[$_post['format']], $file_name);
                             if ($asnew || $new_format) {
                                 // save a new file
                                 // set the new name
                                 $final_name = X4Files_helper::get_final_name($path, $file_name);
                                 if ($new_size) {
                                     $chk = shell_exec($ffmpeg . ' -i ' . $path . $file->name . ' -vf scale=' . $_post['width'] . ':' . $_post['height'] . ' ' . $path . $final_name . ' 2>&1');
                                 } else {
                                     // -c:a copy
                                     $chk = shell_exec($ffmpeg . ' -i ' . $path . $file->name . ' ' . $path . $final_name . ' 2>&1');
                                 if ($chk) {
                                     chmod($path . $final_name, 0777);
                                     $post = array();
                                     $post[] = array('id_area' => $file->id_area, 'xtype' => $file->xtype, 'category' => $file->category, 'subcategory' => $file->subcategory, 'name' => $final_name, 'alt' => $file->alt, 'xon' => 1);
                                     // insert
                                     $result = $mod->insert_file($post);
                                     // create permissions
                                     if ($result[1]) {
                                         $id = $result[0];
                                         $perm = new Permission_model();
                                         // privs permissions
                                         $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $id, 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                                         $res = $perm->pexec('files', $array, $file->id_area);
                             } else {
                                 // replace old
                                 if ($new_size) {
                                     $chk = shell_exec($ffmpeg . ' -i ' . $path . $file->name . ' -vf scale=' . $_post['width'] . ':' . $_post['height'] . ' ' . $path . $file->name . ' 2>&1');
                                 } else {
                                     $chk = 1;
                                 $result = array($_post['id'], intval($chk));
                                 $id = $result[0];
                     } else {
                         // ffmpeg not available
                         $result = array(0, 0);
                         $ko = _FFMPEG_NOT_FOUND;
                 case 3:
                     // template
                     $path = APATH . 'files/filemanager/template/';
                     if (extension_loaded('php5-tidy')) {
                         // clean the code
                         $tidy = tidy_parse_string($_post['content']);
                         $html = $tidy->html();
                     } else {
                         $html = $_post['content'];
                     $res = file_put_contents($path . $file->name, $html);
                     $id = $id_file;
                     $result = array($id, intval($res));
             // set message
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result, _MSG_OK, $ko);
             // set what update
             if ($result[1]) {
                 $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'topic', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'files/editor/' . $id, 'title' => null);
         } else {
             // file not found
             // set message
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg(array(0, 0));
  * Install a plugin
  * @param integer	$id_area Area ID
  * @param string	$plugin_name Plugin name
  * @return  void
 public function install($id_area, $plugin_name)
     $msg = null;
     // check permission
     $msg = AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], '_module_install', 0, 4);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         $qs = X4Route_core::get_query_string();
         // load global dictionary
         // install the plugin
         $mod = new X4Plugin_model();
         $result = $mod->install($id_area, $plugin_name);
         // the result is an array only if an error occurred
         if (is_array($result) && !empty($result)) {
             // build msg
             $str = array();
             foreach ($result as $i) {
                 $str[] = $i['label'] . _TRAIT_ . $this->dict->get_word(strtoupper($i['error'][0]), 'msg');
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg(false, '', implode('<br />', $str));
         } else {
             // set message
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg(true);
             // installed
             if ($result) {
                 $area = $mod->get_by_id($id_area, 'areas', 'name');
                 // add permission
                 $mod = new Permission_model();
                 $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result, 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                 $result = $mod->pexec('modules', $array, $id_area);
                 // refresh deep, xpos and ordinal
                 $mod = new Menu_model();
                 $mod->ordinal(1, X4Route_core::$lang, 'modules', 'A0021005');
                 $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'topic', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'modules/index/' . $id_area . '/' . $area->name, 'title' => null);
  * Edit widget
  * @access	private
  * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
  * @return  void
 private function editing($_post)
     $msg = null;
     // check permissions
     $msg = AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], 'modules', $_post['id'], 1);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         // get obj
         $mod = new Widget_model();
         $obj = $mod->get_by_id($_post['id'], 'modules', 'id_area, name, description');
         // handle post
         $post = array('id_area' => $obj->id_area, 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'id_module' => $_post['id'], 'name' => $obj->name, 'description' => $obj->description);
         // xpos
         $xpos = $mod->get_max_pos($_SESSION['xuid']);
         $post['xpos'] = $xpos;
         $result = $mod->insert($post);
         // set message
         $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
         // set what update
         if ($result[1]) {
             $perm = new Permission_model();
             $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result[0], 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
             $res = $perm->pexec('widgets', $array, $post['id_area']);
             $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'topic', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'widgets', 'title' => null);
 * Register Edit / New User form data
 (if 0 then is a new item)
 * @param   integer $id item ID (if 0 then is a new item)
 * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
 * @return  void
 private function editing($id, $_post)
     $msg = null;
     // check permission
     $msg = $id ? AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], 'users', $id, 2) : AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], '_user_creation', 0, 4);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         // handle _post
         $post = array('lang' => $_post['lang'], 'id_group' => $_post['id_group'], 'username' => $_post['username'], 'description' => $_post['description'], 'mail' => $_post['mail'], 'phone' => $_post['phone'], 'level' => $_post['level']);
         // update password
         if (!empty($_post['password'])) {
             $post['password'] = X4Utils_helper::hashing($_post['password']);
         // check if an user with the same username or password already exists
         $user = new User_model();
         $check = (bool) $user->exists($post['username'], $post['mail'], $id);
         if ($check) {
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg(false, '', $this->dict->get_word('_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS', 'msg'));
         } else {
             $perm = new Permission_model();
             if ($id) {
                 // update
                 $result = $user->update($id, $post);
                 // update user privileges on areas
                 $perm->set_aprivs($id, $_post['domain']);
                 // redirect
                 $where = '/detail/' . $id;
             } else {
                 // insert
                 $result = $user->insert($post);
                 // redirect
                 $where = '';
                 if ($result[1]) {
                     $id = $result[0];
                     // set privileges on areas
                     $perm->set_aprivs($id, $_post['domain']);
                     // add privs on new user
                     $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result[0], 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                     $res = $perm->pexec('users', $array, $_post['id_area']);
                     // refactory permissions for the user
             // set message
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
             // set what update
             if ($result[1]) {
                 $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'tdown', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'users' . $where, 'title' => null);
  * Register Edit / New group form data
  * @access	private
  * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
  * @return  void
 private function editing($_post)
     $msg = null;
     // check permission
     $msg = $_post['id'] ? AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], 'menus', $_post['id'], 2) : AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], '_group_creation', 0, 4);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         // handle _post
         $post = array('name' => $_post['name'], 'id_area' => $_post['id_area'], 'description' => $_post['description']);
         // update or insert
         $group = new Group_model();
         if ($_post['id']) {
             $result = $group->update($_post['id'], $post);
         } else {
             $result = $group->insert($post);
             // add permission
             if ($result[1]) {
                 $perm = new Permission_model();
                 $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result[0], 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                 $res = $perm->pexec('groups', $array, $_post['id_area']);
         // set message
         $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
         // set what update
         if ($result[1]) {
             $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'tdown', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'users', 'title' => null);
  * Register page's composition
  * Use _POST data
  * @param   integer item id (if 0 then is a new item)
  * @param   array 	_POST array
  * @return  void
 public function compositing()
     $msg = null;
     // check permission
     $msg = AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], 'pages', $_POST['id_page'], 3);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         // handle _POST
         $sections = array();
         $post = array('id_area' => $_POST['id_area'], 'id_page' => $_POST['id_page'], 'xon' => 1);
         // handle _POST for each section
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $_POST['snum']; $i++) {
             $post['progressive'] = $i;
             // delete first comma
             $articles = substr($_POST['sort' . $i], 0, 1) == ',' ? substr($_POST['sort' . $i], 1) : $_POST['sort' . $i];
             $post['articles'] = str_replace(',', '|', $articles);
             $sections[] = $post;
         // register composition
         $mod = new Section_model();
         $result = $mod->compose($sections);
         APC && apc_delete(SITE . 'sections' . $post['id_page']);
         // set message
         $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
         // add permissions on new sections
         if ($result[1]) {
             $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'topic', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'sections/compose/' . $post['id_page'], 'title' => null);
             if (is_array($result[0]) && !empty($result[0])) {
                 $perm = new Permission_model();
                 $array = array();
                 foreach ($result[0] as $i) {
                     $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $i, 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                 $result = $perm->pexec('sections', $array, $_POST['id_area']);
  * Register Edit / New Menu form data
  * @access	private
  * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
  * @return  void
 private function editing($id, $_post)
     $msg = null;
     // check permission
     if ($_post['id']) {
         $msg = AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], 'menus', $_post['id'], 2);
     } else {
         $msg = AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], '_menu_creation', 0, 4);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         // handle _post
         $post = array('id_theme' => $_post['id_theme'], 'name' => $_post['name'], 'description' => $_post['description']);
         $mod = new Menu_model();
         // update or insert
         if ($_post['id']) {
             $result = $mod->update($_post['id'], $post);
         } else {
             $result = $mod->insert($post);
             // add pemission
             if ($result[1]) {
                 $perm = new Permission_model();
                 $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result[0], 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                 $result = $perm->pexec('menus', $array, 1);
         // set message
         $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
         if ($result[1]) {
             $theme = $mod->get_var($post['id_theme'], 'themes', 'name');
             $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'tdown', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'menus/index/' . $post['id_theme'] . '/' . $theme, 'title' => null);
  * Perform the importing of words
  * @access	private
  * @param   array	$_post _POST array
  * @return  void
 private function importing($_post)
     $msg = null;
     // check permission
     $msg = AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], '_key_import', 0, 4);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         // get key
         list($lang, $area, $what) = explode('-', $_post['what']);
         // handle _post
         $post = array('lang' => $_post['lang'], 'area' => $_post['area'], 'what' => $what, 'xon' => 1);
         // set the translator
         $translator = new GoogleTranslate($lang, $post['lang']);
         // get words to import
         $dict = new Dictionary_model();
         if ($what == 'ALL') {
             // import all sections in an area
             $sections = $dict->get_sections($lang, $area);
             $result = true;
             foreach ($sections as $s) {
                 // get words in section
                 $words = $dict->get_words_to_import($lang, $area, $s->what, $post['lang'], $post['area']);
                 if (!empty($words)) {
                     $post['what'] = $s->what;
                     // import
                     foreach ($words as $i) {
                         $post['xkey'] = $i->xkey;
                         // try to translate
                         if ($lang != $post['lang']) {
                             $value = $translator->translate($i->xval);
                         } else {
                             $value = $i->xval;
                         // set the word
                         $post['xval'] = $value;
                         // insert
                         $result = $dict->insert($post);
                         // add permission
                         if ($result[1]) {
                             $amod = new Area_model();
                             $id_area = $amod->get_area_id($_post['area']);
                             $perm = new Permission_model();
                             $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result[0], 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                             $res = $perm->pexec('dictionary', $array, $id_area);
             // set what for redirect
             $what = 'global';
         } else {
             // import only one section
             $words = $dict->get_words_to_import($lang, $area, $what, $post['lang'], $post['area']);
             $result = true;
             // import
             foreach ($words as $i) {
                 $post['xkey'] = $i->xkey;
                 // try to translate
                 if ($lang != $post['lang']) {
                     $value = $translator->translate($i->xval);
                 } else {
                     $value = $i->xval;
                 // set the word
                 $post['xval'] = $value;
                 // insert
                 $result = $dict->insert($post);
                 // add permission
                 if ($result[1]) {
                     $amod = new Area_model();
                     $id_area = $amod->get_area_id($_post['area']);
                     $perm = new Permission_model();
                     $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result[0], 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                     $res = $perm->pexec('dictionary', $array, $id_area);
         $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
         // set what update
         if ($result[1]) {
             $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'tdown', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'dictionary/keys/' . $post['lang'] . '/' . $post['area'] . '/' . $what, 'title' => null);
  * Register Edit / New Context form data
  * @access	private
  * @param   integer $id item ID (if 0 then is a new item)
  * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
  * @return  void
 private function editing($id, $_post)
     $msg = null;
     // check permission
     $msg = $id ? AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], 'contexts', $id, 3) : AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], '_context_creation', 0, 4);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         // handle _post
         $post = array('id_area' => $_post['id_area'], 'lang' => $_post['lang'], 'name' => strtolower($_post['name']), 'xkey' => X4Utils_helper::unspace($_post['name']));
         $mod = new Context_model();
         // check if context already exists
         $check = $mod->exists($post, $id);
         if ($check) {
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg(false, '', $this->dict->get_word('_CONTEXT_ALREADY_EXISTS', 'msg'));
         } else {
             // update or insert
             if ($id) {
                 $result = $mod->update($id, $post);
                 // check if dictionary name for the context already exists
                 if ($result[1]) {
             } else {
                 // get the code of the new context
                 $code = $mod->get_max_code($post['id_area'], $post['lang']);
                 // this implies that the site can't have more than 33 languages
                 // you have 3 default contexts (draft, page, multipages) for each language and for each area
                 $post['code'] = $code > 100 ? $code + 1 : 101;
                 $result = $mod->insert($post);
                 if ($result[1]) {
                     // add item into dictionary
                     $mod->check_dictionary($post, 1);
                     // create permission
                     $perm = new Permission_model();
                     $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result[0], 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                     $res = $perm->pexec('contexts', $array, $post['id_area']);
             // set message
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
             // set what update
             if ($result[1]) {
                 $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'topic', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'contexts/index/' . $post['id_area'] . '/' . $post['lang'], 'title' => null);
  * Install a theme
  * @param   string	$theme_name Theme name
  * @return  void
 public function install($theme_name)
     $msg = null;
     // check permission
     $msg = AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], '_theme_install', 0, 4);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         $qs = X4Route_core::get_query_string();
         // perform the install
         $theme = new Theme_model();
         $result = $theme->install($theme_name);
         // if result is an array an error occurred
         if (is_array($result)) {
             $this->notice(false, '_theme_not_installed');
         } else {
             // installed
             // set message
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg(true);
             // add permission on new theme
             if ($result) {
                 $perm = new Permission_model();
                 $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result, 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                 $result = $perm->pexec('themes', $array, 1);
                 // refactory permissions
                 $perm->refactory_table($_SESSION['xuid'], array(1), 'themes');
                 $perm->refactory_table($_SESSION['xuid'], array(1), 'templates');
                 $perm->refactory_table($_SESSION['xuid'], array(1), 'menus');
             $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'tdown', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'themes', 'title' => null);
  * Register Edit / New Category form data
  * @access	private
  * @param   integer $id item ID (if 0 then is a new item)
  * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
  * @return  void
 private function editing($id, $_post)
     $msg = null;
     // check permission
     $msg = $id ? AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], 'categories', $_post['id'], 3) : AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], '_category_creation', 0, 4);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         // handle _post
         $post = array('id_area' => $_post['id_area'], 'lang' => $_post['lang'], 'title' => $_post['title'], 'name' => X4Utils_helper::unspace($_post['title']), 'tag' => X4Utils_helper::unspace($_post['tag']));
         $mod = new Category_model();
         // check if category already exists
         $check = $mod->exists($post, $id);
         if ($check) {
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg(false, '', $this->dict->get_word('_CATEGORY_ALREADY_EXISTS', 'msg'));
         } else {
             // update or insert
             if ($id) {
                 $result = $mod->update($_post['id'], $post);
             } else {
                 $result = $mod->insert($post);
                 // create permissions
                 if ($result[1]) {
                     $perm = new Permission_model();
                     $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result[0], 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                     $res = $perm->pexec('categories', $array, $_post['id_area']);
             // set message
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
             // set what update
             if ($result[1]) {
                 $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'topic', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'categories/index/' . $post['id_area'] . '/' . $post['lang'] . '/' . $post['tag'], 'title' => null);
  * Register Edit / New language data
  * @access	private
  * @param   integer $id item ID (if 0 then is a new item)
  * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
  * @return  void
 private function editing($id, $_post)
     $msg = null;
     // check permission
     if ($id) {
         $msg = AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], 'languages', $_post['id'], 3);
     } else {
         $msg = AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], '_language_creation', 0, 4);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         // handle _post
         $post = array('code' => X4Utils_helper::unspace($_post['code']), 'language' => $_post['language'], 'rtl' => intval(isset($_post['rtl'])));
         $lang = new Language_model();
         // check if language already exists
         $check = $lang->exists($post, $id);
         if ($check) {
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg(false, '', $this->dict->get_word('_LANGUAGE_ALREADY_EXISTS', 'msg'));
         } else {
             // update or insert
             if ($id) {
                 $result = $lang->update($_post['id'], $post);
             } else {
                 $result = $lang->insert($post);
                 // create permissions
                 if ($result[1]) {
                     $perm = new Permission_model();
                     $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result[0], 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                     $res = $perm->pexec('languages', $array, 1);
             // set message
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
             // set what update
             if ($result[1]) {
                 $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'tdown', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'languages', 'title' => null);
  * Register Edit / New Area form data
  * @access	private
  * @param   integer $id item ID (if 0 then is a new item)
  * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
  * @return  void
 private function editing($id, $_post)
     $msg = null;
     // check permissions
     $msg = $id ? AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], 'areas', $id, 2) : AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], '_area_creation', 0, 4);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         // handle _post
         $post = array('lang' => $_post['lang'], 'name' => X4Utils_helper::unspace($_post['name']), 'title' => $_post['title'], 'description' => $_post['description'], 'id_theme' => $_post['id_theme'], 'private' => intval(isset($_post['private'])) && $_post['private'], 'folder' => $_post['folder']);
         $mod = new Area_model();
         // check if area name already exists
         $check = (bool) $mod->exists($post['name'], $id);
         if ($check) {
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg(false, '', $this->dict->get_word('_AREA_ALREADY_EXISTS', 'msg'));
         } else {
             // Redirect checker
             $redirect = false;
             // enable logs
             if (LOGS && DEVEL) {
             // update or insert
             if ($id) {
                 $result = $mod->update($id, $post);
                 if ($id == 1 && X4Route_core::$lang != $post['lang']) {
                     $redirect = true;
             } else {
                 $result = $mod->insert($post);
                 // create permissions
                 if ($result[1]) {
                     $id = $result[0];
                     $perm = new Permission_model();
                     // aprivs permissions
                     $domain = X4Utils_helper::obj2array($perm->get_aprivs($_SESSION['xuid']), null, 'id_area');
                     $domain[] = $result[0];
                     $res = $perm->set_aprivs($_SESSION['xuid'], $domain);
                     // privs permissions
                     $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $id, 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                     $res = $perm->pexec('areas', $array, $id);
             if ($result[1]) {
                 // refresh languages related to area
                 $lang = new Language_model();
                 $lang->set_alang($id, $_post['languages'], $_post['lang']);
                 // update theme settings
                 if ($_post['id'] && $_post['id_theme'] != $_post['old_id_theme']) {
                     $menu = new Menu_model();
                     // reset tpl, css, id_menu, ordinal
                     $result = $menu->reset($_post['id']);
                     $langs = $lang->get_languages();
                     // restore ordinal
                     foreach ($langs as $i) {
                         $menu->ordinal($_post['id'], $i->code, 'home', 'A');
                 if (APC) {
             // set message
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
             // set what update
             if ($result[1]) {
                 if ($redirect) {
                     X4Route_core::redirect($this->site->site->domain . '/admin');
                 } else {
                     $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'topic', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'areas', 'title' => null);