function createPermissionGroups($company_id) { Debug::text('Adding Preset Permission Groups: ' . $company_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9); $pf = new PermissionFactory(); $pf->StartTransaction(); if (getTTProductEdition() == 20) { $preset_flags = array('invoice' => 0, 'job' => 1, 'document' => 0); /* $preset_flags = array( 'job' => 1, 'invoice' => 1, 'document' => 1, ); */ } else { $preset_flags = array(); } $preset_options = $pf->getOptions('preset'); foreach ($preset_options as $preset_id => $preset_name) { $pcf = new PermissionControlFactory(); $pcf->setCompany($company_id); $pcf->setName($preset_name); $pcf->setDescription(''); if ($pcf->isValid()) { $pcf_id = $pcf->Save(FALSE); $this->permission_presets[$preset_id] = $pcf_id; $pf->applyPreset($pcf_id, $preset_id, $preset_flags); } } //$pf->FailTransaction(); $pf->CommitTransaction(); }
function postSave() { $this->removeCache($this->getId()); $this->remoteSave(); if ($this->getDeleted() == FALSE) { //Add base currency for this new company. if ($this->getEnableAddCurrency() == TRUE) { $clf = new CurrencyListFactory(); $clf->getByCompanyId($this->getId()); if ($clf->getRecordCount() == 0) { Debug::text('Adding Default Currency', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9); $cf = new CurrencyFactory(); $country_to_currency_map_arr = $cf->getOptions('country_currency'); if (isset($country_to_currency_map_arr[$this->getCountry()])) { $base_currency = $country_to_currency_map_arr[$this->getCountry()]; Debug::text('Found Base Currency For Country: ' . $this->getCountry() . ' Currency: ' . $base_currency, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9); } else { Debug::text('DID NOT Find Base Currency For Country: ' . $this->getCountry() . ' Using default USD.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9); $base_currency = 'USD'; } $cf->setCompany($this->getId()); $cf->setStatus(10); $cf->setName($base_currency); $cf->setISOCode($base_currency); $cf->setConversionRate('1.000000000'); $cf->setAutoUpdate(FALSE); $cf->setBase(TRUE); $cf->setDefault(TRUE); if ($cf->isValid()) { $cf->Save(); } } } if ($this->getEnableAddPermissionGroupPreset() == TRUE) { Debug::text('Adding Preset Permission Groups', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9); $pf = new PermissionFactory(); $pf->StartTransaction(); if ($this->getProductEdition() == 20) { $preset_flags = array('job' => 1, 'invoice' => 1, 'document' => 1); } else { $preset_flags = array(); } $preset_options = $pf->getOptions('preset'); foreach ($preset_options as $preset_id => $preset_name) { $pcf = new PermissionControlFactory(); $pcf->setCompany($this->getId()); $pcf->setName($preset_name); $pcf->setDescription(''); if ($pcf->isValid()) { $pcf_id = $pcf->Save(FALSE); $pf->applyPreset($pcf_id, $preset_id, $preset_flags); } } //$pf->FailTransaction(); $pf->CommitTransaction(); } if ($this->getEnableAddStation() == TRUE) { Debug::text('Adding Default Station', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9); //Enable punching in from all stations $sf = new StationFactory(); $sf->setCompany($this->getId()); $sf->setStatus(20); $sf->setType(10); $sf->setSource('ANY'); $sf->setStation('ANY'); $sf->setDescription('All stations'); $sf->setGroupSelectionType(10); $sf->setBranchSelectionType(10); $sf->setDepartmentSelectionType(10); if ($sf->isValid()) { $sf->Save(); } } if ($this->getEnableAddPayStubEntryAccountPreset() == TRUE) { Debug::text('Adding Pay Stub Entry Account Presets', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9); PayStubEntryAccountFactory::addPresets($this->getId()); } if ($this->getEnableAddCompanyDeductionPreset() == TRUE) { Debug::text('Adding Company Deduction Presets', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9); CompanyDeductionFactory::addPresets($this->getId()); } if ($this->getEnableAddRecurringHolidayPreset() == TRUE) { Debug::text('Adding Recurring Holiday Presets', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9); RecurringHolidayFactory::addPresets($this->getId(), $this->getCountry()); } } if ($this->getDeleted() == TRUE) { $ulf = new UserListFactory(); $ulf->getByCompanyId($this->getID()); if ($ulf->getRecordCount() > 0) { $ulf->StartTransaction(); foreach ($ulf as $u_obj) { Debug::text('Deleting User ID: ' . $u_obj->getId(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9); $u_obj->setDeleted(TRUE); if ($u_obj->isValid()) { $u_obj->Save(); } } $ulf->CommitTransaction(); } } return TRUE; }
// See index.php /* * Get FORM variables */ extract(FormVariables::GetVariables(array('action', 'id', 'data', 'group_id', 'old_data', 'src_user_id'))); $pcf = new PermissionControlFactory(); $action = Misc::findSubmitButton(); switch ($action) { case 'submit': case 'apply_preset': //Debug::setVerbosity( 11 ); Debug::Text('Submit!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $pf = new PermissionFactory(); $pcf->StartTransaction(); $pcf->setId($data['id']); $pcf->setCompany($current_company->getId()); $pcf->setName($data['name']); $pcf->setDescription($data['description']); //Check to make sure the currently logged in user is NEVER in the unassigned //user list. This prevents an administrator from accidently un-assigning themselves //from a group and losing all permissions. if (in_array($current_user->getId(), (array) $src_user_id)) { //Check to see if current user is assigned to another permission group. $current_user_failed = FALSE; $pclf = new PermissionControlListFactory(); $pclf->getByCompanyIdAndUserId($current_company->getId(), $current_user->getId()); if ($pclf->getRecordCount() == 0) { $current_user_failed = TRUE; } else { foreach ($pclf as $pc_obj) { if ($pc_obj->getId() == $data['id']) {
function postInstall() { global $cache; Debug::text('postInstall: ' . $this->getVersion(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9); Debug::text('l: ' . $this->getVersion(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9); /* Take permission groups we put into memory from preInstall and create them now, after schema has been updated. */ if (isset($this->permission_groups) and is_array($this->permission_groups)) { //Create permission groups and assign proper employees to each. //Debug::Arr($this->permission_groups, 'All Permission Groups: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,9); foreach ($this->permission_groups as $company_id => $permission_group_data) { //Get all active users for this company, so we can assign them //to the default permission group. $ulf = new UserListFactory(); $ulf->getByCompanyId($company_id); $all_user_ids = array_keys((array) $ulf->getArrayByListFactory($ulf, FALSE, TRUE)); $assigned_user_ids = array(); foreach ($permission_group_data as $group_name => $permission_data) { Debug::text('zGroup Name: ' . $group_name, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $pcf = new PermissionControlFactory(); $pcf->StartTransaction(); $pcf->setCompany($company_id); $pcf->setName(ucfirst($group_name)); $pcf->setDescription('Automatically Created By Installer'); if ($pcf->isValid()) { $pcf_id = $pcf->Save(FALSE); if (strtolower($group_name) == 'default') { //Assign all unassigned users to this permission group. $tmp_user_ids = array_merge((array) $this->permission_group_users[$company_id][$group_name], array_diff($all_user_ids, $assigned_user_ids)); //Debug::Arr($all_user_ids, 'Default Group All User IDs:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); //Debug::Arr($assigned_user_ids, 'Default Group All User IDs:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); //Debug::Arr($tmp_user_ids, 'Default Group User IDs:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $pcf->setUser($tmp_user_ids); unset($tmp_user_ids); } else { if (isset($this->permission_group_users[$company_id][$group_name]) and is_array($this->permission_group_users[$company_id][$group_name])) { $pcf->setUser($this->permission_group_users[$company_id][$group_name]); $assigned_user_ids = array_merge($assigned_user_ids, $this->permission_group_users[$company_id][$group_name]); } } if (is_array($permission_data)) { $pcf->setPermission($permission_data); } } //$pcf->FailTransaction(); $pcf->CommitTransaction(); } unset($all_user_ids, $assigned_user_ids); } } return TRUE; }
if (isset($argv[$last_arg]) and $argv[$last_arg] != '') { $user_name = $argv[$last_arg]; //Get user_id from user_name $ulf = new UserListFactory(); $ulf->getByUserName($user_name); if ($ulf->getRecordCount() == 1) { echo "Found user, apply administrator permissions...\n"; ob_flush(); $u_obj = $ulf->getCurrent(); //Create new Permission Group just for this purpose. $pf = new PermissionFactory(); $pf->StartTransaction(); $preset_flags = array(); $preset_options = $pf->getOptions('preset'); $pcf = new PermissionControlFactory(); $pcf->setCompany($u_obj->getCompany()); $pcf->setName('Administrator Fix (' . rand(1, 1000) . ')'); $pcf->setDescription('Created By set_admin_permissions.php'); if ($pcf->isValid()) { $pcf_id = $pcf->Save(FALSE); $pcf->setUser(array($u_obj->getId())); $pcf->Save(); if ($pf->applyPreset($pcf_id, 40, $preset_flags) == TRUE) { echo "Success!\n"; } } //$pf->FailTransaction(); $pf->CommitTransaction(); } elseif ($ulf->getRecordCount() > 2) { echo "Found more then one user with the same user name, not updating permissions!\n"; } else {