  * Display a listing of permissions
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     if (!Permission::canList()) {
         return $this->_access_denied();
     if (Request::ajax()) {
         $permissions = Permission::select(['id', 'group_name', 'name', 'display_name']);
         return Datatables::of($permissions)->add_column('actions', function ($data) {
             $actions = [];
             $actions[] = $data->canShow() ? link_to_action('permissions.show', 'Show', $data->id, ['class' => 'btn btn-xs btn-primary']) : '';
             $actions[] = $data->canUpdate() ? link_to_action('permissions.edit', 'Update', $data->id, ['class' => 'btn btn-xs btn-default']) : '';
             $actions[] = $data->canDelete() ? Former::open(action('permissions.destroy', $data->id))->class('form-inline') . Former::hidden('_method', 'DELETE') . '<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs confirm-delete">Delete</button>' . Former::close() : '';
             return implode(' ', $actions);
     Asset::push('js', 'datatables');
     return View::make('permissions.index');
 public function updateRole()
     $prevURL = Request::header('referer');
     if (!Request::isMethod('post')) {
         return App::abort(404);
     if (Input::has('id')) {
         try {
             $role = Role::findorFail((int) Input::get('id'));
         } catch (Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException $e) {
             return App::abort(404);
         $create = false;
         $message = 'has been updated successful';
     } else {
         $create = true;
         $role = new Role();
         $message = 'has been added successful';
     $role->name = Input::has('name') ? Input::get('name') : '';
     $pass = $role->valid();
     if ($pass->passes()) {
         if (Input::has('permission')) {
             $arrAssignedPermission = [];
             $arrPermission = Input::get('permission');
             foreach ($arrPermission as $controller => $permission) {
                 foreach ($permission as $action => $type) {
                     $currentPerrmission = Permission::select('id')->where('name', 'like', "%{$controller}_{$action}_%")->where('name', '<>', "{$controller}_{$action}_{$type}")->get();
                     if (!$currentPerrmission->isEmpty()) {
                         $arrId = [];
                         foreach ($currentPerrmission as $id) {
                             $arrId[] = $id->id;
                         DB::table('permission_role')->where('role_id', $role->id)->whereIn('permission_id', $arrId)->delete();
                         unset($currentPerrmission, $arrId);
                     if ($type != 'none') {
                         $permission_id = Permission::where('name', "{$controller}_{$action}_{$type}")->pluck('id');
                         if (is_null($permission_id)) {
                         $arrAssignedPermission[] = $permission_id;
             if (!empty($arrAssignedPermission)) {
             Cache::tags('menu', 'frontend')->flush();
             Cache::tags('menu', 'backend')->flush();
         if (Input::has('continue')) {
             if ($create) {
                 $prevURL = URL . '/admin/roles/edit-role/' . $role->id;
             return Redirect::to($prevURL)->with('flash_success', "<b>{$role->name}</b> {$message}.");
         return Redirect::to(URL . '/admin/roles')->with(['flash_success' => "{$role->name} {$message}."]);
     return Redirect::to($prevURL)->with(['flash_error' => $pass->messages()->all()])->withInput();
function checkPermisssions($id)
    # from permissoes p
    # left join usuarios g on (p.TIPO = 'G') and (g.ID_GRUPO_USUARIOS = p.ID_ESTRANGEIRO )
    # left join usuarios u on (p.TIPO = 'U') and (u.ID = p.ID_ESTRANGEIRO )
    # where ( p.ID_ESTRANGEIRO = 1 )
    $p = Permission::select('permissions.id_category', 'permissions.id_subcategory')->leftJoin('users AS g', function ($join) {
        $join->on('g.id_usergroup', '=', 'permissions.id_fk')->where('permissions.type', '=', "'G'");
    })->leftJoin('users AS u', function ($join) {
        $join->on('u.id', '=', 'permissions.id_fk')->where('permissions.type', '=', "'U'");
    })->where("permissions.id_fk", '=', $id)->get();
    $error = false;
    $mensagem = '';
    if (count($p) < 1) {
        $error = true;
        $mensagem = 'Nenhum registro encontrado';
    return $p;
文件: Role.php 项目: Firtzberg/Edu
  * @param array $input
  * @return string|null
 public function getErrorOrSync($input)
     if (!is_array($input)) {
         return "Wrong input";
     //provjera postojanja nužnih podataka
     $ime = $this->ime;
     if (!$ime && !isset($input['ime'])) {
         return 'Ime je obvezno';
     if (isset($input['ime'])) {
         $ime = $input['ime'];
     if (isset($input['allowed'])) {
         $allowed = $input['allowed'];
     } else {
         $allowed = array();
     if (!$allowed || !is_array($allowed)) {
         $allowed = array();
     //kraj provjere nužnih podataka
     //provjera zauzetosti imena
     $query = Role::where('ime', '=', $ime);
     if ($this->id > 0) {
         $query = $query->where('id', '!=', $this->id);
     if ($query->count() > 0) {
         return 'Već postoji uloga s imenom ' . $ime . '.';
     //kraj provjere zauzetosti imena
     //odabir postojećih dozvola
     if (count($allowed) > 0) {
         $allowed = Permission::select('id')->whereIn('id', $allowed)->get()->lists('id');
     //pohrana podataka
     $this->ime = $ime;
     if (isset($input['opis'])) {
         $this->opis = $input['opis'];
     //pohrana dozvola
     if (count($allowed) > 0) {
     } else {
 public static function getById($id)
     $q = Permission::select()->where('id = ?', $id);
     return $q->fetch();