     * retrieves all tags used by blog posts along with a count of number of posts for each tag.
    public function all_in_use($opts = array())
        if (isset($opts['section']) && $opts['section']) {
            $Sections = new PerchBlog_Sections($this->api);
            $Section = $Sections->get_one_by('sectionSlug', $opts['section']);
            if (!is_object($Section)) {
                return false;
            $sql = 'SELECT t.tagTitle, t.tagSlug, COUNT(p2t.postID) AS qty
                FROM ' . PERCH_DB_PREFIX . 'blog_tags t, ' . PERCH_DB_PREFIX . 'blog_posts_to_tags p2t, ' . PERCH_DB_PREFIX . 'blog_posts p
                WHERE p2t.tagID=t.tagID AND p2t.postID=p.postID
                    AND p.postStatus=\'Published\' AND p.postDateTime<=' . $this->db->pdb(date('Y-m-d H:i:00')) . ' 
                    AND p.sectionID=' . $this->db->pdb((int) $Section->id()) . '
                GROUP BY t.tagID
                ORDER BY t.tagTitle ASC
        } else {
            $sql = 'SELECT t.tagTitle, t.tagSlug, COUNT(p2t.postID) AS qty
                FROM ' . PERCH_DB_PREFIX . 'blog_tags t, ' . PERCH_DB_PREFIX . 'blog_posts_to_tags p2t, ' . PERCH_DB_PREFIX . 'blog_posts p
                WHERE p2t.tagID=t.tagID AND p2t.postID=p.postID
                    AND p.postStatus=\'Published\' AND p.postDateTime<=' . $this->db->pdb(date('Y-m-d H:i:00')) . ' 
                GROUP BY t.tagID
                ORDER BY t.tagTitle ASC';
        $rows = $this->db->get_rows($sql);
        $r = $this->return_instances($rows);
        return $r;