/*********************************************** * This file is part of PeoplePods * (c) xoxco, inc * http://peoplepods.net http://xoxco.com * * core_api_simple/index.php * Handles simple requests to /api * * Documentation for this pod can be found here: * http://peoplepods.net/readme /**********************************************/ include_once "../../PeoplePods.php"; $POD = new PeoplePod(array('authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth'], 'debug' => 2)); if ($POD->libOptions('enable_core_api_simple')) { $method = $_GET['method']; $POD->tolog("API CALL METHOD: {$method}"); if ($method == "alert.markAsRead") { if ($POD->isAuthenticated()) { $alert = $POD->getAlert(array('id' => $_GET['id'])); $alert->markAsRead(); if ($alert->success()) { echo json_encode($alert->asArray()); } else { echo json_encode(array('error' => $alert->error(), 'id' => $_GET['id'])); } } else { echo json_encode(array('error' => 'PERMISSION DENIED', 'id' => $_GET['docId'])); } } if ($method == "markAsRead") { if ($POD->isAuthenticated()) {
* * Documentation for this pod can be found here: * http://peoplepods.net/readme/messaging /**********************************************/ include_once "../../PeoplePods.php"; $POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0, 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth'])); if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_search')) { header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false)); exit; } if (isset($_GET['offset'])) { $offset = $_GET['offset']; } else { $offset = 0; } $POD->tolog("DOING SEARCH"); if ($keyword = @$_GET['q']) { $docs = $POD->getContents(array('or' => array('headline:like' => "%{$keyword}%", 'body:like' => "%{$keyword}%")), null, 20, $offset); } else { if ($keyword = @$_GET['p']) { $people = $POD->getPeople(array('or' => array('nick:like' => "%{$keyword}%", 'email:like' => "%{$keyword}%")), null, 20, $offset); } } $POD->tolog("DONE"); $POD->header('Search results for "' . $keyword . '"', '/feeds/search/' . $keyword); ?> <div class="column_8"> <form method="get" action="<?php $POD->siteRoot();